/* Global only to current interpreter instance */

/* Don't forget to re-run embed.pl to propagate changes! */

/* New variables must be added to the very end for binary compatibility.
 * XSUB.h provides wrapper functions via perlapi.h that make this
 * irrelevant, but not all code may be expected to #include XSUB.h. */

/* Don't forget to add your variable also to perl_clone()! */

/* The 'I' prefix is only needed for vars that need appropriate #defines
 * generated when built with or without MULTIPLICITY.  It is also used
 * to generate the appropriate export list for win32.
 * When building without MULTIPLICITY, these variables will be truly global. */

/* pseudo environmental stuff */
PERLVAR(Iorigargc,	int)
PERLVAR(Iorigargv,	char **)
PERLVAR(Ienvgv,		GV *)
PERLVAR(Iincgv,		GV *)
PERLVAR(Ihintgv,	GV *)
PERLVAR(Iorigfilename,	char *)
PERLVAR(Idiehook,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iwarnhook,	SV *)

/* switches */
PERLVAR(Iminus_c,	bool)
PERLVAR(Ipatchlevel,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Ilocalpatches,	const char * const *)
PERLVARI(Isplitstr,	const char *, " ")
PERLVAR(Ipreprocess,	bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_n,	bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_p,	bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_l,	bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_a,	bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_F,	bool)
PERLVAR(Idoswitches,	bool)

=head1 Global Variables

=for apidoc mn|bool|PL_dowarn

The C variable which corresponds to Perl's $^W warning variable.


PERLVAR(Idowarn,	U8)
PERLVAR(Iwidesyscalls,	bool)		/* unused since 5.8.1 */
PERLVAR(Idoextract,	bool)
PERLVAR(Isawampersand,	bool)		/* must save all match strings */
PERLVAR(Iunsafe,	bool)
PERLVAR(Iinplace,	char *)
PERLVAR(Ie_script,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iperldb,	U32)

/* This value may be set when embedding for full cleanup  */
/* 0=none, 1=full, 2=full with checks */
PERLVARI(Iperl_destruct_level,	int,	0)

/* magical thingies */
PERLVAR(Ibasetime,	Time_t)		/* $^T */
PERLVAR(Iformfeed,	SV *)		/* $^L */

					/* top fd to pass to subprocesses */
PERLVAR(Imultiline,	int)		/* $*--do strings hold >1 line? */
PERLVAR(Istatusvalue,	I32)		/* $? */
PERLVAR(Iexit_flags,	U8)		/* was exit() unexpected, etc. */
#ifdef VMS

/* shortcuts to various I/O objects */
PERLVAR(Istdingv,	GV *)
PERLVAR(Istderrgv,	GV *)
PERLVAR(Idefgv,		GV *)
PERLVAR(Iargvgv,	GV *)
PERLVAR(Iargvoutgv,	GV *)
PERLVAR(Iargvout_stack,	AV *)

/* shortcuts to regexp stuff */
/* this one needs to be moved to thrdvar.h and accessed via
 * find_threadsv() when USE_5005THREADS */
PERLVAR(Ireplgv,	GV *)

/* shortcuts to misc objects */
PERLVAR(Ierrgv,		GV *)

/* shortcuts to debugging objects */

=for apidoc mn|GV *|PL_DBsub
When Perl is run in debugging mode, with the B<-d> switch, this GV contains
the SV which holds the name of the sub being debugged.  This is the C
variable which corresponds to Perl's $DB::sub variable.  See

=for apidoc mn|SV *|PL_DBsingle
When Perl is run in debugging mode, with the B<-d> switch, this SV is a
boolean which indicates whether subs are being single-stepped.
Single-stepping is automatically turned on after every step.  This is the C
variable which corresponds to Perl's $DB::single variable.  See

=for apidoc mn|SV *|PL_DBtrace
Trace variable used when Perl is run in debugging mode, with the B<-d>
switch.  This is the C variable which corresponds to Perl's $DB::trace
variable.  See C<PL_DBsingle>.


PERLVAR(IDBsingle,	SV *)
PERLVAR(IDBsignal,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Ilineary,	AV *)		/* lines of script for debugger */
PERLVAR(Idbargs,	AV *)		/* args to call listed by caller function */

/* symbol tables */
PERLVAR(Idebstash,	HV *)		/* symbol table for perldb package */
PERLVAR(Iglobalstash,	HV *)		/* global keyword overrides imported here */
PERLVAR(Icurstname,	SV *)		/* name of current package */
PERLVAR(Ibeginav,	AV *)		/* names of BEGIN subroutines */
PERLVAR(Iendav,		AV *)		/* names of END subroutines */
PERLVAR(Icheckav,	AV *)		/* names of CHECK subroutines */
PERLVAR(Iinitav,	AV *)		/* names of INIT subroutines */
PERLVAR(Istrtab,	HV *)		/* shared string table */
PERLVARI(Isub_generation,U32,1)		/* incr to invalidate method cache */

/* memory management */
PERLVAR(Isv_count,	I32)		/* how many SV* are currently allocated */
PERLVAR(Isv_objcount,	I32)		/* how many objects are currently allocated */
PERLVAR(Isv_root,	SV*)		/* storage for SVs belonging to interp */
PERLVAR(Isv_arenaroot,	SV*)		/* list of areas for garbage collection */

/* funky return mechanisms */
PERLVAR(Iforkprocess,	int)		/* so do_open |- can return proc# */

/* subprocess state */
PERLVAR(Ifdpid,		AV *)		/* keep fd-to-pid mappings for my_popen */

/* internal state */
PERLVAR(Itainting,	bool)		/* doing taint checks */
PERLVARI(Iop_mask,	char *,	NULL)	/* masked operations for safe evals */

/* current interpreter roots */
PERLVAR(Imain_cv,	CV *)
PERLVAR(Imain_root,	OP *)
PERLVAR(Imain_start,	OP *)
PERLVAR(Ieval_root,	OP *)
PERLVAR(Ieval_start,	OP *)

/* runtime control stuff */
PERLVARI(Icurcopdb,	COP *,	NULL)
PERLVARI(Icopline,	line_t,	NOLINE)

/* statics moved here for shared library purposes */
PERLVAR(Ifilemode,	int)		/* so nextargv() can preserve mode */
PERLVAR(Ilastfd,	int)		/* what to preserve mode on */
PERLVAR(Ioldname,	char *)		/* what to preserve mode on */
PERLVAR(IArgv,		char **)	/* stuff to free from do_aexec, vfork safe */
PERLVAR(ICmd,		char *)		/* stuff to free from do_aexec, vfork safe */
PERLVARI(Igensym,	I32,	0)	/* next symbol for getsym() to define */
PERLVAR(Ipreambled,	bool)
PERLVAR(Ipreambleav,	AV *)
PERLVARI(Ilaststatval,	int,	-1)
PERLVARI(Ilaststype,	I32,	OP_STAT)
PERLVAR(Imess_sv,	SV *)

/* XXX shouldn't these be per-thread? --GSAR */
PERLVAR(Iors_sv,	SV *)		/* output record separator $\ */

/* interpreter atexit processing */
PERLVARI(Iexitlist,	PerlExitListEntry *, NULL)
					/* list of exit functions */
PERLVARI(Iexitlistlen,	I32, 0)		/* length of same */

=for apidoc Amn|HV*|PL_modglobal

C<PL_modglobal> is a general purpose, interpreter global HV for use by
extensions that need to keep information on a per-interpreter basis.
In a pinch, it can also be used as a symbol table for extensions
to share data among each other.  It is a good idea to use keys
prefixed by the package name of the extension that owns the data.


PERLVAR(Imodglobal,	HV *)		/* per-interp module data */

/* these used to be in global before 5.004_68 */
PERLVARI(Iprofiledata,	U32 *,	NULL)	/* table of ops, counts */
PERLVARI(Irsfp,	PerlIO * VOL,	Nullfp) /* current source file pointer */
PERLVARI(Irsfp_filters,	AV *,	Nullav)	/* keeps active source filters */

PERLVAR(Icompiling,	COP)		/* compiling/done executing marker */

PERLVAR(Icompcv,	CV *)		/* currently compiling subroutine */
PERLVAR(Icomppad,	AV *)		/* storage for lexically scoped temporaries */
PERLVAR(Icomppad_name,	AV *)		/* variable names for "my" variables */
PERLVAR(Icomppad_name_fill,	I32)	/* last "introduced" variable offset */
PERLVAR(Icomppad_name_floor,	I32)	/* start of vars in innermost block */

PERLVAR(Isys_intern,	struct interp_intern)
					/* platform internals */

/* more statics moved here */
PERLVARI(Igeneration,	int,	100)	/* from op.c */
PERLVAR(IDBcv,		CV *)		/* from perl.c */

PERLVARI(Iin_clean_objs,bool,    FALSE)	/* from sv.c */
PERLVARI(Iin_clean_all,	bool,    FALSE)	/* from sv.c */

PERLVAR(Ilinestart,	char *)		/* beg. of most recently read line */
PERLVAR(Ipending_ident,	char)		/* pending identifier lookup */
PERLVAR(Isublex_info,	SUBLEXINFO)	/* from toke.c */

PERLVAR(Iuid,		Uid_t)		/* current real user id */
PERLVAR(Ieuid,		Uid_t)		/* current effective user id */
PERLVAR(Igid,		Gid_t)		/* current real group id */
PERLVAR(Iegid,		Gid_t)		/* current effective group id */
PERLVAR(Inomemok,	bool)		/* let malloc context handle nomem */
PERLVARI(Ian,		U32,	0)	/* malloc sequence number */
PERLVARI(Icop_seqmax,	U32,	0)	/* statement sequence number */
PERLVARI(Ievalseq,	U32,	0)	/* eval sequence number */
PERLVAR(Iorigenviron,	char **)
PERLVAR(Iorigalen,	U32)
PERLVAR(Ipidstatus,	HV *)		/* pid-to-status mappings for waitpid */
PERLVARI(Imaxo,	int,	MAXO)		/* maximum number of ops */
PERLVAR(Iosname,	char *)		/* operating system */

PERLVAR(Isighandlerp,	Sighandler_t)

PERLVAR(Ixnv_root,	NV *)		/* free xnv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpv_root,	xpv_allocated *)	/* free xpv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpviv_root,	xpviv_allocated *)	/* free xpviv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvnv_root,	XPVNV *)	/* free xpvnv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvcv_root,	XPVCV *)	/* free xpvcv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvav_root,	xpvav_allocated *)	/* free xpvav list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvhv_root,	xpvhv_allocated *)	/* free xpvhv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvmg_root,	XPVMG *)	/* free xpvmg list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvgv_root,	XPVGV *)	/* free xpvgv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvlv_root,	XPVLV *)	/* free xpvlv list */
PERLVAR(Ixpvbm_root,	XPVBM *)	/* free xpvbm list */
PERLVAR(Ihe_root,	HE *)		/* free he list */
#if defined(USE_ITHREADS)
PERLVAR(Ipte_root,	struct ptr_tbl_ent *)	/* free ptr_tbl_ent list */
PERLVAR(Inice_chunk,	char *)		/* a nice chunk of memory to reuse */
PERLVAR(Inice_chunk_size,	U32)	/* how nice the chunk of memory is */


PERLVARA(Itokenbuf,256,	char)

=for apidoc Amn|SV|PL_sv_undef
This is the C<undef> SV.  Always refer to this as C<&PL_sv_undef>.

=for apidoc Amn|SV|PL_sv_no
This is the C<false> SV.  See C<PL_sv_yes>.  Always refer to this as

=for apidoc Amn|SV|PL_sv_yes
This is the C<true> SV.  See C<PL_sv_no>.  Always refer to this as


PERLVAR(Isv_undef,	SV)
PERLVAR(Isv_no,		SV)
PERLVAR(Isv_yes,	SV)

#ifdef CSH
PERLVARI(Icshname,	const char *,	CSH)
PERLVARI(Icshlen,	I32,	0)

PERLVAR(Ilex_state,	U32)		/* next token is determined */
PERLVAR(Ilex_defer,	U32)		/* state after determined token */
PERLVAR(Ilex_expect,	int)		/* expect after determined token */
PERLVAR(Ilex_brackets,	I32)		/* bracket count */
PERLVAR(Ilex_formbrack,	I32)		/* bracket count at outer format level */
PERLVAR(Ilex_casemods,	I32)		/* casemod count */
PERLVAR(Ilex_dojoin,	I32)		/* doing an array interpolation */
PERLVAR(Ilex_starts,	I32)		/* how many interps done on level */
PERLVAR(Ilex_stuff,	SV *)		/* runtime pattern from m// or s/// */
PERLVAR(Ilex_repl,	SV *)		/* runtime replacement from s/// */
PERLVAR(Ilex_op,	OP *)		/* extra info to pass back on op */
PERLVAR(Ilex_inpat,	OP *)		/* in pattern $) and $| are special */
PERLVAR(Ilex_inwhat,	I32)		/* what kind of quoting are we in */
PERLVAR(Ilex_brackstack,char *)		/* what kind of brackets to pop */
PERLVAR(Ilex_casestack,	char *)		/* what kind of case mods in effect */

/* What we know when we're in LEX_KNOWNEXT state. */
PERLVARA(Inextval,5,	YYSTYPE)	/* value of next token, if any */
PERLVARA(Inexttype,5,	I32)		/* type of next token */
PERLVAR(Inexttoke,	I32)

PERLVAR(Ilinestr,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Ibufptr,	char *)
PERLVAR(Ioldbufptr,	char *)
PERLVAR(Ioldoldbufptr,	char *)
PERLVAR(Ibufend,	char *)
PERLVARI(Iexpect,int,	XSTATE)		/* how to interpret ambiguous tokens */

PERLVAR(Imulti_start,	I32)		/* 1st line of multi-line string */
PERLVAR(Imulti_end,	I32)		/* last line of multi-line string */
PERLVAR(Imulti_open,	I32)		/* delimiter of said string */
PERLVAR(Imulti_close,	I32)		/* delimiter of said string */

PERLVAR(Ierror_count,	I32)		/* how many errors so far, max 10 */
PERLVAR(Isubline,	I32)		/* line this subroutine began on */
PERLVAR(Isubname,	SV *)		/* name of current subroutine */

PERLVAR(Imin_intro_pending,	I32)	/* start of vars to introduce */
PERLVAR(Imax_intro_pending,	I32)	/* end of vars to introduce */
PERLVAR(Ipadix,		I32)		/* max used index in current "register" pad */
PERLVAR(Ipadix_floor,	I32)		/* how low may inner block reset padix */
PERLVAR(Ipad_reset_pending,	I32)	/* reset pad on next attempted alloc */

PERLVAR(Ilast_uni,	char *)		/* position of last named-unary op */
PERLVAR(Ilast_lop,	char *)		/* position of last list operator */
PERLVAR(Ilast_lop_op,	OPCODE)		/* last list operator */
PERLVAR(Iin_my,		I32)		/* we're compiling a "my" (or "our") declaration */
PERLVAR(Iin_my_stash,	HV *)		/* declared class of this "my" declaration */
#ifdef FCRYPT
PERLVARI(Icryptseen,	bool,	FALSE)	/* has fast crypt() been initialized? */

PERLVAR(Ihints,		U32)		/* pragma-tic compile-time flags */

PERLVAR(Idebug,		VOL U32)	/* flags given to -D switch */

PERLVARI(Iamagic_generation,	long,	0)

PERLVARI(Icollation_ix,	U32,	0)	/* Collation generation index */
PERLVAR(Icollation_name,char *)		/* Name of current collation */
PERLVARI(Icollation_standard, bool,	TRUE)
					/* Assume simple collation */
PERLVAR(Icollxfrm_base,	Size_t)		/* Basic overhead in *xfrm() */
PERLVARI(Icollxfrm_mult,Size_t,	2)	/* Expansion factor in *xfrm() */


PERLVAR(Inumeric_name,	char *)		/* Name of current numeric locale */
PERLVARI(Inumeric_standard,	bool,	TRUE)
					/* Assume simple numerics */
PERLVARI(Inumeric_local,	bool,	TRUE)
					/* Assume local numerics */

PERLVAR(Inumeric_compat1,		char)
					/* Used to be numeric_radix */
#endif /* !USE_LOCALE_NUMERIC */

/* utf8 character classes */
PERLVAR(Iutf8_alnum,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_alnumc,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_ascii,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_alpha,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_space,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_cntrl,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_graph,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_digit,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_upper,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_lower,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_print,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_punct,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_xdigit,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_mark,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_toupper,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_totitle,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_tolower,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_tofold,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Ilast_swash_hv,	HV *)
PERLVAR(Ilast_swash_klen,	U32)
PERLVARA(Ilast_swash_key,10,	U8)
PERLVAR(Ilast_swash_tmps,	U8 *)
PERLVAR(Ilast_swash_slen,	STRLEN)

/* perly.c globals */
PERLVAR(Iyycharp,	int *)

PERLVARI(Iglob_index,	int,	0)
PERLVAR(Isrand_called,	bool)
PERLVARA(Iuudmap,256,	char)
PERLVAR(Ibitcount,	char *)

PERLVAR(Ipsig_ptr, SV**)
PERLVAR(Ipsig_name, SV**)

#if defined(PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS)
PERLVAR(IMem,		struct IPerlMem*)
PERLVAR(IMemShared,	struct IPerlMem*)
PERLVAR(IMemParse,	struct IPerlMem*)
PERLVAR(IEnv,		struct IPerlEnv*)
PERLVAR(IStdIO,		struct IPerlStdIO*)
PERLVAR(ILIO,		struct IPerlLIO*)
PERLVAR(IDir,		struct IPerlDir*)
PERLVAR(ISock,		struct IPerlSock*)
PERLVAR(IProc,		struct IPerlProc*)

#if defined(USE_ITHREADS)
PERLVAR(Iptr_table,	PTR_TBL_t*)
PERLVARI(Ibeginav_save, AV*, Nullav)	/* save BEGIN{}s when compiling */

PERLVAR(Ixnv_arenaroot,	XPV*)		/* list of allocated xnv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpv_arenaroot,	xpv_allocated *)	/* list of allocated xpv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpviv_arenaroot,xpviv_allocated*)	/* list of allocated xpviv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvnv_arenaroot,XPVNV*)	/* list of allocated xpvnv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvcv_arenaroot,XPVCV*)	/* list of allocated xpvcv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvav_arenaroot,xpvav_allocated*)	/* list of allocated xpvav areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvhv_arenaroot,xpvhv_allocated*)	/* list of allocated xpvhv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvmg_arenaroot,XPVMG*)	/* list of allocated xpvmg areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvgv_arenaroot,XPVGV*)	/* list of allocated xpvgv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvlv_arenaroot,XPVLV*)	/* list of allocated xpvlv areas */
PERLVAR(Ixpvbm_arenaroot,XPVBM*)	/* list of allocated xpvbm areas */
PERLVAR(Ihe_arenaroot,	HE *)		/* list of allocated he areas */
#if defined(USE_ITHREADS)
PERLVAR(Ipte_arenaroot,	struct ptr_tbl_ent *) /* list of allocated pte areas */
     /* 5.6.0 stopped here */

PERLVAR(Ipsig_pend, int *)		/* per-signal "count" of pending */
PERLVARI(Isig_pending, int,0)           /* Number if highest signal pending */


PERLVAR(Inumeric_radix_sv,	SV *)	/* The radix separator if not '.' */


#if defined(USE_ITHREADS)
PERLVAR(Iregex_pad,     SV**)		/* All regex objects */
PERLVAR(Iregex_padav,   AV*)		/* All regex objects */


PERLVAR(Ireentrant_buffer, REENTR*)	/* here we store the _r buffers */

PERLVARI(Isavebegin,     bool,	FALSE)	/* save BEGINs for compiler	*/

PERLVAR(Icustom_op_names, HV*)  /* Names of user defined ops */
PERLVAR(Icustom_op_descs, HV*)  /* Descriptions of user defined ops */

PERLVARI(Iperlio, PerlIO *,NULL)
PERLVARI(Iknown_layers, PerlIO_list_t *,NULL)
PERLVARI(Idef_layerlist, PerlIO_list_t *,NULL)

PERLVARI(Iencoding,	SV*, Nullsv)		/* character encoding */

PERLVAR(Idebug_pad,	struct perl_debug_pad)	/* always needed because of the re extension */

PERLVAR(Itaint_warn, bool)      /* taint warns instead of dying */

PERLVAR(IOpPtr,I32 **)
PERLVAR(IOpSlab,I32 *)

PERLVAR(Iutf8locale,	bool)		/* utf8 locale detected */

PERLVAR(Iutf8_idstart,	SV *)
PERLVAR(Iutf8_idcont,	SV *)


PERLVARI(Icheckav_save, AV*, Nullav)	/* save CHECK{}s when compiling */

PERLVARI(Iclocktick, long, 0)	/* this many times() ticks in a second */

PERLVARI(Iin_load_module, int, 0)	/* to prevent recursions in PerlIO_find_layer */

PERLVAR(Iunicode, U32)	/* Unicode features: $ENV{PERL_UNICODE} or -C */

PERLVAR(Isignals, U32)	/* Using which pre-5.8 signals */

PERLVAR(Istashcache,	HV *)		/* Cache to speed up S_method_common */

PERLVAR(Ireentrant_retint, int)	/* Integer return value from reentrant functions */

/* Hooks to shared SVs and locks. */
PERLVARI(Isharehook,	share_proc_t,	MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_sv_nosharing))
PERLVARI(Ilockhook,	share_proc_t,	MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_sv_nolocking))
PERLVARI(Iunlockhook,	share_proc_t,	MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_sv_nounlocking))
PERLVARI(Ithreadhook,	thrhook_proc_t,	MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_nothreadhook))

/* Force inclusion of both runops options */
PERLVARI(Irunops_std,	runops_proc_t,	MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_runops_standard))
PERLVARI(Irunops_dbg,	runops_proc_t,	MEMBER_TO_FPTR(Perl_runops_debug))

/* Stores the PPID */
PERLVARI(Ippid,		IV,		0)

PERLVARI(Ihash_seed, UV, 0)		/* Hash initializer */

PERLVARI(Ihash_seed_set, bool, FALSE)		/* Hash initialized? */

PERLVAR(IDBassertion,   SV *)

PERLVARI(Icv_has_eval, I32, 0) /* PL_compcv includes an entereval or similar */

PERLVARI(Irehash_seed, UV, 0)		/* 582 hash initializer */

PERLVARI(Irehash_seed_set, bool, FALSE)	/* 582 hash initialized? */

/* These two variables are needed to preserve 5.8.x bincompat because we can't
   change function prototypes of two exported functions.  Probably should be
   taken out of blead soon, and relevant prototypes changed.  */
PERLVARI(Ifdscript, int, -1)	/* fd for script */
PERLVARI(Isuidscript, int, -1)	/* fd for suid script */
/* File descriptor to talk to the child which dumps scalars.  */
PERLVARI(Idumper_fd, int, -1)
/* New variables must be added to the very end, before this comment,
 * for binary compatibility (the offsets of the old members must not change).
 * (Don't forget to add your variable also to perl_clone()!)
 * XSUB.h provides wrapper functions via perlapi.h that make this
 * irrelevant, but not all code may be expected to #include XSUB.h.