package JNI; use strict; use Carp; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $AUTOLOAD $JVM @JVM_ARGS $JAVALIB); require Exporter; require DynaLoader; require AutoLoader; @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); @EXPORT = qw( JNI_ABORT JNI_COMMIT JNI_ERR JNI_FALSE JNI_H JNI_OK JNI_TRUE GetVersion DefineClass FindClass GetSuperclass IsAssignableFrom Throw ThrowNew ExceptionOccurred ExceptionDescribe ExceptionClear FatalError NewGlobalRef DeleteGlobalRef DeleteLocalRef IsSameObject AllocObject NewObject NewObjectA GetObjectClass IsInstanceOf GetMethodID CallObjectMethod CallObjectMethodA CallBooleanMethod CallBooleanMethodA CallByteMethod CallByteMethodA CallCharMethod CallCharMethodA CallShortMethod CallShortMethodA CallIntMethod CallIntMethodA CallLongMethod CallLongMethodA CallFloatMethod CallFloatMethodA CallDoubleMethod CallDoubleMethodA CallVoidMethod CallVoidMethodA CallNonvirtualObjectMethod CallNonvirtualObjectMethodA CallNonvirtualBooleanMethod CallNonvirtualBooleanMethodA CallNonvirtualByteMethod CallNonvirtualByteMethodA CallNonvirtualCharMethod CallNonvirtualCharMethodA CallNonvirtualShortMethod CallNonvirtualShortMethodA CallNonvirtualIntMethod CallNonvirtualIntMethodA CallNonvirtualLongMethod CallNonvirtualLongMethodA CallNonvirtualFloatMethod CallNonvirtualFloatMethodA CallNonvirtualDoubleMethod CallNonvirtualDoubleMethodA CallNonvirtualVoidMethod CallNonvirtualVoidMethodA GetFieldID GetObjectField GetBooleanField GetByteField GetCharField GetShortField GetIntField GetLongField GetFloatField GetDoubleField SetObjectField SetBooleanField SetByteField SetCharField SetShortField SetIntField SetLongField SetFloatField SetDoubleField GetStaticMethodID CallStaticObjectMethod CallStaticObjectMethodA CallStaticBooleanMethod CallStaticBooleanMethodA CallStaticByteMethod CallStaticByteMethodA CallStaticCharMethod CallStaticCharMethodA CallStaticShortMethod CallStaticShortMethodA CallStaticIntMethod CallStaticIntMethodA CallStaticLongMethod CallStaticLongMethodA CallStaticFloatMethod CallStaticFloatMethodA CallStaticDoubleMethod CallStaticDoubleMethodA CallStaticVoidMethod CallStaticVoidMethodA GetStaticFieldID GetStaticObjectField GetStaticBooleanField GetStaticByteField GetStaticCharField GetStaticShortField GetStaticIntField GetStaticLongField GetStaticFloatField GetStaticDoubleField SetStaticObjectField SetStaticBooleanField SetStaticByteField SetStaticCharField SetStaticShortField SetStaticIntField SetStaticLongField SetStaticFloatField SetStaticDoubleField NewString GetStringLength GetStringChars NewStringUTF GetStringUTFLength GetStringUTFChars GetArrayLength NewObjectArray GetObjectArrayElement SetObjectArrayElement NewBooleanArray NewByteArray NewCharArray NewShortArray NewIntArray NewLongArray NewFloatArray NewDoubleArray GetBooleanArrayElements GetByteArrayElements GetCharArrayElements GetShortArrayElements GetIntArrayElements GetLongArrayElements GetFloatArrayElements GetDoubleArrayElements GetBooleanArrayRegion GetByteArrayRegion GetCharArrayRegion GetShortArrayRegion GetIntArrayRegion GetLongArrayRegion GetFloatArrayRegion GetDoubleArrayRegion SetBooleanArrayRegion SetByteArrayRegion SetCharArrayRegion SetShortArrayRegion SetIntArrayRegion SetLongArrayRegion SetFloatArrayRegion SetDoubleArrayRegion RegisterNatives UnregisterNatives MonitorEnter MonitorExit GetJavaVM ); $VERSION = '0.1'; sub AUTOLOAD { # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant() # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader. my $constname; ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0); if ($! != 0) { if ($! =~ /Invalid/ || $!{EINVAL}) { $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD; goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; } else { croak "Your vendor has not defined JNI macro $constname"; } } eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }"; goto &$AUTOLOAD; } bootstrap JNI $VERSION; if (not $JPL::_env_) { # Note that only Kaffe support only cares about what JNI::Config says use JNI::Config qw($KAFFE $LD_LIBRARY_PATH $CLASS_HOME $LIB_HOME $JAVA_LIB); # Win32 and Sun JDK pay attention to $ENV{JAVA_HOME}; Kaffe doesn't $ENV{JAVA_HOME} ||= "/usr/local/java"; my ($arch, @CLASSPATH); if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and (! $JNI::Config::KAFFE) ) { $arch = 'MSWin32' unless -d "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/$arch"; @CLASSPATH = split(/;/, $ENV{CLASSPATH}); @CLASSPATH = "." unless @CLASSPATH; push @CLASSPATH, "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}\\classes", "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}\\lib\\", # MSR - added for JDK 1.3 "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar", # MSR - added to find Closer.class '.'; $ENV{CLASSPATH} = join(';', @CLASSPATH); $ENV{THREADS_TYPE} ||= "green_threads"; #$JAVALIB = "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/$arch/$ENV{THREADS_TYPE}"; # MSR - changed above for JDK 1.3 $JAVALIB = "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} .= ":$JAVALIB"; push @JVM_ARGS, "classpath", $ENV{CLASSPATH}; print "JVM_ARGS=@JVM_ARGS!\n" if $JPL::DEBUG; $JVM = GetJavaVM("$JAVALIB/javai.dll",@JVM_ARGS); } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $JNI::Config::KAFFE) { croak "Kaffe is not yet supported on MSWin32 platform!"; } elsif ($JNI::Config::KAFFE) { # The following code has to build a classpath for us. It would be # better if we could have *both* a classpath and a classhome, and # not have to "guess" at the classpath like this. We should be able # to send in, say, a classpath of ".", and classhome of # ".../share/kaffe", and have it build the right classpath. That # doesn't work. The function initClasspath() in findInJar.c in the # Kaffe source says: "Oh, you have a classpath, well forget # classhome!" This seems brain-dead to me. But, anyway, that's why # I don't use the classhome option on GetJavaVM. I have to build # the classpath by hand. *sigh* # -- bkuhn my $classpath = $ENV{CLASSPATH} || "."; my %classCheck; @classCheck{split(/\s*:\s*/, $classpath)} = 1; foreach my $jarFile (qw(Klasses.jar comm.jar pjava.jar tools.jar microsoft.jar rmi.jar)) { $classpath .= ":$JNI::Config::CLASS_HOME/$jarFile" unless defined $classCheck{"$JNI::Config::CLASS_HOME/$jarFile"}; # Assume that if someone else already put these here, they knew # what they were doing and have the order right. } $classpath = ".:$classpath" unless defined $classCheck{"."}; $ENV{CLASSPATH} = $classpath; # Not needed for GetJavaVM(), since # we pass it in as a JVM option, but # something else might expect it. # (also see comment above) print STDERR "bkuhn: JNI classpath=$classpath\n"; unshift(@JVM_ARGS, "classpath", $classpath, "libraryhome", $JNI::Config::LIB_HOME); # The following line is useless; see comment above. # "classhome", $JNI::Config::CLASS_HOME); $JVM = GetJavaVM($JNI::Config::JAVA_LIB, @JVM_ARGS); } else { chop($arch = `uname -p`); chop($arch = `uname -m`) unless -d "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/$arch"; @CLASSPATH = split(/:/, $ENV{CLASSPATH}); @CLASSPATH = "." unless @CLASSPATH; push @CLASSPATH, "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/classes", "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/"; $ENV{CLASSPATH} = join(':', @CLASSPATH); $ENV{THREADS_TYPE} ||= "green_threads"; $JAVALIB = "$ENV{JAVA_HOME}/lib/$arch/$ENV{THREADS_TYPE}"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} .= ":$JAVALIB"; push @JVM_ARGS, "classpath", $ENV{CLASSPATH}; print "JVM_ARGS=@JVM_ARGS!\n" if $JPL::DEBUG; $JVM = GetJavaVM("$JAVALIB/",@JVM_ARGS); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME JNI - Perl encapsulation of the Java Native Interface =head1 SYNOPSIS use JNI; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides an encapsulation in Perl of the Java Native Interface. =head1 Exported constants JNI_ABORT JNI_COMMIT JNI_ERR JNI_FALSE JNI_H JNI_OK JNI_TRUE =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 1998, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. This package may be copied under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1). =cut