BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir '../lib/Archive/Extract' if -d '../lib/Archive/Extract'; unshift @INC, '../../..', '../../../..'; } } BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' }; BEGIN { mkdir 'out' unless -d 'out' }; use strict; use lib qw[../lib]; use constant IS_WIN32 => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0; use constant IS_CYGWIN => $^O eq 'cygwin' ? 1 : 0; use constant IS_VMS => $^O eq 'VMS' ? 1 : 0; use Cwd qw[cwd]; use Test::More qw[no_plan]; use File::Spec; use File::Spec::Unix; use File::Path; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename qw[basename]; use Module::Load::Conditional qw[check_install]; ### uninitialized value in File::Spec warnings come from A::Zip: # t/01_Archive-Extract....ok 135/0Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /opt/lib/perl5/5.8.3/File/Spec/ line 313. # File::Spec::Unix::catpath('File::Spec','','','undef') called at /opt/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Archive/ line 473 # Archive::Zip::_asLocalName('') called at /opt/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/Archive/ line 652 # Archive::Zip::Archive::extractMember('Archive::Zip::Archive=HASH(0x9679c8)','Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember=HASH(0x9678fc)') called at ../lib/Archive/ line 753 # Archive::Extract::_unzip_az('Archive::Extract=HASH(0x966eac)') called at ../lib/Archive/ line 674 # Archive::Extract::_unzip('Archive::Extract=HASH(0x966eac)') called at ../lib/Archive/ line 275 # Archive::Extract::extract('Archive::Extract=HASH(0x966eac)','to','/Users/kane/sources/p4/other/archive-extract/t/out') called at t/01_Archive-Extract.t line 180 #BEGIN { $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { require Carp; Carp::cluck(@_) } }; if ((IS_WIN32 or IS_CYGWIN) && ! $ENV{PERL_CORE}) { diag( "Older versions of Archive::Zip may cause File::Spec warnings" ); diag( "See bug #19713 in It is safe to ignore them" ); } my $Debug = $ARGV[0] ? 1 : 0; my $Me = basename( $0 ); my $Class = 'Archive::Extract'; my $Self = File::Spec->rel2abs( IS_WIN32 ? &Win32::GetShortPathName( cwd() ) : cwd() ); my $SrcDir = File::Spec->catdir( $Self,'src' ); my $OutDir = File::Spec->catdir( $Self,'out' ); use_ok($Class); ### set verbose if debug is on ### ### stupid stupid silly stupid warnings silly! ### $Archive::Extract::VERBOSE = $Archive::Extract::VERBOSE = $Debug; $Archive::Extract::WARN = $Archive::Extract::WARN = $Debug ? 1 : 0; my $tmpl = { ### plain files 'x.bz2' => { programs => [qw[bunzip2]], modules => [qw[IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2]], method => 'is_bz2', outfile => 'a', }, 'x.tgz' => { programs => [qw[gzip tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar IO::Zlib]], method => 'is_tgz', outfile => 'a', }, 'x.tar.gz' => { programs => [qw[gzip tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar IO::Zlib]], method => 'is_tgz', outfile => 'a', }, 'x.tar' => { programs => [qw[tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar]], method => 'is_tar', outfile => 'a', }, 'x.gz' => { programs => [qw[gzip]], modules => [qw[Compress::Zlib]], method => 'is_gz', outfile => 'a', }, 'x.Z' => { programs => [qw[uncompress]], modules => [qw[Compress::Zlib]], method => 'is_Z', outfile => 'a', }, '' => { programs => [qw[unzip]], modules => [qw[Archive::Zip]], method => 'is_zip', outfile => 'a', }, 'x.jar' => { programs => [qw[unzip]], modules => [qw[Archive::Zip]], method => 'is_zip', outfile => 'a', }, 'x.par' => { programs => [qw[unzip]], modules => [qw[Archive::Zip]], method => 'is_zip', outfile => 'a', }, ### with a directory 'y.tbz' => { programs => [qw[bunzip2 tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2]], method => 'is_tbz', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y', }, 'y.tar.bz2' => { programs => [qw[bunzip2 tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2]], method => 'is_tbz', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y' }, 'y.tgz' => { programs => [qw[gzip tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar IO::Zlib]], method => 'is_tgz', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y' }, 'y.tar.gz' => { programs => [qw[gzip tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar IO::Zlib]], method => 'is_tgz', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y' }, 'y.tar' => { programs => [qw[tar]], modules => [qw[Archive::Tar]], method => 'is_tar', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y' }, '' => { programs => [qw[unzip]], modules => [qw[Archive::Zip]], method => 'is_zip', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y' }, 'y.par' => { programs => [qw[unzip]], modules => [qw[Archive::Zip]], method => 'is_zip', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y' }, 'y.jar' => { programs => [qw[unzip]], modules => [qw[Archive::Zip]], method => 'is_zip', outfile => 'z', outdir => 'y' }, ### with non-same top dir '' => { programs => [qw[unzip]], modules => [qw[Archive::Zip]], method => 'is_zip', outfile => 'w', outdir => 'x' }, }; ### show us the tools IPC::Cmd will use to run binary programs if( $Debug ) { diag( "IPC::Run enabled: $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN " ); diag( "IPC::Run available: " . IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_run ); diag( "IPC::Run vesion: $IPC::Run::VERSION" ); diag( "IPC::Open3 enabled: $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 " ); diag( "IPC::Open3 available: " . IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_open3 ); diag( "IPC::Open3 vesion: $IPC::Open3::VERSION" ); } ### test all type specifications to new() ### this tests bug #24578: Wrong check for `type' argument { my $meth = 'types'; can_ok( $Class, $meth ); my @types = $Class->$meth; ok( scalar(@types), " Got a list of types" ); for my $type ( @types ) { my $obj = $Class->new( archive => $Me, type => $type ); ok( $obj, " Object created based on '$type'" ); ok( !$obj->error, " No error logged" ); } } ### XXX whitebox test ### test __get_extract_dir SKIP: { my $meth = '__get_extract_dir'; ### get the right separator -- File::Spec does clean ups for ### paths, so we need to join ourselves. my $sep = [ split '', File::Spec->catfile( 'a', 'b' ) ]->[1]; ### bug #23999: Attempt to generate Makefile.PL gone awry ### showed that dirs in the style of './dir/' were reported ### to be unpacked in '.' rather than in 'dir'. here we test ### for this. for my $prefix ( '', '.' ) { skip "Prepending ./ to a valid path doesn't give you another valid path on VMS", 2 if IS_VMS && length($prefix); my $dir = basename( $SrcDir ); ### build a list like [dir, dir/file] and [./dir ./dir/file] ### where the dir and file actually exist, which is important ### for the method call my @files = map { length $prefix ? join $sep, $prefix, $_ : $_ } $dir, File::Spec->catfile( $dir, [keys %$tmpl]->[0] ); my $res = $Class->$meth( \@files ); $res = &Win32::GetShortPathName( $res ) if IS_WIN32; ok( $res, "Found extraction dir '$res'" ); is( $res, $SrcDir, " Is expected dir '$SrcDir'" ); } } for my $switch (0,1) { local $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN = $switch; diag("Running extract with PREFER_BIN = $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN") if $Debug; for my $archive (keys %$tmpl) { diag("Extracting $archive") if $Debug; ### check first if we can do the proper my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => File::Spec->catfile($SrcDir,$archive) ); isa_ok( $ae, $Class ); my $method = $tmpl->{$archive}->{method}; ok( $ae->$method(), "Archive type recognized properly" ); ### 10 tests from here on down ### SKIP: { my $file = $tmpl->{$archive}->{outfile}; my $dir = $tmpl->{$archive}->{outdir}; # can be undef my $rel_path = File::Spec->catfile( grep { defined } $dir, $file ); my $abs_path = File::Spec->catfile( $OutDir, $rel_path ); my $abs_dir = File::Spec->catdir( grep { defined } $OutDir, $dir ); my $nix_path = File::Spec::Unix->catfile( grep { defined } $dir, $file ); ### check if we can run this test ### my $pgm_fail; my $mod_fail; for my $pgm ( @{$tmpl->{$archive}->{programs}} ) { ### no binary extract method $pgm_fail++, next unless $pgm; ### we dont have the program $pgm_fail++ unless $Archive::Extract::PROGRAMS->{$pgm} && $Archive::Extract::PROGRAMS->{$pgm}; } for my $mod ( @{$tmpl->{$archive}->{modules}} ) { ### no module extract method $mod_fail++, next unless $mod; ### we dont have the module $mod_fail++ unless check_install( module => $mod ); } ### where to extract to -- try both dir and file for gz files ### XXX test me! #my @outs = $ae->is_gz ? ($abs_path, $OutDir) : ($OutDir); my @outs = $ae->is_gz || $ae->is_bz2 || $ae->is_Z ? ($abs_path) : ($OutDir); skip "No binaries or modules to extract ".$archive, (10 * scalar @outs) if $mod_fail && $pgm_fail; ### we dont warnings spewed about missing modules, that might ### be a problem... local $IPC::Cmd::WARN = 0; local $IPC::Cmd::WARN = 0; for my $use_buffer ( IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer , 0 ) { ### test buffers ### my $turn_off = !$use_buffer && !$pgm_fail && $Archive::Extract::PREFER_BIN; ### whitebox test ### ### stupid warnings ### local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = 0 if $turn_off; local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = 0 if $turn_off; local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = 0 if $turn_off; local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = 0 if $turn_off; ### try extracting ### for my $to ( @outs ) { diag("Extracting to: $to") if $Debug; diag("Buffers enabled: ".!$turn_off) if $Debug; my $rv = $ae->extract( to => $to ); ok( $rv, "extract() for '$archive' reports success"); diag("Extractor was: " . $ae->_extractor) if $Debug; SKIP: { my $re = qr/^No buffer captured/; my $err = $ae->error || ''; ### skip buffer tests if we dont have buffers or ### explicitly turned them off skip "No buffers available", 7, if ( $turn_off || !IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer) && $err =~ $re; ### if we /should/ have buffers, there should be ### no errors complaining we dont have them... unlike( $err, $re, "No errors capturing buffers" ); ### might be 1 or 2, depending wether we extracted ### a dir too my $file_cnt = grep { defined } $file, $dir; is( scalar @{ $ae->files || []}, $file_cnt, "Found correct number of output files" ); is( $ae->files->[-1], $nix_path, "Found correct output file '$nix_path'" ); ok( -e $abs_path, "Output file '$abs_path' exists" ); ok( $ae->extract_path, "Extract dir found" ); ok( -d $ae->extract_path, "Extract dir exists" ); is( $ae->extract_path, $abs_dir, "Extract dir is expected '$abs_dir'" ); } SKIP: { skip "Unlink tests are unreliable on Win32", 3 if IS_WIN32; 1 while unlink $abs_path; ok( !(-e $abs_path), "Output file successfully removed" ); SKIP: { skip "No extract path captured, can't remove paths", 2 unless $ae->extract_path; ### if something went wrong with determining the out ### path, don't go deleting stuff.. might be Really Bad my $out_re = quotemeta( $OutDir ); if( $ae->extract_path !~ /^$out_re/ ) { ok( 0, "Extractpath WRONG (".$ae->extract_path.")"); skip( "Unsafe operation -- skip cleanup!!!" ), 1; } eval { rmtree( $ae->extract_path ) }; ok( !$@, " rmtree gave no error" ); ok( !(-d $ae->extract_path ), " Extract dir succesfully removed" ); } } } } } } }