# -*- Mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; cperl-indent-level: 2 -*- #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use lib qw(t/lib); # Due to a bug in older versions of MakeMaker & Test::Harness, we must # ensure the blib's are in @INC, else we might use the core CGI.pm use lib qw(blib/lib blib/arch); use Test::More tests => 41; use IO::Handle; BEGIN { use_ok('CGI::Carp') }; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test id #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # directly invoked my $expect_f = __FILE__; my $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1; my ($file, $line, $id) = CGI::Carp::id(0); is($file, $expect_f, "file"); is($line, $expect_l, "line"); is($id, "carp.t", "id"); # one level of indirection sub id1 { my $level = shift; return CGI::Carp::id($level); }; $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1; ($file, $line, $id) = id1(1); is($file, $expect_f, "file"); is($line, $expect_l, "line"); is($id, "carp.t", "id"); # two levels of indirection sub id2 { my $level = shift; return id1($level); }; $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1; ($file, $line, $id) = id2(2); is($file, $expect_f, "file"); is($line, $expect_l, "line"); is($id, "carp.t", "id"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test stamp #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $stamp = "/^\\[ ([a-z]{3}\\s){2}\\s? [\\s\\d:]+ \\]\\s$id:/ix"; like(CGI::Carp::stamp(), $stamp, "Time in correct format"); sub stamp1 {return CGI::Carp::stamp()}; sub stamp2 {return stamp1()}; like(stamp2(), $stamp, "Time in correct format"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test warn and _warn #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set some variables to control what's going on. $CGI::Carp::WARN = 0; $CGI::Carp::EMIT_WARNINGS = 0; my $q_file = quotemeta($file); # Test that realwarn is called { local $^W = 0; eval "sub CGI::Carp::realwarn {return 'Called realwarn'};"; } $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1; is(CGI::Carp::warn("There is a problem"), "Called realwarn", "CGI::Carp::warn calls CORE::warn"); # Test that message is constructed correctly eval 'sub CGI::Carp::realwarn {my $mess = shift; return $mess};'; $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1; like(CGI::Carp::warn("There is a problem"), "/] $id: There is a problem at $q_file line $expect_l.".'$/', "CGI::Carp::warn builds correct message"); # Test that _warn is called at the correct time $CGI::Carp::WARN = 1; my $warn_expect_l = $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1; like(CGI::Carp::warn("There is a problem"), "/] $id: There is a problem at $q_file line $expect_l.".'$/', "CGI::Carp::warn builds correct message"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test ineval #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok(!CGI::Carp::ineval, 'ineval returns false when not in eval'); eval {ok(CGI::Carp::ineval, 'ineval returns true when in eval');}; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test die #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set some variables to control what's going on. $CGI::Carp::WRAP = 0; $expect_l = __LINE__ + 1; eval { CGI::Carp::die('There is a problem'); }; like($@, '/^There is a problem/', 'CGI::Carp::die calls CORE::die without altering argument in eval'); # Test that realwarn is called { local $^W = 0; eval 'sub CGI::Carp::realdie {my $mess = shift; return $mess};'; } like(CGI::Carp::die('There is a problem'), $stamp, 'CGI::Carp::die calls CORE::die, but adds stamp'); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test set_message #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- is(CGI::Carp::set_message('My new Message'), 'My new Message', 'CGI::Carp::set_message returns new message'); is($CGI::Carp::CUSTOM_MSG, 'My new Message', 'CGI::Carp::set_message message set correctly'); # set the message back to the empty string so that the tests later # work properly. CGI::Carp::set_message(''), #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test set_progname #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import CGI::Carp qw(name=new_progname); is($CGI::Carp::PROGNAME, 'new_progname', 'CGI::Carp::import set program name correctly'); is(CGI::Carp::set_progname('newer_progname'), 'newer_progname', 'CGI::Carp::set_progname returns new program name'); is($CGI::Carp::PROGNAME, 'newer_progname', 'CGI::Carp::set_progname program name set correctly'); # set the message back to the empty string so that the tests later # work properly. is (CGI::Carp::set_progname(undef),undef,"CGI::Carp::set_progname returns unset name correctly"); is ($CGI::Carp::PROGNAME,undef,"CGI::Carp::set_progname program name unset correctly"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test warnings_to_browser #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGI::Carp::warningsToBrowser(0); is($CGI::Carp::EMIT_WARNINGS, 0, "Warnings turned off"); # turn off STDOUT (prevents spurious warnings to screen tie *STDOUT, 'StoreStuff' or die "Can't tie STDOUT"; CGI::Carp::warningsToBrowser(1); my $fake_out = join '', ; untie *STDOUT; open(STDOUT, ">&REAL_STDOUT"); my $fname = $0; $fname =~ tr/<>-/\253\273\255/; # _warn does this so we have to also is( $fake_out, "\n", 'warningsToBrowser() on' ); is($CGI::Carp::EMIT_WARNINGS, 1, "Warnings turned off"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test fatals_to_browser #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package StoreStuff; sub TIEHANDLE { my $class = shift; bless [], $class; } sub PRINT { my $self = shift; push @$self, @_; } sub READLINE { my $self = shift; shift @$self; } package main; tie *STDOUT, "StoreStuff"; # do tests my @result; CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser(); $result[0] .= $_ while (); CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser('Message to the world'); $result[1] .= $_ while (); $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN} = 'foo@bar.com'; CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser(); $result[2] .= $_ while (); CGI::Carp::set_message('Override the message passed in'), CGI::Carp::fatalsToBrowser('Message to the world'); $result[3] .= $_ while (); CGI::Carp::set_message(''), delete $ENV{SERVER_ADMIN}; # now restore STDOUT untie *STDOUT; like($result[0], '/Content-type: text/html/', "Default string has header"); ok($result[0] !~ /Message to the world/, "Custom message not in default string"); like($result[1], '/Message to the world/', "Custom Message appears in output"); ok($result[0] !~ /foo\@bar.com/, "Server Admin does not appear in default message"); like($result[2], '/foo@bar.com/', "Server Admin appears in output"); like($result[3], '/Message to the world/', "Custom message not in result"); like($result[3], '/Override the message passed in/', "Correct message in string"); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test to_filehandle #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub buffer { CGI::Carp::to_filehandle (@_); } tie *STORE, "StoreStuff"; require FileHandle; my $fh = FileHandle->new; ok( defined buffer(\*STORE), '\*STORE returns proper filehandle'); ok( defined buffer( $fh ), '$fh returns proper filehandle'); ok( defined buffer('::STDOUT'), 'STDIN returns proper filehandle'); ok( defined buffer(*main::STDOUT), 'STDIN returns proper filehandle'); ok(!defined buffer("WIBBLE"), '"WIBBLE" doesn\'t returns proper filehandle');