BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require "./"; } plan tests => 29; use_ok('Config'); # Some (safe?) bets. ok(keys %Config > 500, "Config has more than 500 entries"); ok(each %Config); is($Config{PERL_REVISION}, 5, "PERL_REVISION is 5"); # Check that old config variable names are aliased to their new ones. my %grandfathers = ( PERL_VERSION => 'PATCHLEVEL', PERL_SUBVERSION => 'SUBVERSION', PERL_CONFIG_SH => 'CONFIG' ); while( my($new, $old) = each %grandfathers ) { isnt($Config{$new}, undef, "$new is defined"); is($Config{$new}, $Config{$old}, "$new is aliased to $old"); } ok( exists $Config{cc}, "has cc"); ok( exists $Config{ccflags}, "has ccflags"); ok(!exists $Config{python}, "has no python"); ok( exists $Config{d_fork}, "has d_fork"); ok(!exists $Config{d_bork}, "has no d_bork"); like($Config{ivsize}, qr/^(4|8)$/, "ivsize is 4 or 8 (it is $Config{ivsize})"); # byteorder is virtual, but it has rules. like($Config{byteorder}, qr/^(1234|4321|12345678|87654321)$/, "byteorder is 1234 or 4321 or 12345678 or 87654321 (it is $Config{byteorder})"); is(length $Config{byteorder}, $Config{ivsize}, "byteorder is as long as ivsize (which is $Config{ivsize})"); # ccflags_nolargefiles is virtual, too. ok(exists $Config{ccflags_nolargefiles}, "has ccflags_nolargefiles"); # Utility functions. like(Config::myconfig(), qr/cc='$Config{cc}'/, "myconfig"); SKIP: { skip "cc is tied in $^O", 1 if $^O eq 'MacOS'; like(Config::config_sh(), qr/cc='$Config{cc}'/, "config_sh"); } my $out = tie *STDOUT, 'FakeOut'; Config::config_vars('cc'); my $out1 = $$out; $out->clear; Config::config_vars('d_bork'); my $out2 = $$out; $out->clear; untie *STDOUT; like($out1, qr/^cc='$Config{cc}';/, "config_vars cc"); like($out2, qr/^d_bork='UNKNOWN';/, "config_vars d_bork is UNKNOWN"); # Read-only. undef $@; eval { $Config{d_bork} = 'borkbork' }; like($@, qr/Config is read-only/, "no STORE"); ok(!exists $Config{d_bork}, "still no d_bork"); undef $@; eval { delete $Config{d_fork} }; like($@, qr/Config is read-only/, "no DELETE"); ok( exists $Config{d_fork}, "still d_fork"); undef $@; eval { %Config = () }; like($@, qr/Config is read-only/, "no CLEAR"); ok( exists $Config{d_fork}, "still d_fork"); package FakeOut; sub TIEHANDLE { bless(\(my $text), $_[0]); } sub clear { ${ $_[0] } = ''; } sub PRINT { my $self = shift; $$self .= join('', @_); }