package English; require Exporter; @ISA = (Exporter); =head1 NAME English - use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation variables =head1 SYNOPSIS use English; ... if ($ERRNO =~ /denied/) { ... } =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides aliases for the built-in variables whose names no one seems to like to read. Variables with side-effects which get triggered just by accessing them (like $0) will still be affected. For those variables that have an B version, both long and short English alternatives are provided. For example, the C<$/> variable can be referred to either $RS or $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR if you are using the English module. See L for a complete list of these. =head1 BUGS This module provokes sizeable inefficiencies for regular expressions, due to unfortunate implementation details. If performance matters, consider avoiding English. =cut no warnings; # Grandfather $NAME import sub import { my $this = shift; my @list = @_; local $Exporter::ExportLevel = 1; Exporter::import($this,grep {s/^\$/*/} @list); } @EXPORT = qw( *ARG *MATCH *PREMATCH *POSTMATCH *LAST_PAREN_MATCH *INPUT_LINE_NUMBER *NR *INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR *RS *OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH *OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR *OFS *OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR *ORS *LIST_SEPARATOR *SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR *SUBSEP *FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER *FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE *FORMAT_LINES_LEFT *FORMAT_NAME *FORMAT_TOP_NAME *FORMAT_LINE_BREAK_CHARACTERS *FORMAT_FORMFEED *CHILD_ERROR *OS_ERROR *ERRNO *EXTENDED_OS_ERROR *EVAL_ERROR *PROCESS_ID *PID *REAL_USER_ID *UID *EFFECTIVE_USER_ID *EUID *REAL_GROUP_ID *GID *EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID *EGID *PROGRAM_NAME *PERL_VERSION *PERL_VERSION_TUPLE *ACCUMULATOR *DEBUGGING *SYSTEM_FD_MAX *INPLACE_EDIT *PERLDB *BASETIME *WARNING *EXECUTABLE_NAME *OSNAME ); # The ground of all being. @ARG is deprecated (5.005 makes @_ lexical) *ARG = *_ ; # Matching. *MATCH = *& ; *PREMATCH = *` ; *POSTMATCH = *' ; *LAST_PAREN_MATCH = *+ ; # Input. *INPUT_LINE_NUMBER = *. ; *NR = *. ; *INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = */ ; *RS = */ ; # Output. *OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = *| ; *OUTPUT_FIELD_SEPARATOR = *, ; *OFS = *, ; *OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = *\ ; *ORS = *\ ; # Interpolation "constants". *LIST_SEPARATOR = *" ; *SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR = *; ; *SUBSEP = *; ; # Formats *FORMAT_PAGE_NUMBER = *% ; *FORMAT_LINES_PER_PAGE = *= ; *FORMAT_LINES_LEFT = *- ; *FORMAT_NAME = *~ ; *FORMAT_TOP_NAME = *^ ; *FORMAT_LINE_BREAK_CHARACTERS = *: ; *FORMAT_FORMFEED = *^L ; # Error status. *CHILD_ERROR = *? ; *OS_ERROR = *! ; *ERRNO = *! ; *EXTENDED_OS_ERROR = *^E ; *EVAL_ERROR = *@ ; # Process info. *PROCESS_ID = *$ ; *PID = *$ ; *REAL_USER_ID = *< ; *UID = *< ; *EFFECTIVE_USER_ID = *> ; *EUID = *> ; *REAL_GROUP_ID = *( ; *GID = *( ; *EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID = *) ; *EGID = *) ; *PROGRAM_NAME = *0 ; # Internals. *PERL_VERSION = *] ; *PERL_VERSION_TUPLE = *^V ; *ACCUMULATOR = *^A ; *COMPILING = *^C ; *DEBUGGING = *^D ; *SYSTEM_FD_MAX = *^F ; *INPLACE_EDIT = *^I ; *PERLDB = *^P ; *BASETIME = *^T ; *WARNING = *^W ; *EXECUTABLE_NAME = *^X ; *OSNAME = *^O ; # Deprecated. # *ARRAY_BASE = *[ ; # *OFMT = *# ; # *MULTILINE_MATCHING = ** ; 1;