package ExtUtils::ParseXS; use 5.006; # We use /??{}/ in regexes use Cwd; use Config; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use Symbol; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(process_file); # use strict; # One of these days... my(@XSStack); # Stack of conditionals and INCLUDEs my($XSS_work_idx, $cpp_next_tmp); use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '2.16_01'; use vars qw(%input_expr %output_expr $ProtoUsed @InitFileCode $FH $proto_re $Overload $errors $Fallback $cplusplus $hiertype $WantPrototypes $WantVersionChk $except $WantLineNumbers $WantOptimize $process_inout $process_argtypes @tm $dir $filename $filepathname %IncludedFiles %type_kind %proto_letter %targetable $BLOCK_re $lastline $lastline_no $Package $Prefix @line @BootCode %args_match %defaults %var_types %arg_list @proto_arg $processing_arg_with_types %argtype_seen @outlist %in_out %lengthof $proto_in_this_xsub $scope_in_this_xsub $interface $prepush_done $interface_macro $interface_macro_set $ProtoThisXSUB $ScopeThisXSUB $xsreturn @line_no $ret_type $func_header $orig_args ); # Add these just to get compilation to happen. sub process_file { # Allow for $package->process_file(%hash) in the future my ($pkg, %args) = @_ % 2 ? @_ : (__PACKAGE__, @_); $ProtoUsed = exists $args{prototypes}; # Set defaults. %args = ( # 'C++' => 0, # Doesn't seem to *do* anything... hiertype => 0, except => 0, prototypes => 0, versioncheck => 1, linenumbers => 1, optimize => 1, prototypes => 0, inout => 1, argtypes => 1, typemap => [], output => \*STDOUT, csuffix => '.c', %args, ); # Global Constants my ($Is_VMS, $SymSet); if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $Is_VMS = 1; # Establish set of global symbols with max length 28, since xsubpp # will later add the 'XS_' prefix. require ExtUtils::XSSymSet; $SymSet = new ExtUtils::XSSymSet 28; } @XSStack = ({type => 'none'}); ($XSS_work_idx, $cpp_next_tmp) = (0, "XSubPPtmpAAAA"); @InitFileCode = (); $FH = Symbol::gensym(); $proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;[]') . "]" ; $Overload = 0; $errors = 0; $Fallback = 'PL_sv_undef'; # Most of the 1500 lines below uses these globals. We'll have to # clean this up sometime, probably. For now, we just pull them out # of %args. -Ken $cplusplus = $args{'C++'}; $hiertype = $args{hiertype}; $WantPrototypes = $args{prototypes}; $WantVersionChk = $args{versioncheck}; $except = $args{except} ? ' TRY' : ''; $WantLineNumbers = $args{linenumbers}; $WantOptimize = $args{optimize}; $process_inout = $args{inout}; $process_argtypes = $args{argtypes}; @tm = ref $args{typemap} ? @{$args{typemap}} : ($args{typemap}); for ($args{filename}) { die "Missing required parameter 'filename'" unless $_; $filepathname = $_; ($dir, $filename) = (dirname($_), basename($_)); $filepathname =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $IncludedFiles{$_}++; } # Open the input file open($FH, $args{filename}) or die "cannot open $args{filename}: $!\n"; # Open the output file if given as a string. If they provide some # other kind of reference, trust them that we can print to it. if (not ref $args{output}) { open my($fh), "> $args{output}" or die "Can't create $args{output}: $!"; $args{outfile} = $args{output}; $args{output} = $fh; } # Really, we shouldn't have to chdir() or select() in the first # place. For now, just save & restore. my $orig_cwd = cwd(); my $orig_fh = select(); chdir($dir); my $pwd = cwd(); my $csuffix = $args{csuffix}; if ($WantLineNumbers) { my $cfile; if ( $args{outfile} ) { $cfile = $args{outfile}; } else { $cfile = $args{filename}; $cfile =~ s/\.xs$/$csuffix/i or $cfile .= $csuffix; } tie(*PSEUDO_STDOUT, 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines', $cfile, $args{output}); select PSEUDO_STDOUT; } else { select $args{output}; } foreach my $typemap (@tm) { die "Can't find $typemap in $pwd\n" unless -r $typemap; } push @tm, standard_typemap_locations(); foreach my $typemap (@tm) { next unless -f $typemap ; # skip directories, binary files etc. warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap'\n"), next unless -T $typemap ; open(TYPEMAP, $typemap) or warn ("Warning: could not open typemap file '$typemap': $!\n"), next; my $mode = 'Typemap'; my $junk = "" ; my $current = \$junk; while () { next if /^\s* #/; my $line_no = $. + 1; if (/^INPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Input'; $current = \$junk; next; } if (/^OUTPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Output'; $current = \$junk; next; } if (/^TYPEMAP\s*$/) { $mode = 'Typemap'; $current = \$junk; next; } if ($mode eq 'Typemap') { chomp; my $line = $_ ; TrimWhitespace($_) ; # skip blank lines and comment lines next if /^$/ or /^#/ ; my($type,$kind, $proto) = /^\s*(.*?\S)\s+(\S+)\s*($proto_re*)\s*$/ or warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' TYPEMAP entry needs 2 or 3 columns\n"), next; $type = TidyType($type) ; $type_kind{$type} = $kind ; # prototype defaults to '$' $proto = "\$" unless $proto ; warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' Invalid prototype '$proto'\n") unless ValidProtoString($proto) ; $proto_letter{$type} = C_string($proto) ; } elsif (/^\s/) { $$current .= $_; } elsif ($mode eq 'Input') { s/\s+$//; $input_expr{$_} = ''; $current = \$input_expr{$_}; } else { s/\s+$//; $output_expr{$_} = ''; $current = \$output_expr{$_}; } } close(TYPEMAP); } foreach my $key (keys %input_expr) { $input_expr{$key} =~ s/;*\s+\z//; } my ($cast, $size); our $bal = qr[(?:(?>[^()]+)|\((??{ $bal })\))*]; # ()-balanced $cast = qr[(?:\(\s*SV\s*\*\s*\)\s*)?]; # Optional (SV*) cast $size = qr[,\s* (??{ $bal }) ]x; # Third arg (to setpvn) foreach my $key (keys %output_expr) { use re 'eval'; my ($t, $with_size, $arg, $sarg) = ($output_expr{$key} =~ m[^ \s+ sv_set ( [iunp] ) v (n)? # Type, is_setpvn \s* \( \s* $cast \$arg \s* , \s* ( (??{ $bal }) ) # Set from ( (??{ $size }) )? # Possible sizeof set-from \) \s* ; \s* $ ]x); $targetable{$key} = [$t, $with_size, $arg, $sarg] if $t; } my $END = "!End!\n\n"; # "impossible" keyword (multiple newline) # Match an XS keyword $BLOCK_re= '\s*(' . join('|', qw( REQUIRE BOOT CASE PREINIT INPUT INIT CODE PPCODE OUTPUT CLEANUP ALIAS ATTRS PROTOTYPES PROTOTYPE VERSIONCHECK INCLUDE SCOPE INTERFACE INTERFACE_MACRO C_ARGS POSTCALL OVERLOAD FALLBACK )) . "|$END)\\s*:"; our ($C_group_rex, $C_arg); # Group in C (no support for comments or literals) $C_group_rex = qr/ [({\[] (?: (?> [^()\[\]{}]+ ) | (??{ $C_group_rex }) )* [)}\]] /x ; # Chunk in C without comma at toplevel (no comments): $C_arg = qr/ (?: (?> [^()\[\]{},"']+ ) | (??{ $C_group_rex }) | " (?: (?> [^\\"]+ ) | \\. )* " # String literal | ' (?: (?> [^\\']+ ) | \\. )* ' # Char literal )* /xs; # Identify the version of xsubpp used print <) { if (/^=/) { my $podstartline = $.; do { if (/^=cut\s*$/) { # We can't just write out a /* */ comment, as our embedded # POD might itself be in a comment. We can't put a /**/ # comment inside #if 0, as the C standard says that the source # file is decomposed into preprocessing characters in the stage # before preprocessing commands are executed. # I don't want to leave the text as barewords, because the spec # isn't clear whether macros are expanded before or after # preprocessing commands are executed, and someone pathological # may just have defined one of the 3 words as a macro that does # something strange. Multiline strings are illegal in C, so # the "" we write must be a string literal. And they aren't # concatenated until 2 steps later, so we are safe. # - Nicholas Clark print("#if 0\n \"Skipped embedded POD.\"\n#endif\n"); printf("#line %d \"$filepathname\"\n", $. + 1) if $WantLineNumbers; next firstmodule } } while (<$FH>); # At this point $. is at end of file so die won't state the start # of the problem, and as we haven't yet read any lines &death won't # show the correct line in the message either. die ("Error: Unterminated pod in $filename, line $podstartline\n") unless $lastline; } last if ($Package, $Prefix) = /^MODULE\s*=\s*[\w:]+(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/; print $_; } unless (defined $_) { warn "Didn't find a 'MODULE ... PACKAGE ... PREFIX' line\n"; exit 0; # Not a fatal error for the caller process } print <<"EOF"; #ifndef PERL_UNUSED_VAR # define PERL_UNUSED_VAR(var) if (0) var = var #endif EOF print 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'->end_marker, "\n" if $WantLineNumbers; $lastline = $_; $lastline_no = $.; PARAGRAPH: while (fetch_para()) { # Print initial preprocessor statements and blank lines while (@line && $line[0] !~ /^[^\#]/) { my $line = shift(@line); print $line, "\n"; next unless $line =~ /^\#\s*((if)(?:n?def)?|elsif|else|endif)\b/; my $statement = $+; if ($statement eq 'if') { $XSS_work_idx = @XSStack; push(@XSStack, {type => 'if'}); } else { death ("Error: `$statement' with no matching `if'") if $XSStack[-1]{type} ne 'if'; if ($XSStack[-1]{varname}) { push(@InitFileCode, "#endif\n"); push(@BootCode, "#endif"); } my(@fns) = keys %{$XSStack[-1]{functions}}; if ($statement ne 'endif') { # Hide the functions defined in other #if branches, and reset. @{$XSStack[-1]{other_functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns; @{$XSStack[-1]}{qw(varname functions)} = ('', {}); } else { my($tmp) = pop(@XSStack); 0 while (--$XSS_work_idx && $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{type} ne 'if'); # Keep all new defined functions push(@fns, keys %{$tmp->{other_functions}}); @{$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}}{@fns} = (1) x @fns; } } } next PARAGRAPH unless @line; if ($XSS_work_idx && !$XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname}) { # We are inside an #if, but have not yet #defined its xsubpp variable. print "#define $cpp_next_tmp 1\n\n"; push(@InitFileCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp\n"); push(@BootCode, "#if $cpp_next_tmp"); $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{varname} = $cpp_next_tmp++; } death ("Code is not inside a function" ." (maybe last function was ended by a blank line " ." followed by a statement on column one?)") if $line[0] =~ /^\s/; my ($class, $externC, $static, $elipsis, $wantRETVAL, $RETVAL_no_return); my (@fake_INPUT_pre); # For length(s) generated variables my (@fake_INPUT); # initialize info arrays undef(%args_match); undef(%var_types); undef(%defaults); undef(%arg_list) ; undef(@proto_arg) ; undef($processing_arg_with_types) ; undef(%argtype_seen) ; undef(@outlist) ; undef(%in_out) ; undef(%lengthof) ; undef($proto_in_this_xsub) ; undef($scope_in_this_xsub) ; undef($interface); undef($prepush_done); $interface_macro = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC' ; $interface_macro_set = 'XSINTERFACE_FUNC_SET' ; $ProtoThisXSUB = $WantPrototypes ; $ScopeThisXSUB = 0; $xsreturn = 0; $_ = shift(@line); while (my $kwd = check_keyword("REQUIRE|PROTOTYPES|FALLBACK|VERSIONCHECK|INCLUDE")) { &{"${kwd}_handler"}() ; next PARAGRAPH unless @line ; $_ = shift(@line); } if (check_keyword("BOOT")) { &check_cpp; push (@BootCode, "#line $line_no[@line_no - @line] \"$filepathname\"") if $WantLineNumbers && $line[0] !~ /^\s*#\s*line\b/; push (@BootCode, @line, "") ; next PARAGRAPH ; } # extract return type, function name and arguments ($ret_type) = TidyType($_); $RETVAL_no_return = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^NO_OUTPUT\s+//; # Allow one-line ANSI-like declaration unshift @line, $2 if $process_argtypes and $ret_type =~ s/^(.*?\w.*?)\s*\b(\w+\s*\(.*)/$1/s; # a function definition needs at least 2 lines blurt ("Error: Function definition too short '$ret_type'"), next PARAGRAPH unless @line ; $externC = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^extern "C"\s+//; $static = 1 if $ret_type =~ s/^static\s+//; $func_header = shift(@line); blurt ("Error: Cannot parse function definition from '$func_header'"), next PARAGRAPH unless $func_header =~ /^(?:([\w:]*)::)?(\w+)\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)\s*(const)?\s*(;\s*)?$/s; ($class, $func_name, $orig_args) = ($1, $2, $3) ; $class = "$4 $class" if $4; ($pname = $func_name) =~ s/^($Prefix)?/$Packprefix/; ($clean_func_name = $func_name) =~ s/^$Prefix//; $Full_func_name = "${Packid}_$clean_func_name"; if ($Is_VMS) { $Full_func_name = $SymSet->addsym($Full_func_name); } # Check for duplicate function definition for my $tmp (@XSStack) { next unless defined $tmp->{functions}{$Full_func_name}; Warn("Warning: duplicate function definition '$clean_func_name' detected"); last; } $XSStack[$XSS_work_idx]{functions}{$Full_func_name} ++ ; %XsubAliases = %XsubAliasValues = %Interfaces = @Attributes = (); $DoSetMagic = 1; $orig_args =~ s/\\\s*/ /g; # process line continuations my @args; my %only_C_inlist; # Not in the signature of Perl function if ($process_argtypes and $orig_args =~ /\S/) { my $args = "$orig_args ,"; if ($args =~ /^( (??{ $C_arg }) , )* $ /x) { @args = ($args =~ /\G ( (??{ $C_arg }) ) , /xg); for ( @args ) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; my ($arg, $default) = / ( [^=]* ) ( (?: = .* )? ) /x; my ($pre, $name) = ($arg =~ /(.*?) \s* \b ( \w+ | length\( \s*\w+\s* \) ) \s* $ /x); next unless defined($pre) && length($pre); my $out_type; my $inout_var; if ($process_inout and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//) { my $type = $1; $out_type = $type if $type ne 'IN'; $arg =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//; $pre =~ s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|OUT|IN_OUT)\s+//; } my $islength; if ($name =~ /^length\( \s* (\w+) \s* \)\z/x) { $name = "XSauto_length_of_$1"; $islength = 1; die "Default value on length() argument: `$_'" if length $default; } if (length $pre or $islength) { # Has a type if ($islength) { push @fake_INPUT_pre, $arg; } else { push @fake_INPUT, $arg; } # warn "pushing '$arg'\n"; $argtype_seen{$name}++; $_ = "$name$default"; # Assigns to @args } $only_C_inlist{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST" or $islength; push @outlist, $name if $out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/; $in_out{$name} = $out_type if $out_type; } } else { @args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args); Warn("Warning: cannot parse argument list '$orig_args', fallback to split"); } } else { @args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $orig_args); for (@args) { if ($process_inout and s/^(IN|IN_OUTLIST|OUTLIST|IN_OUT|OUT)\s+//) { my $out_type = $1; next if $out_type eq 'IN'; $only_C_inlist{$_} = 1 if $out_type eq "OUTLIST"; push @outlist, $name if $out_type =~ /OUTLIST$/; $in_out{$_} = $out_type; } } } if (defined($class)) { my $arg0 = ((defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new') ? "CLASS" : "THIS"); unshift(@args, $arg0); ($report_args = "$arg0, $report_args") =~ s/^\w+, $/$arg0/; } my $extra_args = 0; @args_num = (); $num_args = 0; my $report_args = ''; foreach my $i (0 .. $#args) { if ($args[$i] =~ s/\.\.\.//) { $elipsis = 1; if ($args[$i] eq '' && $i == $#args) { $report_args .= ", ..."; pop(@args); last; } } if ($only_C_inlist{$args[$i]}) { push @args_num, undef; } else { push @args_num, ++$num_args; $report_args .= ", $args[$i]"; } if ($args[$i] =~ /^([^=]*[^\s=])\s*=\s*(.*)/s) { $extra_args++; $args[$i] = $1; $defaults{$args[$i]} = $2; $defaults{$args[$i]} =~ s/"/\\"/g; } $proto_arg[$i+1] = '$' ; } $min_args = $num_args - $extra_args; $report_args =~ s/"/\\"/g; $report_args =~ s/^,\s+//; my @func_args = @args; shift @func_args if defined($class); for (@func_args) { s/^/&/ if $in_out{$_}; } $func_args = join(", ", @func_args); @args_match{@args} = @args_num; $PPCODE = grep(/^\s*PPCODE\s*:/, @line); $CODE = grep(/^\s*CODE\s*:/, @line); # Detect CODE: blocks which use ST(n)= or XST_m*(n,v) # to set explicit return values. $EXPLICIT_RETURN = ($CODE && ("@line" =~ /(\bST\s*\([^;]*=) | (\bXST_m\w+\s*\()/x )); $ALIAS = grep(/^\s*ALIAS\s*:/, @line); $INTERFACE = grep(/^\s*INTERFACE\s*:/, @line); $xsreturn = 1 if $EXPLICIT_RETURN; $externC = $externC ? qq[extern "C"] : ""; # print function header print Q(<<"EOF"); #$externC #XS(XS_${Full_func_name}); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */ #XS(XS_${Full_func_name}) #[[ ##ifdef dVAR # dVAR; dXSARGS; ##else # dXSARGS; ##endif EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if $ALIAS ; # dXSI32; EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if $INTERFACE ; # dXSFUNCTION($ret_type); EOF if ($elipsis) { $cond = ($min_args ? qq(items < $min_args) : 0); } elsif ($min_args == $num_args) { $cond = qq(items != $min_args); } else { $cond = qq(items < $min_args || items > $num_args); } print Q(<<"EOF") if $except; # char errbuf[1024]; # *errbuf = '\0'; EOF if ($ALIAS) { print Q(<<"EOF") if $cond } # if ($cond) # Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: %s($report_args)", GvNAME(CvGV(cv))); EOF else { print Q(<<"EOF") if $cond } # if ($cond) # Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Usage: $pname($report_args)"); EOF # cv doesn't seem to be used, in most cases unless we go in # the if of this else print Q(<<"EOF"); # PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */ EOF #gcc -Wall: if an xsub has PPCODE is used #it is possible none of ST, XSRETURN or XSprePUSH macros are used #hence `ax' (setup by dXSARGS) is unused #XXX: could breakup the dXSARGS; into dSP;dMARK;dITEMS #but such a move could break third-party extensions print Q(<<"EOF") if $PPCODE; # PERL_UNUSED_VAR(ax); /* -Wall */ EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if $PPCODE; # SP -= items; EOF # Now do a block of some sort. $condnum = 0; $cond = ''; # last CASE: condidional push(@line, "$END:"); push(@line_no, $line_no[-1]); $_ = ''; &check_cpp; while (@line) { &CASE_handler if check_keyword("CASE"); print Q(<<"EOF"); # $except [[ EOF # do initialization of input variables $thisdone = 0; $retvaldone = 0; $deferred = ""; %arg_list = () ; $gotRETVAL = 0; INPUT_handler() ; process_keyword("INPUT|PREINIT|INTERFACE_MACRO|C_ARGS|ALIAS|ATTRS|PROTOTYPE|SCOPE|OVERLOAD") ; print Q(<<"EOF") if $ScopeThisXSUB; # ENTER; # [[ EOF if (!$thisdone && defined($class)) { if (defined($static) or $func_name eq 'new') { print "\tchar *"; $var_types{"CLASS"} = "char *"; &generate_init("char *", 1, "CLASS"); } else { print "\t$class *"; $var_types{"THIS"} = "$class *"; &generate_init("$class *", 1, "THIS"); } } # do code if (/^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/) { print "\n\tPerl_croak(aTHX_ \"$pname: not implemented yet\");\n"; $_ = '' ; } else { if ($ret_type ne "void") { print "\t" . &map_type($ret_type, 'RETVAL') . ";\n" if !$retvaldone; $args_match{"RETVAL"} = 0; $var_types{"RETVAL"} = $ret_type; print "\tdXSTARG;\n" if $WantOptimize and $targetable{$type_kind{$ret_type}}; } if (@fake_INPUT or @fake_INPUT_pre) { unshift @line, @fake_INPUT_pre, @fake_INPUT, $_; $_ = ""; $processing_arg_with_types = 1; INPUT_handler() ; } print $deferred; process_keyword("INIT|ALIAS|ATTRS|PROTOTYPE|INTERFACE_MACRO|INTERFACE|C_ARGS|OVERLOAD") ; if (check_keyword("PPCODE")) { print_section(); death ("PPCODE must be last thing") if @line; print "\tLEAVE;\n" if $ScopeThisXSUB; print "\tPUTBACK;\n\treturn;\n"; } elsif (check_keyword("CODE")) { print_section() ; } elsif (defined($class) and $func_name eq "DESTROY") { print "\n\t"; print "delete THIS;\n"; } else { print "\n\t"; if ($ret_type ne "void") { print "RETVAL = "; $wantRETVAL = 1; } if (defined($static)) { if ($func_name eq 'new') { $func_name = "$class"; } else { print "${class}::"; } } elsif (defined($class)) { if ($func_name eq 'new') { $func_name .= " $class"; } else { print "THIS->"; } } $func_name =~ s/^\Q$args{'s'}// if exists $args{'s'}; $func_name = 'XSFUNCTION' if $interface; print "$func_name($func_args);\n"; } } # do output variables $gotRETVAL = 0; # 1 if RETVAL seen in OUTPUT section; undef $RETVAL_code ; # code to set RETVAL (from OUTPUT section); # $wantRETVAL set if 'RETVAL =' autogenerated ($wantRETVAL, $ret_type) = (0, 'void') if $RETVAL_no_return; undef %outargs ; process_keyword("POSTCALL|OUTPUT|ALIAS|ATTRS|PROTOTYPE|OVERLOAD"); &generate_output($var_types{$_}, $args_match{$_}, $_, $DoSetMagic) for grep $in_out{$_} =~ /OUT$/, keys %in_out; # all OUTPUT done, so now push the return value on the stack if ($gotRETVAL && $RETVAL_code) { print "\t$RETVAL_code\n"; } elsif ($gotRETVAL || $wantRETVAL) { my $t = $WantOptimize && $targetable{$type_kind{$ret_type}}; my $var = 'RETVAL'; my $type = $ret_type; # 0: type, 1: with_size, 2: how, 3: how_size if ($t and not $t->[1] and $t->[0] eq 'p') { # PUSHp corresponds to setpvn. Treate setpv directly my $what = eval qq("$t->[2]"); warn $@ if $@; print "\tsv_setpv(TARG, $what); XSprePUSH; PUSHTARG;\n"; $prepush_done = 1; } elsif ($t) { my $what = eval qq("$t->[2]"); warn $@ if $@; my $size = $t->[3]; $size = '' unless defined $size; $size = eval qq("$size"); warn $@ if $@; print "\tXSprePUSH; PUSH$t->[0]($what$size);\n"; $prepush_done = 1; } else { # RETVAL almost never needs SvSETMAGIC() &generate_output($ret_type, 0, 'RETVAL', 0); } } $xsreturn = 1 if $ret_type ne "void"; my $num = $xsreturn; my $c = @outlist; print "\tXSprePUSH;" if $c and not $prepush_done; print "\tEXTEND(SP,$c);\n" if $c; $xsreturn += $c; generate_output($var_types{$_}, $num++, $_, 0, 1) for @outlist; # do cleanup process_keyword("CLEANUP|ALIAS|ATTRS|PROTOTYPE|OVERLOAD") ; print Q(<<"EOF") if $ScopeThisXSUB; # ]] EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if $ScopeThisXSUB and not $PPCODE; # LEAVE; EOF # print function trailer print Q(<<"EOF"); # ]] EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if $except; # BEGHANDLERS # CATCHALL # sprintf(errbuf, "%s: %s\\tpropagated", Xname, Xreason); # ENDHANDLERS EOF if (check_keyword("CASE")) { blurt ("Error: No `CASE:' at top of function") unless $condnum; $_ = "CASE: $_"; # Restore CASE: label next; } last if $_ eq "$END:"; death(/^$BLOCK_re/o ? "Misplaced `$1:'" : "Junk at end of function"); } print Q(<<"EOF") if $except; # if (errbuf[0]) # Perl_croak(aTHX_ errbuf); EOF if ($xsreturn) { print Q(<<"EOF") unless $PPCODE; # XSRETURN($xsreturn); EOF } else { print Q(<<"EOF") unless $PPCODE; # XSRETURN_EMPTY; EOF } print Q(<<"EOF"); #]] # EOF my $newXS = "newXS" ; my $proto = "" ; # Build the prototype string for the xsub if ($ProtoThisXSUB) { $newXS = "newXSproto"; if ($ProtoThisXSUB eq 2) { # User has specified empty prototype } elsif ($ProtoThisXSUB eq 1) { my $s = ';'; if ($min_args < $num_args) { $s = ''; $proto_arg[$min_args] .= ";" ; } push @proto_arg, "$s\@" if $elipsis ; $proto = join ("", grep defined, @proto_arg); } else { # User has specified a prototype $proto = $ProtoThisXSUB; } $proto = qq{, "$proto"}; } if (%XsubAliases) { $XsubAliases{$pname} = 0 unless defined $XsubAliases{$pname} ; while ( ($name, $value) = each %XsubAliases) { push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF")); # cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file); # XSANY.any_i32 = $value ; EOF push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF")) if $proto; # sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ; EOF } } elsif (@Attributes) { push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF")); # cv = newXS(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file); # apply_attrs_string("$Package", cv, "@Attributes", 0); EOF } elsif ($interface) { while ( ($name, $value) = each %Interfaces) { $name = "$Package\::$name" unless $name =~ /::/; push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF")); # cv = newXS(\"$name\", XS_$Full_func_name, file); # $interface_macro_set(cv,$value) ; EOF push(@InitFileCode, Q(<<"EOF")) if $proto; # sv_setpv((SV*)cv$proto) ; EOF } } else { push(@InitFileCode, " ${newXS}(\"$pname\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$proto);\n"); } } if ($Overload) # make it findable with fetchmethod { print Q(<<"EOF"); #XS(XS_${Packid}_nil); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */ #XS(XS_${Packid}_nil) #{ # XSRETURN_EMPTY; #} # EOF unshift(@InitFileCode, <<"MAKE_FETCHMETHOD_WORK"); /* Making a sub named "${Package}::()" allows the package */ /* to be findable via fetchmethod(), and causes */ /* overload::Overloaded("${Package}") to return true. */ newXS("${Package}::()", XS_${Packid}_nil, file$proto); MAKE_FETCHMETHOD_WORK } # print initialization routine print Q(<<"EOF"); ##ifdef __cplusplus #extern "C" ##endif EOF print Q(<<"EOF"); #XS(boot_$Module_cname); /* prototype to pass -Wmissing-prototypes */ #XS(boot_$Module_cname) EOF print Q(<<"EOF"); #[[ ##ifdef dVAR # dVAR; dXSARGS; ##else # dXSARGS; ##endif EOF #-Wall: if there is no $Full_func_name there are no xsubs in this .xs #so `file' is unused print Q(<<"EOF") if $Full_func_name; # char* file = __FILE__; EOF print Q("#\n"); print Q(<<"EOF"); # PERL_UNUSED_VAR(cv); /* -W */ # PERL_UNUSED_VAR(items); /* -W */ EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if $WantVersionChk ; # XS_VERSION_BOOTCHECK ; # EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ; # { # CV * cv ; # EOF print Q(<<"EOF") if ($Overload); # /* register the overloading (type 'A') magic */ # PL_amagic_generation++; # /* The magic for overload gets a GV* via gv_fetchmeth as */ # /* mentioned above, and looks in the SV* slot of it for */ # /* the "fallback" status. */ # sv_setsv( # get_sv( "${Package}::()", TRUE ), # $Fallback # ); EOF print @InitFileCode; print Q(<<"EOF") if defined $XsubAliases or defined $Interfaces ; # } EOF if (@BootCode) { print "\n /* Initialisation Section */\n\n" ; @line = @BootCode; print_section(); print "\n /* End of Initialisation Section */\n\n" ; } print Q(<<"EOF"); # XSRETURN_YES; #]] # EOF warn("Please specify prototyping behavior for $filename (see perlxs manual)\n") unless $ProtoUsed ; chdir($orig_cwd); select($orig_fh); untie *PSEUDO_STDOUT if tied *PSEUDO_STDOUT; close $FH; return 1; } sub errors { $errors } sub standard_typemap_locations { # Add all the default typemap locations to the search path my @tm = qw(typemap); my $updir = File::Spec->updir; foreach my $dir (File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 1), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 2), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 3), File::Spec->catdir(($updir) x 4)) { unshift @tm, File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'typemap'); unshift @tm, File::Spec->catfile($dir, lib => ExtUtils => 'typemap'); } foreach my $dir (@INC) { my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, ExtUtils => 'typemap'); unshift @tm, $file if -e $file; } return @tm; } sub TrimWhitespace { $_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//go ; } sub TidyType { local ($_) = @_ ; # rationalise any '*' by joining them into bunches and removing whitespace s#\s*(\*+)\s*#$1#g; s#(\*+)# $1 #g ; # change multiple whitespace into a single space s/\s+/ /g ; # trim leading & trailing whitespace TrimWhitespace($_) ; $_ ; } # Input: ($_, @line) == unparsed input. # Output: ($_, @line) == (rest of line, following lines). # Return: the matched keyword if found, otherwise 0 sub check_keyword { $_ = shift(@line) while !/\S/ && @line; s/^(\s*)($_[0])\s*:\s*(?:#.*)?/$1/s && $2; } sub print_section { # the "do" is required for right semantics do { $_ = shift(@line) } while !/\S/ && @line; print("#line ", $line_no[@line_no - @line -1], " \"$filepathname\"\n") if $WantLineNumbers && !/^\s*#\s*line\b/ && !/^#if XSubPPtmp/; for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { print "$_\n"; } print 'ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines'->end_marker, "\n" if $WantLineNumbers; } sub merge_section { my $in = ''; while (!/\S/ && @line) { $_ = shift(@line); } for (; defined($_) && !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { $in .= "$_\n"; } chomp $in; return $in; } sub process_keyword($) { my($pattern) = @_ ; my $kwd ; &{"${kwd}_handler"}() while $kwd = check_keyword($pattern) ; } sub CASE_handler { blurt ("Error: `CASE:' after unconditional `CASE:'") if $condnum && $cond eq ''; $cond = $_; TrimWhitespace($cond); print " ", ($condnum++ ? " else" : ""), ($cond ? " if ($cond)\n" : "\n"); $_ = '' ; } sub INPUT_handler { for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { last if /^\s*NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET/; next unless /\S/; # skip blank lines TrimWhitespace($_) ; my $line = $_ ; # remove trailing semicolon if no initialisation s/\s*;$//g unless /[=;+].*\S/ ; # Process the length(foo) declarations if (s/^([^=]*)\blength\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)\s*$/$1 XSauto_length_of_$2=NO_INIT/x) { print "\tSTRLEN\tSTRLEN_length_of_$2;\n"; $lengthof{$2} = $name; # $islengthof{$name} = $1; $deferred .= "\n\tXSauto_length_of_$2 = STRLEN_length_of_$2;"; } # check for optional initialisation code my $var_init = '' ; $var_init = $1 if s/\s*([=;+].*)$//s ; $var_init =~ s/"/\\"/g; s/\s+/ /g; my ($var_type, $var_addr, $var_name) = /^(.*?[^&\s])\s*(\&?)\s*\b(\w+)$/s or blurt("Error: invalid argument declaration '$line'"), next; # Check for duplicate definitions blurt ("Error: duplicate definition of argument '$var_name' ignored"), next if $arg_list{$var_name}++ or defined $argtype_seen{$var_name} and not $processing_arg_with_types; $thisdone |= $var_name eq "THIS"; $retvaldone |= $var_name eq "RETVAL"; $var_types{$var_name} = $var_type; # XXXX This check is a safeguard against the unfinished conversion of # generate_init(). When generate_init() is fixed, # one can use 2-args map_type() unconditionally. if ($var_type =~ / \( \s* \* \s* \) /x) { # Function pointers are not yet supported with &output_init! print "\t" . &map_type($var_type, $var_name); $name_printed = 1; } else { print "\t" . &map_type($var_type); $name_printed = 0; } $var_num = $args_match{$var_name}; $proto_arg[$var_num] = ProtoString($var_type) if $var_num ; $func_args =~ s/\b($var_name)\b/&$1/ if $var_addr; if ($var_init =~ /^[=;]\s*NO_INIT\s*;?\s*$/ or $in_out{$var_name} and $in_out{$var_name} =~ /^OUT/ and $var_init !~ /\S/) { if ($name_printed) { print ";\n"; } else { print "\t$var_name;\n"; } } elsif ($var_init =~ /\S/) { &output_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name, $var_init, $name_printed); } elsif ($var_num) { # generate initialization code &generate_init($var_type, $var_num, $var_name, $name_printed); } else { print ";\n"; } } } sub OUTPUT_handler { for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { next unless /\S/; if (/^\s*SETMAGIC\s*:\s*(ENABLE|DISABLE)\s*/) { $DoSetMagic = ($1 eq "ENABLE" ? 1 : 0); next; } my ($outarg, $outcode) = /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/s ; blurt ("Error: duplicate OUTPUT argument '$outarg' ignored"), next if $outargs{$outarg} ++ ; if (!$gotRETVAL and $outarg eq 'RETVAL') { # deal with RETVAL last $RETVAL_code = $outcode ; $gotRETVAL = 1 ; next ; } blurt ("Error: OUTPUT $outarg not an argument"), next unless defined($args_match{$outarg}); blurt("Error: No input definition for OUTPUT argument '$outarg' - ignored"), next unless defined $var_types{$outarg} ; $var_num = $args_match{$outarg}; if ($outcode) { print "\t$outcode\n"; print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(" , $var_num-1 , "));\n" if $DoSetMagic; } else { &generate_output($var_types{$outarg}, $var_num, $outarg, $DoSetMagic); } delete $in_out{$outarg} # No need to auto-OUTPUT if exists $in_out{$outarg} and $in_out{$outarg} =~ /OUT$/; } } sub C_ARGS_handler() { my $in = merge_section(); TrimWhitespace($in); $func_args = $in; } sub INTERFACE_MACRO_handler() { my $in = merge_section(); TrimWhitespace($in); if ($in =~ /\s/) { # two ($interface_macro, $interface_macro_set) = split ' ', $in; } else { $interface_macro = $in; $interface_macro_set = 'UNKNOWN_CVT'; # catch later } $interface = 1; # local $Interfaces = 1; # global } sub INTERFACE_handler() { my $in = merge_section(); TrimWhitespace($in); foreach (split /[\s,]+/, $in) { my $name = $_; $name =~ s/^$Prefix//; $Interfaces{$name} = $_; } print Q(<<"EOF"); # XSFUNCTION = $interface_macro($ret_type,cv,XSANY.any_dptr); EOF $interface = 1; # local $Interfaces = 1; # global } sub CLEANUP_handler() { print_section() } sub PREINIT_handler() { print_section() } sub POSTCALL_handler() { print_section() } sub INIT_handler() { print_section() } sub GetAliases { my ($line) = @_ ; my ($orig) = $line ; my ($alias) ; my ($value) ; # Parse alias definitions # format is # alias = value alias = value ... while ($line =~ s/^\s*([\w:]+)\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*//) { $alias = $1 ; $orig_alias = $alias ; $value = $2 ; # check for optional package definition in the alias $alias = $Packprefix . $alias if $alias !~ /::/ ; # check for duplicate alias name & duplicate value Warn("Warning: Ignoring duplicate alias '$orig_alias'") if defined $XsubAliases{$alias} ; Warn("Warning: Aliases '$orig_alias' and '$XsubAliasValues{$value}' have identical values") if $XsubAliasValues{$value} ; $XsubAliases = 1; $XsubAliases{$alias} = $value ; $XsubAliasValues{$value} = $orig_alias ; } blurt("Error: Cannot parse ALIAS definitions from '$orig'") if $line ; } sub ATTRS_handler () { for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { next unless /\S/; TrimWhitespace($_) ; push @Attributes, $_; } } sub ALIAS_handler () { for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { next unless /\S/; TrimWhitespace($_) ; GetAliases($_) if $_ ; } } sub OVERLOAD_handler() { for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { next unless /\S/; TrimWhitespace($_) ; while ( s/^\s*([\w:"\\)\+\-\*\/\%\<\>\.\&\|\^\!\~\{\}\=]+)\s*//) { $Overload = 1 unless $Overload; my $overload = "$Package\::(".$1 ; push(@InitFileCode, " newXS(\"$overload\", XS_$Full_func_name, file$proto);\n"); } } } sub FALLBACK_handler() { # the rest of the current line should contain either TRUE, # FALSE or UNDEF TrimWhitespace($_) ; my %map = ( TRUE => "PL_sv_yes", 1 => "PL_sv_yes", FALSE => "PL_sv_no", 0 => "PL_sv_no", UNDEF => "PL_sv_undef", ) ; # check for valid FALLBACK value death ("Error: FALLBACK: TRUE/FALSE/UNDEF") unless exists $map{uc $_} ; $Fallback = $map{uc $_} ; } sub REQUIRE_handler () { # the rest of the current line should contain a version number my ($Ver) = $_ ; TrimWhitespace($Ver) ; death ("Error: REQUIRE expects a version number") unless $Ver ; # check that the version number is of the form n.n death ("Error: REQUIRE: expected a number, got '$Ver'") unless $Ver =~ /^\d+(\.\d*)?/ ; death ("Error: xsubpp $Ver (or better) required--this is only $VERSION.") unless $VERSION >= $Ver ; } sub VERSIONCHECK_handler () { # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or # DISABLE TrimWhitespace($_) ; # check for ENABLE/DISABLE death ("Error: VERSIONCHECK: ENABLE/DISABLE") unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ; $WantVersionChk = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ; $WantVersionChk = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ; } sub PROTOTYPE_handler () { my $specified ; death("Error: Only 1 PROTOTYPE definition allowed per xsub") if $proto_in_this_xsub ++ ; for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { next unless /\S/; $specified = 1 ; TrimWhitespace($_) ; if ($_ eq 'DISABLE') { $ProtoThisXSUB = 0 } elsif ($_ eq 'ENABLE') { $ProtoThisXSUB = 1 } else { # remove any whitespace s/\s+//g ; death("Error: Invalid prototype '$_'") unless ValidProtoString($_) ; $ProtoThisXSUB = C_string($_) ; } } # If no prototype specified, then assume empty prototype "" $ProtoThisXSUB = 2 unless $specified ; $ProtoUsed = 1 ; } sub SCOPE_handler () { death("Error: Only 1 SCOPE declaration allowed per xsub") if $scope_in_this_xsub ++ ; for (; !/^$BLOCK_re/o; $_ = shift(@line)) { next unless /\S/; TrimWhitespace($_) ; if ($_ =~ /^DISABLE/i) { $ScopeThisXSUB = 0 } elsif ($_ =~ /^ENABLE/i) { $ScopeThisXSUB = 1 } } } sub PROTOTYPES_handler () { # the rest of the current line should contain either ENABLE or # DISABLE TrimWhitespace($_) ; # check for ENABLE/DISABLE death ("Error: PROTOTYPES: ENABLE/DISABLE") unless /^(ENABLE|DISABLE)/i ; $WantPrototypes = 1 if $1 eq 'ENABLE' ; $WantPrototypes = 0 if $1 eq 'DISABLE' ; $ProtoUsed = 1 ; } sub INCLUDE_handler () { # the rest of the current line should contain a valid filename TrimWhitespace($_) ; death("INCLUDE: filename missing") unless $_ ; death("INCLUDE: output pipe is illegal") if /^\s*\|/ ; # simple minded recursion detector death("INCLUDE loop detected") if $IncludedFiles{$_} ; ++ $IncludedFiles{$_} unless /\|\s*$/ ; # Save the current file context. push(@XSStack, { type => 'file', LastLine => $lastline, LastLineNo => $lastline_no, Line => \@line, LineNo => \@line_no, Filename => $filename, Filepathname => $filepathname, Handle => $FH, }) ; $FH = Symbol::gensym(); # open the new file open ($FH, "$_") or death("Cannot open '$_': $!") ; print Q(<<"EOF"); # #/* INCLUDE: Including '$_' from '$filename' */ # EOF $filepathname = $filename = $_ ; # Prime the pump by reading the first # non-blank line # skip leading blank lines while (<$FH>) { last unless /^\s*$/ ; } $lastline = $_ ; $lastline_no = $. ; } sub PopFile() { return 0 unless $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'file' ; my $data = pop @XSStack ; my $ThisFile = $filename ; my $isPipe = ($filename =~ /\|\s*$/) ; -- $IncludedFiles{$filename} unless $isPipe ; close $FH ; $FH = $data->{Handle} ; # $filename is the leafname, which for some reason isused for diagnostic # messages, whereas $filepathname is the full pathname, and is used for # #line directives. $filename = $data->{Filename} ; $filepathname = $data->{Filepathname} ; $lastline = $data->{LastLine} ; $lastline_no = $data->{LastLineNo} ; @line = @{ $data->{Line} } ; @line_no = @{ $data->{LineNo} } ; if ($isPipe and $? ) { -- $lastline_no ; print STDERR "Error reading from pipe '$ThisFile': $! in $filename, line $lastline_no\n" ; exit 1 ; } print Q(<<"EOF"); # #/* INCLUDE: Returning to '$filename' from '$ThisFile' */ # EOF return 1 ; } sub ValidProtoString ($) { my($string) = @_ ; if ( $string =~ /^$proto_re+$/ ) { return $string ; } return 0 ; } sub C_string ($) { my($string) = @_ ; $string =~ s[\\][\\\\]g ; $string ; } sub ProtoString ($) { my ($type) = @_ ; $proto_letter{$type} or "\$" ; } sub check_cpp { my @cpp = grep(/^\#\s*(?:if|e\w+)/, @line); if (@cpp) { my ($cpp, $cpplevel); for $cpp (@cpp) { if ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*if/) { $cpplevel++; } elsif (!$cpplevel) { Warn("Warning: #else/elif/endif without #if in this function"); print STDERR " (precede it with a blank line if the matching #if is outside the function)\n" if $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if'; return; } elsif ($cpp =~ /^\#\s*endif/) { $cpplevel--; } } Warn("Warning: #if without #endif in this function") if $cpplevel; } } sub Q { my($text) = @_; $text =~ s/^#//gm; $text =~ s/\[\[/{/g; $text =~ s/\]\]/}/g; $text; } # Read next xsub into @line from ($lastline, <$FH>). sub fetch_para { # parse paragraph death ("Error: Unterminated `#if/#ifdef/#ifndef'") if !defined $lastline && $XSStack[-1]{type} eq 'if'; @line = (); @line_no = () ; return PopFile() if !defined $lastline; if ($lastline =~ /^MODULE\s*=\s*([\w:]+)(?:\s+PACKAGE\s*=\s*([\w:]+))?(?:\s+PREFIX\s*=\s*(\S+))?\s*$/) { $Module = $1; $Package = defined($2) ? $2 : ''; # keep -w happy $Prefix = defined($3) ? $3 : ''; # keep -w happy $Prefix = quotemeta $Prefix ; ($Module_cname = $Module) =~ s/\W/_/g; ($Packid = $Package) =~ tr/:/_/; $Packprefix = $Package; $Packprefix .= "::" if $Packprefix ne ""; $lastline = ""; } for (;;) { # Skip embedded PODs while ($lastline =~ /^=/) { while ($lastline = <$FH>) { last if ($lastline =~ /^=cut\s*$/); } death ("Error: Unterminated pod") unless $lastline; $lastline = <$FH>; chomp $lastline; $lastline =~ s/^\s+$//; } if ($lastline !~ /^\s*#/ || # CPP directives: # ANSI: if ifdef ifndef elif else endif define undef # line error pragma # gcc: warning include_next # obj-c: import # others: ident (gcc notes that some cpps have this one) $lastline =~ /^#[ \t]*(?:(?:if|ifn?def|elif|else|endif|define|undef|pragma|error|warning|line\s+\d+|ident)\b|(?:include(?:_next)?|import)\s*["<].*[>"])/) { last if $lastline =~ /^\S/ && @line && $line[-1] eq ""; push(@line, $lastline); push(@line_no, $lastline_no) ; } # Read next line and continuation lines last unless defined($lastline = <$FH>); $lastline_no = $.; my $tmp_line; $lastline .= $tmp_line while ($lastline =~ /\\$/ && defined($tmp_line = <$FH>)); chomp $lastline; $lastline =~ s/^\s+$//; } pop(@line), pop(@line_no) while @line && $line[-1] eq ""; 1; } sub output_init { local($type, $num, $var, $init, $name_printed) = @_; local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")"; if ( $init =~ /^=/ ) { if ($name_printed) { eval qq/print " $init\\n"/; } else { eval qq/print "\\t$var $init\\n"/; } warn $@ if $@; } else { if ( $init =~ s/^\+// && $num ) { &generate_init($type, $num, $var, $name_printed); } elsif ($name_printed) { print ";\n"; $init =~ s/^;//; } else { eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/; warn $@ if $@; $init =~ s/^;//; } $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\t$init\\n"/; warn $@ if $@; } } sub Warn { # work out the line number my $line_no = $line_no[@line_no - @line -1] ; print STDERR "@_ in $filename, line $line_no\n" ; } sub blurt { Warn @_ ; $errors ++ } sub death { Warn @_ ; exit 1 ; } sub generate_init { local($type, $num, $var) = @_; local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - 1) . ")"; local($argoff) = $num - 1; local($ntype); local($tk); $type = TidyType($type) ; blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return unless defined($type_kind{$type}); ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g; ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//; $tk = $type_kind{$type}; $tk =~ s/OBJ$/REF/ if $func_name =~ /DESTROY$/; if ($tk eq 'T_PV' and exists $lengthof{$var}) { print "\t$var" unless $name_printed; print " = ($type)SvPV($arg, STRLEN_length_of_$var);\n"; die "default value not supported with length(NAME) supplied" if defined $defaults{$var}; return; } $type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $hiertype; blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '$type_kind{$type}' found"), return unless defined $input_expr{$tk} ; $expr = $input_expr{$tk}; if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) { blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return unless defined($type_kind{$subtype}); blurt("Error: No INPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '$type_kind{$subtype}' found"), return unless defined $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ; $subexpr = $input_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}}; $subexpr =~ s/\$type/\$subtype/g; $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g; $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g; $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g; $subexpr =~ s/is not of (.*\")/[arg %d] is not of $1, ix_$var + 1/g; $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var - $argoff]/; $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM/$subexpr/; } if ($expr =~ m#/\*.*scope.*\*/#i) { # "scope" in C comments $ScopeThisXSUB = 1; } if (defined($defaults{$var})) { $expr =~ s/(\t+)/$1 /g; $expr =~ s/ /\t/g; if ($name_printed) { print ";\n"; } else { eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/; warn $@ if $@; } if ($defaults{$var} eq 'NO_INIT') { $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items >= $num) {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/; } else { $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n\\tif (items < $num)\\n\\t $var = $defaults{$var};\\n\\telse {\\n$expr;\\n\\t}\\n"/; } warn $@ if $@; } elsif ($ScopeThisXSUB or $expr !~ /^\s*\$var =/) { if ($name_printed) { print ";\n"; } else { eval qq/print "\\t$var;\\n"/; warn $@ if $@; } $deferred .= eval qq/"\\n$expr;\\n"/; warn $@ if $@; } else { die "panic: do not know how to handle this branch for function pointers" if $name_printed; eval qq/print "$expr;\\n"/; warn $@ if $@; } } sub generate_output { local($type, $num, $var, $do_setmagic, $do_push) = @_; local($arg) = "ST(" . ($num - ($num != 0)) . ")"; local($argoff) = $num - 1; local($ntype); $type = TidyType($type) ; if ($type =~ /^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\)/) { print "\t$arg = sv_newmortal();\n"; print "\tsv_setpvn($arg, (char *)$var, $2 * sizeof($1));\n"; print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic; } else { blurt("Error: '$type' not in typemap"), return unless defined($type_kind{$type}); blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$type', typekind '$type_kind{$type}' found"), return unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}} ; ($ntype = $type) =~ s/\s*\*/Ptr/g; $ntype =~ s/\(\)//g; ($subtype = $ntype) =~ s/(?:Array)?(?:Ptr)?$//; $expr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$type}}; if ($expr =~ /DO_ARRAY_ELEM/) { blurt("Error: '$subtype' not in typemap"), return unless defined($type_kind{$subtype}); blurt("Error: No OUTPUT definition for type '$subtype', typekind '$type_kind{$subtype}' found"), return unless defined $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}} ; $subexpr = $output_expr{$type_kind{$subtype}}; $subexpr =~ s/ntype/subtype/g; $subexpr =~ s/\$arg/ST(ix_$var)/g; $subexpr =~ s/\$var/${var}[ix_$var]/g; $subexpr =~ s/\n\t/\n\t\t/g; $expr =~ s/DO_ARRAY_ELEM\n/$subexpr/; eval "print qq\a$expr\a"; warn $@ if $@; print "\t\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(ix_$var));\n" if $do_setmagic; } elsif ($var eq 'RETVAL') { if ($expr =~ /^\t\$arg = new/) { # We expect that $arg has refcnt 1, so we need to # mortalize it. eval "print qq\a$expr\a"; warn $@ if $@; print "\tsv_2mortal(ST($num));\n"; print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST($num));\n" if $do_setmagic; } elsif ($expr =~ /^\s*\$arg\s*=/) { # We expect that $arg has refcnt >=1, so we need # to mortalize it! eval "print qq\a$expr\a"; warn $@ if $@; print "\tsv_2mortal(ST(0));\n"; print "\tSvSETMAGIC(ST(0));\n" if $do_setmagic; } else { # Just hope that the entry would safely write it # over an already mortalized value. By # coincidence, something like $arg = &sv_undef # works too. print "\tST(0) = sv_newmortal();\n"; eval "print qq\a$expr\a"; warn $@ if $@; # new mortals don't have set magic } } elsif ($do_push) { print "\tPUSHs(sv_newmortal());\n"; $arg = "ST($num)"; eval "print qq\a$expr\a"; warn $@ if $@; print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic; } elsif ($arg =~ /^ST\(\d+\)$/) { eval "print qq\a$expr\a"; warn $@ if $@; print "\tSvSETMAGIC($arg);\n" if $do_setmagic; } } } sub map_type { my($type, $varname) = @_; # C++ has :: in types too so skip this $type =~ tr/:/_/ unless $hiertype; $type =~ s/^array\(([^,]*),(.*)\).*/$1 */s; if ($varname) { if ($varname && $type =~ / \( \s* \* (?= \s* \) ) /xg) { (substr $type, pos $type, 0) = " $varname "; } else { $type .= "\t$varname"; } } $type; } ######################################################### package ExtUtils::ParseXS::CountLines; use strict; use vars qw($SECTION_END_MARKER); sub TIEHANDLE { my ($class, $cfile, $fh) = @_; $cfile =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $SECTION_END_MARKER = qq{#line --- "$cfile"}; return bless {buffer => '', fh => $fh, line_no => 1, }, $class; } sub PRINT { my $self = shift; for (@_) { $self->{buffer} .= $_; while ($self->{buffer} =~ s/^([^\n]*\n)//) { my $line = $1; ++ $self->{line_no}; $line =~ s|^\#line\s+---(?=\s)|#line $self->{line_no}|; print {$self->{fh}} $line; } } } sub PRINTF { my $self = shift; my $fmt = shift; $self->PRINT(sprintf($fmt, @_)); } sub DESTROY { # Not necessary if we're careful to end with a "\n" my $self = shift; print {$self->{fh}} $self->{buffer}; } sub UNTIE { # This sub does nothing, but is neccessary for references to be released. } sub end_marker { return $SECTION_END_MARKER; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME ExtUtils::ParseXS - converts Perl XS code into C code =head1 SYNOPSIS use ExtUtils::ParseXS qw(process_file); process_file( filename => 'foo.xs' ); process_file( filename => 'foo.xs', output => 'bar.c', 'C++' => 1, typemap => 'path/to/typemap', hiertype => 1, except => 1, prototypes => 1, versioncheck => 1, linenumbers => 1, optimize => 1, prototypes => 1, ); =head1 DESCRIPTION C will compile XS code into C code by embedding the constructs necessary to let C functions manipulate Perl values and creates the glue necessary to let Perl access those functions. The compiler uses typemaps to determine how to map C function parameters and variables to Perl values. The compiler will search for typemap files called I. It will use the following search path to find default typemaps, with the rightmost typemap taking precedence. ../../../typemap:../../typemap:../typemap:typemap =head1 EXPORT None by default. C may be exported upon request. =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =item process_xs() This function processes an XS file and sends output to a C file. Named parameters control how the processing is done. The following parameters are accepted: =over 4 =item B Adds C to the C code. Default is false. =item B Retains C<::> in type names so that C++ hierachical types can be mapped. Default is false. =item B Adds exception handling stubs to the C code. Default is false. =item B Indicates that a user-supplied typemap should take precedence over the default typemaps. A single typemap may be specified as a string, or multiple typemaps can be specified in an array reference, with the last typemap having the highest precedence. =item B Generates prototype code for all xsubs. Default is false. =item B Makes sure at run time that the object file (derived from the C<.xs> file) and the C<.pm> files have the same version number. Default is true. =item B Adds C<#line> directives to the C output so error messages will look like they came from the original XS file. Default is true. =item B Enables certain optimizations. The only optimization that is currently affected is the use of Is by the output C code (see L). Not optimizing may significantly slow down the generated code, but this is the way B of 5.005 and earlier operated. Default is to optimize. =item B Enable recognition of C, C and C declarations. Default is true. =item B Enable recognition of ANSI-like descriptions of function signature. Default is true. =item B I have no clue what this does. Strips function prefixes? =back =item errors() This function returns the number of [a certain kind of] errors encountered during processing of the XS file. =back =head1 AUTHOR Based on xsubpp code, written by Larry Wall. Maintained by Ken Williams, =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002-2003 Ken Williams. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Based on the ExtUtils::xsubpp code by Larry Wall and the Perl 5 Porters, which was released under the same license terms. =head1 SEE ALSO L, ExtUtils::xsubpp, ExtUtils::MakeMaker, L, L. =cut