#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Test if MakeMaker declines to build man pages under the right conditions. BEGIN { if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = ('../lib', 'lib'); } else { unshift @INC, 't/lib'; } } use strict; use Test::More tests => 9; use File::Spec; use TieOut; use MakeMaker::Test::Utils; use MakeMaker::Test::Setup::BFD; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config; # Simulate an installation which has man page generation turned off to # ensure these tests will still work. $Config{installman3dir} = 'none'; chdir 't'; perl_lib(); ok( setup_recurs(), 'setup' ); END { ok( chdir File::Spec->updir ); ok( teardown_recurs(), 'teardown' ); } ok( chdir 'Big-Dummy', "chdir'd to Big-Dummy" ) || diag("chdir failed: $!"); ok( my $stdout = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut' ); { local $Config{installman3dir} = File::Spec->catdir(qw(t lib)); my $mm = WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Big::Dummy', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/Dummy.pm', ); ok( keys %{ $mm->{MAN3PODS} } ); } { my $mm = WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Big::Dummy', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/Dummy.pm', INSTALLMAN3DIR => 'none' ); is_deeply( $mm->{MAN3PODS}, {} ); } { my $mm = WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Big::Dummy', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/Dummy.pm', MAN3PODS => {} ); is_deeply( $mm->{MAN3PODS}, { } ); } { my $mm = WriteMakefile( NAME => 'Big::Dummy', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Big/Dummy.pm', MAN3PODS => { "Foo.pm" => "Foo.1" } ); is_deeply( $mm->{MAN3PODS}, { "Foo.pm" => "Foo.1" } ); }