#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } BEGIN { our $hasst; eval { my @n = stat "TEST" }; $hasst = 1 unless $@ && $@ =~ /unimplemented/; unless ($hasst) { print "1..0 # Skip: no stat\n"; exit 0 } use Config; $hasst = 0 unless $Config{'i_sysstat'} eq 'define'; unless ($hasst) { print "1..0 # Skip: no sys/stat.h\n"; exit 0 } } BEGIN { our @stat = stat "TEST"; # This is the function stat. unless (@stat) { print "1..0 # Skip: no file TEST\n"; exit 0 } } print "1..14\n"; use File::stat; print "ok 1\n"; my $stat = stat "TEST"; # This is the OO stat. print "not " unless $stat->dev == $stat[ 0]; print "ok 2\n"; # On OS/2 (fake) ino is not constant, it is incremented each time print "# ino=>@{[$stat->ino]}, 1=>$stat[ 1]\nnot " unless $stat->ino == $stat[ 1] or $^O eq 'os2'; print "ok 3\n"; print "not " unless $stat->mode == $stat[ 2]; print "ok 4\n"; print "not " unless $stat->nlink == $stat[ 3]; print "ok 5\n"; print "not " unless $stat->uid == $stat[ 4]; print "ok 6\n"; print "not " unless $stat->gid == $stat[ 5]; print "ok 7\n"; print "not " unless $stat->rdev == $stat[ 6]; print "ok 8\n"; print "not " unless $stat->size == $stat[ 7]; print "ok 9\n"; print "not " unless $stat->atime == $stat[ 8]; print "ok 10\n"; print "not " unless $stat->mtime == $stat[ 9]; print "ok 11\n"; print "not " unless $stat->ctime == $stat[10]; print "ok 12\n"; print "not " unless $stat->blksize == $stat[11]; print "ok 13\n"; print "not " unless $stat->blocks == $stat[12]; print "ok 14\n"; # Testing pretty much anything else is unportable.