#!./perl -wT BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use strict; use Test::More tests => 21; use Getopt::Std; our ($warning, $opt_f, $opt_i, $opt_o, $opt_x, $opt_y, %opt); # First we test the getopt function @ARGV = qw(-xo -f foo -y file); getopt('f'); is( "@ARGV", 'file', 'options removed from @ARGV (1)' ); ok( $opt_x && $opt_o && $opt_y, 'options -x, -o and -y set' ); is( $opt_f, 'foo', q/option -f is 'foo'/ ); @ARGV = qw(-hij k -- -l m -n); getopt 'il', \%opt; is( "@ARGV", 'k -- -l m -n', 'options removed from @ARGV (2)' ); ok( $opt{h} && $opt{i} eq 'j', 'option -h and -i correctly set' ); ok( !defined $opt{l}, 'option -l not set' ); ok( !defined $opt_i, '$opt_i still undefined' ); # Then we try the getopts $opt_o = $opt_i = $opt_f = undef; @ARGV = qw(-foi -i file); ok( getopts('oif:'), 'getopts succeeded (1)' ); is( "@ARGV", 'file', 'options removed from @ARGV (3)' ); ok( $opt_i && $opt_f eq 'oi', 'options -i and -f correctly set' ); ok( !defined $opt_o, 'option -o not set' ); %opt = (); $opt_i = undef; @ARGV = qw(-hij -k -- -l m); ok( getopts('hi:kl', \%opt), 'getopts succeeded (2)' ); is( "@ARGV", '-l m', 'options removed from @ARGV (4)' ); ok( $opt{h} && $opt{k}, 'options -h and -k set' ); is( $opt{i}, 'j', q/option -i is 'j'/ ); ok( !defined $opt_i, '$opt_i still undefined' ); # Try illegal options, but avoid printing of the error message $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; @ARGV = qw(-h help); ok( !getopts("xf:y"), 'getopts fails for an illegal option' ); ok( $warning eq "Unknown option: h\n", 'user warned' ); # Then try the Getopt::Long module use Getopt::Long; @ARGV = qw(--help --file foo --foo --nobar --num=5 -- file); our ($HELP, $FILE, $FOO, $BAR, $NO); ok( GetOptions( 'help' => \$HELP, 'file:s' => \$FILE, 'foo!' => \$FOO, 'bar!' => \$BAR, 'num:i' => \$NO, ), 'Getopt::Long::GetOptions succeeded' ); is( "@ARGV", 'file', 'options removed from @ARGV (5)' ); ok( $HELP && $FOO && !$BAR && $FILE eq 'foo' && $NO == 5, 'options set' );