#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Test; BEGIN { $| = 1; # chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; # for running manually plan tests => 1190; } ############################################################################## # for testing inheritance of _swap package Math::Foo; use Math::BigInt; use vars qw/@ISA/; @ISA = (qw/Math::BigInt/); use overload # customized overload for sub, since original does not use swap there '-' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->bsub($a[1])}; sub _swap { # a fake _swap, which reverses the params my $self = shift; # for override in subclass if ($_[2]) { my $c = ref ($_[0] ) || 'Math::Foo'; return ( $_[0]->copy(), $_[1] ); } else { return ( Math::Foo->new($_[1]), $_[0] ); } } ############################################################################## package main; use Math::BigInt; my (@args,$f,$try,$x,$y,$z,$a,$exp,$ans,$ans1,@a,$m,$e,$round_mode); while () { chop; next if /^#/; # skip comments if (s/^&//) { $f = $_; } elsif (/^\$/) { $round_mode = $_; $round_mode =~ s/^\$/Math::BigInt->/; # print "$round_mode\n"; } else { @args = split(/:/,$_,99); $ans = pop(@args); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(\"$args[0]\");"; if ($f eq "bnorm"){ # $try .= '$x+0;'; } elsif ($f eq "_set") { $try .= '$x->_set($args[1]); "$x";'; } elsif ($f eq "is_zero") { $try .= '$x->is_zero()+0;'; } elsif ($f eq "is_one") { $try .= '$x->is_one()+0;'; } elsif ($f eq "is_odd") { $try .= '$x->is_odd()+0;'; } elsif ($f eq "is_even") { $try .= '$x->is_even()+0;'; } elsif ($f eq "binf") { $try .= "\$x->binf('$args[1]');"; } elsif ($f eq "bfloor") { $try .= '$x->bfloor();'; } elsif ($f eq "bceil") { $try .= '$x->bceil();'; } elsif ($f eq "is_inf") { $try .= "\$x->is_inf('$args[1]')+0;"; } elsif ($f eq "bsstr") { $try .= '$x->bsstr();'; } elsif ($f eq "bneg") { $try .= '-$x;'; } elsif ($f eq "babs") { $try .= 'abs $x;'; } elsif ($f eq "binc") { $try .= '++$x;'; } elsif ($f eq "bdec") { $try .= '--$x;'; }elsif ($f eq "bnot") { $try .= '~$x;'; }elsif ($f eq "bsqrt") { $try .= '$x->bsqrt();'; }elsif ($f eq "length") { $try .= "\$x->length();"; }elsif ($f eq "bround") { $try .= "$round_mode; \$x->bround($args[1]);"; }elsif ($f eq "exponent"){ $try .= '$x = $x->exponent()->bstr();'; }elsif ($f eq "mantissa"){ $try .= '$x = $x->mantissa()->bstr();'; }elsif ($f eq "parts"){ $try .= "(\$m,\$e) = \$x->parts();"; $try .= '$m = $m->bstr(); $m = "NaN" if !defined $m;'; $try .= '$e = $e->bstr(); $e = "NaN" if !defined $e;'; $try .= '"$m,$e";'; } else { $try .= "\$y = new Math::BigInt \"$args[1]\";"; if ($f eq "bcmp"){ $try .= '$x <=> $y;'; }elsif ($f eq "bacmp"){ $try .= '$x->bacmp($y);'; }elsif ($f eq "badd"){ $try .= "\$x + \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bsub"){ $try .= "\$x - \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bmul"){ $try .= "\$x * \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bdiv"){ $try .= "\$x / \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bmod"){ $try .= "\$x % \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bgcd") { if (defined $args[2]) { $try .= " \$z = new Math::BigInt \"$args[2]\"; "; } $try .= "Math::BigInt::bgcd(\$x, \$y"; $try .= ", \$z" if (defined $args[2]); $try .= " );"; } elsif ($f eq "blcm") { if (defined $args[2]) { $try .= " \$z = new Math::BigInt \"$args[2]\"; "; } $try .= "Math::BigInt::blcm(\$x, \$y"; $try .= ", \$z" if (defined $args[2]); $try .= " );"; }elsif ($f eq "blsft"){ if (defined $args[2]) { $try .= "\$x->blsft(\$y,$args[2]);"; } else { $try .= "\$x << \$y;"; } }elsif ($f eq "brsft"){ if (defined $args[2]) { $try .= "\$x->brsft(\$y,$args[2]);"; } else { $try .= "\$x >> \$y;"; } }elsif ($f eq "band"){ $try .= "\$x & \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bior"){ $try .= "\$x | \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bxor"){ $try .= "\$x ^ \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "bpow"){ $try .= "\$x ** \$y;"; }elsif ($f eq "digit"){ $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(\"$args[0]\"); \$x->digit($args[1]);"; } else { warn "Unknown op '$f'"; } } # print "trying $try\n"; $ans1 = eval $try; $ans =~ s/^[+]([0-9])/$1/; # remove leading '+' if ($ans eq "") { ok_undef ($ans1); } else { #print "try: $try ans: $ans1 $ans\n"; print "# Tried: '$try'\n" if !ok ($ans1, $ans); } # check internal state of number objects is_valid($ans1) if ref $ans1; } } # endwhile data tests close DATA; # test whether constant works or not $try = "use Math::BigInt (1.31,'babs',':constant');"; $try .= ' $x = 2**150; babs($x); $x = "$x";'; $ans1 = eval $try; ok ( $ans1, "1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624"); # test some more @a = (); for (my $i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { push @a, $i; } ok "@a", "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"; # test whether selfmultiplication works correctly (result is 2**64) $try = '$x = new Math::BigInt "+4294967296";'; $try .= '$a = $x->bmul($x);'; $ans1 = eval $try; print "# Tried: '$try'\n" if !ok ($ans1, Math::BigInt->new(2) ** 64); # test whether op detroys args or not (should better not) $x = new Math::BigInt (3); $y = new Math::BigInt (4); $z = $x & $y; ok ($x,3); ok ($y,4); ok ($z,0); $z = $x | $y; ok ($x,3); ok ($y,4); ok ($z,7); $x = new Math::BigInt (1); $y = new Math::BigInt (2); $z = $x | $y; ok ($x,1); ok ($y,2); ok ($z,3); $x = new Math::BigInt (5); $y = new Math::BigInt (4); $z = $x ^ $y; ok ($x,5); ok ($y,4); ok ($z,1); $x = new Math::BigInt (-5); $y = -$x; ok ($x, -5); $x = new Math::BigInt (-5); $y = abs($x); ok ($x, -5); # check whether overloading cmp works $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(0);"; $try .= "\$y = 10;"; $try .= "'false' if \$x ne \$y;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "false" ); # we cant test for working cmpt with other objects here, we would need a dummy # object with stringify overload for this. see Math::String tests ############################################################################### # check shortcuts $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(1); \$x += 9;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 10;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(1); \$x -= 9;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == -8;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(1); \$x *= 9;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 9;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x /= 2;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 5;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); ############################################################################### # check reversed order of arguments $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 ** \$x;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 1024;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 * \$x;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 20;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 + \$x;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 12;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 2 - \$x;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == -8;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->new(10); \$x = 20 / \$x;"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 2;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); ############################################################################### # check badd(4,5) form $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt::badd(4,5);"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 9;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); $try = "\$x = Math::BigInt->badd(4,5);"; $try .= "'ok' if \$x == 9;"; $ans = eval $try; print "# For '$try'\n" if (!ok "$ans" , "ok" ); ############################################################################### # check proper length of internal arrays $x = Math::BigInt->new(99999); ok ($x,99999); ok (scalar @{$x->{value}}, 1); $x += 1; ok ($x,100000); ok (scalar @{$x->{value}}, 2); $x -= 1; ok ($x,99999); ok (scalar @{$x->{value}}, 1); ############################################################################### # check numify my $BASE = int(1e5); $x = Math::BigInt->new($BASE-1); ok ($x->numify(),$BASE-1); $x = Math::BigInt->new(-($BASE-1)); ok ($x->numify(),-($BASE-1)); $x = Math::BigInt->new($BASE); ok ($x->numify(),$BASE); $x = Math::BigInt->new(-$BASE); ok ($x->numify(),-$BASE); $x = Math::BigInt->new( -($BASE*$BASE*1+$BASE*1+1) ); ok($x->numify(),-($BASE*$BASE*1+$BASE*1+1)); ############################################################################### # test bug in _digits with length($c[-1]) where $c[-1] was "00001" instead of 1 $x = Math::BigInt->new(99998); $x++; $x++; $x++; $x++; if ($x > 100000) { ok (1,1) } else { ok ("$x < 100000","$x > 100000"); } $x = Math::BigInt->new(100003); $x++; $y = Math::BigInt->new(1000000); if ($x < 1000000) { ok (1,1) } else { ok ("$x > 1000000","$x < 1000000"); } ############################################################################### # bug in sub where number with at least 6 trailing zeros after any op failed $x = Math::BigInt->new(123456); $z = Math::BigInt->new(10000); $z *= 10; $x -= $z; ok ($z, 100000); ok ($x, 23456); ############################################################################### # bug with rest "-0" in div, causing further div()s to fail $x = Math::BigInt->new(-322056000); ($x,$y) = $x->bdiv('-12882240'); ok ($y,'0'); # not '-0' is_valid($y); ############################################################################### # check undefs: NOT DONE YET ############################################################################### # bool $x = Math::BigInt->new(1); if ($x) { ok (1,1); } else { ok($x,'to be true') } $x = Math::BigInt->new(0); if (!$x) { ok (1,1); } else { ok($x,'to be false') } ############################################################################### # objectify() @args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,4,5); ok (scalar @args,3); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5 ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt'); ok ($args[1],4); ok ($args[2],5); @args = Math::BigInt::objectify(0,4,5); ok (scalar @args,3); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5 ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt'); ok ($args[1],4); ok ($args[2],5); @args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,4,5); ok (scalar @args,3); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5 ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt'); ok ($args[1],4); ok ($args[2],5); @args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,4,5,6,7); ok (scalar @args,5); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5, 6, 7 ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt'); ok ($args[1],4); ok (ref($args[1]),$args[0]); ok ($args[2],5); ok (ref($args[2]),$args[0]); ok ($args[3],6); ok (ref($args[3]),''); ok ($args[4],7); ok (ref($args[4]),''); @args = Math::BigInt::objectify(2,'Math::BigInt',4,5,6,7); ok (scalar @args,5); # 'Math::BigInt', 4, 5, 6, 7 ok ($args[0],'Math::BigInt'); ok ($args[1],4); ok (ref($args[1]),$args[0]); ok ($args[2],5); ok (ref($args[2]),$args[0]); ok ($args[3],6); ok (ref($args[3]),''); ok ($args[4],7); ok (ref($args[4]),''); ############################################################################### # test for flaoting-point input (other tests in bnorm() below) $z = 1050000000000000; # may be int on systems with 64bit? $x = Math::BigInt->new($z); ok ($x->bsstr(),'105e+13'); # not 1.03e+15? $z = 1e+129; # definitely a float $x = Math::BigInt->new($z); ok ($x->bsstr(),$z); ############################################################################### # prime number tests, also test for **= and length() # found on: http://www.utm.edu/research/primes/notes/by_year.html # ((2^148)-1)/17 $x = Math::BigInt->new(2); $x **= 148; $x++; $x = $x / 17; ok ($x,"20988936657440586486151264256610222593863921"); ok ($x->length(),length "20988936657440586486151264256610222593863921"); # MM7 = 2^127-1 $x = Math::BigInt->new(2); $x **= 127; $x--; ok ($x,"170141183460469231731687303715884105727"); # I am afraid the following is not yet possible due to slowness # Also, testing for 2 meg output is a bit hard ;) #$x = new Math::BigInt(2); $x **= 6972593; $x--; # 593573509*2^332162+1 has exactly 100.000 digits # takes over 16 mins and still not complete, so can not be done yet ;) #$x = Math::BigInt->new(2); $x **= 332162; $x *= "593573509"; $x++; #ok ($x->digits(),100000); ############################################################################### # inheritance and overriding of _swap $x = Math::Foo->new(5); $x = $x - 8; # 8 - 5 instead of 5-8 ok ($x,3); ok (ref($x),'Math::Foo'); $x = Math::Foo->new(5); $x = 8 - $x; # 5 - 8 instead of 8 - 5 ok ($x,-3); ok (ref($x),'Math::Foo'); ############################################################################### # all tests done # devel test, see whether valid catches errors #$x = Math::BigInt->new(0); #$x->{sign} = '-'; #is_valid($x); # nok # #$x->{sign} = 'e'; #is_valid($x); # nok # #$x->{value}->[0] = undef; #is_valid($x); # nok # #$x->{value}->[0] = 1e6; #is_valid($x); # nok # #$x->{value}->[0] = -2; #is_valid($x); # nok # #$x->{sign} = '+'; #is_valid($x); # ok ############################################################################### # Perl 5.005 does not like ok ($x,undef) sub ok_undef { my $x = shift; ok (1,1) and return if !defined $x; ok ($x,'undef'); } ############################################################################### # sub to check validity of a BigInt internally, to ensure that no op leaves a # number object in an invalid state (f.i. "-0") sub is_valid { my $x = shift; my $error = ["",]; # ok as reference? is_okay('ref($x)','Math::BigInt',ref($x),$error); # has ok sign? is_okay('$x->{sign}',"'+', '-', '-inf', '+inf' or 'NaN'",$x->{sign},$error) if $x->{sign} !~ /^(\+|-|\+inf|-inf|NaN)$/; # is not -0? if (($x->{sign} eq '-') && (@{$x->{value}} == 1) && ($x->{value}->[0] == 0)) { is_okay("\$x ne '-0'","0",$x,$error); } # all parts are valid? my $i = 0; my $j = scalar @{$x->{value}}; my $e; my $try; while ($i < $j) { $e = $x->{value}->[$i]; $e = 'undef' unless defined $e; $try = '=~ /^[\+]?[0-9]+\$/; '."($f, $x, $e)"; last if $e !~ /^[+]?[0-9]+$/; $try = ' < 0 || >= 1e5; '."($f, $x, $e)"; last if $e <0 || $e >= 1e5; # this test is disabled, since new/bnorm and certain ops (like early out # in add/sub) are allowed/expected to leave '00000' in some elements #$try = '=~ /^00+/; '."($f, $x, $e)"; #last if $e =~ /^00+/; $i++; } is_okay("\$x->{value}->[$i] $try","not $e",$e,$error) if $i < $j; # trough all? # see whether errors crop up $error->[1] = 'undef' unless defined $error->[1]; if ($error->[0] ne "") { ok ($error->[1],$error->[2]); print "# Tried: $error->[0]\n"; } else { ok (1,1); } } sub is_okay { my ($tried,$expected,$try,$error) = @_; return if $error->[0] ne ""; # error, no further testing @$error = ( $tried, $try, $expected ) if $try ne $expected; } __END__ &bnorm # binary input 0babc:NaN 0b123:NaN 0b0:0 -0b0:0 -0b1:-1 0b0001:1 0b001:1 0b011:3 0b101:5 0b1000000000000000000000000000000:1073741824 # hex input -0x0:0 0xabcdefgh:NaN 0x1234:4660 0xabcdef:11259375 -0xABCDEF:-11259375 -0x1234:-4660 0x12345678:305419896 # inf input +inf:+inf -inf:-inf 0inf:NaN # normal input :NaN abc:NaN 1 a:NaN 1bcd2:NaN 11111b:NaN +1z:NaN -1z:NaN 0:0 +0:0 +00:0 +000:0 000000000000000000:0 -0:0 -0000:0 +1:1 +01:1 +001:1 +00000100000:100000 123456789:123456789 -1:-1 -01:-1 -001:-1 -123456789:-123456789 -00000100000:-100000 1_2_3:123 _123:NaN _123_:NaN _123_:NaN 1__23:NaN 10000000000E-1_0:1 1E2:100 1E1:10 1E0:1 E1:NaN E23:NaN 1.23E2:123 1.23E1:NaN 1.23E-1:NaN 100E-1:10 # floating point input 1.01E2:101 1010E-1:101 -1010E0:-1010 -1010E1:-10100 -1010E-2:NaN -1.01E+1:NaN -1.01E-1:NaN &binf 1:+:+inf 2:-:-inf 3:abc:+inf &is_inf +inf::1 -inf::1 abc::0 1::0 NaN::0 -1::0 +inf:-:0 +inf:+:1 -inf:-:1 -inf:+:0 &blsft abc:abc:NaN +2:+2:+8 +1:+32:+4294967296 +1:+48:+281474976710656 +8:-2:NaN # excercise base 10 +12345:4:10:123450000 -1234:0:10:-1234 +1234:0:10:+1234 +2:2:10:200 +12:2:10:1200 +1234:-3:10:NaN 1234567890123:12:10:1234567890123000000000000 &brsft abc:abc:NaN +8:+2:+2 +4294967296:+32:+1 +281474976710656:+48:+1 +2:-2:NaN # excercise base 10 -1234:0:10:-1234 +1234:0:10:+1234 +200:2:10:2 +1234:3:10:1 +1234:2:10:12 +1234:-3:10:NaN 310000:4:10:31 12300000:5:10:123 1230000000000:10:10:123 09876123456789067890:12:10:9876123 1234561234567890123:13:10:123456 &bsstr 1e+34:1e+34 123.456E3:123456e+0 100:1e+2 abc:NaN &bneg abd:NaN +0:+0 +1:-1 -1:+1 +123456789:-123456789 -123456789:+123456789 &babs abc:NaN +0:+0 +1:+1 -1:+1 +123456789:+123456789 -123456789:+123456789 &bcmp abc:abc: abc:+0: +0:abc: +0:+0:0 -1:+0:-1 +0:-1:1 +1:+0:1 +0:+1:-1 -1:+1:-1 +1:-1:1 -1:-1:0 +1:+1:0 +123:+123:0 +123:+12:1 +12:+123:-1 -123:-123:0 -123:-12:-1 -12:-123:1 +123:+124:-1 +124:+123:1 -123:-124:1 -124:-123:-1 +100:+5:1 -123456789:+987654321:-1 +123456789:-987654321:1 -987654321:+123456789:-1 &bacmp +0:-0:0 +0:+1:-1 -1:+1:0 +1:-1:0 -1:+2:-1 +2:-1:1 -123456789:+987654321:-1 +123456789:-987654321:-1 -987654321:+123456789:1 &binc abc:NaN +0:+1 +1:+2 -1:+0 &bdec abc:NaN +0:-1 +1:+0 -1:-2 &badd abc:abc:NaN abc:+0:NaN +0:abc:NaN +0:+0:+0 +1:+0:+1 +0:+1:+1 +1:+1:+2 -1:+0:-1 +0:-1:-1 -1:-1:-2 -1:+1:+0 +1:-1:+0 +9:+1:+10 +99:+1:+100 +999:+1:+1000 +9999:+1:+10000 +99999:+1:+100000 +999999:+1:+1000000 +9999999:+1:+10000000 +99999999:+1:+100000000 +999999999:+1:+1000000000 +9999999999:+1:+10000000000 +99999999999:+1:+100000000000 +10:-1:+9 +100:-1:+99 +1000:-1:+999 +10000:-1:+9999 +100000:-1:+99999 +1000000:-1:+999999 +10000000:-1:+9999999 +100000000:-1:+99999999 +1000000000:-1:+999999999 +10000000000:-1:+9999999999 +123456789:+987654321:+1111111110 -123456789:+987654321:+864197532 -123456789:-987654321:-1111111110 +123456789:-987654321:-864197532 &bsub abc:abc:NaN abc:+0:NaN +0:abc:NaN +0:+0:+0 +1:+0:+1 +0:+1:-1 +1:+1:+0 -1:+0:-1 +0:-1:+1 -1:-1:+0 -1:+1:-2 +1:-1:+2 +9:+1:+8 +99:+1:+98 +999:+1:+998 +9999:+1:+9998 +99999:+1:+99998 +999999:+1:+999998 +9999999:+1:+9999998 +99999999:+1:+99999998 +999999999:+1:+999999998 +9999999999:+1:+9999999998 +99999999999:+1:+99999999998 +10:-1:+11 +100:-1:+101 +1000:-1:+1001 +10000:-1:+10001 +100000:-1:+100001 +1000000:-1:+1000001 +10000000:-1:+10000001 +100000000:-1:+100000001 +1000000000:-1:+1000000001 +10000000000:-1:+10000000001 +123456789:+987654321:-864197532 -123456789:+987654321:-1111111110 -123456789:-987654321:+864197532 +123456789:-987654321:+1111111110 &bmul abc:abc:NaN abc:+0:NaN +0:abc:NaN +0:+0:+0 +0:+1:+0 +1:+0:+0 +0:-1:+0 -1:+0:+0 +123456789123456789:+0:+0 +0:+123456789123456789:+0 -1:-1:+1 -1:+1:-1 +1:-1:-1 +1:+1:+1 +2:+3:+6 -2:+3:-6 +2:-3:-6 -2:-3:+6 +111:+111:+12321 +10101:+10101:+102030201 +1001001:+1001001:+1002003002001 +100010001:+100010001:+10002000300020001 +10000100001:+10000100001:+100002000030000200001 +11111111111:+9:+99999999999 +22222222222:+9:+199999999998 +33333333333:+9:+299999999997 +44444444444:+9:+399999999996 +55555555555:+9:+499999999995 +66666666666:+9:+599999999994 +77777777777:+9:+699999999993 +88888888888:+9:+799999999992 +99999999999:+9:+899999999991 +25:+25:+625 +12345:+12345:+152399025 +99999:+11111:+1111088889 &bdiv abc:abc:NaN abc:+1:abc:NaN +1:abc:NaN +0:+0:NaN +0:+1:+0 +1:+0:NaN +0:-1:+0 -1:+0:NaN +1:+1:+1 -1:-1:+1 +1:-1:-1 -1:+1:-1 +1:+2:+0 +2:+1:+2 +1:+26:+0 +1000000000:+9:+111111111 +2000000000:+9:+222222222 +3000000000:+9:+333333333 +4000000000:+9:+444444444 +5000000000:+9:+555555555 +6000000000:+9:+666666666 +7000000000:+9:+777777777 +8000000000:+9:+888888888 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