# -*- mode: cperl; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; basic-offset: 2 -*- # vim:ts=8:sw=2:et:sta:sts=2 package Module::Build::Base; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.31012'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; BEGIN { require 5.00503 } use Carp; use Cwd (); use File::Copy (); use File::Find (); use File::Path (); use File::Basename (); use File::Spec 0.82 (); use File::Compare (); use Module::Build::Dumper (); use IO::File (); use Text::ParseWords (); use Module::Build::ModuleInfo; use Module::Build::Notes; use Module::Build::Config; #################### Constructors ########################### sub new { my $self = shift()->_construct(@_); $self->{invoked_action} = $self->{action} ||= 'Build_PL'; $self->cull_args(@ARGV); die "Too early to specify a build action '$self->{action}'. Do 'Build $self->{action}' instead.\n" if $self->{action} && $self->{action} ne 'Build_PL'; $self->check_manifest; $self->check_prereq; $self->check_autofeatures; $self->dist_name; $self->dist_version; $self->_set_install_paths; $self->_find_nested_builds; return $self; } sub resume { my $package = shift; my $self = $package->_construct(@_); $self->read_config; # If someone called Module::Build->current() or # Module::Build->new_from_context() and the correct class to use is # actually a *subclass* of Module::Build, we may need to load that # subclass here and re-delegate the resume() method to it. unless ( UNIVERSAL::isa($package, $self->build_class) ) { my $build_class = $self->build_class; my $config_dir = $self->config_dir || '_build'; my $build_lib = File::Spec->catdir( $config_dir, 'lib' ); unshift( @INC, $build_lib ); unless ( $build_class->can('new') ) { eval "require $build_class; 1" or die "Failed to re-load '$build_class': $@"; } return $build_class->resume(@_); } unless ($self->_perl_is_same($self->{properties}{perl})) { my $perl = $self->find_perl_interpreter; $self->log_warn(" * WARNING: Configuration was initially created with '$self->{properties}{perl}',\n". " but we are now using '$perl'.\n"); } $self->cull_args(@ARGV); unless ($self->allow_mb_mismatch) { my $mb_version = $Module::Build::VERSION; die(" * ERROR: Configuration was initially created with Module::Build version '$self->{properties}{mb_version}',\n". " but we are now using version '$mb_version'. Please re-run the Build.PL or Makefile.PL script,\n". " or use --allow_mb_mismatch 1 to skip this version check.\n") if $mb_version ne $self->{properties}{mb_version}; } $self->{invoked_action} = $self->{action} ||= 'build'; $self->_set_install_paths; return $self; } sub new_from_context { my ($package, %args) = @_; # XXX Read the META.yml and see whether we need to run the Build.PL? # Run the Build.PL. We use do() rather than run_perl_script() so # that it runs in this process rather than a subprocess, because we # need to make sure that the environment is the same during Build.PL # as it is during resume() (and thereafter). { local @ARGV = $package->unparse_args(\%args); do './Build.PL'; die $@ if $@; } return $package->resume; } sub current { # hmm, wonder what the right thing to do here is local @ARGV; return shift()->resume; } sub _construct { my ($package, %input) = @_; my $args = delete $input{args} || {}; my $config = delete $input{config} || {}; my $self = bless { args => {%$args}, config => Module::Build::Config->new(values => $config), properties => { base_dir => $package->cwd, mb_version => $Module::Build::VERSION, %input, }, phash => {}, }, $package; $self->_set_defaults; my ($p, $ph) = ($self->{properties}, $self->{phash}); foreach (qw(notes config_data features runtime_params cleanup auto_features)) { my $file = File::Spec->catfile($self->config_dir, $_); $ph->{$_} = Module::Build::Notes->new(file => $file); $ph->{$_}->restore if -e $file; if (exists $p->{$_}) { my $vals = delete $p->{$_}; while (my ($k, $v) = each %$vals) { $self->$_($k, $v); } } } # The following warning could be unnecessary if the user is running # an embedded perl, but there aren't too many of those around, and # embedded perls aren't usually used to install modules, and the # installation process sometimes needs to run external scripts # (e.g. to run tests). $p->{perl} = $self->find_perl_interpreter or $self->log_warn("Warning: Can't locate your perl binary"); my $blibdir = sub { File::Spec->catdir($p->{blib}, @_) }; $p->{bindoc_dirs} ||= [ $blibdir->("script") ]; $p->{libdoc_dirs} ||= [ $blibdir->("lib"), $blibdir->("arch") ]; $p->{dist_author} = [ $p->{dist_author} ] if defined $p->{dist_author} and not ref $p->{dist_author}; # Synonyms $p->{requires} = delete $p->{prereq} if defined $p->{prereq}; $p->{script_files} = delete $p->{scripts} if defined $p->{scripts}; # Convert to arrays for ('extra_compiler_flags', 'extra_linker_flags') { $p->{$_} = [ $self->split_like_shell($p->{$_}) ] if exists $p->{$_}; } $self->add_to_cleanup( @{delete $p->{add_to_cleanup}} ) if $p->{add_to_cleanup}; return $self; } ################## End constructors ######################### sub log_info { my $self = shift; print @_ unless(ref($self) and $self->quiet); } sub log_verbose { my $self = shift; $self->log_info(@_) if(ref($self) and $self->verbose); } sub log_warn { # Try to make our call stack invisible shift; if (@_ and $_[-1] !~ /\n$/) { my (undef, $file, $line) = caller(); warn @_, " at $file line $line.\n"; } else { warn @_; } } sub _set_install_paths { my $self = shift; my $c = $self->{config}; my $p = $self->{properties}; my @libstyle = $c->get('installstyle') ? File::Spec->splitdir($c->get('installstyle')) : qw(lib perl5); my $arch = $c->get('archname'); my $version = $c->get('version'); my $bindoc = $c->get('installman1dir') || undef; my $libdoc = $c->get('installman3dir') || undef; my $binhtml = $c->get('installhtml1dir') || $c->get('installhtmldir') || undef; my $libhtml = $c->get('installhtml3dir') || $c->get('installhtmldir') || undef; $p->{install_sets} = { core => { lib => $c->get('installprivlib'), arch => $c->get('installarchlib'), bin => $c->get('installbin'), script => $c->get('installscript'), bindoc => $bindoc, libdoc => $libdoc, binhtml => $binhtml, libhtml => $libhtml, }, site => { lib => $c->get('installsitelib'), arch => $c->get('installsitearch'), bin => $c->get('installsitebin') || $c->get('installbin'), script => $c->get('installsitescript') || $c->get('installsitebin') || $c->get('installscript'), bindoc => $c->get('installsiteman1dir') || $bindoc, libdoc => $c->get('installsiteman3dir') || $libdoc, binhtml => $c->get('installsitehtml1dir') || $binhtml, libhtml => $c->get('installsitehtml3dir') || $libhtml, }, vendor => { lib => $c->get('installvendorlib'), arch => $c->get('installvendorarch'), bin => $c->get('installvendorbin') || $c->get('installbin'), script => $c->get('installvendorscript') || $c->get('installvendorbin') || $c->get('installscript'), bindoc => $c->get('installvendorman1dir') || $bindoc, libdoc => $c->get('installvendorman3dir') || $libdoc, binhtml => $c->get('installvendorhtml1dir') || $binhtml, libhtml => $c->get('installvendorhtml3dir') || $libhtml, }, }; $p->{original_prefix} = { core => $c->get('installprefixexp') || $c->get('installprefix') || $c->get('prefixexp') || $c->get('prefix') || '', site => $c->get('siteprefixexp'), vendor => $c->get('usevendorprefix') ? $c->get('vendorprefixexp') : '', }; $p->{original_prefix}{site} ||= $p->{original_prefix}{core}; # Note: you might be tempted to use $Config{installstyle} here # instead of hard-coding lib/perl5, but that's been considered and # (at least for now) rejected. `perldoc Config` has some wisdom # about it. $p->{install_base_relpaths} = { lib => ['lib', 'perl5'], arch => ['lib', 'perl5', $arch], bin => ['bin'], script => ['bin'], bindoc => ['man', 'man1'], libdoc => ['man', 'man3'], binhtml => ['html'], libhtml => ['html'], }; $p->{prefix_relpaths} = { core => { lib => [@libstyle], arch => [@libstyle, $version, $arch], bin => ['bin'], script => ['bin'], bindoc => ['man', 'man1'], libdoc => ['man', 'man3'], binhtml => ['html'], libhtml => ['html'], }, vendor => { lib => [@libstyle], arch => [@libstyle, $version, $arch], bin => ['bin'], script => ['bin'], bindoc => ['man', 'man1'], libdoc => ['man', 'man3'], binhtml => ['html'], libhtml => ['html'], }, site => { lib => [@libstyle, 'site_perl'], arch => [@libstyle, 'site_perl', $version, $arch], bin => ['bin'], script => ['bin'], bindoc => ['man', 'man1'], libdoc => ['man', 'man3'], binhtml => ['html'], libhtml => ['html'], }, }; } sub _find_nested_builds { my $self = shift; my $r = $self->recurse_into or return; my ($file, @r); if (!ref($r) && $r eq 'auto') { local *DH; opendir DH, $self->base_dir or die "Can't scan directory " . $self->base_dir . " for nested builds: $!"; while (defined($file = readdir DH)) { my $subdir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->base_dir, $file ); next unless -d $subdir; push @r, $subdir if -e File::Spec->catfile( $subdir, 'Build.PL' ); } } $self->recurse_into(\@r); } sub cwd { return Cwd::cwd(); } sub _quote_args { # Returns a string that can become [part of] a command line with # proper quoting so that the subprocess sees this same list of args. my ($self, @args) = @_; my @quoted; for (@args) { if ( /^[^\s*?!\$<>;\\|'"\[\]\{\}]+$/ ) { # Looks pretty safe push @quoted, $_; } else { # XXX this will obviously have to improve - is there already a # core module lying around that does proper quoting? s/('+)/'"$1"'/g; push @quoted, qq('$_'); } } return join " ", @quoted; } sub _backticks { my ($self, @cmd) = @_; if ($self->have_forkpipe) { local *FH; my $pid = open *FH, "-|"; if ($pid) { return wantarray ? : join '', ; } else { die "Can't execute @cmd: $!\n" unless defined $pid; exec { $cmd[0] } @cmd; } } else { my $cmd = $self->_quote_args(@cmd); return `$cmd`; } } # Tells us whether the construct open($fh, '-|', @command) is # supported. It would probably be better to dynamically sense this. sub have_forkpipe { 1 } # Determine whether a given binary is the same as the perl # (configuration) that started this process. sub _perl_is_same { my ($self, $perl) = @_; my @cmd = ($perl); # When run from the perl core, @INC will include the directories # where perl is yet to be installed. We need to reference the # absolute path within the source distribution where it can find # it's Config.pm This also prevents us from picking up a Config.pm # from a different configuration that happens to be already # installed in @INC. if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { push @cmd, '-I' . File::Spec->catdir(File::Basename::dirname($perl), 'lib'); } push @cmd, qw(-MConfig=myconfig -e print -e myconfig); return $self->_backticks(@cmd) eq Config->myconfig; } # cache _discover_perl_interpreter() results { my $known_perl; sub find_perl_interpreter { my $self = shift; return $known_perl if defined($known_perl); return $known_perl = $self->_discover_perl_interpreter; } } # Returns the absolute path of the perl interperter used to invoke # this process. The path is derived from $^X or $Config{perlpath}. On # some platforms $^X contains the complete absolute path of the # interpreter, on other it may contain a relative path, or simply # 'perl'. This can also vary depending on whether a path was supplied # when perl was invoked. Additionally, the value in $^X may omit the # executable extension on platforms that use one. It's a fatal error # if the interpreter can't be found because it can result in undefined # behavior by routines that depend on it (generating errors or # invoking the wrong perl.) sub _discover_perl_interpreter { my $proto = shift; my $c = ref($proto) ? $proto->{config} : 'Module::Build::Config'; my $perl = $^X; my $perl_basename = File::Basename::basename($perl); my @potential_perls; # Try 1, Check $^X for absolute path push( @potential_perls, $perl ) if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($perl); # Try 2, Check $^X for a valid relative path my $abs_perl = File::Spec->rel2abs($perl); push( @potential_perls, $abs_perl ); # Try 3, Last ditch effort: These two option use hackery to try to locate # a suitable perl. The hack varies depending on whether we are running # from an installed perl or an uninstalled perl in the perl source dist. if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) { # Try 3.A, If we are in a perl source tree, running an uninstalled # perl, we can keep moving up the directory tree until we find our # binary. We wouldn't do this under any other circumstances. # CBuilder is also in the core, so it should be available here require ExtUtils::CBuilder; my $perl_src = Cwd::realpath( ExtUtils::CBuilder->perl_src ); if ( defined($perl_src) && length($perl_src) ) { my $uninstperl = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catfile( $perl_src, $perl_basename )); push( @potential_perls, $uninstperl ); } } else { # Try 3.B, First look in $Config{perlpath}, then search the user's # PATH. We do not want to do either if we are running from an # uninstalled perl in a perl source tree. push( @potential_perls, $c->get('perlpath') ); push( @potential_perls, map File::Spec->catfile($_, $perl_basename), File::Spec->path() ); } # Now that we've enumerated the potential perls, it's time to test # them to see if any of them match our configuration, returning the # absolute path of the first successful match. my $exe = $c->get('exe_ext'); foreach my $thisperl ( @potential_perls ) { if (defined $exe) { $thisperl .= $exe unless $thisperl =~ m/$exe$/i; } if ( -f $thisperl && $proto->_perl_is_same($thisperl) ) { return $thisperl; } } # We've tried all alternatives, and didn't find a perl that matches # our configuration. Throw an exception, and list alternatives we tried. my @paths = map File::Basename::dirname($_), @potential_perls; die "Can't locate the perl binary used to run this script " . "in (@paths)\n"; } sub _is_interactive { return -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT)) ; # Pipe? } # NOTE this is a blocking operation if(-t STDIN) sub _is_unattended { my $self = shift; return $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT} || ( !$self->_is_interactive && eof STDIN ); } sub _readline { my $self = shift; return undef if $self->_is_unattended; my $answer = ; chomp $answer if defined $answer; return $answer; } sub prompt { my $self = shift; my $mess = shift or die "prompt() called without a prompt message"; # use a list to distinguish a default of undef() from no default my @def; @def = (shift) if @_; # use dispdef for output my @dispdef = scalar(@def) ? ('[', (defined($def[0]) ? $def[0] . ' ' : ''), ']') : (' ', ''); local $|=1; print "$mess ", @dispdef; if ( $self->_is_unattended && !@def ) { die <_readline(); if ( !defined($ans) # Ctrl-D or unattended or !length($ans) ) { # User hit return print "$dispdef[1]\n"; $ans = scalar(@def) ? $def[0] : ''; } return $ans; } sub y_n { my $self = shift; my ($mess, $def) = @_; die "y_n() called without a prompt message" unless $mess; die "Invalid default value: y_n() default must be 'y' or 'n'" if $def && $def !~ /^[yn]/i; my $answer; while (1) { # XXX Infinite or a large number followed by an exception ? $answer = $self->prompt(@_); return 1 if $answer =~ /^y/i; return 0 if $answer =~ /^n/i; local $|=1; print "Please answer 'y' or 'n'.\n"; } } sub current_action { shift->{action} } sub invoked_action { shift->{invoked_action} } sub notes { shift()->{phash}{notes}->access(@_) } sub config_data { shift()->{phash}{config_data}->access(@_) } sub runtime_params { shift->{phash}{runtime_params}->read( @_ ? shift : () ) } # Read-only sub auto_features { shift()->{phash}{auto_features}->access(@_) } sub features { my $self = shift; my $ph = $self->{phash}; if (@_) { my $key = shift; if ($ph->{features}->exists($key)) { return $ph->{features}->access($key, @_); } if (my $info = $ph->{auto_features}->access($key)) { my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info); my $disabled = grep( /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/, keys %$failures ) ? 1 : 0; return !$disabled; } return $ph->{features}->access($key, @_); } # No args - get the auto_features & overlay the regular features my %features; my %auto_features = $ph->{auto_features}->access(); while (my ($name, $info) = each %auto_features) { my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info); my $disabled = grep( /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/, keys %$failures ) ? 1 : 0; $features{$name} = $disabled ? 0 : 1; } %features = (%features, $ph->{features}->access()); return wantarray ? %features : \%features; } BEGIN { *feature = \&features } # Alias sub _mb_feature { my $self = shift; if (($self->module_name || '') eq 'Module::Build') { # We're building Module::Build itself, so ...::ConfigData isn't # valid, but $self->features() should be. return $self->feature(@_); } else { require Module::Build::ConfigData; return Module::Build::ConfigData->feature(@_); } } sub add_build_element { my ($self, $elem) = @_; my $elems = $self->build_elements; push @$elems, $elem unless grep { $_ eq $elem } @$elems; } sub ACTION_config_data { my $self = shift; return unless $self->has_config_data; my $module_name = $self->module_name or die "The config_data feature requires that 'module_name' be set"; my $notes_name = $module_name . '::ConfigData'; # TODO: Customize name ??? my $notes_pm = File::Spec->catfile($self->blib, 'lib', split /::/, "$notes_name.pm"); return if $self->up_to_date(['Build.PL', $self->config_file('config_data'), $self->config_file('features') ], $notes_pm); $self->log_info("Writing config notes to $notes_pm\n"); File::Path::mkpath(File::Basename::dirname($notes_pm)); Module::Build::Notes->write_config_data ( file => $notes_pm, module => $module_name, config_module => $notes_name, config_data => scalar $self->config_data, feature => scalar $self->{phash}{features}->access(), auto_features => scalar $self->auto_features, ); } ######################################################################## { # enclosing these lexicals -- TODO my %valid_properties = ( __PACKAGE__, {} ); my %additive_properties; sub _mb_classes { my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0]; return ($class, $class->mb_parents); } sub valid_property { my ($class, $prop) = @_; return grep exists( $valid_properties{$_}{$prop} ), $class->_mb_classes; } sub valid_properties { return keys %{ shift->valid_properties_defaults() }; } sub valid_properties_defaults { my %out; for (reverse shift->_mb_classes) { @out{ keys %{ $valid_properties{$_} } } = map { $_->() } values %{ $valid_properties{$_} }; } return \%out; } sub array_properties { for (shift->_mb_classes) { return @{$additive_properties{$_}->{ARRAY}} if exists $additive_properties{$_}->{ARRAY}; } } sub hash_properties { for (shift->_mb_classes) { return @{$additive_properties{$_}->{'HASH'}} if exists $additive_properties{$_}->{'HASH'}; } } sub add_property { my ($class, $property) = (shift, shift); die "Property '$property' already exists" if $class->valid_property($property); my %p = @_ == 1 ? ( default => shift ) : @_; my $type = ref $p{default}; $valid_properties{$class}{$property} = $type eq 'CODE' ? $p{default} : sub { $p{default} }; push @{$additive_properties{$class}->{$type}}, $property if $type; unless ($class->can($property)) { # TODO probably should put these in a util package my $sub = $type eq 'HASH' ? _make_hash_accessor($property, \%p) : _make_accessor($property, \%p); no strict 'refs'; *{"$class\::$property"} = $sub; } return $class; } sub property_error { my $self = shift; die 'ERROR: ', @_; } sub _set_defaults { my $self = shift; # Set the build class. $self->{properties}{build_class} ||= ref $self; # If there was no orig_dir, set to the same as base_dir $self->{properties}{orig_dir} ||= $self->{properties}{base_dir}; my $defaults = $self->valid_properties_defaults; foreach my $prop (keys %$defaults) { $self->{properties}{$prop} = $defaults->{$prop} unless exists $self->{properties}{$prop}; } # Copy defaults for arrays any arrays. for my $prop ($self->array_properties) { $self->{properties}{$prop} = [@{$defaults->{$prop}}] unless exists $self->{properties}{$prop}; } # Copy defaults for arrays any hashes. for my $prop ($self->hash_properties) { $self->{properties}{$prop} = {%{$defaults->{$prop}}} unless exists $self->{properties}{$prop}; } } } # end closure ######################################################################## sub _make_hash_accessor { my ($property, $p) = @_; my $check = $p->{check} || sub { 1 }; return sub { my $self = shift; # This is only here to deprecate the historic accident of calling # properties as class methods - I suspect it only happens in our # test suite. unless(ref($self)) { carp("\n$property not a class method (@_)"); return; } my $x = $self->{properties}; return $x->{$property} unless @_; my $prop = $x->{$property}; if ( defined $_[0] && !ref $_[0] ) { if ( @_ == 1 ) { return exists $prop->{$_[0]} ? $prop->{$_[0]} : undef; } elsif ( @_ % 2 == 0 ) { my %new = (%{ $prop }, @_); local $_ = \%new; $x->{$property} = \%new if $check->($self); return $x->{$property}; } else { die "Unexpected arguments for property '$property'\n"; } } else { die "Unexpected arguments for property '$property'\n" if defined $_[0] && ref $_[0] ne 'HASH'; local $_ = $_[0]; $x->{$property} = shift if $check->($self); } }; } ######################################################################## sub _make_accessor { my ($property, $p) = @_; my $check = $p->{check} || sub { 1 }; return sub { my $self = shift; # This is only here to deprecate the historic accident of calling # properties as class methods - I suspect it only happens in our # test suite. unless(ref($self)) { carp("\n$property not a class method (@_)"); return; } my $x = $self->{properties}; return $x->{$property} unless @_; local $_ = $_[0]; $x->{$property} = shift if $check->($self); return $x->{$property}; }; } ######################################################################## # Add the default properties. __PACKAGE__->add_property(blib => 'blib'); __PACKAGE__->add_property(build_class => 'Module::Build'); __PACKAGE__->add_property(build_elements => [qw(PL support pm xs pod script)]); __PACKAGE__->add_property(build_script => 'Build'); __PACKAGE__->add_property(build_bat => 0); __PACKAGE__->add_property(config_dir => '_build'); __PACKAGE__->add_property(include_dirs => []); __PACKAGE__->add_property(metafile => 'META.yml'); __PACKAGE__->add_property(recurse_into => []); __PACKAGE__->add_property(use_rcfile => 1); __PACKAGE__->add_property(create_packlist => 1); __PACKAGE__->add_property(allow_mb_mismatch => 0); __PACKAGE__->add_property(config => undef); __PACKAGE__->add_property(test_file_exts => ['.t']); __PACKAGE__->add_property(use_tap_harness => 0); __PACKAGE__->add_property(tap_harness_args => {}); __PACKAGE__->add_property( 'installdirs', default => 'site', check => sub { return 1 if /^(core|site|vendor)$/; return shift->property_error( $_ eq 'perl' ? 'Perhaps you meant installdirs to be "core" rather than "perl"?' : 'installdirs must be one of "core", "site", or "vendor"' ); return shift->property_error("Perhaps you meant 'core'?") if $_ eq 'perl'; return 0; }, ); { my $Is_ActivePerl = eval {require ActivePerl::DocTools}; __PACKAGE__->add_property(html_css => $Is_ActivePerl ? 'Active.css' : ''); } { my @prereq_action_types = qw(requires build_requires conflicts recommends); foreach my $type (@prereq_action_types) { __PACKAGE__->add_property($type => {}); } __PACKAGE__->add_property(prereq_action_types => \@prereq_action_types); } __PACKAGE__->add_property($_ => {}) for qw( get_options install_base_relpaths install_path install_sets meta_add meta_merge original_prefix prefix_relpaths configure_requires ); __PACKAGE__->add_property($_) for qw( PL_files autosplit base_dir bindoc_dirs c_source create_license create_makefile_pl create_readme debugger destdir dist_abstract dist_author dist_name dist_version dist_version_from extra_compiler_flags extra_linker_flags has_config_data install_base libdoc_dirs license magic_number mb_version module_name orig_dir perl pm_files pod_files pollute prefix program_name quiet recursive_test_files script_files scripts sign test_files verbose xs_files ); sub config { my $self = shift; my $c = ref($self) ? $self->{config} : 'Module::Build::Config'; return $c->all_config unless @_; my $key = shift; return $c->get($key) unless @_; my $val = shift; return $c->set($key => $val); } sub mb_parents { # Code borrowed from Class::ISA. my @in_stack = (shift); my %seen = ($in_stack[0] => 1); my ($current, @out); while (@in_stack) { next unless defined($current = shift @in_stack) && $current->isa('Module::Build::Base'); push @out, $current; next if $current eq 'Module::Build::Base'; no strict 'refs'; unshift @in_stack, map { my $c = $_; # copy, to avoid being destructive substr($c,0,2) = "main::" if substr($c,0,2) eq '::'; # Canonize the :: -> main::, ::foo -> main::foo thing. # Should I ever canonize the Foo'Bar = Foo::Bar thing? $seen{$c}++ ? () : $c; } @{"$current\::ISA"}; # I.e., if this class has any parents (at least, ones I've never seen # before), push them, in order, onto the stack of classes I need to # explore. } shift @out; return @out; } sub extra_linker_flags { shift->_list_accessor('extra_linker_flags', @_) } sub extra_compiler_flags { shift->_list_accessor('extra_compiler_flags', @_) } sub _list_accessor { (my $self, local $_) = (shift, shift); my $p = $self->{properties}; $p->{$_} = [@_] if @_; $p->{$_} = [] unless exists $p->{$_}; return ref($p->{$_}) ? $p->{$_} : [$p->{$_}]; } # XXX Problem - if Module::Build is loaded from a different directory, # it'll look for (and perhaps destroy/create) a _build directory. sub subclass { my ($pack, %opts) = @_; my $build_dir = '_build'; # XXX The _build directory is ostensibly settable by the user. Shouldn't hard-code here. $pack->delete_filetree($build_dir) if -e $build_dir; die "Must provide 'code' or 'class' option to subclass()\n" unless $opts{code} or $opts{class}; $opts{code} ||= ''; $opts{class} ||= 'MyModuleBuilder'; my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($build_dir, 'lib', split '::', $opts{class}) . '.pm'; my $filedir = File::Basename::dirname($filename); $pack->log_info("Creating custom builder $filename in $filedir\n"); File::Path::mkpath($filedir); die "Can't create directory $filedir: $!" unless -d $filedir; my $fh = IO::File->new("> $filename") or die "Can't create $filename: $!"; print $fh <catdir(File::Spec->rel2abs($build_dir), 'lib'); eval "use $opts{class}"; die $@ if $@; return $opts{class}; } sub dist_name { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{properties}; return $p->{dist_name} if defined $p->{dist_name}; die "Can't determine distribution name, must supply either 'dist_name' or 'module_name' parameter" unless $self->module_name; ($p->{dist_name} = $self->module_name) =~ s/::/-/g; return $p->{dist_name}; } sub dist_version_from { my ($self) = @_; my $p = $self->{properties}; if ($self->module_name) { $p->{dist_version_from} ||= join( '/', 'lib', split(/::/, $self->module_name) ) . '.pm'; } return $p->{dist_version_from} || undef; } sub dist_version { my ($self) = @_; my $p = $self->{properties}; return $p->{dist_version} if defined $p->{dist_version}; if ( my $dist_version_from = $self->dist_version_from ) { my $version_from = File::Spec->catfile( split( qr{/}, $dist_version_from ) ); my $pm_info = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file( $version_from ) or die "Can't find file $version_from to determine version"; $p->{dist_version} = $pm_info->version(); } die ("Can't determine distribution version, must supply either 'dist_version',\n". "'dist_version_from', or 'module_name' parameter") unless defined $p->{dist_version}; return $p->{dist_version}; } sub dist_author { shift->_pod_parse('author') } sub dist_abstract { shift->_pod_parse('abstract') } sub _pod_parse { my ($self, $part) = @_; my $p = $self->{properties}; my $member = "dist_$part"; return $p->{$member} if defined $p->{$member}; my $docfile = $self->_main_docfile or return; my $fh = IO::File->new($docfile) or return; require Module::Build::PodParser; my $parser = Module::Build::PodParser->new(fh => $fh); my $method = "get_$part"; return $p->{$member} = $parser->$method(); } sub version_from_file { # Method provided for backwards compatability return Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file($_[1])->version(); } sub find_module_by_name { # Method provided for backwards compatability return Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name(@_[1,2]); } sub add_to_cleanup { my $self = shift; my %files = map {$self->localize_file_path($_), 1} @_; $self->{phash}{cleanup}->write(\%files); } sub cleanup { my $self = shift; my $all = $self->{phash}{cleanup}->read; return keys %$all; } sub config_file { my $self = shift; return unless -d $self->config_dir; return File::Spec->catfile($self->config_dir, @_); } sub read_config { my ($self) = @_; my $file = $self->config_file('build_params') or die "Can't find 'build_params' in " . $self->config_dir; my $fh = IO::File->new($file) or die "Can't read '$file': $!"; my $ref = eval do {local $/; <$fh>}; die if $@; my $c; ($self->{args}, $c, $self->{properties}) = @$ref; $self->{config} = Module::Build::Config->new(values => $c); close $fh; } sub has_config_data { my $self = shift; return scalar grep $self->{phash}{$_}->has_data(), qw(config_data features auto_features); } sub _write_data { my ($self, $filename, $data) = @_; my $file = $self->config_file($filename); my $fh = IO::File->new("> $file") or die "Can't create '$file': $!"; unless (ref($data)) { # e.g. magicnum print $fh $data; return; } print {$fh} Module::Build::Dumper->_data_dump($data); } sub write_config { my ($self) = @_; File::Path::mkpath($self->{properties}{config_dir}); -d $self->{properties}{config_dir} or die "Can't mkdir $self->{properties}{config_dir}: $!"; my @items = @{ $self->prereq_action_types }; $self->_write_data('prereqs', { map { $_, $self->$_() } @items }); $self->_write_data('build_params', [$self->{args}, $self->{config}->values_set, $self->{properties}]); # Set a new magic number and write it to a file $self->_write_data('magicnum', $self->magic_number(int rand 1_000_000)); $self->{phash}{$_}->write() foreach qw(notes cleanup features auto_features config_data runtime_params); } sub check_autofeatures { my ($self) = @_; my $features = $self->auto_features; return unless %$features; $self->log_info("Checking features:\n"); # TODO refactor into ::Util my $longest = sub { my @str = @_ or croak("no strings given"); my @len = map({length($_)} @str); my $max = 0; my $longest; for my $i (0..$#len) { ($max, $longest) = ($len[$i], $str[$i]) if($len[$i] > $max); } return($longest); }; my $max_name_len = length($longest->(keys %$features)); while (my ($name, $info) = each %$features) { $self->log_info(" $name" . '.' x ($max_name_len - length($name) + 4)); if ( my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info) ) { my $disabled = grep( /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/, keys %$failures ) ? 1 : 0; $self->log_info( $disabled ? "disabled\n" : "enabled\n" ); my $log_text; while (my ($type, $prereqs) = each %$failures) { while (my ($module, $status) = each %$prereqs) { my $required = ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?(?:requires|conflicts)$/) ? 1 : 0; my $prefix = ($required) ? '-' : '*'; $log_text .= " $prefix $status->{message}\n"; } } $self->log_warn("$log_text") unless $self->quiet; } else { $self->log_info("enabled\n"); } } $self->log_warn("\n"); } sub prereq_failures { my ($self, $info) = @_; my @types = @{ $self->prereq_action_types }; $info ||= {map {$_, $self->$_()} @types}; my $out; foreach my $type (@types) { my $prereqs = $info->{$type}; while ( my ($modname, $spec) = each %$prereqs ) { my $status = $self->check_installed_status($modname, $spec); if ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?conflicts$/) { next if !$status->{ok}; $status->{conflicts} = delete $status->{need}; $status->{message} = "$modname ($status->{have}) conflicts with this distribution"; } elsif ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?recommends$/) { next if $status->{ok}; $status->{message} = (!ref($status->{have}) && $status->{have} eq '' ? "Optional prerequisite $modname is not installed" : "$modname ($status->{have}) is installed, but we prefer to have $spec"); } else { next if $status->{ok}; } $out->{$type}{$modname} = $status; } } return $out; } # returns a hash of defined prerequisites; i.e. only prereq types with values sub _enum_prereqs { my $self = shift; my %prereqs; foreach my $type ( @{ $self->prereq_action_types } ) { if ( $self->can( $type ) ) { my $prereq = $self->$type() || {}; $prereqs{$type} = $prereq if %$prereq; } } return \%prereqs; } sub check_prereq { my $self = shift; # If we have XS files, make sure we can process them. my $xs_files = $self->find_xs_files; if (keys %$xs_files && !$self->_mb_feature('C_support')) { $self->log_warn("Warning: this distribution contains XS files, ". "but Module::Build is not configured with C_support. ". "Please install ExtUtils::CBuilder to enable C_support.\n"); } # Check to see if there are any prereqs to check my $info = $self->_enum_prereqs; return 1 unless $info; $self->log_info("Checking prerequisites...\n"); my $failures = $self->prereq_failures($info); if ( $failures ) { while (my ($type, $prereqs) = each %$failures) { while (my ($module, $status) = each %$prereqs) { my $prefix = ($type =~ /^(?:\w+_)?recommends$/) ? '*' : '- ERROR:'; $self->log_warn(" $prefix $status->{message}\n"); } } $self->log_warn(<log_info("Looks good\n\n"); return 1; } } sub perl_version { my ($self) = @_; # Check the current perl interpreter # It's much more convenient to use $] here than $^V, but 'man # perlvar' says I'm not supposed to. Bloody tyrant. return $^V ? $self->perl_version_to_float(sprintf "%vd", $^V) : $]; } sub perl_version_to_float { my ($self, $version) = @_; return $version if grep( /\./, $version ) < 2; $version =~ s/\./../; $version =~ s/\.(\d+)/sprintf '%03d', $1/eg; return $version; } sub _parse_conditions { my ($self, $spec) = @_; if ($spec =~ /^\s*([\w.]+)\s*$/) { # A plain number, maybe with dots, letters, and underscores return (">= $spec"); } else { return split /\s*,\s*/, $spec; } } sub check_installed_status { my ($self, $modname, $spec) = @_; my %status = (need => $spec); if ($modname eq 'perl') { $status{have} = $self->perl_version; } elsif (eval { no strict; $status{have} = ${"${modname}::VERSION"} }) { # Don't try to load if it's already loaded } else { my $pm_info = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_module( $modname ); unless (defined( $pm_info )) { @status{ qw(have message) } = ('', "$modname is not installed"); return \%status; } $status{have} = $pm_info->version(); if ($spec and !defined($status{have})) { @status{ qw(have message) } = (undef, "Couldn't find a \$VERSION in prerequisite $modname"); return \%status; } } my @conditions = $self->_parse_conditions($spec); foreach (@conditions) { my ($op, $version) = /^\s* (<=?|>=?|==|!=) \s* ([\w.]+) \s*$/x or die "Invalid prerequisite condition '$_' for $modname"; $version = $self->perl_version_to_float($version) if $modname eq 'perl'; next if $op eq '>=' and !$version; # Module doesn't have to actually define a $VERSION unless ($self->compare_versions( $status{have}, $op, $version )) { $status{message} = "$modname ($status{have}) is installed, but we need version $op $version"; return \%status; } } $status{ok} = 1; return \%status; } sub compare_versions { my $self = shift; my ($v1, $op, $v2) = @_; $v1 = Module::Build::Version->new($v1) unless UNIVERSAL::isa($v1,'Module::Build::Version'); my $eval_str = "\$v1 $op \$v2"; my $result = eval $eval_str; $self->log_warn("error comparing versions: '$eval_str' $@") if $@; return $result; } # I wish I could set $! to a string, but I can't, so I use $@ sub check_installed_version { my ($self, $modname, $spec) = @_; my $status = $self->check_installed_status($modname, $spec); if ($status->{ok}) { return $status->{have} if $status->{have} and "$status->{have}" ne ''; return '0 but true'; } $@ = $status->{message}; return 0; } sub make_executable { # Perl's chmod() is mapped to useful things on various non-Unix # platforms, so we use it in the base class even though it looks # Unixish. my $self = shift; foreach (@_) { my $current_mode = (stat $_)[2]; chmod $current_mode | oct(111), $_; } } sub is_executable { # We assume this does the right thing on generic platforms, though # we do some other more specific stuff on Unixish platforms. my ($self, $file) = @_; return -x $file; } sub _startperl { shift()->config('startperl') } # Return any directories in @INC which are not in the default @INC for # this perl. For example, stuff passed in with -I or loaded with "use lib". sub _added_to_INC { my $self = shift; my %seen; $seen{$_}++ foreach $self->_default_INC; return grep !$seen{$_}++, @INC; } # Determine the default @INC for this Perl { my @default_inc; # Memoize sub _default_INC { my $self = shift; return @default_inc if @default_inc; local $ENV{PERL5LIB}; # this is not considered part of the default. my $perl = ref($self) ? $self->perl : $self->find_perl_interpreter; my @inc = $self->_backticks($perl, '-le', 'print for @INC'); chomp @inc; return @default_inc = @inc; } } sub print_build_script { my ($self, $fh) = @_; my $build_package = $self->build_class; my $closedata=""; my %q = map {$_, $self->$_()} qw(config_dir base_dir); my $case_tolerant = 0+(File::Spec->can('case_tolerant') && File::Spec->case_tolerant); $q{base_dir} = uc $q{base_dir} if $case_tolerant; $q{base_dir} = Win32::GetShortPathName($q{base_dir}) if $self->is_windowsish; $q{magic_numfile} = $self->config_file('magicnum'); my @myINC = $self->_added_to_INC; for (@myINC, values %q) { $_ = File::Spec->canonpath( $_ ); s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g; } my $quoted_INC = join ",\n", map " '$_'", @myINC; my $shebang = $self->_startperl; my $magic_number = $self->magic_number; print $fh <; close FH; return \$filenum == $magic_number; } my \$progname; my \$orig_dir; BEGIN { \$^W = 1; # Use warnings \$progname = basename(\$0); \$orig_dir = Cwd::cwd(); my \$base_dir = '$q{base_dir}'; if (!magic_number_matches()) { unless (chdir(\$base_dir)) { die ("Couldn't chdir(\$base_dir), aborting\\n"); } unless (magic_number_matches()) { die ("Configuration seems to be out of date, please re-run 'perl Build.PL' again.\\n"); } } unshift \@INC, ( $quoted_INC ); } close(*DATA) unless eof(*DATA); # ensure no open handles to this script use $build_package; # Some platforms have problems setting \$^X in shebang contexts, fix it up here \$^X = Module::Build->find_perl_interpreter; if (-e 'Build.PL' and not $build_package->up_to_date('Build.PL', \$progname)) { warn "Warning: Build.PL has been altered. You may need to run 'perl Build.PL' again.\\n"; } # This should have just enough arguments to be able to bootstrap the rest. my \$build = $build_package->resume ( properties => { config_dir => '$q{config_dir}', orig_dir => \$orig_dir, }, ); \$build->dispatch; EOF } sub create_build_script { my ($self) = @_; $self->write_config; my ($build_script, $dist_name, $dist_version) = map $self->$_(), qw(build_script dist_name dist_version); if ( $self->delete_filetree($build_script) ) { $self->log_info("Removed previous script '$build_script'\n\n"); } $self->log_info("Creating new '$build_script' script for ", "'$dist_name' version '$dist_version'\n"); my $fh = IO::File->new(">$build_script") or die "Can't create '$build_script': $!"; $self->print_build_script($fh); close $fh; $self->make_executable($build_script); return 1; } sub check_manifest { my $self = shift; return unless -e 'MANIFEST'; # Stolen nearly verbatim from MakeMaker. But ExtUtils::Manifest # could easily be re-written into a modern Perl dialect. require ExtUtils::Manifest; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean. local ($^W, $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet) = (0,1); $self->log_info("Checking whether your kit is complete...\n"); if (my @missed = ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck()) { $self->log_warn("WARNING: the following files are missing in your kit:\n", "\t", join("\n\t", @missed), "\n", "Please inform the author.\n\n"); } else { $self->log_info("Looks good\n\n"); } } sub dispatch { my $self = shift; local $self->{_completed_actions} = {}; if (@_) { my ($action, %p) = @_; my $args = $p{args} ? delete($p{args}) : {}; local $self->{invoked_action} = $action; local $self->{args} = {%{$self->{args}}, %$args}; local $self->{properties} = {%{$self->{properties}}, %p}; return $self->_call_action($action); } die "No build action specified" unless $self->{action}; local $self->{invoked_action} = $self->{action}; $self->_call_action($self->{action}); } sub _call_action { my ($self, $action) = @_; return if $self->{_completed_actions}{$action}++; local $self->{action} = $action; my $method = "ACTION_$action"; die "No action '$action' defined, try running the 'help' action.\n" unless $self->can($method); return $self->$method(); } # cuts the user-specified options out of the command-line args sub cull_options { my $self = shift; my (@argv) = @_; # XXX is it even valid to call this as a class method? return({}, @argv) unless(ref($self)); # no object my $specs = $self->get_options; return({}, @argv) unless($specs and %$specs); # no user options require Getopt::Long; # XXX Should we let Getopt::Long handle M::B's options? That would # be easy-ish to add to @specs right here, but wouldn't handle options # passed without "--" as M::B currently allows. We might be able to # get around this by setting the "prefix_pattern" Configure option. my @specs; my $args = {}; # Construct the specifications for GetOptions. while (my ($k, $v) = each %$specs) { # Throw an error if specs conflict with our own. die "Option specification '$k' conflicts with a " . ref $self . " option of the same name" if $self->valid_property($k); push @specs, $k . (defined $v->{type} ? $v->{type} : ''); push @specs, $v->{store} if exists $v->{store}; $args->{$k} = $v->{default} if exists $v->{default}; } local @ARGV = @argv; # No other way to dupe Getopt::Long # Get the options values and return them. # XXX Add option to allow users to set options? if ( @specs ) { Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through'); Getopt::Long::GetOptions($args, @specs); } return $args, @ARGV; } sub unparse_args { my ($self, $args) = @_; my @out; while (my ($k, $v) = each %$args) { push @out, (UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'HASH') ? map {+"--$k", "$_=$v->{$_}"} keys %$v : UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'ARRAY') ? map {+"--$k", $_} @$v : ("--$k", $v)); } return @out; } sub args { my $self = shift; return wantarray ? %{ $self->{args} } : $self->{args} unless @_; my $key = shift; $self->{args}{$key} = shift if @_; return $self->{args}{$key}; } # allows select parameters (with underscores) to be spoken with dashes # when used as command-line options sub _translate_option { my $self = shift; my $opt = shift; (my $tr_opt = $opt) =~ tr/-/_/; return $tr_opt if grep $tr_opt =~ /^(?:no_?)?$_$/, qw( create_license create_makefile_pl create_readme extra_compiler_flags extra_linker_flags html_css install_base install_path meta_add meta_merge test_files use_rcfile use_tap_harness tap_harness_args ); # normalize only selected option names return $opt; } sub _read_arg { my ($self, $args, $key, $val) = @_; $key = $self->_translate_option($key); if ( exists $args->{$key} ) { $args->{$key} = [ $args->{$key} ] unless ref $args->{$key}; push @{$args->{$key}}, $val; } else { $args->{$key} = $val; } } # decide whether or not an option requires/has an opterand sub _optional_arg { my $self = shift; my $opt = shift; my $argv = shift; $opt = $self->_translate_option($opt); my @bool_opts = qw( build_bat create_license create_readme pollute quiet uninst use_rcfile verbose sign use_tap_harness ); # inverted boolean options; eg --noverbose or --no-verbose # converted to proper name & returned with false value (verbose, 0) if ( grep $opt =~ /^no[-_]?$_$/, @bool_opts ) { $opt =~ s/^no-?//; return ($opt, 0); } # non-boolean option; return option unchanged along with its argument return ($opt, shift(@$argv)) unless grep $_ eq $opt, @bool_opts; # we're punting a bit here, if an option appears followed by a digit # we take the digit as the argument for the option. If there is # nothing that looks like a digit, we pretend the option is a flag # that is being set and has no argument. my $arg = 1; $arg = shift(@$argv) if @$argv && $argv->[0] =~ /^\d+$/; return ($opt, $arg); } sub read_args { my $self = shift; (my $args, @_) = $self->cull_options(@_); my %args = %$args; my $opt_re = qr/[\w\-]+/; my ($action, @argv); while (@_) { local $_ = shift; if ( /^(?:--)?($opt_re)=(.*)$/ ) { $self->_read_arg(\%args, $1, $2); } elsif ( /^--($opt_re)$/ ) { my($opt, $arg) = $self->_optional_arg($1, \@_); $self->_read_arg(\%args, $opt, $arg); } elsif ( /^($opt_re)$/ and !defined($action)) { $action = $1; } else { push @argv, $_; } } $args{ARGV} = \@argv; for ('extra_compiler_flags', 'extra_linker_flags') { $args{$_} = [ $self->split_like_shell($args{$_}) ] if exists $args{$_}; } # Hashify these parameters for ($self->hash_properties, 'config') { next unless exists $args{$_}; my %hash; $args{$_} ||= []; $args{$_} = [ $args{$_} ] unless ref $args{$_}; foreach my $arg ( @{$args{$_}} ) { $arg =~ /(\w+)=(.*)/ or die "Malformed '$_' argument: '$arg' should be something like 'foo=bar'"; $hash{$1} = $2; } $args{$_} = \%hash; } # De-tilde-ify any path parameters for my $key (qw(prefix install_base destdir)) { next if !defined $args{$key}; $args{$key} = $self->_detildefy($args{$key}); } for my $key (qw(install_path)) { next if !defined $args{$key}; for my $subkey (keys %{$args{$key}}) { next if !defined $args{$key}{$subkey}; my $subkey_ext = $self->_detildefy($args{$key}{$subkey}); if ( $subkey eq 'html' ) { # translate for compatability $args{$key}{binhtml} = $subkey_ext; $args{$key}{libhtml} = $subkey_ext; } else { $args{$key}{$subkey} = $subkey_ext; } } } if ($args{makefile_env_macros}) { require Module::Build::Compat; %args = (%args, Module::Build::Compat->makefile_to_build_macros); } return \%args, $action; } # Default: do nothing. Overridden for Unix & Windows. sub _detildefy {} # merge Module::Build argument lists that have already been parsed # by read_args(). Takes two references to option hashes and merges # the contents, giving priority to the first. sub _merge_arglist { my( $self, $opts1, $opts2 ) = @_; my %new_opts = %$opts1; while (my ($key, $val) = each %$opts2) { if ( exists( $opts1->{$key} ) ) { if ( ref( $val ) eq 'HASH' ) { while (my ($k, $v) = each %$val) { $new_opts{$key}{$k} = $v unless exists( $opts1->{$key}{$k} ); } } } else { $new_opts{$key} = $val } } return %new_opts; } # Look for a home directory on various systems. sub _home_dir { my @home_dirs; push( @home_dirs, $ENV{HOME} ) if $ENV{HOME}; push( @home_dirs, File::Spec->catpath($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}, $ENV{HOMEPATH}, '') ) if $ENV{HOMEDRIVE} && $ENV{HOMEPATH}; my @other_home_envs = qw( USERPROFILE APPDATA WINDIR SYS$LOGIN ); push( @home_dirs, map $ENV{$_}, grep $ENV{$_}, @other_home_envs ); my @real_home_dirs = grep -d, @home_dirs; return wantarray ? @real_home_dirs : shift( @real_home_dirs ); } sub _find_user_config { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; foreach my $dir ( $self->_home_dir ) { my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $dir, $file ); return $path if -e $path; } return undef; } # read ~/.modulebuildrc returning global options '*' and # options specific to the currently executing $action. sub read_modulebuildrc { my( $self, $action ) = @_; return () unless $self->use_rcfile; my $modulebuildrc; if ( exists($ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}) && $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC} eq 'NONE' ) { return (); } elsif ( exists($ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}) && -e $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC} ) { $modulebuildrc = $ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}; } elsif ( exists($ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}) ) { $self->log_warn("WARNING: Can't find resource file " . "'$ENV{MODULEBUILDRC}' defined in environment.\n" . "No options loaded\n"); return (); } else { $modulebuildrc = $self->_find_user_config( '.modulebuildrc' ); return () unless $modulebuildrc; } my $fh = IO::File->new( $modulebuildrc ) or die "Can't open $modulebuildrc: $!"; my %options; my $buffer = ''; while (defined( my $line = <$fh> )) { chomp( $line ); $line =~ s/#.*$//; next unless length( $line ); if ( $line =~ /^\S/ ) { if ( $buffer ) { my( $action, $options ) = split( /\s+/, $buffer, 2 ); $options{$action} .= $options . ' '; $buffer = ''; } $buffer = $line; } else { $buffer .= $line; } } if ( $buffer ) { # anything left in $buffer ? my( $action, $options ) = split( /\s+/, $buffer, 2 ); $options{$action} .= $options . ' '; # merge if more than one line } my ($global_opts) = $self->read_args( $self->split_like_shell( $options{'*'} || '' ) ); my ($action_opts) = $self->read_args( $self->split_like_shell( $options{$action} || '' ) ); # specific $action options take priority over global options '*' return $self->_merge_arglist( $action_opts, $global_opts ); } # merge the relevant options in ~/.modulebuildrc into Module::Build's # option list where they do not conflict with commandline options. sub merge_modulebuildrc { my( $self, $action, %cmdline_opts ) = @_; my %rc_opts = $self->read_modulebuildrc( $action || $self->{action} || 'build' ); my %new_opts = $self->_merge_arglist( \%cmdline_opts, \%rc_opts ); $self->merge_args( $action, %new_opts ); } sub merge_args { my ($self, $action, %args) = @_; $self->{action} = $action if defined $action; my %additive = map { $_ => 1 } $self->hash_properties; # Extract our 'properties' from $cmd_args, the rest are put in 'args'. while (my ($key, $val) = each %args) { $self->{phash}{runtime_params}->access( $key => $val ) if $self->valid_property($key); if ($key eq 'config') { $self->config($_ => $val->{$_}) foreach keys %$val; } else { my $add_to = $additive{$key} ? $self->{properties}{$key} : $self->valid_property($key) ? $self->{properties} : $self->{args} ; if ($additive{$key}) { $add_to->{$_} = $val->{$_} foreach keys %$val; } else { $add_to->{$key} = $val; } } } } sub cull_args { my $self = shift; my ($args, $action) = $self->read_args(@_); $self->merge_args($action, %$args); $self->merge_modulebuildrc( $action, %$args ); } sub super_classes { my ($self, $class, $seen) = @_; $class ||= ref($self) || $self; $seen ||= {}; no strict 'refs'; my @super = grep {not $seen->{$_}++} $class, @{ $class . '::ISA' }; return @super, map {$self->super_classes($_,$seen)} @super; } sub known_actions { my ($self) = @_; my %actions; no strict 'refs'; foreach my $class ($self->super_classes) { foreach ( keys %{ $class . '::' } ) { $actions{$1}++ if /^ACTION_(\w+)/; } } return wantarray ? sort keys %actions : \%actions; } sub get_action_docs { my ($self, $action) = @_; my $actions = $self->known_actions; die "No known action '$action'" unless $actions->{$action}; my ($files_found, @docs) = (0); foreach my $class ($self->super_classes) { (my $file = $class) =~ s{::}{/}g; # NOTE: silently skipping relative paths if any chdir() happened $file = $INC{$file . '.pm'} or next; my $fh = IO::File->new("< $file") or next; $files_found++; # Code below modified from /usr/bin/perldoc # Skip to ACTIONS section local $_; while (<$fh>) { last if /^=head1 ACTIONS\s/; } # Look for our action and determine the style my $style; while (<$fh>) { last if /^=head1 /; # only item and head2 are allowed (3&4 are not in 5.005) if(/^=(item|head2)\s+\Q$action\E\b/) { $style = $1; push @docs, $_; last; } } $style or next; # not here # and the content if($style eq 'item') { my ($found, $inlist) = (0, 0); while (<$fh>) { if (/^=(item|back)/) { last unless $inlist; } push @docs, $_; ++$inlist if /^=over/; --$inlist if /^=back/; } } else { # head2 style # stop at anything equal or greater than the found level while (<$fh>) { last if(/^=(?:head[12]|cut)/); push @docs, $_; } } # TODO maybe disallow overriding just pod for an action # TODO and possibly: @docs and last; } unless ($files_found) { $@ = "Couldn't find any documentation to search"; return; } unless (@docs) { $@ = "Couldn't find any docs for action '$action'"; return; } return join '', @docs; } sub ACTION_prereq_report { my $self = shift; $self->log_info( $self->prereq_report ); } sub prereq_report { my $self = shift; my @types = @{ $self->prereq_action_types }; my $info = { map { $_ => $self->$_() } @types }; my $output = ''; foreach my $type (@types) { my $prereqs = $info->{$type}; next unless %$prereqs; $output .= "\n$type:\n"; my $mod_len = 2; my $ver_len = 4; my %mods; while ( my ($modname, $spec) = each %$prereqs ) { my $len = length $modname; $mod_len = $len if $len > $mod_len; $spec ||= '0'; $len = length $spec; $ver_len = $len if $len > $ver_len; my $mod = $self->check_installed_status($modname, $spec); $mod->{name} = $modname; $mod->{ok} ||= 0; $mod->{ok} = ! $mod->{ok} if $type =~ /^(\w+_)?conflicts$/; $mods{lc $modname} = $mod; } my $space = q{ } x ($mod_len - 3); my $vspace = q{ } x ($ver_len - 3); my $sline = q{-} x ($mod_len - 3); my $vline = q{-} x ($ver_len - 3); my $disposition = ($type =~ /^(\w+_)?conflicts$/) ? 'Clash' : 'Need'; $output .= " Module $space $disposition $vspace Have\n". " ------$sline+------$vline-+----------\n"; for my $k (sort keys %mods) { my $mod = $mods{$k}; my $space = q{ } x ($mod_len - length $k); my $vspace = q{ } x ($ver_len - length $mod->{need}); my $f = $mod->{ok} ? ' ' : '!'; $output .= " $f $mod->{name} $space $mod->{need} $vspace ". (defined($mod->{have}) ? $mod->{have} : "")."\n"; } } return $output; } sub ACTION_help { my ($self) = @_; my $actions = $self->known_actions; if (@{$self->{args}{ARGV}}) { my $msg = eval {$self->get_action_docs($self->{args}{ARGV}[0], $actions)}; print $@ ? "$@\n" : $msg; return; } print < arg1=value arg2=value ... Example: $0 test verbose=1 Actions defined: EOF print $self->_action_listing($actions); print "\nRun `Build help ` for details on an individual action.\n"; print "See `perldoc Module::Build` for complete documentation.\n"; } sub _action_listing { my ($self, $actions) = @_; # Flow down columns, not across rows my @actions = sort keys %$actions; @actions = map $actions[($_ + ($_ % 2) * @actions) / 2], 0..$#actions; my $out = ''; while (my ($one, $two) = splice @actions, 0, 2) { $out .= sprintf(" %-12s %-12s\n", $one, $two||''); } return $out; } sub ACTION_retest { my ($self) = @_; # Protect others against our @INC changes local @INC = @INC; # Filter out nonsensical @INC entries - some versions of # Test::Harness will really explode the number of entries here @INC = grep {ref() || -d} @INC if @INC > 100; $self->do_tests; } sub ACTION_testall { my ($self) = @_; my @types; for my $action (grep { $_ ne 'all' } $self->get_test_types) { # XXX We can't just dispatch because we get multiple summaries but # we'll need to dispatch to support custom setup/teardown in the # action. To support that, we'll need to call something besides # Harness::runtests() because we'll need to collect the results in # parts, then run the summary. push(@types, $action); #$self->_call_action( "test$action" ); } $self->generic_test(types => ['default', @types]); } sub get_test_types { my ($self) = @_; my $t = $self->{properties}->{test_types}; return ( defined $t ? ( keys %$t ) : () ); } sub ACTION_test { my ($self) = @_; $self->generic_test(type => 'default'); } sub generic_test { my $self = shift; (@_ % 2) and croak('Odd number of elements in argument hash'); my %args = @_; my $p = $self->{properties}; my @types = ( (exists($args{type}) ? $args{type} : ()), (exists($args{types}) ? @{$args{types}} : ()), ); @types or croak "need some types of tests to check"; my %test_types = ( default => $p->{test_file_exts}, (defined($p->{test_types}) ? %{$p->{test_types}} : ()), ); for my $type (@types) { croak "$type not defined in test_types!" unless defined $test_types{ $type }; } # we use local here because it ends up two method calls deep local $p->{test_file_exts} = [ map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ } @test_types{@types} ]; $self->depends_on('code'); # Protect others against our @INC changes local @INC = @INC; # Make sure we test the module in blib/ unshift @INC, (File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'lib'), File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'arch')); # Filter out nonsensical @INC entries - some versions of # Test::Harness will really explode the number of entries here @INC = grep {ref() || -d} @INC if @INC > 100; $self->do_tests; } sub do_tests { my $self = shift; my $tests = $self->find_test_files; if(@$tests) { my $args = $self->tap_harness_args; if($self->use_tap_harness or ($args and %$args)) { $self->run_tap_harness($tests); } else { $self->run_test_harness($tests); } } else { $self->log_info("No tests defined.\n"); } $self->run_visual_script; } sub run_tap_harness { my ($self, $tests) = @_; require TAP::Harness; # TODO allow the test @INC to be set via our API? TAP::Harness->new({ lib => [@INC], verbosity => $self->{properties}{verbose}, switches => [ $self->harness_switches ], %{ $self->tap_harness_args }, })->runtests(@$tests); } sub run_test_harness { my ($self, $tests) = @_; require Test::Harness; my $p = $self->{properties}; my @harness_switches = $self->harness_switches; # Work around a Test::Harness bug that loses the particular perl # we're running under. $self->perl is trustworthy, but $^X isn't. local $^X = $self->perl; # Do everything in our power to work with all versions of Test::Harness local $Test::Harness::switches = join ' ', grep defined, $Test::Harness::switches, @harness_switches; local $Test::Harness::Switches = join ' ', grep defined, $Test::Harness::Switches, @harness_switches; local $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} = join ' ', grep defined, $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES}, @harness_switches; $Test::Harness::switches = undef unless length $Test::Harness::switches; $Test::Harness::Switches = undef unless length $Test::Harness::Switches; delete $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} unless length $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES}; local ($Test::Harness::verbose, $Test::Harness::Verbose, $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}, $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE}) = ($p->{verbose} || 0) x 4; Test::Harness::runtests(@$tests); } sub run_visual_script { my $self = shift; # This will get run and the user will see the output. It doesn't # emit Test::Harness-style output. $self->run_perl_script('visual.pl', '-Mblib='.$self->blib) if -e 'visual.pl'; } sub harness_switches { shift->{properties}{debugger} ? qw(-w -d) : (); } sub test_files { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{properties}; if (@_) { return $p->{test_files} = (@_ == 1 ? shift : [@_]); } return $self->find_test_files; } sub expand_test_dir { my ($self, $dir) = @_; my $exts = $self->{properties}{test_file_exts}; return sort map { @{$self->rscan_dir($dir, qr{^[^.].*\Q$_\E$})} } @$exts if $self->recursive_test_files; return sort map { glob File::Spec->catfile($dir, "*$_") } @$exts; } sub ACTION_testdb { my ($self) = @_; local $self->{properties}{debugger} = 1; $self->depends_on('test'); } sub ACTION_testcover { my ($self) = @_; unless (Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name('Devel::Cover')) { warn("Cannot run testcover action unless Devel::Cover is installed.\n"); return; } $self->add_to_cleanup('coverage', 'cover_db'); $self->depends_on('code'); # See whether any of the *.pm files have changed since last time # testcover was run. If so, start over. if (-e 'cover_db') { my $pm_files = $self->rscan_dir (File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'lib'), file_qr('\.pm$') ); my $cover_files = $self->rscan_dir('cover_db', sub {-f $_ and not /\.html$/}); $self->do_system(qw(cover -delete)) unless $self->up_to_date($pm_files, $cover_files) && $self->up_to_date($self->test_files, $cover_files); } local $Test::Harness::switches = local $Test::Harness::Switches = local $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} = "-MDevel::Cover"; $self->depends_on('test'); $self->do_system('cover'); } sub ACTION_code { my ($self) = @_; # All installable stuff gets created in blib/ . # Create blib/arch to keep blib.pm happy my $blib = $self->blib; $self->add_to_cleanup($blib); File::Path::mkpath( File::Spec->catdir($blib, 'arch') ); if (my $split = $self->autosplit) { $self->autosplit_file($_, $blib) for ref($split) ? @$split : ($split); } foreach my $element (@{$self->build_elements}) { my $method = "process_${element}_files"; $method = "process_files_by_extension" unless $self->can($method); $self->$method($element); } $self->depends_on('config_data'); } sub ACTION_build { my $self = shift; $self->depends_on('code'); $self->depends_on('docs'); } sub process_files_by_extension { my ($self, $ext) = @_; my $method = "find_${ext}_files"; my $files = $self->can($method) ? $self->$method() : $self->_find_file_by_type($ext, 'lib'); while (my ($file, $dest) = each %$files) { $self->copy_if_modified(from => $file, to => File::Spec->catfile($self->blib, $dest) ); } } sub process_support_files { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{properties}; return unless $p->{c_source}; push @{$p->{include_dirs}}, $p->{c_source}; my $files = $self->rscan_dir($p->{c_source}, file_qr('\.c(pp)?$')); foreach my $file (@$files) { push @{$p->{objects}}, $self->compile_c($file); } } sub process_PL_files { my ($self) = @_; my $files = $self->find_PL_files; while (my ($file, $to) = each %$files) { unless ($self->up_to_date( $file, $to )) { $self->run_perl_script($file, [], [@$to]) or die "$file failed"; $self->add_to_cleanup(@$to); } } } sub process_xs_files { my $self = shift; my $files = $self->find_xs_files; while (my ($from, $to) = each %$files) { unless ($from eq $to) { $self->add_to_cleanup($to); $self->copy_if_modified( from => $from, to => $to ); } $self->process_xs($to); } } sub process_pod_files { shift()->process_files_by_extension(shift()) } sub process_pm_files { shift()->process_files_by_extension(shift()) } sub process_script_files { my $self = shift; my $files = $self->find_script_files; return unless keys %$files; my $script_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'script'); File::Path::mkpath( $script_dir ); foreach my $file (keys %$files) { my $result = $self->copy_if_modified($file, $script_dir, 'flatten') or next; $self->fix_shebang_line($result) unless $self->is_vmsish; $self->make_executable($result); } } sub find_PL_files { my $self = shift; if (my $files = $self->{properties}{PL_files}) { # 'PL_files' is given as a Unix file spec, so we localize_file_path(). if (UNIVERSAL::isa($files, 'ARRAY')) { return { map {$_, [/^(.*)\.PL$/]} map $self->localize_file_path($_), @$files }; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($files, 'HASH')) { my %out; while (my ($file, $to) = each %$files) { $out{ $self->localize_file_path($file) } = [ map $self->localize_file_path($_), ref $to ? @$to : ($to) ]; } return \%out; } else { die "'PL_files' must be a hash reference or array reference"; } } return unless -d 'lib'; return { map {$_, [/^(.*)\.PL$/i ]} @{ $self->rscan_dir('lib', file_qr('\.PL$')) } }; } sub find_pm_files { shift->_find_file_by_type('pm', 'lib') } sub find_pod_files { shift->_find_file_by_type('pod', 'lib') } sub find_xs_files { shift->_find_file_by_type('xs', 'lib') } sub find_script_files { my $self = shift; if (my $files = $self->script_files) { # Always given as a Unix file spec. Values in the hash are # meaningless, but we preserve if present. return { map {$self->localize_file_path($_), $files->{$_}} keys %$files }; } # No default location for script files return {}; } sub find_test_files { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{properties}; if (my $files = $p->{test_files}) { $files = [keys %$files] if UNIVERSAL::isa($files, 'HASH'); $files = [map { -d $_ ? $self->expand_test_dir($_) : $_ } map glob, $self->split_like_shell($files)]; # Always given as a Unix file spec. return [ map $self->localize_file_path($_), @$files ]; } else { # Find all possible tests in t/ or test.pl my @tests; push @tests, 'test.pl' if -e 'test.pl'; push @tests, $self->expand_test_dir('t') if -e 't' and -d _; return \@tests; } } sub _find_file_by_type { my ($self, $type, $dir) = @_; if (my $files = $self->{properties}{"${type}_files"}) { # Always given as a Unix file spec return { map $self->localize_file_path($_), %$files }; } return {} unless -d $dir; return { map {$_, $_} map $self->localize_file_path($_), grep !/\.\#/, @{ $self->rscan_dir($dir, file_qr("\\.$type\$")) } }; } sub localize_file_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; return File::Spec->catfile( split m{/}, $path ); } sub localize_dir_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; return File::Spec->catdir( split m{/}, $path ); } sub fix_shebang_line { # Adapted from fixin() in ExtUtils::MM_Unix 1.35 my ($self, @files) = @_; my $c = ref($self) ? $self->{config} : 'Module::Build::Config'; my ($does_shbang) = $c->get('sharpbang') =~ /^\s*\#\!/; for my $file (@files) { my $FIXIN = IO::File->new($file) or die "Can't process '$file': $!"; local $/ = "\n"; chomp(my $line = <$FIXIN>); next unless $line =~ s/^\s*\#!\s*//; # Not a shbang file. my ($cmd, $arg) = (split(' ', $line, 2), ''); next unless $cmd =~ /perl/i; my $interpreter = $self->{properties}{perl}; $self->log_verbose("Changing sharpbang in $file to $interpreter"); my $shb = ''; $shb .= $c->get('sharpbang')."$interpreter $arg\n" if $does_shbang; # I'm not smart enough to know the ramifications of changing the # embedded newlines here to \n, so I leave 'em in. $shb .= qq{ eval 'exec $interpreter $arg -S \$0 \${1+"\$\@"}' if 0; # not running under some shell } unless $self->is_windowsish; # this won't work on win32, so don't my $FIXOUT = IO::File->new(">$file.new") or die "Can't create new $file: $!\n"; # Print out the new #! line (or equivalent). local $\; undef $/; # Was localized above print $FIXOUT $shb, <$FIXIN>; close $FIXIN; close $FIXOUT; rename($file, "$file.bak") or die "Can't rename $file to $file.bak: $!"; rename("$file.new", $file) or die "Can't rename $file.new to $file: $!"; $self->delete_filetree("$file.bak") or $self->log_warn("Couldn't clean up $file.bak, leaving it there"); $self->do_system($c->get('eunicefix'), $file) if $c->get('eunicefix') ne ':'; } } sub ACTION_testpod { my $self = shift; $self->depends_on('docs'); eval q{use Test::Pod 0.95; 1} or die "The 'testpod' action requires Test::Pod version 0.95"; my @files = sort keys %{$self->_find_pods($self->libdoc_dirs)}, keys %{$self->_find_pods ($self->bindoc_dirs, exclude => [ file_qr('\.bat$') ])} or die "Couldn't find any POD files to test\n"; { package Module::Build::PodTester; # Don't want to pollute the main namespace Test::Pod->import( tests => scalar @files ); pod_file_ok($_) foreach @files; } } sub ACTION_testpodcoverage { my $self = shift; $self->depends_on('docs'); eval q{use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00; 1} or die "The 'testpodcoverage' action requires ", "Test::Pod::Coverage version 1.00"; # TODO this needs test coverage! # XXX work-around a bug in Test::Pod::Coverage previous to v1.09 # Make sure we test the module in blib/ local @INC = @INC; my $p = $self->{properties}; unshift(@INC, # XXX any reason to include arch? File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'lib'), #File::Spec->catdir($p->{base_dir}, $self->blib, 'arch') ); all_pod_coverage_ok(); } sub ACTION_docs { my $self = shift; $self->depends_on('code'); $self->depends_on('manpages', 'html'); } # Given a file type, will return true if the file type would normally # be installed when neither install-base nor prefix has been set. # I.e. it will be true only if the path is set from Config.pm or # set explicitly by the user via install-path. sub _is_default_installable { my $self = shift; my $type = shift; return ( $self->install_destination($type) && ( $self->install_path($type) || $self->install_sets($self->installdirs)->{$type} ) ) ? 1 : 0; } sub ACTION_manpages { my $self = shift; return unless $self->_mb_feature('manpage_support'); $self->depends_on('code'); foreach my $type ( qw(bin lib) ) { my $files = $self->_find_pods( $self->{properties}{"${type}doc_dirs"}, exclude => [ file_qr('\.bat$') ] ); next unless %$files; my $sub = $self->can("manify_${type}_pods"); next unless defined( $sub ); if ( $self->invoked_action eq 'manpages' ) { $self->$sub(); } elsif ( $self->_is_default_installable("${type}doc") ) { $self->$sub(); } } } sub manify_bin_pods { my $self = shift; my $files = $self->_find_pods( $self->{properties}{bindoc_dirs}, exclude => [ file_qr('\.bat$') ] ); return unless keys %$files; my $mandir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->blib, 'bindoc' ); File::Path::mkpath( $mandir, 0, oct(777) ); require Pod::Man; foreach my $file (keys %$files) { # Pod::Simple based parsers only support one document per instance. # This is expected to change in a future version (Pod::Simple > 3.03). my $parser = Pod::Man->new( section => 1 ); # binaries go in section 1 my $manpage = $self->man1page_name( $file ) . '.' . $self->config( 'man1ext' ); my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile($mandir, $manpage); next if $self->up_to_date( $file, $outfile ); $self->log_info("Manifying $file -> $outfile\n"); $parser->parse_from_file( $file, $outfile ); $files->{$file} = $outfile; } } sub manify_lib_pods { my $self = shift; my $files = $self->_find_pods($self->{properties}{libdoc_dirs}); return unless keys %$files; my $mandir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->blib, 'libdoc' ); File::Path::mkpath( $mandir, 0, oct(777) ); require Pod::Man; while (my ($file, $relfile) = each %$files) { # Pod::Simple based parsers only support one document per instance. # This is expected to change in a future version (Pod::Simple > 3.03). my $parser = Pod::Man->new( section => 3 ); # libraries go in section 3 my $manpage = $self->man3page_name( $relfile ) . '.' . $self->config( 'man3ext' ); my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile( $mandir, $manpage); next if $self->up_to_date( $file, $outfile ); $self->log_info("Manifying $file -> $outfile\n"); $parser->parse_from_file( $file, $outfile ); $files->{$file} = $outfile; } } sub _find_pods { my ($self, $dirs, %args) = @_; my %files; foreach my $spec (@$dirs) { my $dir = $self->localize_dir_path($spec); next unless -e $dir; FILE: foreach my $file ( @{ $self->rscan_dir( $dir ) } ) { foreach my $regexp ( @{ $args{exclude} } ) { next FILE if $file =~ $regexp; } $files{$file} = File::Spec->abs2rel($file, $dir) if $self->contains_pod( $file ) } } return \%files; } sub contains_pod { my ($self, $file) = @_; return '' unless -T $file; # Only look at text files my $fh = IO::File->new( $file ) or die "Can't open $file: $!"; while (my $line = <$fh>) { return 1 if $line =~ /^\=(?:head|pod|item)/; } return ''; } sub ACTION_html { my $self = shift; return unless $self->_mb_feature('HTML_support'); $self->depends_on('code'); foreach my $type ( qw(bin lib) ) { my $files = $self->_find_pods( $self->{properties}{"${type}doc_dirs"}, exclude => [ file_qr('\.(?:bat|com|html)$') ] ); next unless %$files; if ( $self->invoked_action eq 'html' ) { $self->htmlify_pods( $type ); } elsif ( $self->_is_default_installable("${type}html") ) { $self->htmlify_pods( $type ); } } } # 1) If it's an ActiveState perl install, we need to run # ActivePerl::DocTools->UpdateTOC; # 2) Links to other modules are not being generated sub htmlify_pods { my $self = shift; my $type = shift; my $htmldir = shift || File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, "${type}html"); require Module::Build::PodParser; require Pod::Html; $self->add_to_cleanup('pod2htm*'); my $pods = $self->_find_pods( $self->{properties}{"${type}doc_dirs"}, exclude => [ file_qr('\.(?:bat|com|html)$') ] ); return unless %$pods; # nothing to do unless ( -d $htmldir ) { File::Path::mkpath($htmldir, 0, oct(755)) or die "Couldn't mkdir $htmldir: $!"; } my @rootdirs = ($type eq 'bin') ? qw(bin) : $self->installdirs eq 'core' ? qw(lib) : qw(site lib); my $podpath = join ':', map $_->[1], grep -e $_->[0], map [File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, $_), $_], qw( script lib ); foreach my $pod ( keys %$pods ) { my ($name, $path) = File::Basename::fileparse($pods->{$pod}, file_qr('\.(?:pm|plx?|pod)$')); my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( File::Spec->canonpath( $path ) ); pop( @dirs ) if scalar(@dirs) && $dirs[-1] eq File::Spec->curdir; my $fulldir = File::Spec->catfile($htmldir, @rootdirs, @dirs); my $outfile = File::Spec->catfile($fulldir, "${name}.html"); my $infile = File::Spec->abs2rel($pod); next if $self->up_to_date($infile, $outfile); unless ( -d $fulldir ){ File::Path::mkpath($fulldir, 0, oct(755)) or die "Couldn't mkdir $fulldir: $!"; } my $path2root = join( '/', ('..') x (@rootdirs+@dirs) ); my $htmlroot = join( '/', ($path2root, $self->installdirs eq 'core' ? () : qw(site) ) ); my $fh = IO::File->new($infile) or die "Can't read $infile: $!"; my $abstract = Module::Build::PodParser->new(fh => $fh)->get_abstract(); my $title = join( '::', (@dirs, $name) ); $title .= " - $abstract" if $abstract; my @opts = ( '--flush', "--title=$title", "--podpath=$podpath", "--infile=$infile", "--outfile=$outfile", '--podroot=' . $self->blib, "--htmlroot=$htmlroot", ); if ( eval{Pod::Html->VERSION(1.03)} ) { push( @opts, ('--header', '--backlink=Back to Top') ); push( @opts, "--css=$path2root/" . $self->html_css) if $self->html_css; } $self->log_info("HTMLifying $infile -> $outfile\n"); $self->log_verbose("pod2html @opts\n"); Pod::Html::pod2html(@opts); # or warn "pod2html @opts failed: $!"; } } # Adapted from ExtUtils::MM_Unix sub man1page_name { my $self = shift; return File::Basename::basename( shift ); } # Adapted from ExtUtils::MM_Unix and Pod::Man # Depending on M::B's dependency policy, it might make more sense to refactor # Pod::Man::begin_pod() to extract a name() methods, and use them... # -spurkis sub man3page_name { my $self = shift; my ($vol, $dirs, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( shift ); my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( File::Spec->canonpath($dirs) ); # Remove known exts from the base name $file =~ s/\.p(?:od|m|l)\z//i; return join( $self->manpage_separator, @dirs, $file ); } sub manpage_separator { return '::'; } # For systems that don't have 'diff' executable, should use Algorithm::Diff sub ACTION_diff { my $self = shift; $self->depends_on('build'); my $local_lib = File::Spec->rel2abs('lib'); my @myINC = grep {$_ ne $local_lib} @INC; # The actual install destination might not be in @INC, so check there too. push @myINC, map $self->install_destination($_), qw(lib arch); my @flags = @{$self->{args}{ARGV}}; @flags = $self->split_like_shell($self->{args}{flags} || '') unless @flags; my $installmap = $self->install_map; delete $installmap->{read}; delete $installmap->{write}; my $text_suffix = file_qr('\.(pm|pod)$'); while (my $localdir = each %$installmap) { my @localparts = File::Spec->splitdir($localdir); my $files = $self->rscan_dir($localdir, sub {-f}); foreach my $file (@$files) { my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($file); @parts = @parts[@localparts .. $#parts]; # Get rid of blib/lib or similar my $installed = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name( join('::', @parts), \@myINC ); if (not $installed) { print "Only in lib: $file\n"; next; } my $status = File::Compare::compare($installed, $file); next if $status == 0; # Files are the same die "Can't compare $installed and $file: $!" if $status == -1; if ($file =~ $text_suffix) { $self->do_system('diff', @flags, $installed, $file); } else { print "Binary files $file and $installed differ\n"; } } } } sub ACTION_pure_install { shift()->depends_on('install'); } sub ACTION_install { my ($self) = @_; require ExtUtils::Install; $self->depends_on('build'); ExtUtils::Install::install($self->install_map, !$self->quiet, 0, $self->{args}{uninst}||0); } sub ACTION_fakeinstall { my ($self) = @_; require ExtUtils::Install; $self->depends_on('build'); ExtUtils::Install::install($self->install_map, !$self->quiet, 1, $self->{args}{uninst}||0); } sub ACTION_versioninstall { my ($self) = @_; die "You must have only.pm 0.25 or greater installed for this operation: $@\n" unless eval { require only; 'only'->VERSION(0.25); 1 }; $self->depends_on('build'); my %onlyargs = map {exists($self->{args}{$_}) ? ($_ => $self->{args}{$_}) : ()} qw(version versionlib); only::install::install(%onlyargs); } sub ACTION_clean { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $item (map glob($_), $self->cleanup) { $self->delete_filetree($item); } } sub ACTION_realclean { my ($self) = @_; $self->depends_on('clean'); $self->delete_filetree($self->config_dir, $self->build_script); } sub ACTION_ppd { my ($self) = @_; require Module::Build::PPMMaker; my $ppd = Module::Build::PPMMaker->new(); my $file = $ppd->make_ppd(%{$self->{args}}, build => $self); $self->add_to_cleanup($file); } sub ACTION_ppmdist { my ($self) = @_; $self->depends_on( 'build' ); my $ppm = $self->ppm_name; $self->delete_filetree( $ppm ); $self->log_info( "Creating $ppm\n" ); $self->add_to_cleanup( $ppm, "$ppm.tar.gz" ); my %types = ( # translate types/dirs to those expected by ppm lib => 'lib', arch => 'arch', bin => 'bin', script => 'script', bindoc => 'man1', libdoc => 'man3', binhtml => undef, libhtml => undef, ); foreach my $type ($self->install_types) { next if exists( $types{$type} ) && !defined( $types{$type} ); my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->blib, $type ); next unless -e $dir; my $files = $self->rscan_dir( $dir ); foreach my $file ( @$files ) { next unless -f $file; my $rel_file = File::Spec->abs2rel( File::Spec->rel2abs( $file ), File::Spec->rel2abs( $dir ) ); my $to_file = File::Spec->catfile( $ppm, 'blib', exists( $types{$type} ) ? $types{$type} : $type, $rel_file ); $self->copy_if_modified( from => $file, to => $to_file ); } } foreach my $type ( qw(bin lib) ) { local $self->{properties}{html_css} = 'Active.css'; $self->htmlify_pods( $type, File::Spec->catdir($ppm, 'blib', 'html') ); } # create a tarball; # the directory tar'ed must be blib so we need to do a chdir first my $target = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->updir, $ppm ); $self->_do_in_dir( $ppm, sub { $self->make_tarball( 'blib', $target ) } ); $self->depends_on( 'ppd' ); $self->delete_filetree( $ppm ); } sub ACTION_pardist { my ($self) = @_; # Need PAR::Dist if ( not eval { require PAR::Dist; PAR::Dist->VERSION(0.17) } ) { $self->log_warn( "In order to create .par distributions, you need to\n" . "install PAR::Dist first." ); return(); } $self->depends_on( 'build' ); return PAR::Dist::blib_to_par( name => $self->dist_name, version => $self->dist_version, ); } sub ACTION_dist { my ($self) = @_; $self->depends_on('distdir'); my $dist_dir = $self->dist_dir; $self->make_tarball($dist_dir); $self->delete_filetree($dist_dir); } sub ACTION_distcheck { my ($self) = @_; require ExtUtils::Manifest; local $^W; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean. my ($missing, $extra) = ExtUtils::Manifest::fullcheck(); return unless @$missing || @$extra; my $msg = "MANIFEST appears to be out of sync with the distribution\n"; if ( $self->invoked_action eq 'distcheck' ) { die $msg; } else { warn $msg; } } sub _add_to_manifest { my ($self, $manifest, $lines) = @_; $lines = [$lines] unless ref $lines; my $existing_files = $self->_read_manifest($manifest); return unless defined( $existing_files ); @$lines = grep {!exists $existing_files->{$_}} @$lines or return; my $mode = (stat $manifest)[2]; chmod($mode | oct(222), $manifest) or die "Can't make $manifest writable: $!"; my $fh = IO::File->new("< $manifest") or die "Can't read $manifest: $!"; my $last_line = (<$fh>)[-1] || "\n"; my $has_newline = $last_line =~ /\n$/; $fh->close; $fh = IO::File->new(">> $manifest") or die "Can't write to $manifest: $!"; print $fh "\n" unless $has_newline; print $fh map "$_\n", @$lines; close $fh; chmod($mode, $manifest); $self->log_info(map "Added to $manifest: $_\n", @$lines); } sub _sign_dir { my ($self, $dir) = @_; unless (eval { require Module::Signature; 1 }) { $self->log_warn("Couldn't load Module::Signature for 'distsign' action:\n $@\n"); return; } # Add SIGNATURE to the MANIFEST { my $manifest = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'MANIFEST'); die "Signing a distribution requires a MANIFEST file" unless -e $manifest; $self->_add_to_manifest($manifest, "SIGNATURE Added here by Module::Build"); } # Would be nice if Module::Signature took a directory argument. $self->_do_in_dir($dir, sub {local $Module::Signature::Quiet = 1; Module::Signature::sign()}); } sub _do_in_dir { my ($self, $dir, $do) = @_; my $start_dir = $self->cwd; chdir $dir or die "Can't chdir() to $dir: $!"; eval {$do->()}; my @err = $@ ? ($@) : (); chdir $start_dir or push @err, "Can't chdir() back to $start_dir: $!"; die join "\n", @err if @err; } sub ACTION_distsign { my ($self) = @_; { local $self->{properties}{sign} = 0; # We'll sign it ourselves $self->depends_on('distdir') unless -d $self->dist_dir; } $self->_sign_dir($self->dist_dir); } sub ACTION_skipcheck { my ($self) = @_; require ExtUtils::Manifest; local $^W; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean. ExtUtils::Manifest::skipcheck(); } sub ACTION_distclean { my ($self) = @_; $self->depends_on('realclean'); $self->depends_on('distcheck'); } sub do_create_makefile_pl { my $self = shift; require Module::Build::Compat; $self->log_info("Creating Makefile.PL\n"); Module::Build::Compat->create_makefile_pl($self->create_makefile_pl, $self, @_); $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', 'Makefile.PL'); } sub do_create_license { my $self = shift; $self->log_info("Creating LICENSE file"); my $l = $self->license or die "No license specified"; my $key = $self->valid_licenses->{$l} or die "'$l' isn't a license key we know about"; my $class = "Software::License::$key"; eval "use $class; 1" or die "Can't load Software::License to create LICENSE file: $@"; $self->delete_filetree('LICENSE'); my $author = join " & ", @{ $self->dist_author }; my $license = $class->new({holder => $author}); my $fh = IO::File->new('> LICENSE') or die "Can't write LICENSE file: $!"; print $fh $license->fulltext; close $fh; $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', 'LICENSE'); } sub do_create_readme { my $self = shift; $self->delete_filetree('README'); my $docfile = $self->_main_docfile; unless ( $docfile ) { $self->log_warn(<log_info("Creating README using Pod::Readme\n"); my $parser = Pod::Readme->new; $parser->parse_from_file($docfile, 'README', @_); } elsif ( eval {require Pod::Text; 1} ) { $self->log_info("Creating README using Pod::Text\n"); my $fh = IO::File->new('> README'); if ( defined($fh) ) { local $^W = 0; no strict "refs"; # work around bug in Pod::Text 3.01, which expects # Pod::Simple::parse_file to take input and output filehandles # when it actually only takes an input filehandle my $old_parse_file; $old_parse_file = \&{"Pod::Simple::parse_file"} and local *{"Pod::Simple::parse_file"} = sub { my $self = shift; $self->output_fh($_[1]) if $_[1]; $self->$old_parse_file($_[0]); } if $Pod::Text::VERSION == 3.01; # Split line to avoid evil version-finder Pod::Text::pod2text( $docfile, $fh ); $fh->close; } else { $self->log_warn( "Cannot create 'README' file: Can't open file for writing\n" ); return; } } else { $self->log_warn("Can't load Pod::Readme or Pod::Text to create README\n"); return; } $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', 'README'); } sub _main_docfile { my $self = shift; if ( my $pm_file = $self->dist_version_from ) { (my $pod_file = $pm_file) =~ s/.pm$/.pod/; return (-e $pod_file ? $pod_file : $pm_file); } else { return undef; } } sub ACTION_distdir { my ($self) = @_; $self->depends_on('distmeta'); my $dist_files = $self->_read_manifest('MANIFEST') or die "Can't create distdir without a MANIFEST file - run 'manifest' action first"; delete $dist_files->{SIGNATURE}; # Don't copy, create a fresh one die "No files found in MANIFEST - try running 'manifest' action?\n" unless ($dist_files and keys %$dist_files); my $metafile = $self->metafile; $self->log_warn("*** Did you forget to add $metafile to the MANIFEST?\n") unless exists $dist_files->{$metafile}; my $dist_dir = $self->dist_dir; $self->delete_filetree($dist_dir); $self->log_info("Creating $dist_dir\n"); $self->add_to_cleanup($dist_dir); foreach my $file (keys %$dist_files) { my $new = $self->copy_if_modified(from => $file, to_dir => $dist_dir, verbose => 0); } $self->_sign_dir($dist_dir) if $self->{properties}{sign}; } sub ACTION_disttest { my ($self) = @_; $self->depends_on('distdir'); $self->_do_in_dir ( $self->dist_dir, sub { # XXX could be different names for scripts $self->run_perl_script('Build.PL') # XXX Should this be run w/ --nouse-rcfile or die "Error executing 'Build.PL' in dist directory: $!"; $self->run_perl_script('Build') or die "Error executing 'Build' in dist directory: $!"; $self->run_perl_script('Build', [], ['test']) or die "Error executing 'Build test' in dist directory"; }); } sub _write_default_maniskip { my $self = shift; my $file = shift || 'MANIFEST.SKIP'; my $fh = IO::File->new("> $file") or die "Can't open $file: $!"; # This is derived from MakeMaker's default MANIFEST.SKIP file with # some new entries print $fh <<'EOF'; # Avoid version control files. \bRCS\b \bCVS\b ,v$ \B\.svn\b \B\.cvsignore$ # Avoid Makemaker generated and utility files. \bMakefile$ \bblib \bMakeMaker-\d \bpm_to_blib$ \bblibdirs$ ^MANIFEST\.SKIP$ # Avoid VMS specific Makmaker generated files \bDescrip.MMS$ \bDESCRIP.MMS$ \bdescrip.mms$ # Avoid Module::Build generated and utility files. \bBuild$ \bBuild.bat$ \b_build \bBuild.COM$ \bBUILD.COM$ \bbuild.com$ # Avoid Devel::Cover generated files \bcover_db # Avoid temp and backup files. ~$ \.tmp$ \.old$ \.bak$ \#$ \.# \.rej$ # Avoid OS-specific files/dirs # Mac OSX metadata \B\.DS_Store # Mac OSX SMB mount metadata files \B\._ # Avoid archives of this distribution EOF # Skip, for example, 'Module-Build-0.27.tar.gz' print $fh '\b'.$self->dist_name.'-[\d\.\_]+'."\n"; $fh->close(); } sub ACTION_manifest { my ($self) = @_; my $maniskip = 'MANIFEST.SKIP'; unless ( -e 'MANIFEST' || -e $maniskip ) { $self->log_warn("File '$maniskip' does not exist: Creating a default '$maniskip'\n"); $self->_write_default_maniskip($maniskip); } require ExtUtils::Manifest; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean. local ($^W, $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet) = (0,1); ExtUtils::Manifest::mkmanifest(); } # Case insenstive regex for files sub file_qr { return File::Spec->case_tolerant ? qr($_[0])i : qr($_[0]); } sub dist_dir { my ($self) = @_; return "$self->{properties}{dist_name}-$self->{properties}{dist_version}"; } sub ppm_name { my $self = shift; return 'PPM-' . $self->dist_dir; } sub _files_in { my ($self, $dir) = @_; return unless -d $dir; local *DH; opendir DH, $dir or die "Can't read directory $dir: $!"; my @files; while (defined (my $file = readdir DH)) { my $full_path = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $file); next if -d $full_path; push @files, $full_path; } return @files; } sub script_files { my $self = shift; for ($self->{properties}{script_files}) { $_ = shift if @_; next unless $_; # Always coerce into a hash return $_ if UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'HASH'); return $_ = { map {$_,1} @$_ } if UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'ARRAY'); die "'script_files' must be a hashref, arrayref, or string" if ref(); return $_ = { map {$_,1} $self->_files_in( $_ ) } if -d $_; return $_ = {$_ => 1}; } return $_ = { map {$_,1} $self->_files_in('bin') }; } BEGIN { *scripts = \&script_files; } { my %licenses = ( perl => 'Perl_5', apache => 'Apache_2_0', artistic => 'Artistic_1_0', artistic_2 => 'Artistic_2_0', lgpl => 'LGPL_2_1', lgpl2 => 'LGPL_2_1', lgpl3 => 'LGPL_3_0', bsd => 'BSD', gpl => 'GPL_1', gpl2 => 'GPL_2', gpl3 => 'GPL_3', mit => 'MIT', mozilla => 'Mozilla_1_1', open_source => undef, unrestricted => undef, restrictive => undef, unknown => undef, ); # TODO - would be nice to not have these here, since they're more # properly stored only in Software::License my %license_urls = ( perl => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/', apache => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0', artistic => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php', artistic_2 => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php', lgpl => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php', lgpl2 => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php', lgpl3 => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html', bsd => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php', gpl => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php', gpl2 => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php', gpl3 => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html', mit => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php', mozilla => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php', open_source => undef, unrestricted => undef, restrictive => undef, unknown => undef, ); sub valid_licenses { return \%licenses; } sub _license_url { return $license_urls{$_[1]}; } } sub _hash_merge { my ($self, $h, $k, $v) = @_; if (ref $h->{$k} eq 'ARRAY') { push @{$h->{$k}}, ref $v ? @$v : $v; } elsif (ref $h->{$k} eq 'HASH') { $h->{$k}{$_} = $v->{$_} foreach keys %$v; } else { $h->{$k} = $v; } } sub ACTION_distmeta { my ($self) = @_; $self->do_create_makefile_pl if $self->create_makefile_pl; $self->do_create_readme if $self->create_readme; $self->do_create_license if $self->create_license; $self->do_create_metafile; } sub do_create_metafile { my $self = shift; return if $self->{wrote_metadata}; my $p = $self->{properties}; my $metafile = $self->metafile; unless ($p->{license}) { $self->log_warn("No license specified, setting license = 'unknown'\n"); $p->{license} = 'unknown'; } unless (exists $self->valid_licenses->{ $p->{license} }) { die "Unknown license type '$p->{license}'"; } # If we're in the distdir, the metafile may exist and be non-writable. $self->delete_filetree($metafile); $self->log_info("Creating $metafile\n"); # Since we're building ourself, we have to do some special stuff # here: the ConfigData module is found in blib/lib. local @INC = @INC; if (($self->module_name || '') eq 'Module::Build') { $self->depends_on('config_data'); push @INC, File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'lib'); } $self->write_metafile; } sub write_metafile { my $self = shift; my $metafile = $self->metafile; if ($self->_mb_feature('YAML_support')) { require YAML; require YAML::Node; # We use YAML::Node to get the order nice in the YAML file. $self->prepare_metadata( my $node = YAML::Node->new({}) ); # YAML API changed after version 0.30 my $yaml_sub = $YAML::VERSION le '0.30' ? \&YAML::StoreFile : \&YAML::DumpFile; $self->{wrote_metadata} = $yaml_sub->($metafile, $node ); } else { require Module::Build::YAML; my (%node, @order_keys); $self->prepare_metadata(\%node, \@order_keys); $node{_order} = \@order_keys; &Module::Build::YAML::DumpFile($metafile, \%node); $self->{wrote_metadata} = 1; } $self->_add_to_manifest('MANIFEST', $metafile); } sub prepare_metadata { my ($self, $node, $keys) = @_; my $p = $self->{properties}; # A little helper sub my $add_node = sub { my ($name, $val) = @_; $node->{$name} = $val; push @$keys, $name if $keys; }; foreach (qw(dist_name dist_version dist_author dist_abstract license)) { (my $name = $_) =~ s/^dist_//; $add_node->($name, $self->$_()); die "ERROR: Missing required field '$_' for META.yml\n" unless defined($node->{$name}) && length($node->{$name}); } $node->{version} = '' . $node->{version}; # Stringify version objects if (defined( my $l = $self->license )) { die "Unknown license string '$l'" unless exists $self->valid_licenses->{ $self->license }; if (my $key = $self->valid_licenses->{ $self->license }) { my $class = "Software::License::$key"; if (eval "use $class; 1") { # S::L requires a 'holder' key $node->{resources}{license} = $class->new({holder=>"nobody"})->url; } else { $node->{resources}{license} = $self->_license_url($key); } } } if (exists $p->{configure_requires}) { foreach my $spec (keys %{$p->{configure_requires}}) { warn ("Warning: $spec is listed in 'configure_requires', but ". "it is not found in any of the other prereq fields.\n") unless grep exists $p->{$_}{$spec}, grep !/conflicts$/, @{$self->prereq_action_types}; } } foreach ( 'configure_requires', @{$self->prereq_action_types} ) { if (exists $p->{$_} and keys %{ $p->{$_} }) { $add_node->($_, $p->{$_}); } } if (exists $p->{dynamic_config}) { $add_node->('dynamic_config', $p->{dynamic_config}); } my $pkgs = eval { $self->find_dist_packages }; if ($@) { $self->log_warn("$@\nWARNING: Possible missing or corrupt 'MANIFEST' file.\n" . "Nothing to enter for 'provides' field in META.yml\n"); } else { $node->{provides} = $pkgs if %$pkgs; } ; if (exists $p->{no_index}) { $add_node->('no_index', $p->{no_index}); } $add_node->('generated_by', "Module::Build version $Module::Build::VERSION"); $add_node->('meta-spec', {version => '1.2', url => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.2.html', }); while (my($k, $v) = each %{$self->meta_add}) { $add_node->($k, $v); } while (my($k, $v) = each %{$self->meta_merge}) { $self->_hash_merge($node, $k, $v); } return $node; } sub _read_manifest { my ($self, $file) = @_; return undef unless -e $file; require ExtUtils::Manifest; # ExtUtils::Manifest is not warnings clean. local ($^W, $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet) = (0,1); return scalar ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread($file); } sub find_dist_packages { my $self = shift; # Only packages in .pm files are candidates for inclusion here. # Only include things in the MANIFEST, not things in developer's # private stock. my $manifest = $self->_read_manifest('MANIFEST') or die "Can't find dist packages without a MANIFEST file - run 'manifest' action first"; # Localize my %dist_files = map { $self->localize_file_path($_) => $_ } keys %$manifest; my @pm_files = grep {exists $dist_files{$_}} keys %{ $self->find_pm_files }; # First, we enumerate all packages & versions, # seperating into primary & alternative candidates my( %prime, %alt ); foreach my $file (@pm_files) { next if $dist_files{$file} =~ m{^t/}; # Skip things in t/ my @path = split( /\//, $dist_files{$file} ); (my $prime_package = join( '::', @path[1..$#path] )) =~ s/\.pm$//; my $pm_info = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->new_from_file( $file ); foreach my $package ( $pm_info->packages_inside ) { next if $package eq 'main'; # main can appear numerous times, ignore next if grep /^_/, split( /::/, $package ); # private package, ignore my $version = $pm_info->version( $package ); if ( $package eq $prime_package ) { if ( exists( $prime{$package} ) ) { # M::B::ModuleInfo will handle this conflict die "Unexpected conflict in '$package'; multiple versions found.\n"; } else { $prime{$package}{file} = $dist_files{$file}; $prime{$package}{version} = $version if defined( $version ); } } else { push( @{$alt{$package}}, { file => $dist_files{$file}, version => $version, } ); } } } # Then we iterate over all the packages found above, identifying conflicts # and selecting the "best" candidate for recording the file & version # for each package. foreach my $package ( keys( %alt ) ) { my $result = $self->_resolve_module_versions( $alt{$package} ); if ( exists( $prime{$package} ) ) { # primary package selected if ( $result->{err} ) { # Use the selected primary package, but there are conflicting # errors amoung multiple alternative packages that need to be # reported $self->log_warn( "Found conflicting versions for package '$package'\n" . " $prime{$package}{file} ($prime{$package}{version})\n" . $result->{err} ); } elsif ( defined( $result->{version} ) ) { # There is a primary package selected, and exactly one # alternative package if ( exists( $prime{$package}{version} ) && defined( $prime{$package}{version} ) ) { # Unless the version of the primary package agrees with the # version of the alternative package, report a conflict if ( $self->compare_versions( $prime{$package}{version}, '!=', $result->{version} ) ) { $self->log_warn( "Found conflicting versions for package '$package'\n" . " $prime{$package}{file} ($prime{$package}{version})\n" . " $result->{file} ($result->{version})\n" ); } } else { # The prime package selected has no version so, we choose to # use any alternative package that does have a version $prime{$package}{file} = $result->{file}; $prime{$package}{version} = $result->{version}; } } else { # no alt package found with a version, but we have a prime # package so we use it whether it has a version or not } } else { # No primary package was selected, use the best alternative if ( $result->{err} ) { $self->log_warn( "Found conflicting versions for package '$package'\n" . $result->{err} ); } # Despite possible conflicting versions, we choose to record # something rather than nothing $prime{$package}{file} = $result->{file}; $prime{$package}{version} = $result->{version} if defined( $result->{version} ); } } # Stringify versions. Can't use exists() here because of bug in YAML::Node. for (grep defined $_->{version}, values %prime) { $_->{version} = '' . $_->{version}; } return \%prime; } # seperate out some of the conflict resolution logic from # $self->find_dist_packages(), above, into a helper function. # sub _resolve_module_versions { my $self = shift; my $packages = shift; my( $file, $version ); my $err = ''; foreach my $p ( @$packages ) { if ( defined( $p->{version} ) ) { if ( defined( $version ) ) { if ( $self->compare_versions( $version, '!=', $p->{version} ) ) { $err .= " $p->{file} ($p->{version})\n"; } else { # same version declared multiple times, ignore } } else { $file = $p->{file}; $version = $p->{version}; } } $file ||= $p->{file} if defined( $p->{file} ); } if ( $err ) { $err = " $file ($version)\n" . $err; } my %result = ( file => $file, version => $version, err => $err ); return \%result; } sub make_tarball { my ($self, $dir, $file) = @_; $file ||= $dir; $self->log_info("Creating $file.tar.gz\n"); if ($self->{args}{tar}) { my $tar_flags = $self->verbose ? 'cvf' : 'cf'; $self->do_system($self->split_like_shell($self->{args}{tar}), $tar_flags, "$file.tar", $dir); $self->do_system($self->split_like_shell($self->{args}{gzip}), "$file.tar") if $self->{args}{gzip}; } else { require Archive::Tar; # Archive::Tar versions >= 1.09 use the following to enable a compatibility # hack so that the resulting archive is compatible with older clients. $Archive::Tar::DO_NOT_USE_PREFIX = 0; my $files = $self->rscan_dir($dir); my $tar = Archive::Tar->new; $tar->add_files(@$files); for my $f ($tar->get_files) { $f->mode($f->mode & ~022); # chmod go-w } $tar->write("$file.tar.gz", 1); } } sub install_path { my $self = shift; my( $type, $value ) = ( @_, '' ); Carp::croak( 'Type argument missing' ) unless defined( $type ); my $map = $self->{properties}{install_path}; return $map unless @_; # delete existing value if $value is literal undef() unless ( defined( $value ) ) { delete( $map->{$type} ); return undef; } # return existing value if no new $value is given if ( $value eq '' ) { return undef unless exists $map->{$type}; return $map->{$type}; } # set value if $value is a valid relative path return $map->{$type} = $value; } sub install_base_relpaths { # Usage: install_base_relpaths(), install_base_relpaths('lib'), # or install_base_relpaths('lib' => $value); my $self = shift; my $map = $self->{properties}{install_base_relpaths}; return $map unless @_; return $self->_relpaths($map, @_); } # Translated from ExtUtils::MM_Any::init_INSTALL_from_PREFIX sub prefix_relative { my ($self, $type) = @_; my $installdirs = $self->installdirs; my $relpath = $self->install_sets($installdirs)->{$type}; return $self->_prefixify($relpath, $self->original_prefix($installdirs), $type, ); } sub _relpaths { my $self = shift; my( $map, $type, $value ) = ( @_, '' ); Carp::croak( 'Type argument missing' ) unless defined( $type ); my @value = (); # delete existing value if $value is literal undef() unless ( defined( $value ) ) { delete( $map->{$type} ); return undef; } # return existing value if no new $value is given elsif ( $value eq '' ) { return undef unless exists $map->{$type}; @value = @{ $map->{$type} }; } # set value if $value is a valid relative path else { Carp::croak( "Value must be a relative path" ) if File::Spec::Unix->file_name_is_absolute($value); @value = split( /\//, $value ); $map->{$type} = \@value; } return File::Spec->catdir( @value ); } # Defaults to use in case the config install paths cannot be prefixified. sub prefix_relpaths { # Usage: prefix_relpaths('site'), prefix_relpaths('site', 'lib'), # or prefix_relpaths('site', 'lib' => $value); my $self = shift; my $installdirs = shift || $self->installdirs; my $map = $self->{properties}{prefix_relpaths}{$installdirs}; return $map unless @_; return $self->_relpaths($map, @_); } # Translated from ExtUtils::MM_Unix::prefixify() sub _prefixify { my($self, $path, $sprefix, $type) = @_; my $rprefix = $self->prefix; $rprefix .= '/' if $sprefix =~ m|/$|; $self->log_verbose(" prefixify $path from $sprefix to $rprefix\n") if defined( $path ) && length( $path ); if( !defined( $path ) || ( length( $path ) == 0 ) ) { $self->log_verbose(" no path to prefixify, falling back to default.\n"); return $self->_prefixify_default( $type, $rprefix ); } elsif( !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($path) ) { $self->log_verbose(" path is relative, not prefixifying.\n"); } elsif( $sprefix eq $rprefix ) { $self->log_verbose(" no new prefix.\n"); } elsif( $path !~ s{^\Q$sprefix\E\b}{}s ) { $self->log_verbose(" cannot prefixify, falling back to default.\n"); return $self->_prefixify_default( $type, $rprefix ); } $self->log_verbose(" now $path in $rprefix\n"); return $path; } sub _prefixify_default { my $self = shift; my $type = shift; my $rprefix = shift; my $default = $self->prefix_relpaths($self->installdirs, $type); if( !$default ) { $self->log_verbose(" no default install location for type '$type', using prefix '$rprefix'.\n"); return $rprefix; } else { return $default; } } sub install_destination { my ($self, $type) = @_; return $self->install_path($type) if $self->install_path($type); if ( $self->install_base ) { my $relpath = $self->install_base_relpaths($type); return $relpath ? File::Spec->catdir($self->install_base, $relpath) : undef; } if ( $self->prefix ) { my $relpath = $self->prefix_relative($type); return $relpath ? File::Spec->catdir($self->prefix, $relpath) : undef; } return $self->install_sets($self->installdirs)->{$type}; } sub install_types { my $self = shift; my %types; if ( $self->install_base ) { %types = %{$self->install_base_relpaths}; } elsif ( $self->prefix ) { %types = %{$self->prefix_relpaths}; } else { %types = %{$self->install_sets($self->installdirs)}; } %types = (%types, %{$self->install_path}); return sort keys %types; } sub install_map { my ($self, $blib) = @_; $blib ||= $self->blib; my( %map, @skipping ); foreach my $type ($self->install_types) { my $localdir = File::Spec->catdir( $blib, $type ); next unless -e $localdir; if (my $dest = $self->install_destination($type)) { $map{$localdir} = $dest; } else { push( @skipping, $type ); } } $self->log_warn( "WARNING: Can't figure out install path for types: @skipping\n" . "Files will not be installed.\n" ) if @skipping; # Write the packlist into the same place as ExtUtils::MakeMaker. if ($self->create_packlist and my $module_name = $self->module_name) { my $archdir = $self->install_destination('arch'); my @ext = split /::/, $module_name; $map{write} = File::Spec->catfile($archdir, 'auto', @ext, '.packlist'); } # Handle destdir if (length(my $destdir = $self->destdir || '')) { foreach (keys %map) { # Need to remove volume from $map{$_} using splitpath, or else # we'll create something crazy like C:\Foo\Bar\E:\Baz\Quux # VMS will always have the file separate than the path. my ($volume, $path, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $map{$_}, 0 ); # catdir needs a list of directories, or it will create something # crazy like volume:[Foo.Bar.volume.Baz.Quux] my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($path); # First merge the directories $path = File::Spec->catdir($destdir, @dirs); # Then put the file back on if there is one. if ($file ne '') { $map{$_} = File::Spec->catfile($path, $file) } else { $map{$_} = $path; } } } $map{read} = ''; # To keep ExtUtils::Install quiet return \%map; } sub depends_on { my $self = shift; foreach my $action (@_) { $self->_call_action($action); } } sub rscan_dir { my ($self, $dir, $pattern) = @_; my @result; local $_; # find() can overwrite $_, so protect ourselves my $subr = !$pattern ? sub {push @result, $File::Find::name} : !ref($pattern) || (ref $pattern eq 'Regexp') ? sub {push @result, $File::Find::name if /$pattern/} : ref($pattern) eq 'CODE' ? sub {push @result, $File::Find::name if $pattern->()} : die "Unknown pattern type"; File::Find::find({wanted => $subr, no_chdir => 1}, $dir); return \@result; } sub delete_filetree { my $self = shift; my $deleted = 0; foreach (@_) { next unless -e $_; $self->log_info("Deleting $_\n"); File::Path::rmtree($_, 0, 0); die "Couldn't remove '$_': $!\n" if -e $_; $deleted++; } return $deleted; } sub autosplit_file { my ($self, $file, $to) = @_; require AutoSplit; my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($to, 'lib', 'auto'); AutoSplit::autosplit($file, $dir); } sub cbuilder { # Returns a CBuilder object my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{properties}; return $p->{_cbuilder} if $p->{_cbuilder}; die "Module::Build is not configured with C_support" unless $self->_mb_feature('C_support'); require ExtUtils::CBuilder; return $p->{_cbuilder} = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new( config => $self->config, ($self->quiet ? (quiet => 1 ) : ()), ); } sub have_c_compiler { my ($self) = @_; my $p = $self->{properties}; return $p->{have_compiler} if defined $p->{have_compiler}; $self->log_verbose("Checking if compiler tools configured... "); my $b = eval { $self->cbuilder }; my $have = $b && $b->have_compiler; $self->log_verbose($have ? "ok.\n" : "failed.\n"); return $p->{have_compiler} = $have; } sub compile_c { my ($self, $file, %args) = @_; my $b = $self->cbuilder; my $obj_file = $b->object_file($file); $self->add_to_cleanup($obj_file); return $obj_file if $self->up_to_date($file, $obj_file); $b->compile(source => $file, defines => $args{defines}, object_file => $obj_file, include_dirs => $self->include_dirs, extra_compiler_flags => $self->extra_compiler_flags, ); return $obj_file; } sub link_c { my ($self, $to, $file_base) = @_; my $p = $self->{properties}; # For convenience my $spec = $self->_infer_xs_spec($file_base); $self->add_to_cleanup($spec->{lib_file}); my $objects = $p->{objects} || []; return $spec->{lib_file} if $self->up_to_date([$spec->{obj_file}, @$objects], $spec->{lib_file}); my $module_name = $self->module_name; $module_name ||= $spec->{module_name}; $self->cbuilder->link( module_name => $module_name, objects => [$spec->{obj_file}, @$objects], lib_file => $spec->{lib_file}, extra_linker_flags => $p->{extra_linker_flags} ); return $spec->{lib_file}; } sub compile_xs { my ($self, $file, %args) = @_; $self->log_info("$file -> $args{outfile}\n"); if (eval {require ExtUtils::ParseXS; 1}) { ExtUtils::ParseXS::process_file( filename => $file, prototypes => 0, output => $args{outfile}, ); } else { # Ok, I give up. Just use backticks. my $xsubpp = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name('ExtUtils::xsubpp') or die "Can't find ExtUtils::xsubpp in INC (@INC)"; my @typemaps; push @typemaps, Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name( 'ExtUtils::typemap', \@INC ); my $lib_typemap = Module::Build::ModuleInfo->find_module_by_name( 'typemap', [File::Basename::dirname($file)] ); push @typemaps, $lib_typemap if $lib_typemap; @typemaps = map {+'-typemap', $_} @typemaps; my $cf = $self->{config}; my $perl = $self->{properties}{perl}; my @command = ($perl, "-I".$cf->get('installarchlib'), "-I".$cf->get('installprivlib'), $xsubpp, '-noprototypes', @typemaps, $file); $self->log_info("@command\n"); my $fh = IO::File->new("> $args{outfile}") or die "Couldn't write $args{outfile}: $!"; print {$fh} $self->_backticks(@command); close $fh; } } sub split_like_shell { my ($self, $string) = @_; return () unless defined($string); return @$string if UNIVERSAL::isa($string, 'ARRAY'); $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return () unless length($string); return Text::ParseWords::shellwords($string); } sub oneliner { # Returns a string that the shell can evaluate as a perl command. # This should be avoided whenever possible, since "the shell" really # means zillions of shells on zillions of platforms and it's really # hard to get it right all the time. # Some of this code is stolen with permission from ExtUtils::MakeMaker. my($self, $cmd, $switches, $args) = @_; $switches = [] unless defined $switches; $args = [] unless defined $args; # Strip leading and trailing newlines $cmd =~ s{^\n+}{}; $cmd =~ s{\n+$}{}; my $perl = ref($self) ? $self->perl : $self->find_perl_interpreter; return $self->_quote_args($perl, @$switches, '-e', $cmd, @$args); } sub run_perl_script { my ($self, $script, $preargs, $postargs) = @_; foreach ($preargs, $postargs) { $_ = [ $self->split_like_shell($_) ] unless ref(); } return $self->run_perl_command([@$preargs, $script, @$postargs]); } sub run_perl_command { # XXX Maybe we should accept @args instead of $args? Must resolve # this before documenting. my ($self, $args) = @_; $args = [ $self->split_like_shell($args) ] unless ref($args); my $perl = ref($self) ? $self->perl : $self->find_perl_interpreter; # Make sure our local additions to @INC are propagated to the subprocess local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = join $self->config('path_sep'), $self->_added_to_INC; return $self->do_system($perl, @$args); } # Infer various data from the path of the input filename # that is needed to create output files. # The input filename is expected to be of the form: # lib/Module/Name.ext or Module/Name.ext sub _infer_xs_spec { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $cf = $self->{config}; my %spec; my( $v, $d, $f ) = File::Spec->splitpath( $file ); my @d = File::Spec->splitdir( $d ); (my $file_base = $f) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//i; $spec{base_name} = $file_base; $spec{src_dir} = File::Spec->catpath( $v, $d, '' ); # the module name shift( @d ) while @d && ($d[0] eq 'lib' || $d[0] eq ''); pop( @d ) while @d && $d[-1] eq ''; $spec{module_name} = join( '::', (@d, $file_base) ); $spec{archdir} = File::Spec->catdir($self->blib, 'arch', 'auto', @d, $file_base); $spec{bs_file} = File::Spec->catfile($spec{archdir}, "${file_base}.bs"); $spec{lib_file} = File::Spec->catfile($spec{archdir}, "${file_base}.".$cf->get('dlext')); $spec{c_file} = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{src_dir}, "${file_base}.c" ); $spec{obj_file} = File::Spec->catfile( $spec{src_dir}, "${file_base}".$cf->get('obj_ext') ); return \%spec; } sub process_xs { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $spec = $self->_infer_xs_spec($file); # File name, minus the suffix (my $file_base = $file) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//; # .xs -> .c $self->add_to_cleanup($spec->{c_file}); unless ($self->up_to_date($file, $spec->{c_file})) { $self->compile_xs($file, outfile => $spec->{c_file}); } # .c -> .o my $v = $self->dist_version; $self->compile_c($spec->{c_file}, defines => {VERSION => qq{"$v"}, XS_VERSION => qq{"$v"}}); # archdir File::Path::mkpath($spec->{archdir}, 0, oct(777)) unless -d $spec->{archdir}; # .xs -> .bs $self->add_to_cleanup($spec->{bs_file}); unless ($self->up_to_date($file, $spec->{bs_file})) { require ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap; $self->log_info("ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap::Mkbootstrap('$spec->{bs_file}')\n"); ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap::Mkbootstrap($spec->{bs_file}); # Original had $BSLOADLIBS - what's that? {my $fh = IO::File->new(">> $spec->{bs_file}")} # create utime((time)x2, $spec->{bs_file}); # touch } # .o -> .(a|bundle) $self->link_c($spec->{archdir}, $file_base); } sub do_system { my ($self, @cmd) = @_; $self->log_info("@cmd\n"); # Some systems proliferate huge PERL5LIBs, try to ameliorate: my %seen; my $sep = $self->config('path_sep'); local $ENV{PERL5LIB} = ( !exists($ENV{PERL5LIB}) ? '' : length($ENV{PERL5LIB}) < 500 ? $ENV{PERL5LIB} : join $sep, grep { ! $seen{$_}++ and -d $_ } split($sep, $ENV{PERL5LIB}) ); my $status = system(@cmd); if ($status and $! =~ /Argument list too long/i) { my $env_entries = ''; foreach (sort keys %ENV) { $env_entries .= "$_=>".length($ENV{$_})."; " } warn "'Argument list' was 'too long', env lengths are $env_entries"; } return !$status; } sub copy_if_modified { my $self = shift; my %args = (@_ > 3 ? ( @_ ) : ( from => shift, to_dir => shift, flatten => shift ) ); $args{verbose} = !$self->quiet unless exists $args{verbose}; my $file = $args{from}; unless (defined $file and length $file) { die "No 'from' parameter given to copy_if_modified"; } my $to_path; if (defined $args{to} and length $args{to}) { $to_path = $args{to}; } elsif (defined $args{to_dir} and length $args{to_dir}) { $to_path = File::Spec->catfile( $args{to_dir}, $args{flatten} ? File::Basename::basename($file) : $file ); } else { die "No 'to' or 'to_dir' parameter given to copy_if_modified"; } return if $self->up_to_date($file, $to_path); # Already fresh { local $self->{properties}{quiet} = 1; $self->delete_filetree($to_path); # delete destination if exists } # Create parent directories File::Path::mkpath(File::Basename::dirname($to_path), 0, oct(777)); $self->log_info("Copying $file -> $to_path\n") if $args{verbose}; if ($^O eq 'os2') {# copy will not overwrite; 0x1 = overwrite chmod 0666, $to_path; File::Copy::syscopy($file, $to_path, 0x1) or die "Can't copy('$file', '$to_path'): $!"; } else { File::Copy::copy($file, $to_path) or die "Can't copy('$file', '$to_path'): $!"; } # mode is read-only + (executable if source is executable) my $mode = oct(444) | ( $self->is_executable($file) ? oct(111) : 0 ); chmod( $mode, $to_path ); return $to_path; } sub up_to_date { my ($self, $source, $derived) = @_; $source = [$source] unless ref $source; $derived = [$derived] unless ref $derived; return 0 if grep {not -e} @$derived; my $most_recent_source = time / (24*60*60); foreach my $file (@$source) { unless (-e $file) { $self->log_warn("Can't find source file $file for up-to-date check"); next; } $most_recent_source = -M _ if -M _ < $most_recent_source; } foreach my $derived (@$derived) { return 0 if -M $derived > $most_recent_source; } return 1; } sub dir_contains { my ($self, $first, $second) = @_; # File::Spec doesn't have an easy way to check whether one directory # is inside another, unfortunately. ($first, $second) = map File::Spec->canonpath($_), ($first, $second); my @first_dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($first); my @second_dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($second); return 0 if @second_dirs < @first_dirs; my $is_same = ( File::Spec->case_tolerant ? sub {lc(shift()) eq lc(shift())} : sub {shift() eq shift()} ); while (@first_dirs) { return 0 unless $is_same->(shift @first_dirs, shift @second_dirs); } return 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Module::Build::Base - Default methods for Module::Build =head1 SYNOPSIS Please see the Module::Build documentation. =head1 DESCRIPTION The C module defines the core functionality of C. Its methods may be overridden by any of the platform-dependent modules in the C namespace, but the intention here is to make this base module as platform-neutral as possible. Nicely enough, Perl has several core tools available in the C namespace for doing this, so the task isn't very difficult. Please see the C documentation for more details. =head1 AUTHOR Ken Williams =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Ken Williams. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1), Module::Build(3) =cut