#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use Test::More; BEGIN { require Config; import Config; if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bSocket\b/ && !(($^O eq 'VMS') && $Config{d_socket})) { plan skip_all => "Test uses Socket, Socket not built"; } if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { plan skip_all => "Test relies on resolution of localhost, fails on Mac OS"; } } use Test::More tests => 7; BEGIN { use_ok 'Net::hostent' } # Remind me to add this to Test::More. sub DIE { print "# @_\n"; exit 1; } # test basic resolution of localhost <-> use Socket; my $h = gethost('localhost'); ok(defined $h, "gethost('localhost')") || DIE("Can't continue without working gethost: $!"); is( inet_ntoa($h->addr), "", 'addr from gethost' ); my $i = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton("")); ok(defined $i, "gethostbyaddr('')") || DIE("Can't continue without working gethostbyaddr: $!"); is( inet_ntoa($i->addr), "", 'addr from gethostbyaddr' ); # need to skip the name comparisons on Win32 because windows will # return the name of the machine instead of "localhost" when resolving # or even "localhost" # - VMS returns "LOCALHOST" under tcp/ip services V4.1 ECO 2, possibly others # - OS/390 returns localhost.YADDA.YADDA SKIP: { skip "Windows will return the machine name instead of 'localhost'", 2 if $^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'NetWare' or $^O eq 'cygwin'; print "# name = " . $h->name . ", aliases = " . join (",", @{$h->aliases}) . "\n"; my $in_alias; unless ($h->name =~ /^localhost(?:\..+)?$/i) { foreach (@{$h->aliases}) { if (/^localhost(?:\..+)?$/i) { $in_alias = 1; last; } } ok( $in_alias ); } else { ok( 1 ); } if ($in_alias) { # If we found it in the aliases before, expect to find it there again. foreach (@{$h->aliases}) { if (/^localhost(?:\..+)?$/i) { # This time, clear the flag if we see "localhost" undef $in_alias; last; } } } if( $in_alias ) { like( $i->name, qr/^localhost(?:\..+)?$/i ); } else { ok( !$in_alias ); print "# " . $h->name . " " . join (",", @{$h->aliases}) . "\n"; } }