chdir 't';
@INC = '../lib';
#use Pod::Simple::Debug (2);
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 11 };
ok 1;
use Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML;
use Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream;
print "# Pod::Simple version $Pod::Simple::VERSION\n";
sub e ($$) { Pod::Simple::DumpAsXML->_duo(@_) }
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("=head1 =head1"),
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head1 =head1"),
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head1 =head1\n"),
ok( Pod::Simple::XMLOutStream->_out("\n=head1 =head1\n\n"),
&ok(e "\n=head1 =head1\n\n" , "\n=head1 =head1\n\n");
&ok(e "\n=head1\n=head1\n\n", "\n=head1 =head1\n\n");
&ok(e "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n" , "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n");
&ok(e "\n=pod\n\nCha\tcha cha\n\n" , "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n");
&ok(e "\n=pod\n\nCha\ncha cha\n\n" , "\n=pod\n\nCha cha cha\n\n");
print "# Wrapping up... one for the road...\n";
ok 1;
print "# --- Done with ", __FILE__, " --- \n";