#!perl -Tw BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use Test::More; plan tests => 33; use_ok( 'Pod::InputObjects' ); { # test package Pod::InputSource local *FH; my $p_is = Pod::InputSource->new( -handle => \*FH ); isa_ok( $p_is, 'Pod::InputSource', 'Pod::InputSource constructor' ); is( $p_is->name, '(unknown)', 'Pod::InputSource->name()' ); is( $p_is->name( 'test' ), 'test', 'set Pod::InputSource->name( test )' ); is( $p_is->filename, 'test', 'Pod::InputSource->filename() alias' ); is( $p_is->handle, \*FH, 'Pod::InputSource->handle()' ); is( $p_is->was_cutting(), 0, 'Pod::InputSource->was_cutting()' ); is( $p_is->was_cutting( 1 ), 1, 'set Pod::InputSource->was_cutting( 1 )' ); } { # test package Pod::Paragraph my $p_p1 = Pod::Paragraph->new( -text => 'NAME', -name => 'head2' ); my $p_p2 = Pod::Paragraph->new( 'test - This is the test suite' ); isa_ok( $p_p1, 'Pod::Paragraph', 'Pod::Paragraph constuctor' ); isa_ok( $p_p2, 'Pod::Paragraph', 'Pod::Paragraph constructor revisited' ); is( $p_p1->cmd_name(), 'head2', 'Pod::Paragraph->cmd_name()' ); is( $p_p1->cmd_name( 'head1' ), 'head1', 'Pod::Paragraph->cmd_name( head1 )' ); ok( !$p_p2->cmd_name(), 'Pod::Paragraph->cmd_name() revisited' ); is( $p_p1->text(), 'NAME', 'Pod::Paragraph->text()' ); is( $p_p2->text(), 'test - This is the test suite', 'Pod::Paragraph->text() revisited' ); my $new_text = 'test - This is the test suite.'; is( $p_p2->text( $new_text ), $new_text, 'Pod::Paragraph->text( ... )' ); is( $p_p1->raw_text, '=head1 NAME', 'Pod::Paragraph->raw_text()' ); is( $p_p2->raw_text, $new_text, 'Pod::Paragraph->raw_text() revisited' ); is( $p_p1->cmd_prefix, '=', 'Pod::Paragraph->cmd_prefix()' ); is( $p_p1->cmd_separator, ' ', 'Pod::Paragraph->cmd_separator()' ); # Pod::Parser->parse_tree() / ptree() is( $p_p1->file_line(), ':0', 'Pod::Paragraph->file_line()' ); $p_p2->{ '-file' } = 'test'; $p_p2->{ '-line' } = 3; is( $p_p2->file_line(), 'test:3', 'Pod::Paragraph->file_line()' ); } { # test package Pod::InteriorSequence my $p_pt = Pod::ParseTree->new(); my $pre_txt = 'test - This is the '; my $cmd_txt = 'test suite'; my $pst_txt ='.'; $p_pt->append( $cmd_txt ); my $p_is = Pod::InteriorSequence->new( -name => 'I', -ldelim => '<', -rdelim => '>', -ptree => $p_pt ); isa_ok( $p_is, 'Pod::InteriorSequence', 'P::InteriorSequence constructor' ); is( $p_is->cmd_name(), 'I', 'Pod::InteriorSequence->cmd_name()' ); is( $p_is->cmd_name( 'B' ), 'B', 'set Pod::InteriorSequence->cmd_name( B )' ); is( $p_is->raw_text(), "B<$cmd_txt>", 'Pod::InteriorSequence->raw_text()' ); $p_is->prepend( $pre_txt ); is( $p_is->raw_text(), "B<$pre_txt$cmd_txt>", 'raw_text() after prepend()' ); $p_is->append( $pst_txt ); is( $p_is->raw_text(), "B<$pre_txt$cmd_txt$pst_txt>", 'raw_text() after append()' ); } { # test package Pod::ParseTree my $p_pt1 = Pod::ParseTree->new(); my $p_pt2 = Pod::ParseTree->new(); isa_ok( $p_pt1, 'Pod::ParseTree', 'Pod::ParseTree constructor' ); is( $p_pt1->top(), $p_pt1, 'Pod::ParseTree->top()' ); is( $p_pt1->top( $p_pt1, $p_pt2 ), $p_pt1, 'set new Pod::ParseTree->top()' ); ok( eq_array( [ $p_pt1->children() ], [ $p_pt1, $p_pt2] ), 'Pod::ParseTree->children()' ); my $text = 'This is the test suite.'; $p_pt2->append( $text ); is( $p_pt2->raw_text(), $text, 'Pod::ParseTree->append()' ); } __END__ =head1 NAME InputObjects.t - The tests for Pod::InputObjects =head AUTHOR 20011220 Abe Timmerman =cut