use Test::More tests => 22; use_ok('Text::Soundex'); require_ok('Test::More'); ok( 2 eq 2, 'two is two is two is two' ); is( "foo", "foo", 'foo is foo' ); isnt( "foo", "bar", 'foo isnt bar'); isn't("foo", "bar", 'foo isn\'t bar'); #'# like("fooble", '/^foo/', 'foo is like fooble'); like("FooBle", '/foo/i', 'foo is like FooBle'); like("/usr/local/pr0n/", '/^\/usr\/local/', 'regexes with slashes in like' ); can_ok('Test::More', qw(require_ok use_ok ok is isnt like skip can_ok pass fail eq_array eq_hash eq_set)); can_ok(bless({}, "Test::More"), qw(require_ok use_ok ok is isnt like skip can_ok pass fail eq_array eq_hash eq_set)); isa_ok(bless([], "Foo"), "Foo"); pass('pass() passed'); ok( eq_array([qw(this that whatever)], [qw(this that whatever)]), 'eq_array with simple arrays' ); ok( eq_hash({ foo => 42, bar => 23 }, {bar => 23, foo => 42}), 'eq_hash with simple hashes' ); ok( eq_set([qw(this that whatever)], [qw(that whatever this)]), 'eq_set with simple sets' ); my @complex_array1 = ( [qw(this that whatever)], {foo => 23, bar => 42}, "moo", "yarrow", [qw(498 10 29)], ); my @complex_array2 = ( [qw(this that whatever)], {foo => 23, bar => 42}, "moo", "yarrow", [qw(498 10 29)], ); ok( eq_array(\@complex_array1, \@complex_array2), 'eq_array with complicated arrays' ); ok( eq_set(\@complex_array1, \@complex_array2), 'eq_set with complicated arrays' ); my @array1 = (qw(this that whatever), {foo => 23, bar => 42} ); my @array2 = (qw(this that whatever), {foo => 24, bar => 42} ); ok( !eq_array(\@array1, \@array2), 'eq_array with slightly different complicated arrays' ); ok( !eq_set(\@array1, \@array2), 'eq_set with slightly different complicated arrays' ); my %hash1 = ( foo => 23, bar => [qw(this that whatever)], har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 }, ); my %hash2 = ( foo => 23, bar => [qw(this that whatever)], har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 }, ); ok( eq_hash(\%hash1, \%hash2), 'eq_hash with complicated hashes'); %hash1 = ( foo => 23, bar => [qw(this that whatever)], har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 }, ); %hash2 = ( foo => 23, bar => [qw(this tha whatever)], har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 }, ); ok( !eq_hash(\%hash1, \%hash2), 'eq_hash with slightly different complicated hashes' );