#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } @tests = (split(/\nEND\n/s, <<'DONE')); TEST1 This is a test END This is a test END TEST2 This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. END This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. END TEST3 This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. END This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. END TEST4 This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. END This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple lines. END TEST5 This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put END This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put onto multiple This is a test of a very long line. It should be broken up and put END TEST6 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss END 11111111 22222222 33333333 44444444 55555555 66666666 77777777 888888888 999999999 aaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbb ccccccccc ddddddddd eeeeeeeee ffffffff gggggggg hhhhhhhh iiiiiiii jjjjjjjj kkkkkkkk llllllll mmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnn ooooooooo ppppppppp qqqqqqqqq rrrrrrrrr sssssssss END TEST7 c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6 c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0 c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0 c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0 END c3t1d0s6 c4t1d0s6 c5t1d0s6 c6t1d0s6 c7t1d0s6 c8t1d0s6 c9t1d0s6 c10t1d0s6 c11t1d0s6 c12t1d0s6 c13t1d0s6 c14t1d0s6 c15t1d0s6 c16t1d0s6 c3t1d0s0 c4t1d0s0 c5t1d0s0 c6t1d0s0 c7t1d0s0 c8t1d0s0 c9t1d0s0 c10t1d0s0 c11t1d0s0 c12t1d0s0 c13t1d0s0 c14t1d0s0 c15t1d0s0 c16t1d0s0 END TEST8 A test of a very very long word. a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g1234567 END A test of a very very long word. a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123 4567 END TEST9 A test of a very very long word. a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g1234567 END A test of a very very long word. a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789g123 4567 END TEST10 my mother once said "never eat paste my darling" would that I heeded END my mother once said "never eat paste my darling" would that I heeded END TEST11 This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_program_does_not_crash_and_burn END This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_pr ogram_does_not_crash_and_burn END TEST12 This Has Blank Lines END This Has Blank Lines END TEST13 break=\d I saw 3 ships come sailing in END I saw 3 ships come sailing in END TEST14 break=\d the.quick.brown.fox.jumps.over.the.9.lazy.dogs.for.no.good.reason.whatsoever.apparently END the.quick.brown.fox.jumps.over.the. .lazy.dogs.for.no.good.reason.whatsoever.apparently END DONE $| = 1; print "1..", 2 +@tests, "\n"; use Text::Wrap; $rerun = $ENV{'PERL_DL_NONLAZY'} ? 0 : 1; $tn = 1; @st = @tests; while (@st) { my $in = shift(@st); my $out = shift(@st); $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)( break=(.*))?\n// or die "bad TEST header line: $in\n"; local $Text::Wrap::break = $3 if defined $3; my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', $in); if ($back eq $out) { print "ok $tn\n"; } elsif ($rerun) { my $oi = $in; foreach ($in, $back, $out) { s/\t/^I\t/gs; s/\n/\$\n/gs; } print "------------ input ------------\n"; print $in; print "\n------------ output -----------\n"; print $back; print "\n------------ expected ---------\n"; print $out; print "\n-------------------------------\n"; $Text::Wrap::debug = 1; wrap(' ', ' ', $oi); exit(1); } else { print "not ok $tn\n"; } $tn++; } @st = @tests; while(@st) { my $in = shift(@st); my $out = shift(@st); $in =~ s/^TEST(\d+)( break=(.*))?\n// or die "bad TEST header line: $in\n"; local $Text::Wrap::break = $3 if defined $3; my @in = split("\n", $in, -1); @in = ((map { "$_\n" } @in[0..$#in-1]), $in[-1]); my $back = wrap(' ', ' ', @in); if ($back eq $out) { print "ok $tn\n"; } elsif ($rerun) { my $oi = $in; foreach ($in, $back, $out) { s/\t/^I\t/gs; s/\n/\$\n/gs; } print "------------ input2 ------------\n"; print $in; print "\n------------ output2 -----------\n"; print $back; print "\n------------ expected2 ---------\n"; print $out; print "\n-------------------------------\n"; $Text::Wrap::debug = 1; wrap(' ', ' ', $oi); exit(1); } else { print "not ok $tn\n"; } $tn++; } $Text::Wrap::huge = 'overflow'; my $tw = 'This_is_a_word_that_is_too_long_to_wrap_we_want_to_make_sure_that_the_program_does_not_crash_and_burn'; my $w = wrap('zzz','yyy',$tw); print (($w eq "zzz$tw") ? "ok $tn\n" : "not ok $tn"); $tn++; { local $Text::Wrap::columns = 10; local $Text::Wrap::huge = "wrap"; print ((wrap("verylongindent", "", "foo") eq "verylongindent\nfoo") ? "ok $tn\n" : "not ok $tn"); $tn++; }