#!./perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 11; use_ok('Tie::Hash'); tie my %tied, 'Tie::ExtraHash'; %tied = (apple => 'tree', cow => 'field'); my %hash = (apple => 'tree', cow => 'field'); # TIEHASH is_deeply(\%hash, \%tied, "TIEHASH"); ok(tied(%tied), "TIEHASH really does tie"); # FIRST/NEXTKEY is_deeply([sort keys %hash], [sort keys %tied], "FIRSTKEY/NEXTKEY"); is_deeply([sort values %hash], [sort values %tied], "FIRSTKEY/NEXTKEY"); # EXISTS ok(exists($tied{apple}) && exists($hash{apple}), 'EXISTS works when it exists'); # DELETE and !EXISTS delete($tied{apple}); delete($hash{apple}); ok(!exists($tied{apple}) && !exists($hash{apple}), 'EXISTS works when it doesn\'t exist (as does DELETE)'); # STORE and FETCH $tied{house} = $hash{house} = 'town'; ok($tied{house} eq 'town' && $tied{house} eq $hash{house}, 'STORE and FETCH'); # CLEAR %tied = (); %hash = (); ok(tied(%tied), "still tied after CLEAR"); is_deeply(\%tied, \%hash, "CLEAR"); # SCALAR is(scalar(%tied), scalar(%hash), "SCALAR");