package Unicode::Normalize; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; use Lingua::KO::Hangul::Util; our $VERSION = '0.04'; our $PACKAGE = __PACKAGE__; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw( NFC NFD NFKC NFKD ); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( normalize ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [ @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK ] ); our $Combin = do "unicore/" || do "unicode/" || croak "$PACKAGE: not found"; our $Decomp = do "unicore/" || do "unicode/" || croak "$PACKAGE: not found"; our %Combin; # $codepoint => $number : combination class our %Canon; # $codepoint => \@codepoints : canonical decomp. our %Compat; # $codepoint => \@codepoints : compat. decomp. our %Compos; # $string => $codepoint : composite our %Exclus; # $codepoint => 1 : composition exclusions { my($f, $fh); foreach my $d (@INC) { use File::Spec; $f = File::Spec->catfile($d, "unicore", "CompExcl.txt"); last if open($fh, $f); $f = File::Spec->catfile($d, "unicode", "CompExcl.txt"); last if open($fh, $f); $f = undef; } croak "$PACKAGE: CompExcl.txt not found in @INC" unless defined $f; while(<$fh>){ next if /^#/ or /^$/; s/#.*//; $Exclus{ hex($1) } =1 if /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/; } close $fh; } while($Combin =~ /(.+)/g) { my @tab = split /\t/, $1; my $ini = hex $tab[0]; if($tab[1] eq '') { $Combin{ $ini } = $tab[2]; } else { $Combin{ $_ } = $tab[2] foreach $ini .. hex($tab[1]); } } while($Decomp =~ /(.+)/g) { my @tab = split /\t/, $1; my $compat = $tab[2] =~ s/<[^>]+>//; my $dec = [ _getHexArray($tab[2]) ]; # decomposition my $com = pack('U*', @$dec); # composable sequence my $ini = hex($tab[0]); if($tab[1] eq '') { $Compat{ $ini } = $dec; if(! $compat){ $Canon{ $ini } = $dec; $Compos{ $com } = $ini; } } else { foreach my $u ($ini .. hex($tab[1])){ $Compat{ $u } = $dec; if(! $compat){ $Canon{ $u } = $dec; $Compos{ $com } = $ini; } } } } foreach my $key (keys %Canon) # exhaustive decomposition { $Canon{$key} = [ getCanonList($key) ]; } foreach my $key (keys %Compat) # exhaustive decomposition { $Compat{$key} = [ getCompatList($key) ]; } sub getCanonList { my @src = @_; my @dec = map $Canon{$_} ? @{ $Canon{$_} } : $_, @src; join(" ",@src) eq join(" ",@dec) ? @dec : getCanonList(@dec); # condition @src == @dec is not ok. } sub getCompatList { my @src = @_; my @dec = map $Compat{$_} ? @{ $Compat{$_} } : $_, @src; join(" ",@src) eq join(" ",@dec) ? @dec : getCompatList(@dec); # condition @src == @dec is not ok. } sub NFD($){ _decompose(shift, 0) } sub NFKD($){ _decompose(shift, 1) } sub NFC($){ _compose(NFD(shift)) } sub NFKC($){ _compose(NFKD(shift)) } sub normalize($$) { my($form,$str) = @_; $form eq 'D' || $form eq 'NFD' ? NFD($str) : $form eq 'C' || $form eq 'NFC' ? NFC($str) : $form eq 'KD' || $form eq 'NFKD' ? NFKD($str) : $form eq 'KC' || $form eq 'NFKC' ? NFKC($str) : croak $PACKAGE."::normalize: invalid form name: $form"; } ## ## string _decompose(string, compat?) ## sub _decompose { my $str = $_[0]; my $hash = $_[1] ? \%Compat : \%Canon; my @ret; my $retstr=""; foreach my $u (unpack 'U*', $str){ push @ret, $hash->{ $u } ? @{ $hash->{ $u } } : _isHangul($u) ? decomposeHangul($u) : $u; } for(my $i=0; $i<@ret;){ $retstr .= pack('U', $ret[$i++]), next unless $Combin{ $ret[$i] } && $i+1 < @ret && $Combin{ $ret[$i+1] }; my @tmp; push(@tmp, $ret[$i++]) while $i < @ret && $Combin{ $ret[$i] }; $retstr .= pack 'U*', @tmp[ sort { $Combin{ $tmp[$a] } <=> $Combin{ $tmp[$b] } || $a <=> $b } 0 .. @tmp - 1, ]; } $retstr; } ## ## string _compose(string) ## ## S : starter; NS : not starter; ## ## composable sequence begins at S. ## S + S or (S + S) + S may be composed. ## NS + NS must not be composed. ## sub _compose { my @src = unpack('U*', composeHangul shift); # get codepoints for(my $s = 0; $s+1 < @src; $s++){ next unless defined $src[$s] && ! $Combin{ $src[$s] }; # S only my($c, $blocked); for(my $j = $s+1; $j < @src && !$blocked; $j++){ $blocked = 1 if ! $Combin{ $src[$j] }; next if $j != $s + 1 && defined $src[$j-1] && $Combin{ $src[$j-1] } && $Combin{ $src[$j] } && $Combin{ $src[$j-1] } == $Combin{ $src[$j] }; if( # $c != 0, maybe. $c = $Compos{pack('U*', @src[$s,$j])} and ! $Exclus{$c} ) { $src[$s] = $c; $src[$j] = undef; $blocked = 0; } } } pack 'U*', grep defined(), @src; } ## ## "hhhh hhhh hhhh" to (dddd, dddd, dddd) ## sub _getHexArray { my $str = shift; map hex(), $str =~ /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/g; } ## ## Hangul Syllables ## sub _isHangul { my $code = shift; return 0xAC00 <= $code && $code <= 0xD7A3; } ## ## for Debug ## sub _getCombin { wantarray ? %Combin : \%Combin } sub _getCanon { wantarray ? %Canon : \%Canon } sub _getCompat { wantarray ? %Compat : \%Compat } sub _getCompos { wantarray ? %Compos : \%Compos } sub _getExclus { wantarray ? %Exclus : \%Exclus } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Unicode::Normalize - normalized forms of Unicode text =head1 SYNOPSIS use Unicode::Normalize; $string_NFD = NFD($raw_string); # Normalization Form D $string_NFC = NFC($raw_string); # Normalization Form C $string_NFKD = NFKD($raw_string); # Normalization Form KD $string_NFKC = NFKC($raw_string); # Normalization Form KC or use Unicode::Normalize 'normalize'; $string_NFD = normalize('D', $raw_string); # Normalization Form D $string_NFC = normalize('C', $raw_string); # Normalization Form C $string_NFKD = normalize('KD', $raw_string); # Normalization Form KD $string_NFKC = normalize('KC', $raw_string); # Normalization Form KC =head1 DESCRIPTION =over 4 =item C<$string_NFD = NFD($raw_string)> returns the Normalization Form D (formed by canonical decomposition). =item C<$string_NFC = NFC($raw_string)> returns the Normalization Form C (formed by canonical decomposition followed by canonical composition). =item C<$string_NFKD = NFKD($raw_string)> returns the Normalization Form KD (formed by compatibility decomposition). =item C<$string_NFKC = NFKC($raw_string)> returns the Normalization Form KC (formed by compatibility decomposition followed by B composition). =item C<$normalized_string = normalize($form_name, $raw_string)> As C<$form_name>, one of the following names must be given. 'C' or 'NFC' for Normalization Form C 'D' or 'NFD' for Normalization Form D 'KC' or 'NFKC' for Normalization Form KC 'KD' or 'NFKD' for Normalization Form KD =back =head2 EXPORT C, C, C, C: by default. C: on request. =head1 AUTHOR SADAHIRO Tomoyuki, ESADAHIRO@cpan.orgE Copyright(C) 2001, SADAHIRO Tomoyuki. Japan. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item L utility functions for Hangul Syllables =item Unicode Normalization Forms - UAX #15 =back =cut