#!perl -w BEGIN { if (ord("A") != 65) { print "1..0 # Skip: EBCDIC\n"; exit 0; } chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require Config; import Config; if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bStorable\b/) { print "1..0 # Skip: Storable was not built; Unicode::UCD uses Storable\n"; exit 0; } } my @warnings; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_ }; use strict; use Unicode::UCD; use Test::More; use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo'; my $input_record_separator = 7; # Make sure Unicode::UCD isn't affected by $/ = $input_record_separator; # setting this. my $charinfo; is(charinfo(0x110000), undef, "Verify charinfo() of non-unicode is undef"); $charinfo = charinfo(0); # Null is often problematic, so test it. is($charinfo->{code}, '0000', ''); is($charinfo->{name}, ''); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Cc'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'BN'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, ''); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, 'NULL'); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Basic Latin'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Common'); $charinfo = charinfo(0x41); is($charinfo->{code}, '0041', 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lu'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, ''); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, ''); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, '0061'); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Basic Latin'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Latin'); $charinfo = charinfo(0x100); is($charinfo->{code}, '0100', 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lu'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, '0041 0304'); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A MACRON'); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, '0101'); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Latin Extended-A'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Latin'); # 0x0590 is in the Hebrew block but unused. $charinfo = charinfo(0x590); is($charinfo->{code}, undef, '0x0590 - unused Hebrew'); is($charinfo->{name}, undef); is($charinfo->{category}, undef); is($charinfo->{combining}, undef); is($charinfo->{bidi}, undef); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, undef); is($charinfo->{decimal}, undef); is($charinfo->{digit}, undef); is($charinfo->{numeric}, undef); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, undef); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, undef); is($charinfo->{comment}, undef); is($charinfo->{upper}, undef); is($charinfo->{lower}, undef); is($charinfo->{title}, undef); is($charinfo->{block}, undef); is($charinfo->{script}, undef); # 0x05d0 is in the Hebrew block and used. $charinfo = charinfo(0x5d0); is($charinfo->{code}, '05D0', '05D0 - used Hebrew'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'HEBREW LETTER ALEF'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lo'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'R'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, ''); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, ''); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Hebrew'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Hebrew'); # An open syllable in Hangul. $charinfo = charinfo(0xAC00); is($charinfo->{code}, 'AC00', 'HANGUL SYLLABLE U+AC00'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'HANGUL SYLLABLE GA'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lo'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, '1100 1161'); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, ''); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Hangul Syllables'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Hangul'); # A closed syllable in Hangul. $charinfo = charinfo(0xAE00); is($charinfo->{code}, 'AE00', 'HANGUL SYLLABLE U+AE00'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'HANGUL SYLLABLE GEUL'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lo'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, "1100 1173 11AF"); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, ''); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Hangul Syllables'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Hangul'); $charinfo = charinfo(0x1D400); is($charinfo->{code}, '1D400', 'MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL A'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL A'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lu'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, ' 0041'); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, ''); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Common'); $charinfo = charinfo(0x9FBA); #Bug 58428 is($charinfo->{code}, '9FBA', 'U+9FBA'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-9FBA'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lo'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, ''); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, ''); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'CJK Unified Ideographs'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Han'); use Unicode::UCD qw(charblock charscript); # 0x0590 is in the Hebrew block but unused. is(charblock(0x590), 'Hebrew', '0x0590 - Hebrew unused charblock'); is(charscript(0x590), 'Unknown', '0x0590 - Hebrew unused charscript'); is(charblock(0x1FFFF), 'No_Block', '0x1FFFF - unused charblock'); $charinfo = charinfo(0xbe); is($charinfo->{code}, '00BE', 'VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'No'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'ON'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, ' 0033 2044 0034'); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, '3/4'); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, 'FRACTION THREE QUARTERS'); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Latin-1 Supplement'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Common'); # This is to test a case where both simple and full lowercases exist and # differ $charinfo = charinfo(0x130); is($charinfo->{code}, '0130', 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Lu'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, '0049 0307'); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I DOT'); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, ''); is($charinfo->{lower}, '0069'); is($charinfo->{title}, ''); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Latin Extended-A'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Latin'); # This is to test a case where both simple and full uppercases exist and # differ $charinfo = charinfo(0x1F80); is($charinfo->{code}, '1F80', 'GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI'); is($charinfo->{name}, 'GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH PSILI AND YPOGEGRAMMENI'); is($charinfo->{category}, 'Ll'); is($charinfo->{combining}, '0'); is($charinfo->{bidi}, 'L'); is($charinfo->{decomposition}, '1F00 0345'); is($charinfo->{decimal}, ''); is($charinfo->{digit}, ''); is($charinfo->{numeric}, ''); is($charinfo->{mirrored}, 'N'); is($charinfo->{unicode10}, ''); is($charinfo->{comment}, ''); is($charinfo->{upper}, '1F88'); is($charinfo->{lower}, ''); is($charinfo->{title}, '1F88'); is($charinfo->{block}, 'Greek Extended'); is($charinfo->{script}, 'Greek'); use Unicode::UCD qw(charblocks charscripts); my $charblocks = charblocks(); ok(exists $charblocks->{Thai}, 'Thai charblock exists'); is($charblocks->{Thai}->[0]->[0], hex('0e00')); ok(!exists $charblocks->{PigLatin}, 'PigLatin charblock does not exist'); my $charscripts = charscripts(); ok(exists $charscripts->{Armenian}, 'Armenian charscript exists'); is($charscripts->{Armenian}->[0]->[0], hex('0531')); ok(!exists $charscripts->{PigLatin}, 'PigLatin charscript does not exist'); my $charscript; $charscript = charscript("12ab"); is($charscript, 'Ethiopic', 'Ethiopic charscript'); $charscript = charscript("0x12ab"); is($charscript, 'Ethiopic'); $charscript = charscript("U+12ab"); is($charscript, 'Ethiopic'); my $ranges; $ranges = charscript('Ogham'); is($ranges->[0]->[0], hex('1680'), 'Ogham charscript'); is($ranges->[0]->[1], hex('169C')); use Unicode::UCD qw(charinrange); $ranges = charscript('Cherokee'); ok(!charinrange($ranges, "139f"), 'Cherokee charscript'); ok( charinrange($ranges, "13a0")); ok( charinrange($ranges, "13f4")); ok(!charinrange($ranges, "13f5")); use Unicode::UCD qw(general_categories); my $gc = general_categories(); ok(exists $gc->{L}, 'has L'); is($gc->{L}, 'Letter', 'L is Letter'); is($gc->{Lu}, 'UppercaseLetter', 'Lu is UppercaseLetter'); use Unicode::UCD qw(bidi_types); my $bt = bidi_types(); ok(exists $bt->{L}, 'has L'); is($bt->{L}, 'Left-to-Right', 'L is Left-to-Right'); is($bt->{AL}, 'Right-to-Left Arabic', 'AL is Right-to-Left Arabic'); # If this fails, then maybe one should look at the Unicode changes to see # what else might need to be updated. is(Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion, '6.3.0', 'UnicodeVersion'); use Unicode::UCD qw(compexcl); ok(!compexcl(0x0100), 'compexcl'); ok(!compexcl(0xD801), 'compexcl of surrogate'); ok(!compexcl(0x110000), 'compexcl of non-Unicode code point'); ok( compexcl(0x0958)); use Unicode::UCD qw(casefold); my $casefold; $casefold = casefold(0x41); is($casefold->{code}, '0041', 'casefold 0x41 code'); is($casefold->{status}, 'C', 'casefold 0x41 status'); is($casefold->{mapping}, '0061', 'casefold 0x41 mapping'); is($casefold->{full}, '0061', 'casefold 0x41 full'); is($casefold->{simple}, '0061', 'casefold 0x41 simple'); is($casefold->{turkic}, "", 'casefold 0x41 turkic'); $casefold = casefold(0xdf); is($casefold->{code}, '00DF', 'casefold 0xDF code'); is($casefold->{status}, 'F', 'casefold 0xDF status'); is($casefold->{mapping}, '0073 0073', 'casefold 0xDF mapping'); is($casefold->{full}, '0073 0073', 'casefold 0xDF full'); is($casefold->{simple}, "", 'casefold 0xDF simple'); is($casefold->{turkic}, "", 'casefold 0xDF turkic'); # Do different tests depending on if version < 3.2, or not. my $v_unicode_version = pack "C*", split /\./, Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion(); if ($v_unicode_version lt v3.2.0) { $casefold = casefold(0x130); is($casefold->{code}, '0130', 'casefold 0x130 code'); is($casefold->{status}, 'I' , 'casefold 0x130 status'); is($casefold->{mapping}, '0069', 'casefold 0x130 mapping'); is($casefold->{full}, '0069', 'casefold 0x130 full'); is($casefold->{simple}, "0069", 'casefold 0x130 simple'); is($casefold->{turkic}, "0069", 'casefold 0x130 turkic'); $casefold = casefold(0x131); is($casefold->{code}, '0131', 'casefold 0x131 code'); is($casefold->{status}, 'I' , 'casefold 0x131 status'); is($casefold->{mapping}, '0069', 'casefold 0x131 mapping'); is($casefold->{full}, '0069', 'casefold 0x131 full'); is($casefold->{simple}, "0069", 'casefold 0x131 simple'); is($casefold->{turkic}, "0069", 'casefold 0x131 turkic'); } else { $casefold = casefold(0x49); is($casefold->{code}, '0049', 'casefold 0x49 code'); is($casefold->{status}, 'C' , 'casefold 0x49 status'); is($casefold->{mapping}, '0069', 'casefold 0x49 mapping'); is($casefold->{full}, '0069', 'casefold 0x49 full'); is($casefold->{simple}, "0069", 'casefold 0x49 simple'); is($casefold->{turkic}, "0131", 'casefold 0x49 turkic'); $casefold = casefold(0x130); is($casefold->{code}, '0130', 'casefold 0x130 code'); is($casefold->{status}, 'F' , 'casefold 0x130 status'); is($casefold->{mapping}, '0069 0307', 'casefold 0x130 mapping'); is($casefold->{full}, '0069 0307', 'casefold 0x130 full'); is($casefold->{simple}, "", 'casefold 0x130 simple'); is($casefold->{turkic}, "0069", 'casefold 0x130 turkic'); } $casefold = casefold(0x1F88); is($casefold->{code}, '1F88', 'casefold 0x1F88 code'); is($casefold->{status}, 'S' , 'casefold 0x1F88 status'); is($casefold->{mapping}, '1F80', 'casefold 0x1F88 mapping'); is($casefold->{full}, '1F00 03B9', 'casefold 0x1F88 full'); is($casefold->{simple}, '1F80', 'casefold 0x1F88 simple'); is($casefold->{turkic}, "", 'casefold 0x1F88 turkic'); ok(!casefold(0x20)); use Unicode::UCD qw(casespec); my $casespec; ok(!casespec(0x41)); $casespec = casespec(0xdf); ok($casespec->{code} eq '00DF' && $casespec->{lower} eq '00DF' && $casespec->{title} eq '0053 0073' && $casespec->{upper} eq '0053 0053' && !defined $casespec->{condition}, 'casespec 0xDF'); $casespec = casespec(0x307); ok($casespec->{az}->{code} eq '0307' && !defined $casespec->{az}->{lower} && $casespec->{az}->{title} eq '0307' && $casespec->{az}->{upper} eq '0307' && $casespec->{az}->{condition} eq 'az After_I', 'casespec 0x307'); # perl #7305 UnicodeCD::compexcl is weird for (1) {my $a=compexcl $_} ok(1, 'compexcl read-only $_: perl #7305'); map {compexcl $_} %{{1=>2}}; ok(1, 'compexcl read-only hash: perl #7305'); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('123'), 123, "_getcode(123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('0123'), 0x123, "_getcode(0123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('0x123'), 0x123, "_getcode(0x123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('0X123'), 0x123, "_getcode(0X123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('U+123'), 0x123, "_getcode(U+123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('u+123'), 0x123, "_getcode(u+123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('U+1234'), 0x1234, "_getcode(U+1234)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('U+12345'), 0x12345, "_getcode(U+12345)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('123x'), undef, "_getcode(123x)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('x123'), undef, "_getcode(x123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('0x123x'), undef, "_getcode(x123)"); is(Unicode::UCD::_getcode('U+123x'), undef, "_getcode(x123)"); { my $r1 = charscript('Latin'); if (ok(defined $r1, "Found Latin script")) { my $n1 = @$r1; is($n1, 30, "number of ranges in Latin script (Unicode 6.1.0)"); shift @$r1 while @$r1; my $r2 = charscript('Latin'); is(@$r2, $n1, "modifying results should not mess up internal caches"); } } { is(charinfo(0xdeadbeef), undef, "[perl #23273] warnings in Unicode::UCD"); } use Unicode::UCD qw(namedseq); is(namedseq("KATAKANA LETTER AINU P"), "\x{31F7}\x{309A}", "namedseq"); is(namedseq("KATAKANA LETTER AINU Q"), undef); is(namedseq(), undef); is(namedseq(qw(foo bar)), undef); my @ns = namedseq("KATAKANA LETTER AINU P"); is(scalar @ns, 2); is($ns[0], 0x31F7); is($ns[1], 0x309A); my %ns = namedseq(); is($ns{"KATAKANA LETTER AINU P"}, "\x{31F7}\x{309A}"); @ns = namedseq(42); is(@ns, 0); use Unicode::UCD qw(num); use charnames ":full"; is(num("0"), 0, 'Verify num("0") == 0'); is(num("98765"), 98765, 'Verify num("98765") == 98765'); ok(! defined num("98765\N{FULLWIDTH DIGIT FOUR}"), 'Verify num("98765\N{FULLWIDTH DIGIT FOUR}") isnt defined'); is(num("\N{NEW TAI LUE DIGIT TWO}\N{NEW TAI LUE DIGIT ONE}"), 21, 'Verify num("\N{NEW TAI LUE DIGIT TWO}\N{NEW TAI LUE DIGIT ONE}") == 21'); ok(! defined num("\N{NEW TAI LUE DIGIT TWO}\N{NEW TAI LUE THAM DIGIT ONE}"), 'Verify num("\N{NEW TAI LUE DIGIT TWO}\N{NEW TAI LUE THAM DIGIT ONE}") isnt defined'); is(num("\N{CHAM DIGIT ZERO}\N{CHAM DIGIT THREE}"), 3, 'Verify num("\N{CHAM DIGIT ZERO}\N{CHAM DIGIT THREE}") == 3'); ok(! defined num("\N{CHAM DIGIT ZERO}\N{JAVANESE DIGIT NINE}"), 'Verify num("\N{CHAM DIGIT ZERO}\N{JAVANESE DIGIT NINE}") isnt defined'); is(num("\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO}"), 2, 'Verify num("\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO} == 2'); is(num("\N{ETHIOPIC NUMBER TEN THOUSAND}"), 10000, 'Verify num("\N{ETHIOPIC NUMBER TEN THOUSAND}") == 10000'); is(num("\N{NORTH INDIC FRACTION ONE HALF}"), .5, 'Verify num("\N{NORTH INDIC FRACTION ONE HALF}") == .5'); is(num("\N{U+12448}"), 9, 'Verify num("\N{U+12448}") == 9'); is(num("\N{U+5146}"), 1000000000000, 'Verify num("\N{U+5146}") == 1000000000000'); # Create a user-defined property sub InKana {<<'END'} 3040 309F 30A0 30FF END use Unicode::UCD qw(prop_aliases); is(prop_aliases(undef), undef, "prop_aliases(undef) returns "); is(prop_aliases("unknown property"), undef, "prop_aliases() returns "); is(prop_aliases("InKana"), undef, "prop_aliases() returns "); is(prop_aliases("Perl_Decomposition_Mapping"), undef, "prop_aliases('Perl_Decomposition_Mapping') returns since internal-Perl-only"); is(prop_aliases("Perl_Charnames"), undef, "prop_aliases('Perl_Charnames') returns since internal-Perl-only"); is(prop_aliases("isgc"), undef, "prop_aliases('isgc') returns since is not covered Perl extension"); is(prop_aliases("Is_Is_Any"), undef, "prop_aliases('Is_Is_Any') returns since two is's"); is(prop_aliases("ccc=vr"), undef, "prop_aliases('ccc=vr') doesn't generate a warning"); require 'utf8_heavy.pl'; require "unicore/Heavy.pl"; # Keys are lists of properties. Values are defined if have been tested. my %props; # To test for loose matching, add in the characters that are ignored there. my $extra_chars = "-_ "; # The one internal property we accept $props{'Perl_Decimal_Digit'} = 1; my @list = prop_aliases("perldecimaldigit"); is_deeply(\@list, [ "Perl_Decimal_Digit", "Perl_Decimal_Digit" ], "prop_aliases('perldecimaldigit') returns Perl_Decimal_Digit as both short and full names"); # Get the official Unicode property name synonyms and test them. SKIP: { skip "PropertyAliases.txt is not in this Unicode version", 1 if $v_unicode_version lt v3.2.0; open my $props, "<", "../lib/unicore/PropertyAliases.txt" or die "Can't open Unicode PropertyAliases.txt"; local $/ = "\n"; while (<$props>) { s/\s*#.*//; # Remove comments next if /^\s* $/x; # Ignore empty and comment lines chomp; local $/ = $input_record_separator; my $count = 0; # 0th field in line is short name; 1th is long name my $short_name; my $full_name; my @names_via_short; foreach my $alias (split /\s*;\s*/) { # Fields are separated by # semi-colons # Add in the characters that are supposed to be ignored, to test loose # matching, which the tested function does on all inputs. my $mod_name = "$extra_chars$alias"; my $loose = &utf8::_loose_name(lc $alias); # Indicate we have tested this. $props{$loose} = 1; my @all_names = prop_aliases($mod_name); if (grep { $_ eq $loose } @Unicode::UCD::suppressed_properties) { is(@all_names, 0, "prop_aliases('$mod_name') returns undef since $alias is not installed"); next; } elsif (! @all_names) { fail("prop_aliases('$mod_name')"); diag("'$alias' is unknown to prop_aliases()"); next; } if ($count == 0) { # Is short name @names_via_short = prop_aliases($mod_name); # If the 0th test fails, no sense in continuing with the others last unless is($names_via_short[0], $alias, "prop_aliases: '$alias' is the short name for '$mod_name'"); $short_name = $alias; } elsif ($count == 1) { # Is full name # Some properties have the same short and full name; no sense # repeating the test if the same. if ($alias ne $short_name) { my @names_via_full = prop_aliases($mod_name); is_deeply(\@names_via_full, \@names_via_short, "prop_aliases() returns the same list for both '$short_name' and '$mod_name'"); } # Tests scalar context is(prop_aliases($short_name), $alias, "prop_aliases: '$alias' is the long name for '$short_name'"); } else { # Is another alias is_deeply(\@all_names, \@names_via_short, "prop_aliases() returns the same list for both '$short_name' and '$mod_name'"); ok((grep { $_ =~ /^$alias$/i } @all_names), "prop_aliases: '$alias' is listed as an alias for '$mod_name'"); } $count++; } } } # End of SKIP block # Now test anything we can find that wasn't covered by the tests of the # official properties. We have no way of knowing if mktables omitted a Perl # extension or not, but we do the best we can from its generated lists foreach my $alias (sort keys %utf8::loose_to_file_of) { next if $alias =~ /=/; my $lc_name = lc $alias; my $loose = &utf8::_loose_name($lc_name); next if exists $props{$loose}; # Skip if already tested $props{$loose} = 1; my $mod_name = "$extra_chars$alias"; # Tests loose matching my @aliases = prop_aliases($mod_name); my $found_it = grep { &utf8::_loose_name(lc $_) eq $lc_name } @aliases; if ($found_it) { pass("prop_aliases: '$lc_name' is listed as an alias for '$mod_name'"); } elsif ($lc_name =~ /l[_&]$/) { # These two names are special in that they don't appear in the # returned list because they are discouraged from use. Verify # that they return the same list as a non-discouraged version. my @LC = prop_aliases('Is_LC'); is_deeply(\@aliases, \@LC, "prop_aliases: '$lc_name' returns the same list as 'Is_LC'"); } else { my $stripped = $lc_name =~ s/^is//; # Could be that the input includes a prefix 'is', which is rarely # returned as an alias, so having successfully stripped it off above, # try again. if ($stripped) { $found_it = grep { &utf8::_loose_name(lc $_) eq $lc_name } @aliases; } # If that didn't work, it could be that it's a block, which is always # returned with a leading 'In_' to avoid ambiguity. Try comparing # with that stripped off. if (! $found_it) { $found_it = grep { &utf8::_loose_name(s/^In_(.*)/\L$1/r) eq $lc_name } @aliases; # Could check that is a real block, but tests for invmap will # likely pickup any errors, since this will be tested there. $lc_name = "in$lc_name" if $found_it; # Change for message below } my $message = "prop_aliases: '$lc_name' is listed as an alias for '$mod_name'"; ($found_it) ? pass($message) : fail($message); } } my $done_equals = 0; foreach my $alias (keys %utf8::stricter_to_file_of) { if ($alias =~ /=/) { # Only test one case where there is an equals next if $done_equals; $done_equals = 1; } my $lc_name = lc $alias; my @list = prop_aliases($alias); if ($alias =~ /^_/) { is(@list, 0, "prop_aliases: '$lc_name' returns an empty list since it is internal_only"); } elsif ($alias =~ /=/) { is(@list, 0, "prop_aliases: '$lc_name' returns an empty list since is illegal property name"); } else { ok((grep { lc $_ eq $lc_name } @list), "prop_aliases: '$lc_name' is listed as an alias for '$alias'"); } } use Unicode::UCD qw(prop_value_aliases); is(prop_value_aliases("unknown property", "unknown value"), undef, "prop_value_aliases(, ) returns "); is(prop_value_aliases(undef, undef), undef, "prop_value_aliases(undef, undef) returns "); is((prop_value_aliases("na", "A")), "A", "test that prop_value_aliases returns its input for properties that don't have synonyms"); is(prop_value_aliases("isgc", "C"), undef, "prop_value_aliases('isgc', 'C') returns since is not covered Perl extension"); is(prop_value_aliases("gc", "isC"), undef, "prop_value_aliases('gc', 'isC') returns since is not covered Perl extension"); # We have no way of knowing if mktables omitted a Perl extension that it # shouldn't have, but we can check if it omitted an official Unicode property # name synonym. And for those, we can check if the short and full names are # correct. my %pva_tested; # List of things already tested. SKIP: { skip "PropValueAliases.txt is not in this Unicode version", 1 if $v_unicode_version lt v3.2.0; open my $propvalues, "<", "../lib/unicore/PropValueAliases.txt" or die "Can't open Unicode PropValueAliases.txt"; local $/ = "\n"; while (<$propvalues>) { s/\s*#.*//; # Remove comments next if /^\s* $/x; # Ignore empty and comment lines chomp; local $/ = $input_record_separator; # Fix typo in official input file s/CCC133/CCC132/g if $v_unicode_version eq v6.1.0; my @fields = split /\s*;\s*/; # Fields are separated by semi-colons my $prop = shift @fields; # 0th field is the property, my $count = 0; # 0th field in line (after shifting off the property) is # short name; 1th is long name my $short_name; my @names_via_short; # Saves the values between iterations # The property on the lhs of the = is always loosely matched. Add in # characters that are ignored under loose matching to test that my $mod_prop = "$extra_chars$prop"; if ($fields[0] eq 'n/a') { # See comments in input file, essentially # means full name and short name are identical $fields[0] = $fields[1]; } elsif ($fields[0] ne $fields[1] && &utf8::_loose_name(lc $fields[0]) eq &utf8::_loose_name(lc $fields[1]) && $fields[1] !~ /[[:upper:]]/) { # Also, there is a bug in the file in which "n/a" is omitted, and # the two fields are identical except for case, and the full name # is all lower case. Copy the "short" name unto the full one to # give it some upper case. $fields[1] = $fields[0]; } # The ccc property in the file is special; has an extra numeric field # (0th), which should go at the end, since we use the next two fields as # the short and full names, respectively. See comments in input file. splice (@fields, 0, 0, splice(@fields, 1, 2)) if $prop eq 'ccc'; my $loose_prop = &utf8::_loose_name(lc $prop); my $suppressed = grep { $_ eq $loose_prop } @Unicode::UCD::suppressed_properties; foreach my $value (@fields) { if ($suppressed) { is(prop_value_aliases($prop, $value), undef, "prop_value_aliases('$prop', '$value') returns undef for suppressed property $prop"); next; } elsif (grep { $_ eq ("$loose_prop=" . &utf8::_loose_name(lc $value)) } @Unicode::UCD::suppressed_properties) { is(prop_value_aliases($prop, $value), undef, "prop_value_aliases('$prop', '$value') returns undef for suppressed property $prop=$value"); next; } # Add in test for loose matching. my $mod_value = "$extra_chars$value"; # If the value is a number, optionally negative, including a floating # point or rational numer, it should be only strictly matched, so the # loose matching should fail. if ($value =~ / ^ -? \d+ (?: [\/.] \d+ )? $ /x) { is(prop_value_aliases($mod_prop, $mod_value), undef, "prop_value_aliases('$mod_prop', '$mod_value') returns undef because '$mod_value' should be strictly matched"); # And reset so below tests just the strict matching. $mod_value = $value; } if ($count == 0) { @names_via_short = prop_value_aliases($mod_prop, $mod_value); # If the 0th test fails, no sense in continuing with the others last unless is($names_via_short[0], $value, "prop_value_aliases: In '$prop', '$value' is the short name for '$mod_value'"); $short_name = $value; } elsif ($count == 1) { # Some properties have the same short and full name; no sense # repeating the test if the same. if ($value ne $short_name) { my @names_via_full = prop_value_aliases($mod_prop, $mod_value); is_deeply(\@names_via_full, \@names_via_short, "In '$prop', prop_value_aliases() returns the same list for both '$short_name' and '$mod_value'"); } # Tests scalar context is(prop_value_aliases($prop, $short_name), $value, "'$value' is the long name for prop_value_aliases('$prop', '$short_name')"); } else { my @all_names = prop_value_aliases($mod_prop, $mod_value); is_deeply(\@all_names, \@names_via_short, "In '$prop', prop_value_aliases() returns the same list for both '$short_name' and '$mod_value'"); ok((grep { &utf8::_loose_name(lc $_) eq &utf8::_loose_name(lc $value) } prop_value_aliases($prop, $short_name)), "'$value' is listed as an alias for prop_value_aliases('$prop', '$short_name')"); } $pva_tested{&utf8::_loose_name(lc $prop) . "=" . &utf8::_loose_name(lc $value)} = 1; $count++; } } } # End of SKIP block # And test as best we can, the non-official pva's that mktables generates. foreach my $hash (\%utf8::loose_to_file_of, \%utf8::stricter_to_file_of) { foreach my $test (sort keys %$hash) { next if exists $pva_tested{$test}; # Skip if already tested my ($prop, $value) = split "=", $test; next unless defined $value; # prop_value_aliases() requires an input # 'value' my $mod_value; if ($hash == \%utf8::loose_to_file_of) { # Add extra characters to test loose-match rhs value $mod_value = "$extra_chars$value"; } else { # Here value is strictly matched. # Extra elements are added by mktables to this hash so that # something like "age=6.0" has a synonym of "age=6". It's not # clear to me (khw) if we should be encouraging those synonyms, so # don't test for them. next if $value !~ /\D/ && exists $hash->{"$prop=$value.0"}; # Verify that loose matching fails when only strict is called for. next unless is(prop_value_aliases($prop, "$extra_chars$value"), undef, "prop_value_aliases('$prop', '$extra_chars$value') returns undef since '$value' should be strictly matched"), # Strict matching does allow for underscores between digits. Test # for that. $mod_value = $value; while ($mod_value =~ s/(\d)(\d)/$1_$2/g) {} } # The lhs property is always loosely matched, so add in extra # characters to test that. my $mod_prop = "$extra_chars$prop"; if ($prop eq 'gc' && $value =~ /l[_&]$/) { # These two names are special in that they don't appear in the # returned list because they are discouraged from use. Verify # that they return the same list as a non-discouraged version. my @LC = prop_value_aliases('gc', 'lc'); my @l_ = prop_value_aliases($mod_prop, $mod_value); is_deeply(\@l_, \@LC, "prop_value_aliases('$mod_prop', '$mod_value) returns the same list as prop_value_aliases('gc', 'lc')"); } else { ok((grep { &utf8::_loose_name(lc $_) eq &utf8::_loose_name(lc $value) } prop_value_aliases($mod_prop, $mod_value)), "'$value' is listed as an alias for prop_value_aliases('$mod_prop', '$mod_value')"); } } } undef %pva_tested; no warnings 'once'; # We use some values once from 'required' modules. use Unicode::UCD qw(prop_invlist prop_invmap MAX_CP); # There were some problems with caching interfering with prop_invlist() vs # prop_invmap() on binary properties, and also between the 3 properties where # Perl used the same 'To' name as another property (see utf8_heavy.pl). # So, before testing all of prop_invlist(), # 1) call prop_invmap() to try both orders of these name issues. This uses # up two of the 3 properties; the third will be left so that invlist() # on it gets called before invmap() # 2) call prop_invmap() on a generic binary property, ahead of invlist(). # This should test that the caching works in both directions. # These properties are not stable between Unicode versions, but the first few # elements are; just look at the first element to see if are getting the # distinction right. The general inversion map testing below will test the # whole thing. my $prop = "uc"; my ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, $format, $missing) = prop_invmap($prop); is($format, 'al', "prop_invmap() format of '$prop' is 'al'"); is($missing, '0', "prop_invmap() missing of '$prop' is '0'"); is($invlist_ref->[1], 0x61, "prop_invmap('$prop') list[1] is 0x61"); is($invmap_ref->[1], 0x41, "prop_invmap('$prop') map[1] is 0x41"); $prop = "upper"; ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, $format, $missing) = prop_invmap($prop); is($format, 's', "prop_invmap() format of '$prop' is 's"); is($missing, 'N', "prop_invmap() missing of '$prop' is 'N'"); is($invlist_ref->[1], 0x41, "prop_invmap('$prop') list[1] is 0x41"); is($invmap_ref->[1], 'Y', "prop_invmap('$prop') map[1] is 'Y'"); $prop = "lower"; ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, $format, $missing) = prop_invmap($prop); is($format, 's', "prop_invmap() format of '$prop' is 's'"); is($missing, 'N', "prop_invmap() missing of '$prop' is 'N'"); is($invlist_ref->[1], 0x61, "prop_invmap('$prop') list[1] is 0x61"); is($invmap_ref->[1], 'Y', "prop_invmap('$prop') map[1] is 'Y'"); $prop = "lc"; ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, $format, $missing) = prop_invmap($prop); is($format, 'al', "prop_invmap() format of '$prop' is 'al'"); is($missing, '0', "prop_invmap() missing of '$prop' is '0'"); is($invlist_ref->[1], 0x41, "prop_invmap('$prop') list[1] is 0x41"); is($invmap_ref->[1], 0x61, "prop_invmap('$prop') map[1] is 0x61"); # This property is stable and small, so can test all of it $prop = "ASCII_Hex_Digit"; ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, $format, $missing) = prop_invmap($prop); is($format, 's', "prop_invmap() format of '$prop' is 's'"); is($missing, 'N', "prop_invmap() missing of '$prop' is 'N'"); is_deeply($invlist_ref, [ 0x0000, 0x0030, 0x003A, 0x0041, 0x0047, 0x0061, 0x0067, 0x110000 ], "prop_invmap('$prop') code point list is correct"); is_deeply($invmap_ref, [ 'N', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 'N' ] , "prop_invmap('$prop') map list is correct"); is(prop_invlist("Unknown property"), undef, "prop_invlist() returns undef"); is(prop_invlist(undef), undef, "prop_invlist(undef) returns undef"); is(prop_invlist("Any"), 2, "prop_invlist('Any') returns the number of elements in scalar context"); my @invlist = prop_invlist("Is_Any"); is_deeply(\@invlist, [ 0, 0x110000 ], "prop_invlist works on 'Is_' prefixes"); is(prop_invlist("Is_Is_Any"), undef, "prop_invlist('Is_Is_Any') returns since two is's"); use Storable qw(dclone); is(prop_invlist("InKana"), undef, "prop_invlist()"); # The way both the tests for invlist and invmap work is that they take the # lists returned by the functions and construct from them what the original # file should look like, which are then compared with the file. If they are # identical, the test passes. What this tests isn't that the results are # correct, but that invlist and invmap haven't introduced errors beyond what # are there in the files. As a small hedge against that, test some # prop_invlist() tables fully with the known correct result. We choose # ASCII_Hex_Digit again, as it is stable. @invlist = prop_invlist("AHex"); is_deeply(\@invlist, [ 0x0030, 0x003A, 0x0041, 0x0047, 0x0061, 0x0067 ], "prop_invlist('AHex') is exactly the expected set of points"); @invlist = prop_invlist("AHex=f"); is_deeply(\@invlist, [ 0x0000, 0x0030, 0x003A, 0x0041, 0x0047, 0x0061, 0x0067 ], "prop_invlist('AHex=f') is exactly the expected set of points"); sub fail_with_diff ($$$$) { # For use below to output better messages my ($prop, $official, $constructed, $tested_function_name) = @_; is($constructed, $official, "$tested_function_name('$prop')"); diag("Comment out lines " . (__LINE__ - 1) . " through " . (__LINE__ + 1) . " in '$0' on Un*x-like systems to see just the differences. Uses the 'diff' first in your \$PATH"); return; fail("$tested_function_name('$prop')"); require File::Temp; my $off = File::Temp->new(); local $/ = "\n"; chomp $official; print $off $official, "\n"; close $off || die "Can't close official"; chomp $constructed; my $gend = File::Temp->new(); print $gend $constructed, "\n"; close $gend || die "Can't close gend"; my $diff = File::Temp->new(); system("diff $off $gend > $diff"); open my $fh, "<", $diff || die "Can't open $diff"; my @diffs = <$fh>; diag("In the diff output below '<' marks lines from the filesystem tables;\n'>' are from $tested_function_name()"); diag(@diffs); } my %tested_invlist; # Look at everything we think that mktables tells us exists, both loose and # strict foreach my $set_of_tables (\%utf8::stricter_to_file_of, \%utf8::loose_to_file_of) { foreach my $table (sort keys %$set_of_tables) { my $mod_table; my ($prop_only, $value) = split "=", $table; if (defined $value) { # If this is to be loose matched, add in characters to test that. if ($set_of_tables == \%utf8::loose_to_file_of) { $value = "$extra_chars$value"; } else { # Strict match # Verify that loose matching fails when only strict is called # for. next unless is(prop_invlist("$prop_only=$extra_chars$value"), undef, "prop_invlist('$prop_only=$extra_chars$value') returns undef since should be strictly matched"); # Strict matching does allow for underscores between digits. # Test for that. while ($value =~ s/(\d)(\d)/$1_$2/g) {} } # The property portion in compound form specifications always # matches loosely $mod_table = "$extra_chars$prop_only = $value"; } else { # Single-form. # Like above, use loose if required, and insert underscores # between digits if strict. if ($set_of_tables == \%utf8::loose_to_file_of) { $mod_table = "$extra_chars$table"; } else { $mod_table = $table; while ($mod_table =~ s/(\d)(\d)/$1_$2/g) {} } } my @tested = prop_invlist($mod_table); if ($table =~ /^_/) { is(@tested, 0, "prop_invlist('$mod_table') returns an empty list since is internal-only"); next; } # If we have already tested a property that uses the same file, this # list should be identical to the one that was tested, and can bypass # everything else. my $file = $set_of_tables->{$table}; if (exists $tested_invlist{$file}) { is_deeply(\@tested, $tested_invlist{$file}, "prop_invlist('$mod_table') gave same results as its name synonym"); next; } $tested_invlist{$file} = dclone \@tested; # A '!' in the file name means that it is to be inverted. my $invert = $file =~ s/!//; my $official; # If the file's directory is '#', it is a special case where the # contents are in-lined with semi-colons meaning new-lines, instead of # it being an actual file to read. The file is an index in to the # array of the definitions if ($file =~ s!^#/!!) { $official = $utf8::inline_definitions[$file]; } else { $official = do "unicore/lib/$file.pl"; } # Get rid of any trailing space and comments in the file. $official =~ s/\s*(#.*)?$//mg; local $/ = "\n"; chomp $official; $/ = $input_record_separator; # If we are to test against an inverted file, it is easier to invert # our array than the file. if ($invert) { if (@tested && $tested[0] == 0) { shift @tested; } else { unshift @tested, 0; } } # Now construct a string from the list that should match the file. # The file is inversion list format code points, like this: # V1216 # 65 # [26] # 91 # 192 # [23] # ... # The V indicates it's an inversion list, and is followed immediately # by the number of elements (lines) that follow giving its contents. # The list has even numbered elements (0th, 2nd, ...) start ranges # that are in the list, and odd ones that aren't in the list. # Therefore the odd numbered ones are one beyond the end of the # previous range, but otherwise don't get reflected in the file. my $tested = join "\n", ("V" . scalar @tested), @tested; local $/ = "\n"; chomp $tested; $/ = $input_record_separator; if ($tested ne $official) { fail_with_diff($mod_table, $official, $tested, "prop_invlist"); next; } pass("prop_invlist('$mod_table')"); } } # Now test prop_invmap(). @list = prop_invmap("Unknown property"); is (@list, 0, "prop_invmap() returns an empty list"); @list = prop_invmap(undef); is (@list, 0, "prop_invmap(undef) returns an empty list"); ok (! eval "prop_invmap('gc')" && $@ ne "", "prop_invmap('gc') dies in scalar context"); @list = prop_invmap("_X_Begin"); is (@list, 0, "prop_invmap() returns an empty list"); @list = prop_invmap("InKana"); is(@list, 0, "prop_invmap()"); @list = prop_invmap("Perl_Decomposition_Mapping"), undef, is(@list, 0, "prop_invmap('Perl_Decomposition_Mapping') returns since internal-Perl-only"); @list = prop_invmap("Perl_Charnames"), undef, is(@list, 0, "prop_invmap('Perl_Charnames') returns since internal-Perl-only"); @list = prop_invmap("Is_Is_Any"); is(@list, 0, "prop_invmap('Is_Is_Any') returns since two is's"); # The files for these properties are not used by Perl, but are retained for # backwards compatibility with applications that read them directly, with # comments in them that their use is deprecated. Until such time as we remove # them completely, we test that they exist, are correct, and that their # formats haven't changed. This hash contains the info needed to test them as # if they were regular properties. 'replaced_by' gives the equivalent # property now used by Perl. my %legacy_props = ( Legacy_Case_Folding => { replaced_by => 'cf', file => 'To/Fold', swash_name => 'ToFold' }, Legacy_Lowercase_Mapping => { replaced_by => 'lc', file => 'To/Lower', swash_name => 'ToLower' }, Legacy_Titlecase_Mapping => { replaced_by => 'tc', file => 'To/Title', swash_name => 'ToTitle' }, Legacy_Uppercase_Mapping => { replaced_by => 'uc', file => 'To/Upper', swash_name => 'ToUpper' }, Legacy_Perl_Decimal_Digit => { replaced_by => 'Perl_Decimal_Digit', file => 'To/Digit', swash_name => 'ToDigit' }, ); foreach my $legacy_prop (keys %legacy_props) { @list = prop_invmap($legacy_prop); is(@list, 0, "'$legacy_prop' is unknown to prop_invmap"); } # The files for these properties shouldn't have their formats changed in case # applications use them (though such use is deprecated). my @legacy_file_format = (keys %legacy_props, qw( Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph NFKC_Casefold ) ); # The set of properties to test on has already been compiled into %props by # the prop_aliases() tests. my %tested_invmaps; # Like prop_invlist(), prop_invmap() is tested by comparing the results # returned by the function with the tables that mktables generates. Some of # these tables are directly stored as files on disk, in either the unicore or # unicore/To directories, and most should be listed in the mktables generated # hash %utf8::loose_property_to_file_of, with a few additional ones that this # handles specially. For these, the files are read in directly, massaged, and # compared with what invmap() returns. The SPECIALS hash in some of these # files overrides values in the main part of the file. # # The other properties are tested indirectly by generating all the possible # inversion lists for the property, and seeing if those match the inversion # lists returned by prop_invlist(), which has already been tested. PROPERTY: foreach my $prop (sort(keys %props), sort keys %legacy_props) { my $is_legacy = 0; my $loose_prop = &utf8::_loose_name(lc $prop); my $suppressed = grep { $_ eq $loose_prop } @Unicode::UCD::suppressed_properties; my $actual_lookup_prop; my $display_prop; # The property name that is displayed, as opposed # to the one that is actually used. # Find the short and full names that this property goes by my ($name, $full_name) = prop_aliases($prop); if (! $name) { # Here, Perl doesn't know about this property. It could be a # suppressed one, or a legacy one. if (grep { $prop eq $_ } keys %legacy_props) { # For legacy properties, we look up the modern equivalent # property instead; later massaging the results to look like the # known format of the legacy property. We add info about the # legacy property to the data structures for the rest of the # properties; this is to avoid more special cases for the legacies # in the code below $full_name = $name = $prop; $actual_lookup_prop = $legacy_props{$prop}->{'replaced_by'}; my $base_file = $legacy_props{$prop}->{'file'}; # This legacy property is otherwise unknown to Perl; so shouldn't # have any information about it already. ok(! exists $utf8::loose_property_to_file_of{$loose_prop}, "There isn't a hash entry for file lookup of $prop"); $utf8::loose_property_to_file_of{$loose_prop} = $base_file; ok(! exists $utf8::file_to_swash_name{$loose_prop}, "There isn't a hash entry for swash lookup of $prop"); $utf8::file_to_swash_name{$base_file} = $legacy_props{$prop}->{'swash_name'}; $display_prop = $prop; $is_legacy = 1; } else { if (! $suppressed) { fail("prop_invmap('$prop')"); diag("is unknown to prop_aliases(), and we need it in order to test prop_invmap"); } next PROPERTY; } } # Normalize the short name, as it is stored in the hashes under the # normalized version. $name = &utf8::_loose_name(lc $name); # Add in the characters that are supposed to be ignored to test loose # matching, which the tested function applies to all properties $display_prop = "$extra_chars$prop" unless $display_prop; $actual_lookup_prop = $display_prop unless $actual_lookup_prop; my ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, $format, $missing) = prop_invmap($actual_lookup_prop); my $return_ref = [ $invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, $format, $missing ]; # The legacy property files all are expanded out so that each range is 1 # element long. That isn't true of the modern equivalent we use to check # those files for correctness against. So take the output of the proxy # and expand it to match the legacy file. if ($is_legacy) { my @expanded_list; my @expanded_map; for my $i (0 .. @$invlist_ref - 1 - 1) { if (ref $invmap_ref->[$i] || $invmap_ref->[$i] eq $missing) { # No adjustments should be done for the default mapping and # the multi-char ones. push @expanded_list, $invlist_ref->[$i]; push @expanded_map, $invmap_ref->[$i]; } else { # Expand the range into separate elements for each item. my $offset = 0; for my $j ($invlist_ref->[$i] .. $invlist_ref->[$i+1] -1) { push @expanded_list, $j; push @expanded_map, $invmap_ref->[$i] + $offset; # The 'ae' format is for Legacy_Perl_Decimal_Digit; the # other 4 are kept with leading zeros in the file, so # convert to that. $expanded_map[-1] = sprintf("%04X", $expanded_map[-1]) if $format ne 'ae'; $offset++; } } } # Final element is taken as is. The map should always be to the # default value, so don't do a sprintf like we did above. push @expanded_list, $invlist_ref->[-1]; push @expanded_map, $invmap_ref->[-1]; $invlist_ref = \@expanded_list; $invmap_ref = \@expanded_map; } # If have already tested this property under a different name, merely # compare the return from now with the saved one from before. if (exists $tested_invmaps{$name}) { is_deeply($return_ref, $tested_invmaps{$name}, "prop_invmap('$display_prop') gave same results as its synonym, '$name'"); next PROPERTY; } $tested_invmaps{$name} = dclone $return_ref; # If prop_invmap() returned nothing, is ok iff is a property whose file is # not generated. if ($suppressed) { if (defined $format) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("did not return undef for suppressed property $prop"); } next PROPERTY; } elsif (!defined $format) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("'$prop' is unknown to prop_invmap()"); next PROPERTY; } # The two parallel arrays must have the same number of elements. if (@$invlist_ref != @$invmap_ref) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("invlist has " . scalar @$invlist_ref . " while invmap has " . scalar @$invmap_ref . " elements"); next PROPERTY; } # The last element must be for the above-Unicode code points, and must be # for the default value. if ($invlist_ref->[-1] != 0x110000) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The last inversion list element is not 0x110000"); next PROPERTY; } my $upper_limit_subtract; # prop_invmap() adds an extra element not present in the disk files for # the above-Unicode code points. For almost all properties, that will be # to $missing. In that case we don't look further at it when comparing # with the disk files. if ($invmap_ref->[-1] eq $missing) { $upper_limit_subtract = 1; } elsif ($invmap_ref->[-1] eq 'Y' && ! grep { $_ !~ /[YN]/ } @$invmap_ref) { # But that's not true for a few binary properties like 'Unassigned' # that are Perl extensions (in this case for Gc=Unassigned) which # match above-Unicode code points (hence the 'Y' in the test above). # For properties where it isn't $missing, we're going to want to look # at the whole thing when comparing with the disk file. $upper_limit_subtract = 0; # In those properties like 'Unassigned, the final element should be # just a repetition of the next-to-last element, and won't be in the # disk file, so remove it for the comparison. Otherwise, we will # compare the whole of the array with the whole of the disk file. if ($invlist_ref->[-2] <= 0x10FFFF && $invmap_ref->[-2] eq 'Y') { pop @$invlist_ref; pop @$invmap_ref; } } else { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The last inversion list element is '$invmap_ref->[-1]', and should be '$missing'"); next PROPERTY; } if ($name eq 'bmg') { # This one has an atypical $missing if ($missing ne "") { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The missings should be \"\"; got '$missing'"); next PROPERTY; } } elsif ($format =~ /^ a (?!r) /x) { if ($full_name eq 'Perl_Decimal_Digit') { if ($missing ne "") { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The missings should be \"\"; got '$missing'"); next PROPERTY; } } elsif ($missing ne "0" && ! grep { $prop eq $_ } keys %legacy_props) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The missings should be '0'; got '$missing'"); next PROPERTY; } } elsif ($missing =~ /[<>]/) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The missings should NOT be something with <...>'"); next PROPERTY; # I don't want to hard code in what all the missings should be, so # those don't get fully tested. } # Certain properties don't have their own files, but must be constructed # using proxies. my $proxy_prop = $name; if ($full_name eq 'Present_In') { $proxy_prop = "age"; # The maps for these two props are identical } elsif ($full_name eq 'Simple_Case_Folding' || $full_name =~ /Simple_ (.) .*? case_Mapping /x) { if ($full_name eq 'Simple_Case_Folding') { $proxy_prop = 'cf'; } else { # We captured the U, L, or T, leading to uc, lc, or tc. $proxy_prop = lc $1 . "c"; } if ($format ne "a") { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The format should be 'a'; got '$format'"); next PROPERTY; } } if ($format !~ / ^ (?: a [der]? | ale? | n | sl? ) $ /x) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Unknown format '$format'"); next PROPERTY; } my $base_file; my $official; # Handle the properties that have full disk files for them (except the # Name property which is structurally enough different that it is handled # separately below.) if ($name ne 'na' && ($name eq 'blk' || defined ($base_file = $utf8::loose_property_to_file_of{$proxy_prop}) || exists $utf8::loose_to_file_of{$proxy_prop} || $name eq "dm")) { # In the above, blk is done unconditionally, as we need to test that # the old-style block names are returned, even if mktables has # generated a file for the new-style; the test for dm comes afterward, # so that if a file has been generated for it explicitly, we use that # file (which is valid, unlike blk) instead of the combo # Decomposition.pl files. my $file; my $is_binary = 0; if ($name eq 'blk') { # The blk property is special. The original file with old block # names is retained, and the default is to not write out a # new-name file. What we do is get the old names into a data # structure, and from that create what the new file would look # like. $base_file is needed to be defined, just to avoid a # message below. $base_file = "This is a dummy name"; my $blocks_ref = charblocks(); $official = ""; for my $range (sort { $a->[0][0] <=> $b->[0][0] } values %$blocks_ref) { # Translate the charblocks() data structure to what the file # would like. $official .= sprintf"%X\t%X\t%s\n", $range->[0][0], $range->[0][1], $range->[0][2]; } } else { $base_file = "Decomposition" if $format eq 'ad'; # Above leaves $base_file undefined only if it came from the hash # below. This should happen only when it is a binary property # (and are accessing via a single-form name, like 'In_Latin1'), # and so it is stored in a different directory than the To ones. # XXX Currently, the only cases where it is complemented are the # ones that have no code points. And it works out for these that # 1) complementing them, and then 2) adding or subtracting the # initial 0 and final 110000 cancel each other out. But further # work would be needed in the unlikely event that an inverted # property comes along without these characteristics if (!defined $base_file) { $base_file = $utf8::loose_to_file_of{$proxy_prop}; $is_binary = ($base_file =~ s/!//) ? -1 : 1; $base_file = "lib/$base_file" unless $base_file =~ m!^#/!; } # Read in the file. If the file's directory is '#', it is a # special case where the contents are in-lined with semi-colons # meaning new-lines, instead of it being an actual file to read. if ($base_file =~ s!^#/!!) { $official = $utf8::inline_definitions[$base_file]; } else { $official = do "unicore/$base_file.pl"; } # Get rid of any trailing space and comments in the file. $official =~ s/\s*(#.*)?$//mg; if ($format eq 'ad') { my @official = split /\n/, $official; $official = ""; foreach my $line (@official) { my ($start, $end, $value) = $line =~ / ^ (.+?) \t (.*?) \t (.+?) \s* ( \# .* )? $ /x; # Decomposition.pl also has the types in it, # which should be removed. $value =~ s/<.*?> //; $official .= "$start\t\t$value\n"; # If this is a multi-char range, we turn it into as many # single character ranges as necessary. This makes things # easier below. if ($end ne "") { for my $i (hex($start) + 1 .. hex $end) { $official .= sprintf "%X\t\t%s\n", $i, $value; } } } } } local $/ = "\n"; chomp $official; $/ = $input_record_separator; # Get the format for the file, and if there are any special elements, # get a reference to them. my $swash_name = $utf8::file_to_swash_name{$base_file}; my $specials_ref; my $file_format; # The 'format' given inside the file if ($swash_name) { $specials_ref = $utf8::SwashInfo{$swash_name}{'specials_name'}; if ($specials_ref) { # Convert from the name to the actual reference. no strict 'refs'; $specials_ref = \%{$specials_ref}; } $file_format = $utf8::SwashInfo{$swash_name}{'format'}; } # Leading zeros used to be used with the values in the files that give, # ranges, but these have been mostly stripped off, except for some # files whose formats should not change in any way. my $file_range_format = (grep { $full_name eq $_ } @legacy_file_format) ? "%04X" : "%X"; # Currently this property still has leading zeroes in the mapped-to # values, but otherwise, those values follow the same rules as the # ranges. my $file_map_format = ($full_name eq 'Decomposition_Mapping') ? "%04X" : $file_range_format; # Certain of the proxy properties have to be adjusted to match the # real ones. if ($full_name =~ /^(Legacy_)?(Case_Folding|(Lower|Title|Upper)case_Mapping)/) { # Here we have either # 1) Case_Folding; or # 2) a proxy that is a full mapping, which means that what the # real property is is the equivalent simple mapping. # In both cases, the file will have a standard list containing # simple mappings (to a single code point), and a specials hash # which contains all the mappings that are to multiple code # points. First, extract a list containing all the file's simple # mappings. my @list; for (split "\n", $official) { my ($start, $end, $value) = / ^ (.+?) \t (.*?) \t (.+?) \s* ( \# .* )? $ /x; $end = $start if $end eq ""; push @list, [ hex $start, hex $end, hex $value ]; } # For these mappings, the file contains all the simple mappings, # including the ones that are overridden by the specials. These # need to be removed as the list is for just the full ones. # Go through any special mappings one by one. They are packed. my $i = 0; foreach my $utf8_cp (sort keys %$specials_ref) { my $cp = unpack("C0U", $utf8_cp); # Find the spot in the @list of simple mappings that this # special applies to; uses a linear search. while ($i < @list -1 ) { last if $cp <= $list[$i][1]; $i++; } # Here $i is such that it points to the first range which ends # at or above cp, and hence is the only range that could # possibly contain it. # If not in this range, no range contains it: nothing to # remove. next if $cp < $list[$i][0]; # Otherwise, remove the existing entry. If it is the first # element of the range... if ($cp == $list[$i][0]) { # ... and there are other elements in the range, just # shorten the range to exclude this code point. if ($list[$i][1] > $list[$i][0]) { $list[$i][0]++; } # ... but if it is the only element in the range, remove # it entirely. else { splice @list, $i, 1; } } else { # Is somewhere in the middle of the range # Split the range into two, excluding this one in the # middle splice @list, $i, 1, [ $list[$i][0], $cp - 1, $list[$i][2] ], [ $cp + 1, $list[$i][1], $list[$i][2] ]; } } # Here, have gone through all the specials, modifying @list as # needed. Turn it back into what the file should look like. $official = ""; for my $element (@list) { $official .= "\n" if $official; if ($element->[1] == $element->[0]) { $official .= sprintf "$file_range_format\t\t$file_map_format", $element->[0], $element->[2]; } else { $official .= sprintf "$file_range_format\t$file_range_format\t$file_map_format", $element->[0], $element->[1], $element->[2]; } } } elsif ($full_name =~ / ^ Simple_(Case_Folding|(Lower|Title|Upper)case_Mapping) $ /x) { # These properties have everything in the regular array, and the # specials are superfluous. undef $specials_ref; } elsif ($format !~ /^a/ && defined $file_format && $file_format eq 'x') { # For these properties the file is output using hex notation for the # map. Convert from hex to decimal. my @lines = split "\n", $official; foreach my $line (@lines) { my ($lower, $upper, $map) = split "\t", $line; $line = "$lower\t$upper\t" . hex $map; } $official = join "\n", @lines; } # Here, in $official, we have what the file looks like, or should like # if we've had to fix it up. Now take the invmap() output and reverse # engineer from that what the file should look like. Each iteration # appends the next line to the running string. my $tested_map = ""; # For use with files for binary properties only, which are stored in # inversion list format. This counts the number of data lines in the # file. my $binary_count = 0; # Create a copy of the file's specials hash. (It has been undef'd if # we know it isn't relevant to this property, so if it exists, it's an # error or is relevant). As we go along, we delete from that copy. # If a delete fails, or something is left over after we are done, # it's an error my %specials = %$specials_ref if $specials_ref; # The extra -$upper_limit_subtract is because the final element may # have been tested above to be for anything above Unicode, in which # case the file may not go that high. for (my $i = 0; $i < @$invlist_ref - $upper_limit_subtract; $i++) { # If the map element is a reference, have to stringify it (but # don't do so if the format doesn't allow references, so that an # improper format will generate an error. if (ref $invmap_ref->[$i] && ($format eq 'ad' || $format =~ /^ . l /x)) { # The stringification depends on the format. if ($format eq 'sl') { # At the time of this writing, there are two types of 'sl' # format One, in Name_Alias, has multiple separate # entries for each code point; the other, in # Script_Extension, is space separated. Assume the latter # for non-Name_Alias. if ($full_name ne 'Name_Alias') { $invmap_ref->[$i] = join " ", @{$invmap_ref->[$i]}; } else { # For Name_Alias, we emulate the file. Entries with # just one value don't need any changes, but we # convert the list entries into a series of lines for # the file, starting with the first name. The # succeeding entries are on separate lines, with the # code point repeated for each one and then two tabs, # then the value. Code at the end of the loop will # set up the first line with its code point and two # tabs before the value, just as it does for every # other property; thus the special handling of the # first line. if (ref $invmap_ref->[$i]) { my $hex_cp = sprintf("%X", $invlist_ref->[$i]); my $concatenated = $invmap_ref->[$i][0]; for (my $j = 1; $j < @{$invmap_ref->[$i]}; $j++) { $concatenated .= "\n$hex_cp\t\t" . $invmap_ref->[$i][$j]; } $invmap_ref->[$i] = $concatenated; } } } elsif ($format =~ / ^ al e? $/x) { # For an al property, the stringified result should be in # the specials hash. The key is the packed code point, # and the value is the packed map. my $value; if (! defined ($value = delete $specials{pack("C0U", $invlist_ref->[$i]) })) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "There was no specials element for %04X", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } my $packed = pack "U*", @{$invmap_ref->[$i]}; if ($value ne $packed) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "For %04X, expected the mapping to be '$packed', but got '$value'"); next PROPERTY; } # As this doesn't get tested when we later compare with # the actual file, it could be out of order and we # wouldn't know it. if (($i > 0 && $invlist_ref->[$i] <= $invlist_ref->[$i-1]) || $invlist_ref->[$i] >= $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "Range beginning at %04X is out-of-order.", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } next; } elsif ($format eq 'ad') { # The decomposition mapping file has the code points as # a string of space-separated hex constants. $invmap_ref->[$i] = join " ", map { sprintf "%04X", $_ } @{$invmap_ref->[$i]}; } else { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Can't handle format '$format'"); next PROPERTY; } } # Otherwise, the map is to a simple scalar elsif (defined $file_format && $file_format eq 'ax') { # These maps are in hex $invmap_ref->[$i] = sprintf("%X", $invmap_ref->[$i]); } elsif ($format eq 'ad' || $format eq 'ale') { # The numerics in the returned map are stored as adjusted # decimal integers. The defaults are 0, and don't appear in # $official, and are excluded later, but the elements must be # converted back to their hex values before comparing with # $official, as these files, for backwards compatibility, are # not stored as adjusted. (There currently is only one ale # property, nfkccf. If that changed this would also have to.) if ($invmap_ref->[$i] =~ / ^ -? \d+ $ /x && $invmap_ref->[$i] != 0) { my $next = $invmap_ref->[$i] + 1; $invmap_ref->[$i] = sprintf($file_map_format, $invmap_ref->[$i]); # If there are other elements in this range they need to # be adjusted; they must individually be re-mapped. Do # this by splicing in a new element into the list and the # map containing the remainder of the range. Next time # through we will look at that (possibly splicing again # until the whole range is processed). if ($invlist_ref->[$i+1] > $invlist_ref->[$i] + 1) { splice @$invlist_ref, $i+1, 0, $invlist_ref->[$i] + 1; splice @$invmap_ref, $i+1, 0, $next; } } if ($format eq 'ale' && $invmap_ref->[$i] eq "") { # ale properties have maps to the empty string that also # should be in the specials hash, with the key the packed # code point, and the map just empty. my $value; if (! defined ($value = delete $specials{pack("C0U", $invlist_ref->[$i]) })) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "There was no specials element for %04X", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } if ($value ne "") { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "For %04X, expected the mapping to be \"\", but got '$value'", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } # As this doesn't get tested when we later compare with # the actual file, it could be out of order and we # wouldn't know it. if (($i > 0 && $invlist_ref->[$i] <= $invlist_ref->[$i-1]) || $invlist_ref->[$i] >= $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "Range beginning at %04X is out-of-order.", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } next; } } elsif ($is_binary) { # These binary files don't have an explicit Y $invmap_ref->[$i] =~ s/Y//; } # The file doesn't include entries that map to $missing, so don't # include it in the built-up string. But make sure that it is in # the correct order in the input. if ($invmap_ref->[$i] eq $missing) { if (($i > 0 && $invlist_ref->[$i] <= $invlist_ref->[$i-1]) || $invlist_ref->[$i] >= $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "Range beginning at %04X is out-of-order.", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } next; } # The ad property has one entry which isn't in the file. # Ignore it, but make sure it is in order. if ($format eq 'ad' && $invmap_ref->[$i] eq '' && $invlist_ref->[$i] == 0xAC00) { if (($i > 0 && $invlist_ref->[$i] <= $invlist_ref->[$i-1]) || $invlist_ref->[$i] >= $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "Range beginning at %04X is out-of-order.", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } next; } # Finally have figured out what the map column in the file should # be. Append the line to the running string. my $start = $invlist_ref->[$i]; my $end = (defined $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) ? $invlist_ref->[$i+1] - 1 : $Unicode::UCD::MAX_CP; if ($is_binary) { # Files for binary properties are in inversion list format, # without ranges. $tested_map .= "$start\n"; $binary_count++; # If the final value is infinity, no line for it exists. if ($end < $Unicode::UCD::MAX_CP) { $tested_map .= ($end + 1) . "\n"; $binary_count++; } } else { $end = ($start == $end) ? "" : sprintf($file_range_format, $end); if ($invmap_ref->[$i] ne "") { $tested_map .= sprintf "$file_range_format\t%s\t%s\n", $start, $end, $invmap_ref->[$i]; } elsif ($end ne "") { $tested_map .= sprintf "$file_range_format\t%s\n", $start, $end; } else { $tested_map .= sprintf "$file_range_format\n", $start; } } } # End of looping over all elements. # Binary property files begin with a line count line. $tested_map = "V$binary_count\n$tested_map" if $binary_count; # Here are done with generating what the file should look like local $/ = "\n"; chomp $tested_map; $/ = $input_record_separator; # And compare. if ($tested_map ne $official) { fail_with_diff($display_prop, $official, $tested_map, "prop_invmap"); next PROPERTY; } # There shouldn't be any specials unaccounted for. if (keys %specials) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Unexpected specials: " . join ", ", keys %specials); next PROPERTY; } } elsif ($format eq 'n') { # Handle the Name property similar to the above. But the file is # sufficiently different that it is more convenient to make a special # case for it. It is a combination of the Name, Unicode1_Name, and # Name_Alias properties, and named sequences. We need to remove all # but the Name in order to do the comparison. if ($missing ne "") { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("The missings should be \"\"; got \"missing\""); next PROPERTY; } $official = do "unicore/Name.pl"; # Get rid of the named sequences portion of the file. These don't # have a tab before the first blank on a line. $official =~ s/ ^ [^\t]+ \ .*? \n //xmg; # And get rid of the controls. These are named in the file, but # shouldn't be in the property. This gets rid of the two ranges in # one fell swoop, and also all the Unicode1_Name values that may not # be in Name_Alias. $official =~ s/ 00000 \t .* 0001F .*? \n//xs; $official =~ s/ 0007F \t .* 0009F .*? \n//xs; # And remove the aliases. We read in the Name_Alias property, and go # through them one by one. my ($aliases_code_points, $aliases_maps, undef, undef) = &prop_invmap('Name_Alias'); for (my $i = 0; $i < @$aliases_code_points; $i++) { my $code_point = $aliases_code_points->[$i]; # Already removed these above. next if $code_point <= 0x1F || ($code_point >= 0x7F && $code_point <= 0x9F); my $hex_code_point = sprintf "%05X", $code_point; # Convert to a list if not already to make the following loop # control uniform. $aliases_maps->[$i] = [ $aliases_maps->[$i] ] if ! ref $aliases_maps->[$i]; # Remove each alias for this code point from the file foreach my $alias (@{$aliases_maps->[$i]}) { # Remove the alias type from the entry, retaining just the name. $alias =~ s/:.*//; $alias = quotemeta($alias); $official =~ s/$hex_code_point \t $alias \n //x; } } local $/ = "\n"; chomp $official; $/ = $input_record_separator; # Here have adjusted the file. We also have to adjust the returned # inversion map by checking and deleting all the lines in it that # won't be in the file. These are the lines that have generated # things, like . my $tested_map = ""; # Current running string my @code_point_in_names = @Unicode::UCD::code_points_ending_in_code_point; for my $i (0 .. @$invlist_ref - 1 - $upper_limit_subtract) { my $start = $invlist_ref->[$i]; my $end = $invlist_ref->[$i+1] - 1; if ($invmap_ref->[$i] eq $missing) { if (($i > 0 && $invlist_ref->[$i] <= $invlist_ref->[$i-1]) || $invlist_ref->[$i] >= $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "Range beginning at %04X is out-of-order.", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } next; } if ($invmap_ref->[$i] =~ / (.*) ( < .*? > )/x) { my $name = $1; my $type = $2; if (($i > 0 && $invlist_ref->[$i] <= $invlist_ref->[$i-1]) || $invlist_ref->[$i] >= $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "Range beginning at %04X is out-of-order.", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } if ($type eq "") { if ($name ne "") { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Unexpected text in $invmap_ref->[$i]"); next PROPERTY; } if ($start != 0xAC00) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf(" should begin at 0xAC00, got %04X", $start)); next PROPERTY; } if ($end != $start + 11172 - 1) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf(" should end at %04X, got %04X", $start + 11172 -1, $end)); next PROPERTY; } } elsif ($type ne "") { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Unexpected text '$type' in $invmap_ref->[$i]"); next PROPERTY; } else { # Look through the array of names that end in code points, # and look for this start and end. If not found is an # error. If found, delete it, and at the end, make sure # have deleted everything. for my $i (0 .. @code_point_in_names - 1) { my $hash = $code_point_in_names[$i]; if ($hash->{'low'} == $start && $hash->{'high'} == $end && "$hash->{'name'}-" eq $name) { splice @code_point_in_names, $i, 1; last; } else { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Unexpected code-point-in-name line '$invmap_ref->[$i]'"); next PROPERTY; } } } next; } # Have adjusted the map, as needed. Append to running string. $end = ($start == $end) ? "" : sprintf("%05X", $end); $tested_map .= sprintf "%05X\t%s\n", $start, $invmap_ref->[$i]; } # Finished creating the string from the inversion map. Can compare # with what the file is. local $/ = "\n"; chomp $tested_map; $/ = $input_record_separator; if ($tested_map ne $official) { fail_with_diff($display_prop, $official, $tested_map, "prop_invmap"); next PROPERTY; } if (@code_point_in_names) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); use Data::Dumper; diag("Missing code-point-in-name line(s)" . Dumper \@code_point_in_names); next PROPERTY; } } elsif ($format eq 's') { # Here the map is not more or less directly from a file stored on # disk. We try a different tack. These should all be properties that # have just a few possible values (most of them are binary). We go # through the map list, sorting each range into buckets, one for each # map value. Thus for binary properties there will be a bucket for Y # and one for N. The buckets are inversion lists. We compare each # constructed inversion list with what we would get for it using # prop_invlist(), which has already been tested. If they all match, # the whole map must have matched. my %maps; my $previous_map; for my $i (0 .. @$invlist_ref - 1 - $upper_limit_subtract) { my $range_start = $invlist_ref->[$i]; # Because we are sorting into buckets, things could be # out-of-order here, and still be in the correct order in the # bucket, and hence wouldn't show up as an error; so have to # check. if (($i > 0 && $range_start <= $invlist_ref->[$i-1]) || $range_start >= $invlist_ref->[$i+1]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag(sprintf "Range beginning at %04X is out-of-order.", $invlist_ref->[$i]); next PROPERTY; } # This new range closes out the range started in the previous # iteration. push @{$maps{$previous_map}}, $range_start if defined $previous_map; # And starts a range which will be closed in the next iteration. $previous_map = $invmap_ref->[$i]; push @{$maps{$previous_map}}, $range_start; } # The range we just started hasn't been closed, and we didn't look at # the final element of the loop. If that range is for the default # value, it shouldn't be closed, as it is to extend to infinity. But # otherwise, it should end at the final Unicode code point, and the # list that maps to the default value should have another element that # does go to infinity for every above Unicode code point. if (@$invlist_ref > 1) { my $penultimate_map = $invmap_ref->[-2]; if ($penultimate_map ne $missing) { # The -1th element contains the first non-Unicode code point. push @{$maps{$penultimate_map}}, $invlist_ref->[-1]; push @{$maps{$missing}}, $invlist_ref->[-1]; } } # Here, we have the buckets (inversion lists) all constructed. Go # through each and verify that matches what prop_invlist() returns. # We could use is_deeply() for the comparison, but would get multiple # messages for each $prop. foreach my $map (sort keys %maps) { my @off_invlist = prop_invlist("$prop = $map"); my $min = (@off_invlist >= @{$maps{$map}}) ? @off_invlist : @{$maps{$map}}; for my $i (0 .. $min- 1) { if ($i > @off_invlist - 1) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("There is no element [$i] for $prop=$map from prop_invlist(), while [$i] in the implicit one constructed from prop_invmap() is '$maps{$map}[$i]'"); next PROPERTY; } elsif ($i > @{$maps{$map}} - 1) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("There is no element [$i] from the implicit $prop=$map constructed from prop_invmap(), while [$i] in the one from prop_invlist() is '$off_invlist[$i]'"); next PROPERTY; } elsif ($maps{$map}[$i] ne $off_invlist[$i]) { fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Element [$i] of the implicit $prop=$map constructed from prop_invmap() is '$maps{$map}[$i]', and the one from prop_invlist() is '$off_invlist[$i]'"); next PROPERTY; } } } } else { # Don't know this property nor format. fail("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); diag("Unknown property '$display_prop' or format '$format'"); next PROPERTY; } pass("prop_invmap('$display_prop')"); } # A few tests of search_invlist use Unicode::UCD qw(search_invlist); my ($scripts_ranges_ref, $scripts_map_ref) = prop_invmap("Script"); my $index = search_invlist($scripts_ranges_ref, 0x390); is($scripts_map_ref->[$index], "Greek", "U+0390 is Greek"); my @alpha_invlist = prop_invlist("Alpha"); is(search_invlist(\@alpha_invlist, ord("\t")), undef, "search_invlist returns undef for code points before first one on the list"); ok($/ eq $input_record_separator, "The record separator didn't get overridden"); if (! ok(@warnings == 0, "No warnings were generated")) { diag(join "\n", "The warnings are:", @warnings); } done_testing();