#!./perl my @WARN; BEGIN { unless(grep /blib/, @INC) { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @WARN, @_ }; } $| = 1; print "1..41\n"; use charnames ':full'; print "not " unless "Here\N{EXCLAMATION MARK}?" eq "Here!?"; print "ok 1\n"; { use bytes; # TEST -utf8 can switch utf8 on print "# \$res=$res \$\@='$@'\nnot " if $res = eval <<'EOE' use charnames ":full"; "Here: \N{CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE}!"; 1 EOE or $@ !~ /above 0xFF/; print "ok 2\n"; # print "# \$res=$res \$\@='$@'\n"; print "# \$res=$res \$\@='$@'\nnot " if $res = eval <<'EOE' use charnames 'cyrillic'; "Here: \N{Be}!"; 1 EOE or $@ !~ /CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE.*above 0xFF/; print "ok 3\n"; } # If octal representation of unicode char is \0xyzt, then the utf8 is \3xy\2zt if (ord('A') == 65) { # as on ASCII or UTF-8 machines $encoded_be = "\320\261"; $encoded_alpha = "\316\261"; $encoded_bet = "\327\221"; $encoded_deseng = "\360\220\221\215"; } else { # EBCDIC where UTF-EBCDIC may be used (this may be 1047 specific since # UTF-EBCDIC is codepage specific) $encoded_be = "\270\102\130"; $encoded_alpha = "\264\130"; $encoded_bet = "\270\125\130"; $encoded_deseng = "\336\102\103\124"; } sub to_bytes { pack"a*", shift; } { use charnames ':full'; print "not " unless to_bytes("\N{CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE}") eq $encoded_be; print "ok 4\n"; use charnames qw(cyrillic greek :short); print "not " unless to_bytes("\N{be},\N{alpha},\N{hebrew:bet}") eq "$encoded_be,$encoded_alpha,$encoded_bet"; print "ok 5\n"; } { use charnames ':full'; print "not " unless "\x{263a}" eq "\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}"; print "ok 6\n"; print "not " unless length("\x{263a}") == 1; print "ok 7\n"; print "not " unless length("\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}") == 1; print "ok 8\n"; print "not " unless sprintf("%vx", "\x{263a}") eq "263a"; print "ok 9\n"; print "not " unless sprintf("%vx", "\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}") eq "263a"; print "ok 10\n"; print "not " unless sprintf("%vx", "\xFF\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}") eq "ff.263a"; print "ok 11\n"; print "not " unless sprintf("%vx", "\x{ff}\N{WHITE SMILING FACE}") eq "ff.263a"; print "ok 12\n"; } { use charnames qw(:full); use utf8; my $x = "\x{221b}"; my $named = "\N{CUBE ROOT}"; print "not " unless ord($x) == ord($named); print "ok 13\n"; } { use charnames qw(:full); use utf8; print "not " unless "\x{100}\N{CENT SIGN}" eq "\x{100}"."\N{CENT SIGN}"; print "ok 14\n"; } { use charnames ':full'; print "not " unless to_bytes("\N{DESERET SMALL LETTER ENG}") eq $encoded_deseng; print "ok 15\n"; } { # 20001114.001 no utf8; # naked Latin-1 if (ord("Ä") == 0xc4) { # Try to do this only on Latin-1. use charnames ':full'; my $text = "\N{LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS}"; print "not " unless $text eq "\xc4" && ord($text) == 0xc4; print "ok 16\n"; } else { print "ok 16 # Skip: not Latin-1\n"; } } { print "not " unless charnames::viacode(0x1234) eq "ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE SEE"; print "ok 17\n"; # Unused Hebrew. print "not " if defined charnames::viacode(0x0590); print "ok 18\n"; } { print "not " unless sprintf "%04X\n", charnames::vianame("GOTHIC LETTER AHSA") eq "10330"; print "ok 19\n"; print "not " if defined charnames::vianame("NONE SUCH"); print "ok 20\n"; } { # check that caching at least hasn't broken anything print "not " unless charnames::viacode(0x1234) eq "ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE SEE"; print "ok 21\n"; print "not " unless sprintf "%04X\n", charnames::vianame("GOTHIC LETTER AHSA") eq "10330"; print "ok 22\n"; } print "not " unless "\N{CHARACTER TABULATION}" eq "\t"; print "ok 23\n"; print "not " unless "\N{ESCAPE}" eq "\e"; print "ok 24\n"; print "not " unless "\N{NULL}" eq "\c@"; print "ok 25\n"; print "not " unless "\N{LINE FEED (LF)}" eq "\n"; print "ok 26\n"; print "not " unless "\N{LINE FEED}" eq "\n"; print "ok 27\n"; print "not " unless "\N{LF}" eq "\n"; print "ok 28\n"; my $nel = ord("A") == 193 ? qr/^(?:\x15|\x25)$/ : qr/^\x85$/; print "not " unless "\N{NEXT LINE (NEL)}" =~ $nel; print "ok 29\n"; print "not " unless "\N{NEXT LINE}" =~ $nel; print "ok 30\n"; print "not " unless "\N{NEL}" =~ $nel; print "ok 31\n"; print "not " unless "\N{BYTE ORDER MARK}" eq chr(0xFEFF); print "ok 32\n"; print "not " unless "\N{BOM}" eq chr(0xFEFF); print "ok 33\n"; { use warnings 'deprecated'; print "not " unless "\N{HORIZONTAL TABULATION}" eq "\t"; print "ok 34\n"; print "not " unless grep { /"HORIZONTAL TABULATION" is deprecated/ } @WARN; print "ok 35\n"; no warnings 'deprecated'; print "not " unless "\N{VERTICAL TABULATION}" eq "\013"; print "ok 36\n"; print "not " if grep { /"VERTICAL TABULATION" is deprecated/ } @WARN; print "ok 37\n"; } print "not " unless charnames::viacode(0xFEFF) eq "ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE"; print "ok 38\n"; { use warnings; print "not " unless ord("\N{BOM}") == 0xFEFF; print "ok 39\n"; } print "not " unless ord("\N{ZWNJ}") == 0x200C; print "ok 40\n"; print "not " unless ord("\N{ZWJ}") == 0x200D; print "ok 41\n";