package legacy; our $VERSION = '1.00'; $unicode8bit::hint_bits = 0x00000800; my %legacy_bundle = ( "5.10" => [qw(unicode8bit)], "5.11" => [qw(unicode8bit)], ); my %legacy = ( 'unicode8bit' => '0' ); =head1 NAME legacy - Perl pragma to preserve legacy behaviors or enable new non-default behaviors =head1 SYNOPSIS use legacy ':5.10'; # Keeps semantics the same as in perl 5.10 no legacy; =cut #no legacy qw(unicode8bit); =pod =head1 DESCRIPTION Some programs may rely on behaviors that for others are problematic or even wrong. A new version of Perl may change behaviors from past ones, and when it is viewed that the old way of doing things may be required to still be supported, that behavior will be added to the list recognized by this pragma to allow that. Additionally, a new behavior may be supported in a new version of Perl, but for whatever reason the default remains the old one. This pragma can enable the new behavior. Like other pragmas (C, for example), C will only make the legacy behavior for "foo" available from that point to the end of the enclosing block. B =head2 B Preserve the old way of doing things when a new version of Perl is released that changes things =head2 B Turn on a new behavior in a version of Perl that understands it but has it turned off by default. For example, C turns on behavior C in the lexical scope of the pragma. Simply C turns on all new behaviors known to the pragma. =head1 LEGACY BUNDLES It's possible to turn off all new behaviors past a given release by using a I, which is the name of the release prefixed with a colon, to distinguish it from an individual legacy behavior. Specifying sub-versions such as the C<0> in C<5.10.0> in legacy bundles has no effect: legacy bundles are guaranteed to be the same for all sub-versions. Legacy bundles are not allowed with C =cut sub import { my $class = shift; if (@_ == 0) { croak("No legacy behaviors specified"); } while (@_) { my $name = shift(@_); if (substr($name, 0, 1) eq ":") { my $v = substr($name, 1); if (!exists $legacy_bundle{$v}) { $v =~ s/^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).[0-9]+$/$1.$2/; if (!exists $legacy_bundle{$v}) { unknown_legacy_bundle(substr($name, 1)); } } unshift @_, @{$legacy_bundle{$v}}; next; } if (!exists $legacy{$name}) { unknown_legacy($name); } $^H &= ~$unicode8bit::hint_bits; # The only thing it could be as of yet } } sub unimport { my $class = shift; # A bare C should disable *all* legacy behaviors if (!@_) { unshift @_, keys(%legacy); } while (@_) { my $name = shift; if (substr($name, 0, 1) eq ":") { croak(sprintf('Legacy bundles (%s) are not allowed in "no legacy"', $name)); } if (!exists($legacy{$name})) { unknown_legacy($name); } else { $^H |= $unicode8bit::hint_bits; # The only thing it could be as of yet } } } sub unknown_legacy { my $legacy = shift; croak(sprintf('Legacy "%s" is not supported by Perl %vd', $legacy, $^V)); } sub unknown_legacy_bundle { my $legacy = shift; croak(sprintf('Legacy bundle "%s" is not supported by Perl %vd', $legacy, $^V)); } sub croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_); } 1;