#!./perl -w BEGIN { chdir 't'; @INC = '../lib'; @OrigINC = @INC; } use Test::More tests => 13; use Config; use File::Spec; use File::Path; #set up files and directories my @lib_dir; my $Lib_Dir; my $Arch_Dir; my $Auto_Dir; my $Module; BEGIN { # lib.pm is documented to only work with Unix filepaths. @lib_dir = qw(stuff moo); $Lib_Dir = join "/", @lib_dir; $Arch_Dir = join "/", @lib_dir, $Config{archname}; # create the auto/ directory and a module $Auto_Dir = File::Spec->catdir(@lib_dir, $Config{archname},'auto'); $Module = File::Spec->catfile(@lib_dir, 'Yup.pm'); mkpath [$Auto_Dir]; open(MOD, ">$Module") || DIE $!; print MOD <<'MODULE'; package Yup; $Plan = 9; return '42'; MODULE close MOD; } END { # cleanup the auto/ directory we created. rmtree([$lib_dir[0]]); } use lib $Lib_Dir; use lib $Lib_Dir; BEGIN { use_ok('Yup') } BEGIN { if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { for ($Lib_Dir, $Arch_Dir) { tr|/|:|; $_ .= ":" unless /:$/; $_ = ":$_" unless /^:/; # we know this path is relative } } is( $INC[1], $Lib_Dir, 'lib adding at end of @INC' ); print "# \@INC == @INC\n"; is( $INC[0], $Arch_Dir, ' auto/ dir in front of that' ); is( grep(/^\Q$Lib_Dir\E$/, @INC), 1, ' no duplicates' ); # Yes, %INC uses Unixy filepaths. # Not on Mac OS, it doesn't ... it never has, at least. my $path = join("/",$Lib_Dir, 'Yup.pm'); if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { $path = $Lib_Dir . 'Yup.pm'; } is( $INC{'Yup.pm'}, $path, '%INC set properly' ); is( eval { do 'Yup.pm' }, 42, 'do() works' ); ok( eval { require Yup; }, ' require()' ); ok( eval "use Yup; 1;", ' use()' ); is( $@, '' ); is_deeply(\@OrigINC, \@lib::ORIG_INC, '@lib::ORIG_INC' ); } no lib $Lib_Dir; unlike( do { eval 'use lib $Config{installsitelib};'; $@ || '' }, qr/::Config is read-only/, 'lib handles readonly stuff' ); BEGIN { is( grep(/stuff/, @INC), 0, 'no lib' ); ok( !do 'Yup.pm', ' do() effected' ); }