# # syslog.pl # # $Log: nsyslog.pl,v $ # Revision 90/08/09 03:57:17 lwall # patch19: Initial revision # # Revision 1.2 90/06/11 18:45:30 18:45:30 root () # - Changed 'warn' to 'mail|warning' in test call (to give example of # facility specification, and because 'warn' didn't work on HP-UX). # - Fixed typo in &openlog ("ncons" should be "cons"). # - Added (package-global) $maskpri, and &setlogmask. # - In &syslog: # - put argument test ahead of &connect (why waste cycles?), # - allowed facility to be specified in &syslog's first arg (temporarily # overrides any $facility set in &openlog), just as in syslog(3C), # - do a return 0 when bit for $numpri not set in log mask (see syslog(3C)), # - changed $whoami code to use getlogin, getpwuid($<) and 'syslog' # (in that order) when $ident is null, # - made PID logging consistent with syslog(3C) and subject to $lo_pid only, # - fixed typo in "print CONS" statement ($ # modified to use sockets by Larry Wall # NOTE: openlog now takes three arguments, just like openlog(3) # # call syslog() with a string priority and a list of printf() args # like syslog(3) # # usage: require 'syslog.pl'; # # then (put these all in a script to test function) # # # do openlog($program,'cons,pid','user'); # do syslog('info','this is another test'); # do syslog('mail|warning','this is a better test: %d', time); # do closelog(); # # do syslog('debug','this is the last test'); # do openlog("$program $$",'ndelay','user'); # do syslog('notice','fooprogram: this is really done'); # # $! = 55; # do syslog('info','problem was %m'); # %m == $! in syslog(3) package syslog; $host = 'localhost' unless $host; # set $syslog'host to change require '/usr/local/lib/perl/syslog.ph'; $maskpri = &LOG_UPTO(&LOG_DEBUG); sub main'openlog { ($ident, $logopt, $facility) = @_; # package vars $lo_pid = $logopt =~ /\bpid\b/; $lo_ndelay = $logopt =~ /\bndelay\b/; $lo_cons = $logopt =~ /\bcons\b/; $lo_nowait = $logopt =~ /\bnowait\b/; &connect if $lo_ndelay; } sub main'closelog { $facility = $ident = ''; &disconnect; } sub main'setlogmask { local($oldmask) = $maskpri; $maskpri = shift; $oldmask; } sub main'syslog { local($priority) = shift; local($mask) = shift; local($message, $whoami); local(@words, $num, $numpri, $numfac, $sum); local($facility) = $facility; # may need to change temporarily. die "syslog: expected both priority and mask" unless $mask && $priority; @words = split(/\W+/, $priority, 2);# Allow "level" or "level|facility". undef $numpri; undef $numfac; foreach (@words) { $num = &xlate($_); # Translate word to number. if (/^kern$/ || $num < 0) { die "syslog: invalid level/facility: $_\n"; } elsif ($num <= &LOG_PRIMASK) { die "syslog: too many levels given: $_\n" if defined($numpri); $numpri = $num; return 0 unless &LOG_MASK($numpri) & $maskpri; } else { die "syslog: too many facilities given: $_\n" if defined($numfac); $facility = $_; $numfac = $num; } } die "syslog: level must be given\n" unless defined($numpri); if (!defined($numfac)) { # Facility not specified in this call. $facility = 'user' unless $facility; $numfac = &xlate($facility); } &connect unless $connected; $whoami = $ident; if (!$ident && $mask =~ /^(\S.*):\s?(.*)/) { $whoami = $1; $mask = $2; } unless ($whoami) { ($whoami = getlogin) || ($whoami = getpwuid($<)) || ($whoami = 'syslog'); } $whoami .= "[$$]" if $lo_pid; $mask =~ s/%m/$!/g; $mask .= "\n" unless $mask =~ /\n$/; $message = sprintf ($mask, @_); $sum = $numpri + $numfac; unless (send(SYSLOG,"<$sum>$whoami: $message",0)) { if ($lo_cons) { if ($pid = fork) { unless ($lo_nowait) { do {$died = wait;} until $died == $pid || $died < 0; } } else { open(CONS,">/dev/console"); print CONS "<$facility.$priority>$whoami: $message\r"; exit if defined $pid; # if fork failed, we're parent close CONS; } } } } sub xlate { local($name) = @_; $name =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; $name = "LOG_$name" unless $name =~ /^LOG_/; $name = "syslog'$name"; eval &$name || -1; } sub connect { $pat = 'S n C4 x8'; $af_unix = 1; $af_inet = 2; $stream = 1; $datagram = 2; ($name,$aliases,$proto) = getprotobyname('udp'); $udp = $proto; ($name,$aliase,$port,$proto) = getservbyname('syslog','udp'); $syslog = $port; if (chop($myname = `hostname`)) { ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($myname); die "Can't lookup $myname\n" unless $name; @bytes = unpack("C4",$addrs[0]); } else { @bytes = (0,0,0,0); } $this = pack($pat, $af_inet, 0, @bytes); if ($host =~ /^\d+\./) { @bytes = split(/\./,$host); } else { ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname($host); die "Can't lookup $host\n" unless $name; @bytes = unpack("C4",$addrs[0]); } $that = pack($pat,$af_inet,$syslog,@bytes); socket(SYSLOG,$af_inet,$datagram,$udp) || die "socket: $!\n"; bind(SYSLOG,$this) || die "bind: $!\n"; connect(SYSLOG,$that) || die "connect: $!\n"; local($old) = select(SYSLOG); $| = 1; select($old); $connected = 1; } sub disconnect { close SYSLOG; $connected = 0; } 1;