#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use Test::More tests => 13; # open::import expects 'open' as its first argument, but it clashes with open() sub import { open::import( 'open', @_ ); } # can't use require_ok() here, with a name like 'open' ok( require 'open.pm', 'requiring open' ); # this should fail eval { import() }; like( $@, qr/needs explicit list of disciplines/, 'import should fail without args' ); # the hint bits shouldn't be set yet is( $^H & $open::hint_bits, 0, 'hint bits should not be set in $^H before open import' ); # prevent it from loading I18N::Langinfo, so we can test encoding failures local @INC; $ENV{LC_ALL} = $ENV{LANG} = ''; eval { import( 'IN', 'locale' ) }; like( $@, qr/Cannot figure out an encoding/, 'no encoding should be found without $ENV{LANG} or $ENV{LC_ALL}' ); my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= shift; }; # and it shouldn't be able to find this discipline eval{ import( 'IN', 'macguffin' ) }; like( $warn, qr/Unknown discipline layer/, 'should warn about unknown discipline with bad discipline provided' ); # now load a real-looking locale $ENV{LC_ALL} = ' .utf8'; import( 'IN', 'locale' ); is( ${^OPEN}, ":utf8\0", 'should set a valid locale layer' ); # and see if it sets the magic variables appropriately import( 'IN', ':crlf' ); ok( $^H & $open::hint_bits, 'hint bits should be set in $^H after open import' ); is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'crlf', 'should have set crlf layer' ); # it should reset them appropriately, too import( 'IN', ':raw' ); is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'raw', 'should have reset to raw layer' ); # it dies if you don't set IN, OUT, or IO eval { import( 'sideways', ':raw' ) }; like( $@, qr/Unknown discipline class/, 'should croak with unknown class' ); # but it handles them all so well together import( 'IO', ':raw :crlf' ); is( ${^OPEN}, ":raw :crlf\0:raw :crlf", 'should set multi types, multi disciplines' ); is( $^H{'open_IO'}, 'crlf', 'should record last layer set in %^H' ); # the special :utf8 layer use open ':utf8'; open(O, ">utf8"); print O chr(0x100); close O; open(I, "), 0x100, ":utf8"); close I; # the test cases beyond __DATA__ need to be executed separately __DATA__ $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'nonexistent.euc'; eval { open::_get_locale_encoding() }; like( $@, qr/too ambiguous/, 'should die with ambiguous locale encoding' ); %%% # the special :locale layer $ENV{LANG} = 'ru_RU.KOI8-R'; # the :locale will probe the locale environment variables like LANG use open OUT => ':locale'; open(O, ">koi8"); print O chr(0x430); # Unicode CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A = KOI8-R 0xc1 close O; open(I, "), "\n"; # this should print 0xc1 close I; %%%