#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use strict; use warnings; use Config; BEGIN { if (! -c "/dev/null") { print "1..0 # Skip: no /dev/null\n"; exit 0; } my $dev_tty = '/dev/tty'; $dev_tty = 'TT:' if ($^O eq 'VMS'); if (! -c $dev_tty) { print "1..0 # Skip: no $dev_tty\n"; exit 0; } if ($ENV{PERL5DB}) { print "1..0 # Skip: \$ENV{PERL5DB} is already set to '$ENV{PERL5DB}'\n"; exit 0; } } plan(116); my $rc_filename = '.perldb'; sub rc { open my $rc_fh, '>', $rc_filename or die $!; print {$rc_fh} @_; close ($rc_fh); # overly permissive perms gives "Must not source insecure rcfile" # and hangs at the DB(1> prompt chmod 0644, $rc_filename; } sub _slurp { my $filename = shift; open my $in, '<', $filename or die "Cannot open '$filename' for slurping - $!"; local $/; my $contents = <$in>; close($in); return $contents; } my $out_fn = 'db.out'; sub _out_contents { return _slurp($out_fn); } # Test for Proxy constants { rc( <<'EOF', &parse_options("NonStop=0 ReadLine=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out"); sub afterinit { push(@DB::typeahead, 'm main->s1', 'q', ); } EOF ); my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], stderr => 1, progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/proxy-constants'); is($output, "", "proxy constant subroutines"); } # [perl #66110] Call a subroutine inside a regex { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0 NonStop=1"; my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], stderr => 1, progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-66110'); like($output, "All tests successful.", "[perl #66110]"); } # [ perl #116769] Frame=2 { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "frame=2 nonstop"; my $output = runperl( switches => [ '-d' ], prog => 'print q{success}' ); is( $?, 0, '[perl #116769] frame=2 does not crash debugger, exit == 0' ); like( $output, 'success' , '[perl #116769] code is run' ); } # [ perl #116771] autotrace { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "autotrace nonstop"; my $output = runperl( switches => [ '-d' ], prog => 'print q{success}' ); is( $?, 0, '[perl #116771] autotrace does not crash debugger, exit == 0' ); like( $output, 'success' , '[perl #116771] code is run' ); } { rc(<<'EOF'); &parse_options("NonStop=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out"); sub afterinit { push (@DB::typeahead, 't 2', 'c', 'q', ); } EOF } package DebugWrap; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->_init(@_); return $self; } sub _cmds { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_cmds} = shift; } return $self->{_cmds}; } sub _prog { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_prog} = shift; } return $self->{_prog}; } sub _output { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_output} = shift; } return $self->{_output}; } sub _include_t { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_include_t} = shift; } return $self->{_include_t}; } sub _stderr_val { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_stderr_val} = shift; } return $self->{_stderr_val}; } sub field { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{field} = shift; } return $self->{field}; } sub _switches { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_switches} = shift; } return $self->{_switches}; } sub _contents { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_contents} = shift; } return $self->{_contents}; } sub _init { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $cmds = $args->{cmds}; if (ref($cmds) ne 'ARRAY') { die "cmds must be an array of commands."; } $self->_cmds($cmds); my $prog = $args->{prog}; if (ref($prog) ne '' or !defined($prog)) { die "prog should be a path to a program file."; } $self->_prog($prog); $self->_include_t($args->{include_t} ? 1 : 0); $self->_stderr_val(exists($args->{stderr}) ? $args->{stderr} : 1); if (exists($args->{switches})) { $self->_switches($args->{switches}); } $self->_run(); return; } sub _quote { my ($self, $str) = @_; $str =~ s/(["\@\$\\])/\\$1/g; $str =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $str =~ s/\r/\\r/g; return qq{"$str"}; } sub _run { my $self = shift; my $rc = qq{&parse_options("NonStop=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out");\n}; $rc .= join('', map { "$_\n"} (q#sub afterinit {#, q#push (@DB::typeahead,#, (map { $self->_quote($_) . "," } @{$self->_cmds()}), q#);#, q#}#, ) ); # I guess two objects like that cannot be used at the same time. # Oh well. ::rc($rc); my $output = ::runperl( switches => [ ($self->_switches ? (@{$self->_switches()}) : ('-d')), ($self->_include_t ? ('-I', '../lib/perl5db/t') : ()) ], (defined($self->_stderr_val()) ? (stderr => $self->_stderr_val()) : () ), progfile => $self->_prog() ); $self->_output($output); $self->_contents(::_out_contents()); return; } sub get_output { return shift->_output(); } sub output_like { my ($self, $re, $msg) = @_; local $::Level = $::Level + 1; ::like($self->_output(), $re, $msg); } sub output_unlike { my ($self, $re, $msg) = @_; local $::Level = $::Level + 1; ::unlike($self->_output(), $re, $msg); } sub contents_like { my ($self, $re, $msg) = @_; local $::Level = $::Level + 1; ::like($self->_contents(), $re, $msg); } sub contents_unlike { my ($self, $re, $msg) = @_; local $::Level = $::Level + 1; ::unlike($self->_contents(), $re, $msg); } package main; { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0"; my $target = '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug'; my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 23', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'c', # line 23 'n', "p \@{'main::_<$target'}", 'q', ], prog => $target, } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/sub factorial/, 'The ${main::_{extra_opts}); $extra_opts ||= ''; local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0" . $extra_opts; return DebugWrap->new( { cmds => delete($args->{cmds}), prog => delete($args->{prog}), %$args, } ); } sub _calc_new_var_wrapper { my ($args) = @_; return _calc_generic_wrapper( { cmds => [ 'b 23', 'c', '$new_var = "Foo"', 'x "new_var = <$new_var>\\n"', 'q', ], %$args, } ); } sub _calc_threads_wrapper { my $args = shift; return _calc_new_var_wrapper( { switches => [ '-dt', ], stderr => 1, %$args } ); } { _calc_new_var_wrapper({ prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug'}) ->contents_like( qr/new_var = /, "no strict 'vars' in evaluated lines.", ); } { _calc_new_var_wrapper( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/lvalue-bug', stderr => undef(), }, )->output_like( qr/foo is defined/, 'lvalue subs work in the debugger', ); } { _calc_new_var_wrapper( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/symbol-table-bug', extra_opts => "NonStop=1", stderr => undef(), } )->output_like( qr/Undefined symbols 0/, 'there are no undefined values in the symbol table', ); } SKIP: { if ( $Config{usethreads} ) { skip('This perl has threads, skipping non-threaded debugger tests'); } else { my $error = 'This Perl not built to support threads'; _calc_threads_wrapper( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } )->output_like( qr/\Q$error\E/, 'Perl debugger correctly complains that it was not built with threads', ); } } SKIP: { if ( $Config{usethreads} ) { _calc_threads_wrapper( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/symbol-table-bug', } )->output_like( qr/Undefined symbols 0/, 'there are no undefined values in the symbol table when running with thread support', ); } else { skip("This perl is not threaded, skipping threaded debugger tests"); } } # Test [perl #61222] { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS}; my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'm Pie', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-61222', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike(qr/INCORRECT/, "[perl #61222]"); } sub _calc_trace_wrapper { my ($args) = @_; return _calc_generic_wrapper( { cmds => [ 't 2', 'c', 'q', ], %$args, } ); } # [perl 104168] level option for tracing { my $wrapper = _calc_trace_wrapper({ prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168' }); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/level 2/, "[perl #104168] - level 2 appears"); $wrapper->contents_unlike(qr/baz/, "[perl #104168] - no 'baz'"); } # taint tests { my $wrapper = _calc_trace_wrapper( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/taint', extra_opts => ' NonStop=1', switches => [ '-d', '-T', ], } ); my $output = $wrapper->get_output(); chomp $output if $^O eq 'VMS'; # newline guaranteed at EOF is($output, '[$^X][done]', "taint"); } # Testing that we can set a line in the middle of the file. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b ../lib/perl5db/t/MyModule.pm:12', 'c', q/do { use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); print "Var=$var\n"; }/, 'c', 'q', ], include_t => 1, prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/filename-line-breakpoint' } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ ^Var=Bar$ .* ^In\ MyModule\.$ .* ^In\ Main\ File\.$ .* /msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line in the middle of the file."); } # Testing that we can set a breakpoint { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/breakpoint-bug', cmds => [ 'b 6', 'c', q/do { use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); print "X={$x}\n"; }/, 'c', 'q', ], }, ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/X=\{Two\}/msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line." ); } # Testing that we can disable a breakpoint at a numeric line. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', cmds => [ 'b 7', 'b 11', 'disable 7', 'c', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/X=\{SecondVal\}/ms, "Can set breakpoint in a line."); } # Testing that we can re-enable a breakpoint at a numeric line. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-2', cmds => [ 'b 8', 'b 24', 'disable 24', 'c', 'enable 24', 'c', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], }, ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/ X=\{SecondValOneHundred\} /msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line." ); } # clean up. # Disable and enable for breakpoints on outer files. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 10', 'b ../lib/perl5db/t/EnableModule.pm:14', 'disable ../lib/perl5db/t/EnableModule.pm:14', 'c', 'enable ../lib/perl5db/t/EnableModule.pm:14', 'c', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-3', include_t => 1, } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{SecondValTwoHundred\} /msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line."); } # Testing that the prompt with the information appears. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => ['q'], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^main::\([^\)]*\bdisable-breakpoints-1:2\):\n 2:\s+my\ \$x\ =\ "One";\n /msx, "Prompt should display the first line of code."); } # Testing that R (restart) and "B *" work. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 13', 'c', 'B *', 'b 9', 'R', 'c', q/print "X={$x};dummy={$dummy}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{FirstVal\};dummy=\{1\} /msx, "Restart and delete all breakpoints work properly."); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'c 15', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{ThirdVal\} /msx, "'c line_num' is working properly."); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'n', 'b . $exp > 200', 'c', q/print "Exp={$exp}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/break-on-dot', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ Exp=\{256\} /msx, "'b .' is working correctly."); } # Testing that the prompt with the information appears inside a subroutine call. # See https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=104820 { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'c back', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/with-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^main::back\([^\)\n]*\bwith-subroutine:15\):[\ \t]*\n ^15:\s*print\ "hello\ back\\n"; /msx, "Prompt should display the line of code inside a subroutine."); } # Checking that the p command works. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'p "<<<" . (4*6) . ">>>"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/with-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/<<<24>>>/, "p command works."); } # Tests for x. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/x {500 => 600}/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/with-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( # qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/, qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/ms, "x command test." ); } # Tests for x with @_ { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 10', 'c', 'x @_', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-passing-at-underscore-to-x-etc', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( # qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/, qr/Arg1.*?Capsula.*GreekHumor.*Socrates/ms, q/x command test with '@_'./, ); } # Tests for mutating @_ { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 10', 'c', 'shift(@_)', 'print "\n\n\n(((" . join(",", @_) . ")))\n\n\n"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-passing-at-underscore-to-x-etc', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/^\(\(\(Capsula,GreekHumor,Socrates\)\)\)$/ms, q/Mutating '@_'./, ); } # Tests for x with AutoTrace=1. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'o AutoTrace=1', # So it may fail. q/x "failure"/, q/x \$x/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/with-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( # qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/, qr/^0\s+SCALAR\([^\)]+\)\n\s+-> 'hello world'\n/ms, "x after AutoTrace=1 command is working." ); } # Tests for "T" (stack trace). { my $prog_fn = '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168'; my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => $prog_fn, cmds => [ 'c baz', 'T', 'q', ], } ); my $re_text = join('', map { sprintf( "%s = %s\\(\\) called from file " . "'" . quotemeta($prog_fn) . "' line %s\\n", (map { quotemeta($_) } @$_) ) } ( ['.', 'main::baz', 14,], ['.', 'main::bar', 9,], ['.', 'main::foo', 6], ) ); $wrapper->contents_like( # qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/, qr/^$re_text/ms, "T command test." ); } # Test for s. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 9', 'c', 's', q/print "X={$x};dummy={$dummy}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1' } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{SecondVal\};dummy=\{1\} /msx, 'test for s - single step', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'n', 'b . $exp > 200', 'c', q/print "Exp={$exp}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/break-on-dot' } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ Exp=\{256\} /msx, "'b .' is working correctly."); } { my $prog_fn = '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168'; my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 's', 'q', ], prog => $prog_fn, } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^main::foo\([^\)\n]*\brt-104168:9\):[\ \t]*\n ^9:\s*bar\(\); /msx, 'Test for the s command.', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 's uncalled_subroutine()', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/uncalled-subroutine'} ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/<1,2,3,4,5>\n/, 'uncalled_subroutine was called after s EXPR()', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n uncalled_subroutine()', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/uncalled-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/<1,2,3,4,5>\n/, 'uncalled_subroutine was called after n EXPR()', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b fact', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'n', 'print "<$n>"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/fact', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/<3>/, 'b subroutine works fine', ); } # Test for 'M' (module list). { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'M', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/load-modules' } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr[Scalar/Util\.pm], 'M (module list) works fine', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 14', 'c', '$flag = 1;', 'r', 'print "Var=$var\n";', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-r-statement', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/ ^Foo$ .*? ^Bar$ .*? ^Var=Test$ /msx, 'r statement is working properly.', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-l-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^1==>\s+\$x\ =\ 1;\n 2:\s+print\ "1\\n";\n 3\s*\n 4:\s+\$x\ =\ 2;\n 5:\s+print\ "2\\n";\n /msx, 'l statement is working properly (test No. 1).', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l', q/# After l 1/, 'l', q/# After l 2/, '-', q/# After -/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-l-statement-1', } ); my $first_l_out = qr/ 1==>\s+\$x\ =\ 1;\n 2:\s+print\ "1\\n";\n 3\s*\n 4:\s+\$x\ =\ 2;\n 5:\s+print\ "2\\n";\n 6\s*\n 7:\s+\$x\ =\ 3;\n 8:\s+print\ "3\\n";\n 9\s*\n 10:\s+\$x\ =\ 4;\n /msx; my $second_l_out = qr/ 11:\s+print\ "4\\n";\n 12\s*\n 13:\s+\$x\ =\ 5;\n 14:\s+print\ "5\\n";\n 15\s*\n 16:\s+\$x\ =\ 6;\n 17:\s+print\ "6\\n";\n 18\s*\n 19:\s+\$x\ =\ 7;\n 20:\s+print\ "7\\n";\n /msx; $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^$first_l_out [^\n]*?DB<\d+>\ \#\ After\ l\ 1\n [\ \t]*\n [^\n]*?DB<\d+>\ l\s*\n $second_l_out [^\n]*?DB<\d+>\ \#\ After\ l\ 2\n [\ \t]*\n [^\n]*?DB<\d+>\ -\s*\n $first_l_out [^\n]*?DB<\d+>\ \#\ After\ -\n /msx, 'l followed by l and then followed by -', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l fact', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-l-statement-2', } ); my $first_l_out = qr/ 6\s+sub\ fact\ \{\n 7:\s+my\ \$n\ =\ shift;\n 8:\s+if\ \(\$n\ >\ 1\)\ \{\n 9:\s+return\ \$n\ \*\ fact\(\$n\ -\ 1\); /msx; $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ DB<1>\s+l\ fact\n $first_l_out /msx, 'l subroutine_name', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b fact', 'c', # Repeat several times to avoid @typeahead problems. '.', '.', '.', '.', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-l-statement-2', } ); my $line_out = qr / ^main::fact\([^\n]*?:7\):\n ^7:\s+my\ \$n\ =\ shift;\n /msx; $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ $line_out $line_out /msx, 'Test the "." command', ); } # Testing that the f command works. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'f ../lib/perl5db/t/MyModule.pm', 'b 12', 'c', q/do { use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); print "Var=$var\n"; }/, 'c', 'q', ], include_t => 1, prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/filename-line-breakpoint' } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ ^Var=Bar$ .* ^In\ MyModule\.$ .* ^In\ Main\ File\.$ .* /msx, "f command is working.", ); } # We broke the /pattern/ command because apparently the CORE::eval-s inside # lib/perl5db.pl cannot handle lexical variable properly. So we now fix this # bug. # # TODO : # # 1. Go over the rest of the "eval"s in lib/perl5db.t and see if they cause # problems. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ '/for/', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/12: \s* for\ my\ \$q\ \(1\ \.\.\ 10\)\ \{/msx, "/pat/ command is working and found a match.", ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 22', 'c', '?for?', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/12: \s* for\ my\ \$q\ \(1\ \.\.\ 10\)\ \{/msx, "?pat? command is working and found a match.", ); } # Test the L command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 6', 'b 13 ($q == 5)', 'L', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr# ^\S*?eval-line-bug:\n \s*6:\s*my\ \$i\ =\ 5;\n \s*break\ if\ \(1\)\n \s*13:\s*\$i\ \+=\ \$q;\n \s*break\ if\ \(\(\$q\ ==\ 5\)\)\n #msx, "L command is listing breakpoints", ); } # Test the L command for watch expressions. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'w (5+6)', 'L', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr# ^Watch-expressions:\n \s*\(5\+6\)\n #msx, "L command is listing watch expressions", ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'w (5+6)', 'w (11*23)', 'W (5+6)', 'L', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr# ^Watch-expressions:\n \s*\(11\*23\)\n ^auto\( #msx, "L command is not listing deleted watch expressions", ); } # Test the L command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 6', 'a 13 print $i', 'L', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr# ^\S*?eval-line-bug:\n \s*6:\s*my\ \$i\ =\ 5;\n \s*break\ if\ \(1\)\n \s*13:\s*\$i\ \+=\ \$q;\n \s*action:\s+print\ \$i\n #msx, "L command is listing actions and breakpoints", ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'S', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr# ^main::bar\n main::baz\n main::foo\n #msx, "S command - 1", ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'S ^main::ba', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr# ^main::bar\n main::baz\n auto\( #msx, "S command with regex", ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'S !^main::ba', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike( qr# ^main::ba #msx, "S command with negative regex", ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr# ^main::foo\n #msx, "S command with negative regex - what it still matches", ); } # Test the 'a' command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'a 13 print "\nVar=$q\n"', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# \nVar=1\n \nVar=2\n \nVar=3\n #msx, "a command is working", ); } # Test the 'a' command with no line number. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', q/a print "Hello " . (3 * 4) . "\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-a-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# (?:^Hello\ 12\n.*?){4} #msx, "a command with no line number is working", ); } # Test the 'A' command { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'a 13 print "\nVar=$q\n"', 'A 13', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr#\A\z#msx, # The empty string. "A command (for removing actions) is working", ); } # Test the 'A *' command { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'a 6 print "\nFail!\n"', 'a 13 print "\nVar=$q\n"', 'A *', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr#\A\z#msx, # The empty string. "'A *' command (for removing all actions) is working", ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'w $foo', 'c', 'print "\nIDX=<$idx>\n"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-w-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# \$foo\ changed:\n \s+old\ value:\s+'1'\n \s+new\ value:\s+'2'\n #msx, 'w command - watchpoint changed', ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# \nIDX=<20>\n #msx, "w command - correct output from IDX", ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'w $foo', 'W $foo', 'c', 'print "\nIDX=<$idx>\n"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-w-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike(qr# \$foo\ changed: #msx, 'W command - watchpoint was deleted', ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# \nIDX=<>\n #msx, "W command - stopped at end.", ); } # Test the W * command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'w $foo', 'w ($foo*$foo)', 'W *', 'c', 'print "\nIDX=<$idx>\n"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-w-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike(qr# \$foo\ changed: #msx, '"W *" command - watchpoint was deleted', ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# \nIDX=<>\n #msx, '"W *" command - stopped at end.', ); } # Test the 'o' command (without further arguments). { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-w-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\s*warnLevel\ =\ '1'\n #msx, q#"o" command (without arguments) displays warnLevel#, ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\s*signalLevel\ =\ '1'\n #msx, q#"o" command (without arguments) displays signalLevel#, ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\s*dieLevel\ =\ '1'\n #msx, q#"o" command (without arguments) displays dieLevel#, ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\s*hashDepth\ =\ 'N/A'\n #msx, q#"o" command (without arguments) displays hashDepth#, ); } # Test the 'o' query command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o hashDepth? signalLevel?', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-w-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike(qr#warnLevel#, q#"o" query command does not display warnLevel#, ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\s*signalLevel\ =\ '1'\n #msx, q#"o" query command displays signalLevel#, ); $wrapper->contents_unlike(qr#dieLevel#, q#"o" query command does not display dieLevel#, ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\s*hashDepth\ =\ 'N/A'\n #msx, q#"o" query command displays hashDepth#, ); } # Test the 'o' set command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o signalLevel=0', 'o', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-w-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^\s*(signalLevel\ =\ '0'\n) .*? ^\s*\1 /msx, q#o set command works#, ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\s*hashDepth\ =\ 'N/A'\n #msx, q#o set command - hashDepth#, ); } # Test the '<' and "< ?" commands. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/< print "\nX=<$x>\n"/, q/b 7/, q/< ?/, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^pre-perl\ commands:\n \s*<\ --\ print\ "\\nX=<\$x>\\n"\n /msx, q#Test < and < ? commands - contents.#, ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# ^X=\n #msx, q#Test < and < ? commands - output.#, ); } # Test the '< *' command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/< print "\nX=<$x>\n"/, q/b 7/, q/< */, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->output_unlike(qr/FirstVal/, q#Test the '< *' command.#, ); } # Test the '>' and "> ?" commands. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/$::foo = 500;/, q/> print "\nFOO=<$::foo>\n"/, q/b 7/, q/> ?/, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^post-perl\ commands:\n \s*>\ --\ print\ "\\nFOO=<\$::foo>\\n"\n /msx, q#Test > and > ? commands - contents.#, ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# ^FOO=<500>\n #msx, q#Test > and > ? commands - output.#, ); } # Test the '> *' command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/> print "\nFOO=<$::foo>\n"/, q/b 7/, q/> */, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->output_unlike(qr/FOO=/, q#Test the '> *' command.#, ); } # Test the < and > commands together { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/$::lorem = 0;/, q/< $::lorem += 10;/, q/> print "\nLOREM=<$::lorem>\n"/, q/b 7/, q/b 5/, 'c', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# ^LOREM=<10>\n #msx, q#Test < and > commands. #, ); } # Test the { ? and { [command] commands. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ '{ ?', '{ l', '{ ?', q/b 5/, q/c/, q/q/, ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^No\ pre-debugger\ actions\.\n .*? ^pre-debugger\ commands:\n \s+\{\ --\ l\n .*? ^5==>b\s+\$x\ =\ "FirstVal";\n 6\s*\n 7:\s+\$dummy\+\+;\n 8\s*\n 9:\s+\$x\ =\ "SecondVal";\n #msx, 'Test the pre-prompt debugger commands', ); } # Test the { * command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ '{ q', '{ *', q/b 5/, q/c/, q/print (("One" x 5), "\n");/, q/q/, ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^All\ \{\ actions\ cleared\.\n #msx, 'Test the { * command', ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/OneOneOneOneOne/, '{ * test - output is OK.', ); } # Test the ! command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l 3-5', '!', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# (^3:\s+my\ \$dummy\ =\ 0;\n 4\s*\n 5:\s+\$x\ =\ "FirstVal";)\n .*? ^l\ 3-5\n \1 #msx, 'Test the ! command (along with l 3-5)', ); } # Test the ! -number command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l 3-5', 'l 2', '! -1', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# (^3:\s+my\ \$dummy\ =\ 0;\n 4\s*\n 5:\s+\$x\ =\ "FirstVal";)\n .*? ^2==\>\s+my\ \$x\ =\ "One";\n .*? ^l\ 3-5\n \1 #msx, 'Test the ! -n command (along with l)', ); } # Test the 'source' command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'source ../lib/perl5db/t/source-cmd-test.perldb', # If we have a 'q' here, then the typeahead will override the # input, and so it won't be reached - solution: # put a q inside the .perldb commands. # ( This may be a bug or a misfeature. ) ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^3:\s+my\ \$dummy\ =\ 0;\n 4\s*\n 5:\s+\$x\ =\ "FirstVal";\n 6\s*\n 7:\s+\$dummy\+\+;\n 8\s*\n 9:\s+\$x\ =\ "SecondVal";\n 10\s*\n #msx, 'Test the source command (along with l)', ); } # Test the 'source' command being traversed from withing typeahead. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'source ../lib/perl5db/t/source-cmd-test-no-q.perldb', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^3:\s+my\ \$dummy\ =\ 0;\n 4\s*\n 5:\s+\$x\ =\ "FirstVal";\n 6\s*\n 7:\s+\$dummy\+\+;\n 8\s*\n 9:\s+\$x\ =\ "SecondVal";\n 10\s*\n #msx, 'Test the source command inside a typeahead', ); } # Test the 'H -number' command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l 1-10', 'l 5-10', 'x "Hello World"', 'l 1-5', 'b 3', 'x (20+4)', 'H -7', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\d+:\s+H\ -7\n \d+:\s+x\ \(20\+4\)\n \d+:\s+b\ 3\n \d+:\s+l\ 1-5\n \d+:\s+x\ "Hello\ World"\n \d+:\s+l\ 5-10\n \d+:\s+l\ 1-10\n #msx, 'Test the H -num command', ); } # Add a test for H (without arguments) { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l 1-10', 'l 5-10', 'x "Hello World"', 'l 1-5', 'b 3', 'x (20+4)', 'H', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^\d+:\s+x\ \(20\+4\)\n \d+:\s+b\ 3\n \d+:\s+l\ 1-5\n \d+:\s+x\ "Hello\ World"\n \d+:\s+l\ 5-10\n \d+:\s+l\ 1-10\n #msx, 'Test the H command (without a number.)', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ '= quit q', '= foobar l', 'foobar', 'quit', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-l-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^1==>\s+\$x\ =\ 1;\n 2:\s+print\ "1\\n";\n 3\s*\n 4:\s+\$x\ =\ 2;\n 5:\s+print\ "2\\n";\n /msx, 'Test the = (command alias) command.', ); } # Test the m statement. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'm main', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^via\ UNIVERSAL:\ DOES$ #msx, "Test m for main - 1", ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^via\ UNIVERSAL:\ can$ #msx, "Test m for main - 2", ); } # Test the m statement. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 41', 'c', 'm $obj', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-m-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr#^greet$#ms, "Test m for obj - 1", ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr#^via UNIVERSAL: can$#ms, "Test m for obj - 1", ); } # Test the M command. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'M', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-m-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^'strict\.pm'\ =>\ '\d+\.\d+\ from #msx, "Test M", ); } # Test the recallCommand option. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o recallCommand=%', 'l 3-5', 'l 2', '% -1', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# (^3:\s+my\ \$dummy\ =\ 0;\n 4\s*\n 5:\s+\$x\ =\ "FirstVal";)\n .*? ^2==\>\s+my\ \$x\ =\ "One";\n .*? ^l\ 3-5\n \1 #msx, 'Test the o recallCommand option', ); } # Test the dieLevel option { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/o dieLevel='1'/, q/c/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-dieLevel-option-1', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr# ^This\ program\ dies\.\ at\ \S+\ line\ 18\.\n .*? ^\s+main::baz\(\)\ called\ at\ \S+\ line\ 13\n \s+main::bar\(\)\ called\ at\ \S+\ line\ 7\n \s+main::foo\(\)\ called\ at\ \S+\ line\ 21\n #msx, 'Test the o dieLevel option', ); } # Test the warnLevel option { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/o warnLevel='1'/, q/c/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-warnLevel-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr# ^This\ is\ not\ a\ warning\.\ at\ \S+\ line\ 18\.\n .*? ^\s+main::baz\(\)\ called\ at\ \S+\ line\ 13\n \s+main::bar\(\)\ called\ at\ \S+\ line\ 25\n \s+main::myfunc\(\)\ called\ at\ \S+\ line\ 28\n #msx, 'Test the o warnLevel option', ); } # Test the t command { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 't', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^main::\([^:]+:15\):\n 15:\s+\$dummy\+\+;\n main::\([^:]+:17\):\n 17:\s+\$x\ =\ "FourthVal";\n /msx, 'Test the t command (without a number.)', ); } # Test the o AutoTrace command { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o AutoTrace', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^main::\([^:]+:15\):\n 15:\s+\$dummy\+\+;\n main::\([^:]+:17\):\n 17:\s+\$x\ =\ "FourthVal";\n /msx, 'Test the o AutoTrace command', ); } # Test the t command with function calls { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 't', 'b 18', 'c', 'x ["foo"]', 'x ["bar"]', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-warnLevel-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^main::\([^:]+:28\):\n 28:\s+myfunc\(\);\n main::myfunc\([^:]+:25\):\n 25:\s+bar\(\);\n /msx, 'Test the t command with function calls.', ); } # Test the o AutoTrace command with function calls { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o AutoTrace', 'b 18', 'c', 'x ["foo"]', 'x ["bar"]', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-warnLevel-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^main::\([^:]+:28\):\n 28:\s+myfunc\(\);\n main::myfunc\([^:]+:25\):\n 25:\s+bar\(\);\n /msx, 'Test the t command with function calls.', ); } # Test the final message. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-warnLevel-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^Debugged\ program\ terminated\. /msx, 'Test the final "Debugged program terminated" message.', ); } # Test the o inhibit_exit=0 command { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o inhibit_exit=0', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-warnLevel-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike(qr/ ^Debugged\ program\ terminated\. /msx, 'Test the o inhibit_exit=0 command.', ); } # Test the o PrintRet=1 option { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o PrintRet=1', 'b 29', 'c', q/$x = 's';/, 'b 10', 'c', 'r', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-PrintRet-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/scalar context return from main::return_scalar: 20024/, "Test o PrintRet=1", ); } # Test the o PrintRet=0 option { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o PrintRet=0', 'b 29', 'c', q/$x = 's';/, 'b 10', 'c', 'r', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-PrintRet-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike( qr/scalar context/, "Test o PrintRet=0", ); } # Test the o PrintRet=1 option in list context { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o PrintRet=1', 'b 29', 'c', q/$x = 'l';/, 'b 17', 'c', 'r', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-PrintRet-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/list context return from main::return_list:\n0\s*'Foo'\n1\s*'Bar'\n2\s*'Baz'\n/, "Test o PrintRet=1 in list context", ); } # Test the o PrintRet=0 option in list context { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o PrintRet=0', 'b 29', 'c', q/$x = 'l';/, 'b 17', 'c', 'r', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-PrintRet-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike( qr/list context/, "Test o PrintRet=0 in list context", ); } # Test the o PrintRet=1 option in void context { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o PrintRet=1', 'b 29', 'c', q/$x = 'v';/, 'b 24', 'c', 'r', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-PrintRet-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/void context return from main::return_void/, "Test o PrintRet=1 in void context", ); } # Test the o PrintRet=1 option in void context { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'o PrintRet=0', 'b 29', 'c', q/$x = 'v';/, 'b 24', 'c', 'r', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-PrintRet-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_unlike( qr/void context/, "Test o PrintRet=0 in void context", ); } # Test the o frame option. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ # This is to avoid getting the "Debugger program terminated" # junk that interferes with the normal output. 'o inhibit_exit=0', 'b 10', 'c', 'o frame=255', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-frame-option-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ in\s*\.=main::my_other_func\(3,\ 1200\)\ from.*? out\s*\.=main::my_other_func\(3,\ 1200\)\ from /msx, "Test o PrintRet=0 in void context", ); } { # test t expr my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ # This is to avoid getting the "Debugger program terminated" # junk that interferes with the normal output. 'o inhibit_exit=0', 't fact(3)', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/fact', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ (?:^main::fact.*return\ \$n\ \*\ fact\(\$n\ -\ 1\);.*) /msx, "Test t expr", ); } # Test the w for lexical variables expression. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ # This is to avoid getting the "Debugger program terminated" # junk that interferes with the normal output. 'w $exp', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/break-on-dot', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ \s+old\ value:\s+'1'\n \s+new\ value:\s+'2'\n /msx, "Test w for lexical values.", ); } # Test the perldoc command # We don't actually run the program, but we need to provide one to the wrapper. SKIP: { $^O eq "linux" or skip "man errors aren't especially portable", 1; local $ENV{LANG} = "C"; local $ENV{LC_MESSAGE} = "C"; local $ENV{LC_ALL} = "C"; my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'perldoc perlrules', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/fact', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/No manual entry for perlrules/, 'perldoc command works fine', ); } END { 1 while unlink ($rc_filename, $out_fn); }