#!/usr/bin/perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { if (!-c "/dev/null") { print "1..0 # Skip: no /dev/null\n"; exit 0; } my $dev_tty = '/dev/tty'; $dev_tty = 'TT:' if ($^O eq 'VMS'); if (!-c $dev_tty) { print "1..0 # Skip: no $dev_tty\n"; exit 0; } if ($ENV{PERL5DB}) { print "1..0 # Skip: \$ENV{PERL5DB} is already set to '$ENV{PERL5DB}'\n"; exit 0; } } plan(2); sub rc { open RC, ">", ".perldb" or die $!; print RC @_; close(RC); # overly permissive perms gives "Must not source insecure rcfile" # and hangs at the DB(1> prompt chmod 0644, ".perldb"; } my $target = '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug'; rc( qq| &parse_options("NonStop=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out"); \n|, qq| sub afterinit { push(\@DB::typeahead, 'b 23', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'c', # line 23 'n', "p \\\@{'main::_<$target'}", 'q', ); }\n|, ); { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0"; runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], progfile => $target); } my $contents; { local $/; open I, "<", 'db.out' or die $!; $contents = <I>; close(I); } like($contents, qr/sub factorial/, 'The ${main::_<filename} variable in the debugger was not destroyed' ); { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0"; my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/lvalue-bug'); like($output, qr/foo is defined/, 'lvalue subs work in the debugger'); } # clean up. END { unlink qw(.perldb db.out); }