#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } use strict; use warnings; use Config; BEGIN { if (! -c "/dev/null") { print "1..0 # Skip: no /dev/null\n"; exit 0; } my $dev_tty = '/dev/tty'; $dev_tty = 'TT:' if ($^O eq 'VMS'); if (! -c $dev_tty) { print "1..0 # Skip: no $dev_tty\n"; exit 0; } if ($ENV{PERL5DB}) { print "1..0 # Skip: \$ENV{PERL5DB} is already set to '$ENV{PERL5DB}'\n"; exit 0; } } plan(34); my $rc_filename = '.perldb'; sub rc { open my $rc_fh, '>', $rc_filename or die $!; print {$rc_fh} @_; close ($rc_fh); # overly permissive perms gives "Must not source insecure rcfile" # and hangs at the DB(1> prompt chmod 0644, $rc_filename; } sub _slurp { my $filename = shift; open my $in, '<', $filename or die "Cannot open '$filename' for slurping - $!"; local $/; my $contents = <$in>; close($in); return $contents; } my $out_fn = 'db.out'; sub _out_contents { return _slurp($out_fn); } { my $target = '../lib/perl5db/t/eval-line-bug'; rc( <<"EOF", &parse_options("NonStop=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out"); sub afterinit { push(\@DB::typeahead, 'b 23', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'c', # line 23 'n', "p \\\@{'main::_<$target'}", 'q', ); } EOF ); { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0"; runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], progfile => $target); } } like(_out_contents(), qr/sub factorial/, 'The ${main::_\\n";', 'q', ); } EOF ); { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0"; runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], progfile => $target); } } like(_out_contents(), qr/new_var = /, "no strict 'vars' in evaluated lines.", ); { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0"; my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/lvalue-bug'); like($output, qr/foo is defined/, 'lvalue subs work in the debugger'); } { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0 NonStop=1"; my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/symbol-table-bug'); like($output, qr/Undefined symbols 0/, 'there are no undefined values in the symbol table'); } SKIP: { if ( $Config{usethreads} ) { skip('This perl has threads, skipping non-threaded debugger tests'); } else { my $error = 'This Perl not built to support threads'; my $output = runperl( switches => [ '-dt' ], stderr => 1 ); like($output, qr/$error/, 'Perl debugger correctly complains that it was not built with threads'); } } SKIP: { if ( $Config{usethreads} ) { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0 NonStop=1"; my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-dt' ], progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/symbol-table-bug'); like($output, qr/Undefined symbols 0/, 'there are no undefined values in the symbol table when running with thread support'); } else { skip("This perl is not threaded, skipping threaded debugger tests"); } } # Test [perl #61222] { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS}; rc( <<'EOF', &parse_options("NonStop=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out"); sub afterinit { push(@DB::typeahead, 'm Pie', 'q', ); } EOF ); my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], stderr => 1, progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-61222'); unlike(_out_contents(), qr/INCORRECT/, "[perl #61222]"); } # Test for Proxy constants { rc( <<'EOF', &parse_options("NonStop=0 ReadLine=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out"); sub afterinit { push(@DB::typeahead, 'm main->s1', 'q', ); } EOF ); my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], stderr => 1, progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/proxy-constants'); is($output, "", "proxy constant subroutines"); } # [perl #66110] Call a subroutine inside a regex { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0 NonStop=1"; my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], stderr => 1, progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-66110'); like($output, "All tests successful.", "[perl #66110]"); } # [perl 104168] level option for tracing { rc(<<'EOF'); &parse_options("NonStop=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out"); sub afterinit { push (@DB::typeahead, 't 2', 'c', 'q', ); } EOF my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d' ], stderr => 1, progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168'); my $contents = _out_contents(); like($contents, qr/level 2/, "[perl #104168]"); unlike($contents, qr/baz/, "[perl #104168]"); } # taint tests { local $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS} = "ReadLine=0 NonStop=1"; my $output = runperl(switches => [ '-d', '-T' ], stderr => 1, progfile => '../lib/perl5db/t/taint'); chomp $output if $^O eq 'VMS'; # newline guaranteed at EOF is($output, '[$^X][done]', "taint"); } package DebugWrap; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->_init(@_); return $self; } sub _cmds { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_cmds} = shift; } return $self->{_cmds}; } sub _prog { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_prog} = shift; } return $self->{_prog}; } sub _output { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_output} = shift; } return $self->{_output}; } sub _include_t { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_include_t} = shift; } return $self->{_include_t}; } sub _contents { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{_contents} = shift; } return $self->{_contents}; } sub _init { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $cmds = $args->{cmds}; if (ref($cmds) ne 'ARRAY') { die "cmds must be an array of commands."; } $self->_cmds($cmds); my $prog = $args->{prog}; if (ref($prog) ne '' or !defined($prog)) { die "prog should be a path to a program file."; } $self->_prog($prog); $self->_include_t($args->{include_t} ? 1 : 0); $self->_run(); return; } sub _quote { my ($self, $str) = @_; $str =~ s/(["\@\$\\])/\\$1/g; $str =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $str =~ s/\r/\\r/g; return qq{"$str"}; } sub _run { my $self = shift; my $rc = qq{&parse_options("NonStop=0 TTY=db.out LineInfo=db.out");\n}; $rc .= join('', map { "$_\n"} (q#sub afterinit {#, q#push (@DB::typeahead,#, (map { $self->_quote($_) . "," } @{$self->_cmds()}), q#);#, q#}#, ) ); # I guess two objects like that cannot be used at the same time. # Oh well. ::rc($rc); my $output = ::runperl( switches => [ '-d', ($self->_include_t ? ('-I', '../lib/perl5db/t') : ()) ], stderr => 1, progfile => $self->_prog() ); $self->_output($output); $self->_contents(::_out_contents()); return; } sub output_like { my ($self, $re, $msg) = @_; local $::Level = $::Level + 1; ::like($self->_output(), $re, $msg); } sub contents_like { my ($self, $re, $msg) = @_; local $::Level = $::Level + 1; ::like($self->_contents(), $re, $msg); } package main; # Testing that we can set a line in the middle of the file. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b ../lib/perl5db/t/MyModule.pm:12', 'c', q/do { use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); print "Var=$var\n"; }/, 'c', 'q', ], include_t => 1, prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/filename-line-breakpoint' } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ ^Var=Bar$ .* ^In\ MyModule\.$ .* ^In\ Main\ File\.$ .* /msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line in the middle of the file."); } # Testing that we can set a breakpoint { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/breakpoint-bug', cmds => [ 'b 6', 'c', q/do { use IO::Handle; STDOUT->autoflush(1); print "X={$x}\n"; }/, 'c', 'q', ], }, ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/X=\{Two\}/msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line." ); } # Testing that we can disable a breakpoint at a numeric line. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', cmds => [ 'b 7', 'b 11', 'disable 7', 'c', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/X=\{SecondVal\}/ms, "Can set breakpoint in a line."); } # Testing that we can re-enable a breakpoint at a numeric line. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-2', cmds => [ 'b 8', 'b 24', 'disable 24', 'c', 'enable 24', 'c', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], }, ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/ X=\{SecondValOneHundred\} /msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line." ); } # clean up. # Disable and enable for breakpoints on outer files. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 10', 'b ../lib/perl5db/t/EnableModule.pm:14', 'disable ../lib/perl5db/t/EnableModule.pm:14', 'c', 'enable ../lib/perl5db/t/EnableModule.pm:14', 'c', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-3', include_t => 1, } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{SecondValTwoHundred\} /msx, "Can set breakpoint in a line."); } # Testing that the prompt with the information appears. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => ['q'], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like(qr/ ^main::\([^\)]*\bdisable-breakpoints-1:2\):\n 2:\s+my\ \$x\ =\ "One";\n /msx, "Prompt should display the first line of code."); } # Testing that R (restart) and "B *" work. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 13', 'c', 'B *', 'b 9', 'R', 'c', q/print "X={$x};dummy={$dummy}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{FirstVal\};dummy=\{1\} /msx, "Restart and delete all breakpoints work properly."); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'c 15', q/print "X={$x}\n";/, 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{ThirdVal\} /msx, "'c line_num' is working properly."); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'n', 'b . $exp > 200', 'c', q/print "Exp={$exp}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/break-on-dot', } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ Exp=\{256\} /msx, "'b .' is working correctly."); } # Testing that the prompt with the information appears inside a subroutine call. # See https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=104820 { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'c back', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/with-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^main::back\([^\)\n]*\bwith-subroutine:15\):[\ \t]*\n ^15:\s*print\ "hello\ back\\n"; /msx, "Prompt should display the line of code inside a subroutine."); } # Checking that the p command works. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'p "<<<" . (4*6) . ">>>"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/with-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/<<<24>>>/, "p command works."); } # Tests for x. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ q/x {500 => 600}/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/with-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( # qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/, qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/ms, "x command test." ); } # Tests for "T" (stack trace). { my $prog_fn = '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168'; my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { prog => $prog_fn, cmds => [ 'c baz', 'T', 'q', ], } ); my $re_text = join('', map { sprintf( "%s = %s\\(\\) called from file " . "'" . quotemeta($prog_fn) . "' line %s\\n", (map { quotemeta($_) } @$_) ) } ( ['.', 'main::baz', 14,], ['.', 'main::bar', 9,], ['.', 'main::foo', 6] ) ); $wrapper->contents_like( # qr/^0\s+HASH\([^\)]+\)\n\s+500 => 600\n/, qr/^$re_text/ms, "T command test." ); } # Test for s. { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 9', 'c', 's', q/print "X={$x};dummy={$dummy}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/disable-breakpoints-1' } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ X=\{SecondVal\};dummy=\{1\} /msx, 'test for s - single step', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n', 'n', 'b . $exp > 200', 'c', q/print "Exp={$exp}\n";/, 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/break-on-dot' } ); $wrapper->output_like(qr/ Exp=\{256\} /msx, "'b .' is working correctly."); } { my $prog_fn = '../lib/perl5db/t/rt-104168'; my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 's', 'q', ], prog => $prog_fn, } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^main::foo\([^\)\n]*\brt-104168:9\):[\ \t]*\n ^9:\s*bar\(\); /msx, 'Test for the s command.', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 's uncalled_subroutine()', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/uncalled-subroutine'} ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/<1,2,3,4,5>\n/, 'uncalled_subroutine was called after s EXPR()', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'n uncalled_subroutine()', 'c', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/uncalled-subroutine', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/<1,2,3,4,5>\n/, 'uncalled_subroutine was called after n EXPR()', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b fact', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'n', 'print "<$n>"', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/fact', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/<3>/, 'b subroutine works fine', ); } # Test for 'M' (module list). { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'M', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/load-modules' } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr[Scalar/Util\.pm], 'M (module list) works fine', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'b 14', 'c', '$flag = 1;', 'r', 'print "Var=$var\n";', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-r-statement', } ); $wrapper->output_like( qr/ ^Foo$ .*? ^Bar$ .*? ^Var=Test$ /msx, 'r statement is working properly.', ); } { my $wrapper = DebugWrap->new( { cmds => [ 'l', 'q', ], prog => '../lib/perl5db/t/test-l-statement-1', } ); $wrapper->contents_like( qr/ ^1==>\s+\$x\ =\ 1;\n 2:\s+print\ "1\\n";\n 3\s*\n 4:\s+\$x\ =\ 2;\n 5:\s+print\ "2\\n";\n /msx, 'l statement is working properly (test No. 1).', ); } END { 1 while unlink ($rc_filename, $out_fn); }