# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! # This file is built by ./mktables from e.g. UnicodeData.txt. # Any changes made here will be lost! ## ## Data in this file used by ../utf8_heavy.pl ## ## Mapping from lc(canonical name) to filename in ./lib %utf8::Canonical = ( alphabetic => 'Alphabet', # InAlphabeticPresentationForms alphabeticpresentationforms => 'InAlphab', arabic => 'Arabic', # InArabicPresentationFormsA arabicpresentationformsa => 'InArabi3', # InArabicPresentationFormsB arabicpresentationformsb => 'InArabi2', armenian => 'Armenian', # InArrows arrows => 'InArrows', # AsciiHexDigit asciihexdigit => 'AsciiHex', # InBasicLatin basiclatin => 'InBasicL', bengali => 'Bengali', # BidiControl bidicontrol => 'BidiCont', # InBlockElements blockelements => 'InBlockE', bopomofo => 'Bopomofo', # InBopomofoExtended bopomofoextended => 'InBopom2', # InBoxDrawing boxdrawing => 'InBoxDra', # InBraillePatterns braillepatterns => 'InBraill', # InByzantineMusicalSymbols byzantinemusicalsymbols => 'InByzant', # CanadianAboriginal canadianaboriginal => 'Canadian', cherokee => 'Cherokee', # InCjkCompatibility cjkcompatibility => 'InCjkCom', # InCjkCompatibilityForms cjkcompatibilityforms => 'InCjkCo2', # InCjkCompatibilityIdeographs cjkcompatibilityideographs => 'InCjkCo3', # InCjkCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement cjkcompatibilityideographssupplement => 'InCjkCo4', # InCjkRadicalsSupplement cjkradicalssupplement => 'InCjkRad', # InCjkSymbolsAndPunctuation cjksymbolsandpunctuation => 'InCjkSym', # InCjkUnifiedIdeographs cjkunifiedideographs => 'InCjkUni', # InCjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA cjkunifiedideographsextensiona => 'InCjkUn3', # InCjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB cjkunifiedideographsextensionb => 'InCjkUn2', # ClosePunctuation closepunctuation => 'Pe', # InCombiningDiacriticalMarks combiningdiacriticalmarks => 'InCombi3', # InCombiningHalfMarks combininghalfmarks => 'InCombin', # InCombiningMarksForSymbols combiningmarksforsymbols => 'InCombi2', common => 'Common', # ConnectorPunctuation connectorpunctuation => 'Pc', control => 'Cc', # InControlPictures controlpictures => 'InContro', # CurrencySymbol currencysymbol => 'Sc', # InCurrencySymbols currencysymbols => 'InCurren', cyrillic => 'Cyrillic', dash => 'Dash', # DashPunctuation dashpunctuation => 'Pd', # DecimalNumber decimalnumber => 'Nd', deseret => 'Deseret', devanagari => 'Devanaga', diacritic => 'Diacriti', # InDingbats dingbats => 'InDingba', # InEnclosedAlphanumerics enclosedalphanumerics => 'InEnclos', # InEnclosedCjkLettersAndMonths enclosedcjklettersandmonths => 'InEnclo2', # EnclosingMark enclosingmark => 'Me', ethiopic => 'Ethiopic', extender => 'Extender', # FinalPunctuation finalpunctuation => 'Pf', format => 'Cf', # InGeneralPunctuation generalpunctuation => 'InGenera', # InGeometricShapes geometricshapes => 'InGeomet', georgian => 'Georgian', gothic => 'Gothic', greek => 'Greek', # InGreekExtended greekextended => 'InGreekE', gujarati => 'Gujarati', gurmukhi => 'Gurmukhi', # InHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms halfwidthandfullwidthforms => 'InHalfwi', han => 'Han', hangul => 'Hangul', # InHangulCompatibilityJamo hangulcompatibilityjamo => 'InHangu3', # InHangulJamo hanguljamo => 'InHangul', # InHangulSyllables hangulsyllables => 'InHangu2', hebrew => 'Hebrew', # HexDigit hexdigit => 'HexDigit', # InHighPrivateUseSurrogates highprivateusesurrogates => 'InHighPr', # InHighSurrogates highsurrogates => 'InHighSu', hiragana => 'Hiragana', hyphen => 'Hyphen', # IdContinue idcontinue => 'IdContin', ideographic => 'Ideograp', # InIdeographicDescriptionCharacters ideographicdescriptioncharacters => 'InIdeogr', # IdStart idstart => 'IdStart', # InAlphabeticPresentationForms inalphabeticpresentationforms => 'InAlphab', # InArabic inarabic => 'InArabic', # InArabicPresentationFormsA inarabicpresentationformsa => 'InArabi3', # InArabicPresentationFormsB inarabicpresentationformsb => 'InArabi2', # InArmenian inarmenian => 'InArmeni', # InArrows inarrows => 'InArrows', # InBasicLatin inbasiclatin => 'InBasicL', # InBengali inbengali => 'InBengal', # InBlockElements inblockelements => 'InBlockE', # InBopomofo inbopomofo => 'InBopomo', # InBopomofoExtended inbopomofoextended => 'InBopom2', # InBoxDrawing inboxdrawing => 'InBoxDra', # InBraillePatterns inbraillepatterns => 'InBraill', # InByzantineMusicalSymbols inbyzantinemusicalsymbols => 'InByzant', # InCherokee incherokee => 'InCherok', # InCjkCompatibility incjkcompatibility => 'InCjkCom', # InCjkCompatibilityForms incjkcompatibilityforms => 'InCjkCo2', # InCjkCompatibilityIdeographs incjkcompatibilityideographs => 'InCjkCo3', # InCjkCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement incjkcompatibilityideographssupplement => 'InCjkCo4', # InCjkRadicalsSupplement incjkradicalssupplement => 'InCjkRad', # InCjkSymbolsAndPunctuation incjksymbolsandpunctuation => 'InCjkSym', # InCjkUnifiedIdeographs incjkunifiedideographs => 'InCjkUni', # InCjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA incjkunifiedideographsextensiona => 'InCjkUn3', # InCjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB incjkunifiedideographsextensionb => 'InCjkUn2', # InCombiningDiacriticalMarks incombiningdiacriticalmarks => 'InCombi3', # InCombiningHalfMarks incombininghalfmarks => 'InCombin', # InCombiningMarksForSymbols incombiningmarksforsymbols => 'InCombi2', # InControlPictures incontrolpictures => 'InContro', # InCurrencySymbols incurrencysymbols => 'InCurren', # InCyrillic incyrillic => 'InCyrill', # InDeseret indeseret => 'InDesere', # InDevanagari indevanagari => 'InDevana', # InDingbats indingbats => 'InDingba', # InEnclosedAlphanumerics inenclosedalphanumerics => 'InEnclos', # InEnclosedCjkLettersAndMonths inenclosedcjklettersandmonths => 'InEnclo2', # InEthiopic inethiopic => 'InEthiop', # InGeneralPunctuation ingeneralpunctuation => 'InGenera', # InGeometricShapes ingeometricshapes => 'InGeomet', # InGeorgian ingeorgian => 'InGeorgi', # InGothic ingothic => 'InGothic', # InGreek ingreek => 'InGreek', # InGreekExtended ingreekextended => 'InGreekE', # InGujarati ingujarati => 'InGujara', # InGurmukhi ingurmukhi => 'InGurmuk', # InHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms inhalfwidthandfullwidthforms => 'InHalfwi', # InHangulCompatibilityJamo inhangulcompatibilityjamo => 'InHangu3', # InHangulJamo inhanguljamo => 'InHangul', # InHangulSyllables inhangulsyllables => 'InHangu2', # InHebrew inhebrew => 'InHebrew', inherited => 'Inherite', # InHighPrivateUseSurrogates inhighprivateusesurrogates => 'InHighPr', # InHighSurrogates inhighsurrogates => 'InHighSu', # InHiragana inhiragana => 'InHiraga', # InIdeographicDescriptionCharacters inideographicdescriptioncharacters => 'InIdeogr', # InIpaExtensions inipaextensions => 'InIpaExt', # InitialPunctuation initialpunctuation => 'Pi', # InKanbun inkanbun => 'InKanbun', # InKangxiRadicals inkangxiradicals => 'InKangxi', # InKannada inkannada => 'InKannad', # InKatakana inkatakana => 'InKataka', # InKhmer inkhmer => 'InKhmer', # InLao inlao => 'InLao', # InLatin1Supplement inlatin1supplement => 'InLatin1', # InLatinExtendedA inlatinextendeda => 'InLatin2', # InLatinExtendedAdditional inlatinextendedadditional => 'InLatin3', # InLatinExtendedB inlatinextendedb => 'InLatinE', # InLetterlikeSymbols inletterlikesymbols => 'InLetter', # InLowSurrogates inlowsurrogates => 'InLowSur', # InMalayalam inmalayalam => 'InMalaya', # InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols inmathematicalalphanumericsymbols => 'InMathe2', # InMathematicalOperators inmathematicaloperators => 'InMathem', # InMiscellaneousSymbols inmiscellaneoussymbols => 'InMiscel', # InMiscellaneousTechnical inmiscellaneoustechnical => 'InMisce2', # InMongolian inmongolian => 'InMongol', # InMusicalSymbols inmusicalsymbols => 'InMusica', # InMyanmar inmyanmar => 'InMyanma', # InNumberForms innumberforms => 'InNumber', # InOgham inogham => 'InOgham', # InOldItalic inolditalic => 'InOldIta', # InOpticalCharacterRecognition inopticalcharacterrecognition => 'InOptica', # InOriya inoriya => 'InOriya', # InPrivateUse inprivateuse => 'InPrivat', # InRunic inrunic => 'InRunic', # InSinhala insinhala => 'InSinhal', # InSmallFormVariants insmallformvariants => 'InSmallF', # InSpacingModifierLetters inspacingmodifierletters => 'InSpacin', # InSpecials inspecials => 'InSpecia', # InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts insuperscriptsandsubscripts => 'InSupers', # InSyriac insyriac => 'InSyriac', # InTags intags => 'InTags', # InTamil intamil => 'InTamil', # InTelugu intelugu => 'InTelugu', # InThaana inthaana => 'InThaana', # InThai inthai => 'InThai', # InTibetan intibetan => 'InTibeta', # InUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics inunifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabics => 'InUnifie', # InYiRadicals inyiradicals => 'InYiRadi', # InYiSyllables inyisyllables => 'InYiSyll', # InIpaExtensions ipaextensions => 'InIpaExt', # JoinControl joincontrol => 'JoinCont', # InKanbun kanbun => 'InKanbun', # InKangxiRadicals kangxiradicals => 'InKangxi', kannada => 'Kannada', katakana => 'Katakana', khmer => 'Khmer', lao => 'Lao', latin => 'Latin', # InLatin1Supplement latin1supplement => 'InLatin1', # InLatinExtendedA latinextendeda => 'InLatin2', # InLatinExtendedAdditional latinextendedadditional => 'InLatin3', # InLatinExtendedB latinextendedb => 'InLatinE', letter => 'L', # InLetterlikeSymbols letterlikesymbols => 'InLetter', # LetterNumber letternumber => 'Nl', # LineSeparator lineseparator => 'Zl', lowercase => 'Lowercas', # LowercaseLetter lowercaseletter => 'Ll', # InLowSurrogates lowsurrogates => 'InLowSur', malayalam => 'Malayala', mark => 'M', math => 'Math', # InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols mathematicalalphanumericsymbols => 'InMathe2', # InMathematicalOperators mathematicaloperators => 'InMathem', # MathSymbol mathsymbol => 'Sm', # InMiscellaneousSymbols miscellaneoussymbols => 'InMiscel', # InMiscellaneousTechnical miscellaneoustechnical => 'InMisce2', # ModifierLetter modifierletter => 'Lm', # ModifierSymbol modifiersymbol => 'Sk', mongolian => 'Mongolia', # InMusicalSymbols musicalsymbols => 'InMusica', myanmar => 'Myanmar', # NoncharacterCodePoint noncharactercodepoint => 'Nonchara', # NonSpacingMark nonspacingmark => 'Mn', number => 'N', # InNumberForms numberforms => 'InNumber', ogham => 'Ogham', # OldItalic olditalic => 'OldItali', # OpenPunctuation openpunctuation => 'Ps', # InOpticalCharacterRecognition opticalcharacterrecognition => 'InOptica', oriya => 'Oriya', other => 'C', # OtherAlphabetic otheralphabetic => 'OtherAlp', # OtherLetter otherletter => 'Lo', # OtherLowercase otherlowercase => 'OtherLow', # OtherMath othermath => 'OtherMat', # OtherNumber othernumber => 'No', # OtherPunctuation otherpunctuation => 'Po', # OtherSymbol othersymbol => 'So', # OtherUppercase otheruppercase => 'OtherUpp', # ParagraphSeparator paragraphseparator => 'Zp', # PrivateUse privateuse => 'Co', punctuation => 'P', # QuotationMark quotationmark => 'Quotatio', runic => 'Runic', separator => 'Z', sinhala => 'Sinhala', # InSmallFormVariants smallformvariants => 'InSmallF', # SpaceSeparator spaceseparator => 'Zs', # SpacingMark spacingmark => 'Mc', # InSpacingModifierLetters spacingmodifierletters => 'InSpacin', # InSpecials specials => 'InSpecia', # InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts superscriptsandsubscripts => 'InSupers', surrogate => 'Cs', symbol => 'S', syriac => 'Syriac', # InTags tags => 'InTags', tamil => 'Tamil', telugu => 'Telugu', # TerminalPunctuation terminalpunctuation => 'Terminal', thaana => 'Thaana', thai => 'Thai', tibetan => 'Tibetan', # TitlecaseLetter titlecaseletter => 'Lt', unassigned => 'Cn', # InUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics unifiedcanadianaboriginalsyllabics => 'InUnifie', uppercase => 'Uppercas', # UppercaseLetter uppercaseletter => 'Lu', # WhiteSpace whitespace => 'WhiteSpa', yi => 'Yi', # InYiRadicals yiradicals => 'InYiRadi', # InYiSyllables yisyllables => 'InYiSyll', ); 1