#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } # NOTE! # # Think carefully before adding tests here. In general this should be # used only for about three categories of tests: # # (1) tests that absolutely require 'use utf8', and since that in general # shouldn't be needed as the utf8 is being obsoleted, this should # have rather few tests. If you want to test Unicode and regexes, # you probably want to go to op/regexp or op/pat; if you want to test # split, go to op/split; pack, op/pack; appending or joining, # op/append or op/join, and so forth # # (2) tests that have to do with Unicode tokenizing (though it's likely # that all the other Unicode tests sprinkled around the t/**/*.t are # going to catch that) # # (3) complicated tests that simultaneously stress so many Unicode features # that deciding into which other test script the tests should go to # is hard -- maybe consider breaking up the complicated test # # use Test; plan tests => 15; { # bug id 20001009.001 my ($a, $b); { use bytes; $a = "\xc3\xa4" } { use utf8; $b = "\xe4" } my $test = 68; ok($a ne $b); { use utf8; ok($a ne $b) } } { # bug id 20000730.004 my $smiley = "\x{263a}"; for my $s ("\x{263a}", $smiley, "" . $smiley, "" . "\x{263a}", $smiley . "", "\x{263a}" . "", ) { my $length_chars = length($s); my $length_bytes; { use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) } my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g; my $regex_chars = @regex_chars; my @split_chars = split //, $s; my $split_chars = @split_chars; ok("$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq "1/1/1/3"); } for my $s ("\x{263a}" . "\x{263a}", $smiley . $smiley, "\x{263a}\x{263a}", "$smiley$smiley", "\x{263a}" x 2, $smiley x 2, ) { my $length_chars = length($s); my $length_bytes; { use bytes; $length_bytes = length($s) } my @regex_chars = $s =~ m/(.)/g; my $regex_chars = @regex_chars; my @split_chars = split //, $s; my $split_chars = @split_chars; ok("$length_chars/$regex_chars/$split_chars/$length_bytes" eq "2/2/2/6"); } } { my $w = 0; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print "#($_[0])\n"; $w++ }; my $x = eval q/"\\/ . "\x{100}" . q/"/;; ok($w == 0 && $x eq "\x{100}"); }