#! /usr/local/perl -w # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl' ######################### use Test::More qw(no_plan); require Test::Harness; no warnings 'once'; *Verbose = \$Test::Harness::Verbose; diag "Tests with base class" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; BEGIN { use_ok("version", 0.50); # If we made it this far, we are ok. } BaseTests("version"); diag "Tests with empty derived class" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; package version::Empty; use base version; $VERSION = 0.01; no warnings 'redefine'; *::qv = sub { return bless version::qv(shift), __PACKAGE__; }; package version::Bad; use base version; sub new { my($self,$n)=@_; bless \$n, $self } package main; my $testobj = version::Empty->new(1.002_003); isa_ok( $testobj, "version::Empty" ); ok( $testobj->numify == 1.002003, "Numified correctly" ); ok( $testobj->stringify eq "1.002003", "Stringified correctly" ); ok( $testobj->normal eq "v1.2.3", "Normalified correctly" ); my $verobj = version->new("1.2.4"); ok( $verobj > $testobj, "Comparison vs parent class" ); ok( $verobj gt $testobj, "Comparison vs parent class" ); BaseTests("version::Empty"); diag "tests with bad subclass" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE}; $testobj = version::Bad->new(1.002_003); isa_ok( $testobj, "version::Bad" ); eval { my $string = $testobj->numify }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass numify"); eval { my $string = $testobj->normal }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass normal"); eval { my $string = $testobj->stringify }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass stringify"); eval { my $test = $testobj > 1.0 }; like($@, qr/Invalid version object/, "Bad subclass vcmp"); # dummy up a redundant call to satify David Wheeler local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] }; eval 'use version;'; unlike ($@, qr/^Subroutine main::qv redefined/, "Only export qv once per package (to prevent redefined warnings)."); sub BaseTests { my ($CLASS, $no_qv) = @_; # Insert your test code below, the Test module is use()ed here so read # its man page ( perldoc Test ) for help writing this test script. # Test bare number processing diag "tests with bare numbers" if $Verbose; $version = $CLASS->new(5.005_03); is ( "$version" , "5.005030" , '5.005_03 eq 5.5.30' ); $version = $CLASS->new(1.23); is ( "$version" , "1.230" , '1.23 eq "1.230"' ); # Test quoted number processing diag "tests with quoted numbers" if $Verbose; $version = $CLASS->new("5.005_03"); is ( "$version" , "5.005_030" , '"5.005_03" eq "5.005_030"' ); $version = $CLASS->new("v1.23"); is ( "$version" , "v1.23.0" , '"v1.23" eq "v1.23.0"' ); # Test stringify operator diag "tests with stringify" if $Verbose; $version = $CLASS->new("5.005"); is ( "$version" , "5.005" , '5.005 eq "5.005"' ); $version = $CLASS->new("5.006.001"); is ( "$version" , "v5.6.1" , '5.006.001 eq v5.6.1' ); $version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3_4"); is ( "$version" , "v1.2.3_4" , 'alpha version 1.2.3_4 eq v1.2.3_4' ); # test illegal formats diag "test illegal formats" if $Verbose; eval {my $version = $CLASS->new("1.2_3_4")}; like($@, qr/multiple underscores/, "Invalid version format (multiple underscores)"); eval {my $version = $CLASS->new("1.2_3.4")}; like($@, qr/underscores before decimal/, "Invalid version format (underscores before decimal)"); eval {my $version = $CLASS->new("1_2")}; like($@, qr/alpha without decimal/, "Invalid version format (alpha without decimal)"); # for this first test, just upgrade the warn() to die() eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] }; $version = $CLASS->new("1.2b3"); }; my $warnregex = "Version string '.+' contains invalid data; ". "ignoring: '.+'"; like($@, qr/$warnregex/, "Version string contains invalid data; ignoring"); # from here on out capture the warning and test independently { my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; $version = $CLASS->new("99 and 44/100 pure"); like($warning, qr/$warnregex/, "Version string contains invalid data; ignoring"); ok ("$version" eq "99.000", '$version eq "99.000"'); ok ($version->numify == 99.0, '$version->numify == 99.0'); ok ($version->normal eq "v99.0.0", '$version->normal eq v99.0.0'); $version = $CLASS->new("something"); like($warning, qr/$warnregex/, "Version string contains invalid data; ignoring"); ok (defined $version, 'defined $version'); # reset the test object to something reasonable $version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3"); # Test boolean operator ok ($version, 'boolean'); # Test class membership isa_ok ( $version, $CLASS ); # Test comparison operators with self diag "tests with self" if $Verbose; ok ( $version eq $version, '$version eq $version' ); is ( $version cmp $version, 0, '$version cmp $version == 0' ); ok ( $version == $version, '$version == $version' ); # test first with non-object $version = $CLASS->new("5.006.001"); $new_version = "5.8.0"; diag "tests with non-objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version ne $new_version, '$version ne $new_version' ); ok ( $version lt $new_version, '$version lt $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version gt $version, '$new_version gt $version' ); ok ( ref(\$new_version) eq 'SCALAR', 'no auto-upgrade'); $new_version = "$version"; ok ( $version eq $new_version, '$version eq $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version eq $version, '$new_version eq $version' ); # now test with existing object $new_version = $CLASS->new("5.8.0"); diag "tests with objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version ne $new_version, '$version ne $new_version' ); ok ( $version lt $new_version, '$version lt $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version gt $version, '$new_version gt $version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->new("$version"); ok ( $version eq $new_version, '$version eq $new_version' ); # Test Numeric Comparison operators # test first with non-object $new_version = "5.8.0"; diag "numeric tests with non-objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version == $version, '$version == $version' ); ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); # now test with existing object $new_version = $CLASS->new($new_version); diag "numeric tests with objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); # now test with actual numbers diag "numeric tests with numbers" if $Verbose; ok ( $version->numify() == 5.006001, '$version->numify() == 5.006001' ); ok ( $version->numify() <= 5.006001, '$version->numify() <= 5.006001' ); ok ( $version->numify() < 5.008, '$version->numify() < 5.008' ); #ok ( $version->numify() > v5.005_02, '$version->numify() > 5.005_02' ); # test with long decimals diag "Tests with extended decimal versions" if $Verbose; $version = $CLASS->new(1.002003); ok ( $version eq "1.2.3", '$version eq "1.2.3"'); ok ( $version->numify == 1.002003, '$version->numify == 1.002003'); $version = $CLASS->new("2002.09.30.1"); ok ( $version eq "2002.9.30.1",'$version eq 2002.9.30.1'); ok ( $version->numify == 2002.009030001, '$version->numify == 2002.009030001'); # now test with alpha version form with string $version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3"); $new_version = "1.2.3_4"; diag "tests with alpha-style non-objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version lt $new_version, '$version lt $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version gt $version, '$new_version gt $version' ); ok ( $version ne $new_version, '$version ne $new_version' ); $version = $CLASS->new("1.2.4"); diag "numeric tests with alpha-style non-objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version < $version, '$new_version < $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); # now test with alpha version form with object $version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3"); $new_version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3_4"); diag "tests with alpha-style objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version > $version, '$new_version > $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); ok ( !$version->is_alpha, '!$version->is_alpha'); ok ( $new_version->is_alpha, '$new_version->is_alpha'); $version = $CLASS->new("1.2.4"); diag "tests with alpha-style objects" if $Verbose; ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version < $version, '$new_version < $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); $version = $CLASS->new(""); $new_version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3_4"); diag "tests with alpha-style objects with same subversion" if $Verbose; ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); ok ( $new_version < $version, '$new_version < $version' ); ok ( $version != $new_version, '$version != $new_version' ); diag "test implicit [in]equality" if $Verbose; $version = $CLASS->new("v1.2.3"); $new_version = $CLASS->new(""); ok ( $version == $new_version, '$version == $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3_0"); ok ( $version == $new_version, '$version == $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->new(""); ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->new("1.2.3_1"); ok ( $version < $new_version, '$version < $new_version' ); $new_version = $CLASS->new("1.1.999"); ok ( $version > $new_version, '$version > $new_version' ); # that which is not expressly permitted is forbidden diag "forbidden operations" if $Verbose; ok ( !eval { ++$version }, "noop ++" ); ok ( !eval { --$version }, "noop --" ); ok ( !eval { $version/1 }, "noop /" ); ok ( !eval { $version*3 }, "noop *" ); ok ( !eval { abs($version) }, "noop abs" ); SKIP: { skip "version require'd instead of use'd, cannot test qv", 3 if defined $no_qv; # test the qv() sub diag "testing qv" if $Verbose; $version = qv("1.2"); cmp_ok ( $version, "eq", "v1.2.0", 'qv("1.2") eq "1.2.0"' ); $version = qv(1.2); cmp_ok ( $version, "eq", "v1.2.0", 'qv(1.2) eq "1.2.0"' ); isa_ok( qv('5.008'), $CLASS ); } # test creation from existing version object diag "create new from existing version" if $Verbose; ok (eval {$new_version = $CLASS->new($version)}, "new from existing object"); ok ($new_version == $version, "class->new($version) identical"); $new_version = $version->new(); isa_ok ($new_version, $CLASS ); is ($new_version, "0.000", "version->new() doesn't clone"); $new_version = $version->new("1.2.3"); is ($new_version, "v1.2.3" , '$version->new("1.2.3") works too'); # test the CVS revision mode diag "testing CVS Revision" if $Verbose; $version = new $CLASS qw$Revision: 1.2$; ok ( $version eq "1.2.0", 'qw$Revision: 1.2$ eq 1.2.0' ); $version = new $CLASS qw$Revision:$; ok ( $version eq "", 'qw$Revision:$ eq' ); # test the CPAN style reduced significant digit form diag "testing CPAN-style versions" if $Verbose; $version = $CLASS->new("1.23_01"); is ( "$version" , "1.23_0100", "CPAN-style alpha version" ); ok ( $version > 1.23, "1.23_01 > 1.23"); ok ( $version < 1.24, "1.23_01 < 1.24"); # test reformed UNIVERSAL::VERSION diag "Replacement UNIVERSAL::VERSION tests" if $Verbose; my $error_regex = $] < 5.006 ? 'version \d required' : 'does not define \$...::VERSION'; { open F, ">aaa.pm" or die "Cannot open aaa.pm: $!\n"; print F "package aaa;\n\$aaa::VERSION=0.58;\n1;\n"; close F; $version = 0.58; $version = sprintf("%.3f",$version); eval "use lib '.'; use aaa $version"; unlike($@, qr/aaa version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with exact version'); # test as class method $new_version = "aaa"->VERSION; cmp_ok($new_version,'eq',$version, "Called as class method"); eval "print Completely::Unknown::Module->VERSION"; if ( $] < 5.008 ) { unlike($@, qr/$error_regex/, "Don't freak if the module doesn't even exist"); } else { unlike($@, qr/defines neither package nor VERSION/, "Don't freak if the module doesn't even exist"); } # this should fail even with old UNIVERSAL::VERSION $version += 0.01; $version = sprintf("%.3f",$version); eval "use lib '.'; use aaa $version"; like($@, qr/aaa version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with incremented version'); $version =~ s/0+$//; #convert to string and remove trailing 0's chop($version); # shorten by 1 digit, should still succeed eval "use lib '.'; use aaa $version"; unlike($@, qr/aaa version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with single digit'); # this would fail with old UNIVERSAL::VERSION $version += 0.1; $version = sprintf("%.3f",$version); eval "use lib '.'; use aaa $version"; like($@, qr/aaa version $version/, 'Replacement eval works with incremented digit'); unlink 'aaa.pm'; } { # dummy up some variously broken modules for testing open F, ">xxx.pm" or die "Cannot open xxx.pm: $!\n"; print F "1;\n"; close F; eval "use lib '.'; use xxx 3;"; if ( $] < 5.008 ) { like($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without package or VERSION'); } else { like($@, qr/defines neither package nor VERSION/, 'Replacement handles modules without package or VERSION'); } eval "use lib '.'; use xxx; \$version = xxx->VERSION"; unlike ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without package or VERSION'); ok (!defined($version), "Called as class method"); unlink 'xxx.pm'; } { # dummy up some variously broken modules for testing open F, ">yyy.pm" or die "Cannot open yyy.pm: $!\n"; print F "package yyy;\n#look ma no VERSION\n1;\n"; close F; eval "use lib '.'; use yyy 3;"; like ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); eval "use lib '.'; use yyy; print yyy->VERSION"; unlike ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); unlink 'yyy.pm'; } { # dummy up some variously broken modules for testing open F, ">zzz.pm" or die "Cannot open zzz.pm: $!\n"; print F "package zzz;\n\@VERSION = ();\n1;\n"; close F; eval "use lib '.'; use zzz 3;"; like ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); eval "use lib '.'; use zzz; print zzz->VERSION"; unlike ($@, qr/$error_regex/, 'Replacement handles modules without VERSION'); unlink 'zzz.pm'; } SKIP: { skip 'Cannot test bare v-strings with Perl < 5.6.0', 4 if $] < 5.006_000; diag "Tests with v-strings" if $Verbose; $version = $CLASS->new(1.2.3); ok("$version" eq "v1.2.3", '"$version" eq 1.2.3'); $version = $CLASS->new(1.0.0); $new_version = $CLASS->new(1); ok($version == $new_version, '$version == $new_version'); ok($version eq $new_version, '$version eq $new_version'); skip "version require'd instead of use'd, cannot test qv", 1 if defined $no_qv; $version = qv(1.2.3); ok("$version" eq "v1.2.3", 'v-string initialized qv()'); } diag "Tests with real-world (malformed) data" if $Verbose; # trailing zero testing (reported by Andreas Koenig). $version = $CLASS->new("1"); ok($version->numify eq "1.000", "trailing zeros preserved"); $version = $CLASS->new("1.0"); ok($version->numify eq "1.000", "trailing zeros preserved"); $version = $CLASS->new("1.0.0"); ok($version->numify eq "1.000000", "trailing zeros preserved"); $version = $CLASS->new(""); ok($version->numify eq "1.000000000", "trailing zeros preserved"); # leading zero testing (reported by Andreas Koenig). $version = $CLASS->new(".7"); ok($version->numify eq "0.700", "leading zero inferred"); # leading space testing (reported by Andreas Koenig). $version = $CLASS->new(" 1.7"); ok($version->numify eq "1.700", "leading space ignored"); # RT 19517 - deal with undef and 'undef' initialization ok($version ne 'undef', "Undef version comparison #1"); ok($version ne undef, "Undef version comparison #2"); $version = $CLASS->new('undef'); unlike($warning, qr/^Version string 'undef' contains invalid data/, "Version string 'undef'"); $version = $CLASS->new(undef); like($warning, qr/^Use of uninitialized value/, "Version string 'undef'"); ok($version eq 'undef', "Undef version comparison #3"); ok($version eq undef, "Undef version comparison #4"); eval "\$version = \$CLASS->new()"; # no parameter at all unlike($@, qr/^Bizarre copy of CODE/, "No initializer at all"); ok($version eq 'undef', "Undef version comparison #5"); ok($version eq undef, "Undef version comparison #6"); $version = $CLASS->new(0.000001); unlike($warning, qr/^Version string '1e-06' contains invalid data/, "Very small version objects"); } SKIP: { # dummy up a legal module for testing RT#19017 open F, ">www.pm" or die "Cannot open www.pm: $!\n"; print F <<"EOF"; package www; use version; \$VERSION = qv('0.0.4'); 1; EOF close F; eval "use lib '.'; use www 0.000008;"; like ($@, qr/^www version 0.000008 required/, "Make sure very small versions don't freak"); eval "use lib '.'; use www 1;"; like ($@, qr/^www version 1.000 required/, "Comparing vs. version with no decimal"); eval "use lib '.'; use www 1.;"; like ($@, qr/^www version 1.000 required/, "Comparing vs. version with decimal only"); if ( $] < 5.006_000 ) { unlink 'www.pm'; skip 'Cannot "use" extended versions with Perl < 5.6.0', 3; } eval "use lib '.'; use www v0.0.8;"; my $regex = "^www version v0.0.8 required"; like ($@, qr/$regex/, "Make sure very small versions don't freak"); $regex =~ s/8/4/; # set for second test eval "use lib '.'; use www v0.0.4;"; unlike($@, qr/$regex/, 'Succeed - required == VERSION'); cmp_ok ( "www"->VERSION, 'eq', '0.000004', 'No undef warnings' ); unlink 'www.pm'; } open F, ">vvv.pm" or die "Cannot open vvv.pm: $!\n"; print F <<"EOF"; package vvv; use base qw(version); 1; EOF close F; # need to eliminate any other qv()'s undef *main::qv; ok(!defined(&{"main\::qv"}), "make sure we cleared qv() properly"); eval "use lib '.'; use vvv;"; ok(defined(&{"main\::qv"}), "make sure we exported qv() properly"); isa_ok( qv(1.2), "vvv"); unlink 'vvv.pm'; SKIP: { if ( $] < 5.006_000 ) { skip 'Cannot "use" extended versions with Perl < 5.6.0', 3; } open F, ">uuu.pm" or die "Cannot open uuu.pm: $!\n"; print F <<"EOF"; package uuu; \$VERSION = 1.0; 1; EOF close F; eval "use lib '.'; use uuu 1.001;"; like ($@, qr/^uuu version 1.001 required/, "User typed numeric so we error with numeric"); eval "use lib '.'; use uuu v1.1.0;"; like ($@, qr/^uuu version v1.1.0 required/, "User typed extended so we error with extended"); unlink 'uuu.pm'; } SKIP: { # test locale handling my $warning; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = $_[0] }; my $ver = 1.23; # has to be floating point number my $loc; while () { chomp; $loc = POSIX::setlocale( &POSIX::LC_ALL, $_); last if POSIX::localeconv()->{decimal_point} eq ','; } skip 'Cannot test locale handling without a comma locale', 4 unless ( $loc and ($ver eq '1,23') ); diag ("Testing locale handling with $loc") if $Verbose; my $v = $CLASS->new($ver); unlike($warning,qr/Version string '1,23' contains invalid data/, "Process locale-dependent floating point"); is ($v, "1.230", "Locale doesn't apply to version objects"); ok ($v == $ver, "Comparison to locale floating point"); } eval 'my $v = $CLASS->new("1._1");'; unlike($@, qr/^Invalid version format \(alpha with zero width\)/, "Invalid version format 1._1"); } 1; __DATA__ af_ZA af_ZA.utf8 an_ES an_ES.utf8 az_AZ.utf8 be_BY be_BY.utf8 bg_BG bg_BG.utf8 br_FR br_FR@euro br_FR.utf8 bs_BA bs_BA.utf8 ca_ES ca_ES@euro ca_ES.utf8 cs_CZ cs_CZ.utf8 da_DK da_DK.utf8 de_AT de_AT@euro de_AT.utf8 de_BE de_BE@euro de_BE.utf8 de_DE de_DE@euro de_DE.utf8 de_LU de_LU@euro de_LU.utf8 el_GR el_GR.utf8 en_DK en_DK.utf8 es_AR es_AR.utf8 es_BO es_BO.utf8 es_CL es_CL.utf8 es_CO es_CO.utf8 es_EC es_EC.utf8 es_ES es_ES@euro es_ES.utf8 es_PY es_PY.utf8 es_UY es_UY.utf8 es_VE es_VE.utf8 et_EE et_EE.iso885915 et_EE.utf8 eu_ES eu_ES@euro eu_ES.utf8 fi_FI fi_FI@euro fi_FI.utf8 fo_FO fo_FO.utf8 fr_BE fr_BE@euro fr_BE.utf8 fr_CA fr_CA.utf8 fr_CH fr_CH.utf8 fr_FR fr_FR@euro fr_FR.utf8 fr_LU fr_LU@euro fr_LU.utf8 gl_ES gl_ES@euro gl_ES.utf8 hr_HR hr_HR.utf8 hu_HU hu_HU.utf8 id_ID id_ID.utf8 is_IS is_IS.utf8 it_CH it_CH.utf8 it_IT it_IT@euro it_IT.utf8 ka_GE ka_GE.utf8 kk_KZ kk_KZ.utf8 kl_GL kl_GL.utf8 lt_LT lt_LT.utf8 lv_LV lv_LV.utf8 mk_MK mk_MK.utf8 mn_MN mn_MN.utf8 nb_NO nb_NO.utf8 nl_BE nl_BE@euro nl_BE.utf8 nl_NL nl_NL@euro nl_NL.utf8 nn_NO nn_NO.utf8 no_NO no_NO.utf8 oc_FR oc_FR.utf8 pl_PL pl_PL.utf8 pt_BR pt_BR.utf8 pt_PT pt_PT@euro pt_PT.utf8 ro_RO ro_RO.utf8 ru_RU ru_RU.koi8r ru_RU.utf8 ru_UA ru_UA.utf8 se_NO se_NO.utf8 sh_YU sh_YU.utf8 sk_SK sk_SK.utf8 sl_SI sl_SI.utf8 sq_AL sq_AL.utf8 sr_CS sr_CS.utf8 sv_FI sv_FI@euro sv_FI.utf8 sv_SE sv_SE.iso885915 sv_SE.utf8 tg_TJ tg_TJ.utf8 tr_TR tr_TR.utf8 tt_RU.utf8 uk_UA uk_UA.utf8 vi_VN vi_VN.tcvn wa_BE wa_BE@euro wa_BE.utf8