/* mathoms.c * * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 by Larry Wall and others * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * */ /* * Anything that Hobbits had no immediate use for, but were unwilling to * throw away, they called a mathom. Their dwellings were apt to become * rather crowded with mathoms, and many of the presents that passed from * hand to hand were of that sort. * * [p.5 of _The Lord of the Rings_: "Prologue"] */ /* * This file contains mathoms, various binary artifacts from previous * versions of Perl. For binary or source compatibility reasons, though, * we cannot completely remove them from the core code. * * SMP - Oct. 24, 2005 * */ #include "EXTERN.h" #define PERL_IN_MATHOMS_C #include "perl.h" #ifdef NO_MATHOMS /* ..." warning: ISO C forbids an empty source file" So make sure we have something in here by processing the headers anyway. */ #else PERL_CALLCONV OP * Perl_ref(pTHX_ OP *o, I32 type); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_unref(pTHX_ SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_taint(pTHX_ SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV IV Perl_sv_2iv(pTHX_ register SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV UV Perl_sv_2uv(pTHX_ register SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_2pv(pTHX_ register SV *sv, STRLEN *lp); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_2pv_nolen(pTHX_ register SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_2pvbyte_nolen(pTHX_ register SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_2pvutf8_nolen(pTHX_ register SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_force_normal(pTHX_ register SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_setsv(pTHX_ SV *dstr, register SV *sstr); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_catpvn(pTHX_ SV *dsv, const char* sstr, STRLEN slen); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_catpvn_mg(pTHX_ register SV *sv, register const char *ptr, register STRLEN len); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_catsv(pTHX_ SV *dstr, register SV *sstr); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_catsv_mg(pTHX_ SV *dsv, register SV *ssv); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_pv(pTHX_ SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_pvn_force(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_pvbyte(pTHX_ SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV char * Perl_sv_pvutf8(pTHX_ SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV STRLEN Perl_sv_utf8_upgrade(pTHX_ register SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV NV Perl_huge(void); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_gv_fullname3(pTHX_ SV *sv, const GV *gv, const char *prefix); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_gv_efullname3(pTHX_ SV *sv, const GV *gv, const char *prefix); PERL_CALLCONV GV * Perl_gv_fetchmethod(pTHX_ HV *stash, const char *name); PERL_CALLCONV HE * Perl_hv_iternext(pTHX_ HV *hv); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_hv_magic(pTHX_ HV *hv, GV *gv, int how); PERL_CALLCONV bool Perl_do_open(pTHX_ GV *gv, register const char *name, I32 len, int as_raw, int rawmode, int rawperm, PerlIO *supplied_fp); PERL_CALLCONV bool Perl_do_aexec(pTHX_ SV *really, register SV **mark, register SV **sp); PERL_CALLCONV bool Perl_do_exec(pTHX_ const char *cmd); PERL_CALLCONV U8 * Perl_uvuni_to_utf8(pTHX_ U8 *d, UV uv); PERL_CALLCONV bool Perl_is_utf8_string_loc(pTHX_ const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_nolocking(pTHX_ SV *sv); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_usepvn_mg(pTHX_ SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len); PERL_CALLCONV void Perl_sv_usepvn(pTHX_ SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len); PERL_CALLCONV int Perl_fprintf_nocontext(PerlIO *stream, const char *format, ...); PERL_CALLCONV int Perl_printf_nocontext(const char *format, ...); PERL_CALLCONV int Perl_magic_setglob(pTHX_ SV* sv, MAGIC* mg); PERL_CALLCONV AV * Perl_newAV(pTHX); PERL_CALLCONV HV * Perl_newHV(pTHX); PERL_CALLCONV IO * Perl_newIO(pTHX); /* ref() is now a macro using Perl_doref; * this version provided for binary compatibility only. */ OP * Perl_ref(pTHX_ OP *o, I32 type) { return doref(o, type, TRUE); } /* =for apidoc sv_unref Unsets the RV status of the SV, and decrements the reference count of whatever was being referenced by the RV. This can almost be thought of as a reversal of C<newSVrv>. This is C<sv_unref_flags> with the C<flag> being zero. See C<SvROK_off>. =cut */ void Perl_sv_unref(pTHX_ SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_UNREF; sv_unref_flags(sv, 0); } /* =for apidoc sv_taint Taint an SV. Use C<SvTAINTED_on> instead. =cut */ void Perl_sv_taint(pTHX_ SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_TAINT; sv_magic((sv), NULL, PERL_MAGIC_taint, NULL, 0); } /* sv_2iv() is now a macro using Perl_sv_2iv_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ IV Perl_sv_2iv(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { return sv_2iv_flags(sv, SV_GMAGIC); } /* sv_2uv() is now a macro using Perl_sv_2uv_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ UV Perl_sv_2uv(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { return sv_2uv_flags(sv, SV_GMAGIC); } /* sv_2pv() is now a macro using Perl_sv_2pv_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ char * Perl_sv_2pv(pTHX_ register SV *sv, STRLEN *lp) { return sv_2pv_flags(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC); } /* =for apidoc sv_2pv_nolen Like C<sv_2pv()>, but doesn't return the length too. You should usually use the macro wrapper C<SvPV_nolen(sv)> instead. =cut */ char * Perl_sv_2pv_nolen(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { return sv_2pv(sv, NULL); } /* =for apidoc sv_2pvbyte_nolen Return a pointer to the byte-encoded representation of the SV. May cause the SV to be downgraded from UTF-8 as a side-effect. Usually accessed via the C<SvPVbyte_nolen> macro. =cut */ char * Perl_sv_2pvbyte_nolen(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_2PVBYTE_NOLEN; return sv_2pvbyte(sv, NULL); } /* =for apidoc sv_2pvutf8_nolen Return a pointer to the UTF-8-encoded representation of the SV. May cause the SV to be upgraded to UTF-8 as a side-effect. Usually accessed via the C<SvPVutf8_nolen> macro. =cut */ char * Perl_sv_2pvutf8_nolen(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_2PVUTF8_NOLEN; return sv_2pvutf8(sv, NULL); } /* =for apidoc sv_force_normal Undo various types of fakery on an SV: if the PV is a shared string, make a private copy; if we're a ref, stop refing; if we're a glob, downgrade to an xpvmg. See also C<sv_force_normal_flags>. =cut */ void Perl_sv_force_normal(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_FORCE_NORMAL; sv_force_normal_flags(sv, 0); } /* sv_setsv() is now a macro using Perl_sv_setsv_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ void Perl_sv_setsv(pTHX_ SV *dstr, register SV *sstr) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_SETSV; sv_setsv_flags(dstr, sstr, SV_GMAGIC); } /* sv_catpvn() is now a macro using Perl_sv_catpvn_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ void Perl_sv_catpvn(pTHX_ SV *dsv, const char* sstr, STRLEN slen) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_CATPVN; sv_catpvn_flags(dsv, sstr, slen, SV_GMAGIC); } /* =for apidoc sv_catpvn_mg Like C<sv_catpvn>, but also handles 'set' magic. =cut */ void Perl_sv_catpvn_mg(pTHX_ register SV *sv, register const char *ptr, register STRLEN len) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_CATPVN_MG; sv_catpvn_flags(sv,ptr,len,SV_GMAGIC|SV_SMAGIC); } /* sv_catsv() is now a macro using Perl_sv_catsv_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ void Perl_sv_catsv(pTHX_ SV *dstr, register SV *sstr) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_CATSV; sv_catsv_flags(dstr, sstr, SV_GMAGIC); } /* =for apidoc sv_catsv_mg Like C<sv_catsv>, but also handles 'set' magic. =cut */ void Perl_sv_catsv_mg(pTHX_ SV *dsv, register SV *ssv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_CATSV_MG; sv_catsv_flags(dsv,ssv,SV_GMAGIC|SV_SMAGIC); } /* =for apidoc sv_iv A private implementation of the C<SvIVx> macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. =cut */ IV Perl_sv_iv(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_IV; if (SvIOK(sv)) { if (SvIsUV(sv)) return (IV)SvUVX(sv); return SvIVX(sv); } return sv_2iv(sv); } /* =for apidoc sv_uv A private implementation of the C<SvUVx> macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. =cut */ UV Perl_sv_uv(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_UV; if (SvIOK(sv)) { if (SvIsUV(sv)) return SvUVX(sv); return (UV)SvIVX(sv); } return sv_2uv(sv); } /* =for apidoc sv_nv A private implementation of the C<SvNVx> macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. =cut */ NV Perl_sv_nv(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_NV; if (SvNOK(sv)) return SvNVX(sv); return sv_2nv(sv); } /* =for apidoc sv_pv Use the C<SvPV_nolen> macro instead =for apidoc sv_pvn A private implementation of the C<SvPV> macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. =cut */ char * Perl_sv_pvn(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PVN; if (SvPOK(sv)) { *lp = SvCUR(sv); return SvPVX(sv); } return sv_2pv(sv, lp); } char * Perl_sv_pvn_nomg(pTHX_ register SV *sv, STRLEN *lp) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PVN_NOMG; if (SvPOK(sv)) { *lp = SvCUR(sv); return SvPVX(sv); } return sv_2pv_flags(sv, lp, 0); } /* sv_pv() is now a macro using SvPV_nolen(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ char * Perl_sv_pv(pTHX_ SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PV; if (SvPOK(sv)) return SvPVX(sv); return sv_2pv(sv, NULL); } /* sv_pvn_force() is now a macro using Perl_sv_pvn_force_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ char * Perl_sv_pvn_force(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PVN_FORCE; return sv_pvn_force_flags(sv, lp, SV_GMAGIC); } /* sv_pvbyte () is now a macro using Perl_sv_2pv_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ char * Perl_sv_pvbyte(pTHX_ SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PVBYTE; sv_utf8_downgrade(sv, FALSE); return sv_pv(sv); } /* =for apidoc sv_pvbyte Use C<SvPVbyte_nolen> instead. =for apidoc sv_pvbyten A private implementation of the C<SvPVbyte> macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. =cut */ char * Perl_sv_pvbyten(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PVBYTEN; sv_utf8_downgrade(sv, FALSE); return sv_pvn(sv,lp); } /* sv_pvutf8 () is now a macro using Perl_sv_2pv_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ char * Perl_sv_pvutf8(pTHX_ SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PVUTF8; sv_utf8_upgrade(sv); return sv_pv(sv); } /* =for apidoc sv_pvutf8 Use the C<SvPVutf8_nolen> macro instead =for apidoc sv_pvutf8n A private implementation of the C<SvPVutf8> macro for compilers which can't cope with complex macro expressions. Always use the macro instead. =cut */ char * Perl_sv_pvutf8n(pTHX_ SV *sv, STRLEN *lp) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_PVUTF8N; sv_utf8_upgrade(sv); return sv_pvn(sv,lp); } /* sv_utf8_upgrade() is now a macro using sv_utf8_upgrade_flags(); * this function provided for binary compatibility only */ STRLEN Perl_sv_utf8_upgrade(pTHX_ register SV *sv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_UTF8_UPGRADE; return sv_utf8_upgrade_flags(sv, SV_GMAGIC); } int Perl_fprintf_nocontext(PerlIO *stream, const char *format, ...) { dTHXs; va_list(arglist); /* Easier to special case this here than in embed.pl. (Look at what it generates for proto.h) */ #ifdef PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_FPRINTF_NOCONTEXT; #endif va_start(arglist, format); return PerlIO_vprintf(stream, format, arglist); } int Perl_printf_nocontext(const char *format, ...) { dTHX; va_list(arglist); #ifdef PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_PRINTF_NOCONTEXT; #endif va_start(arglist, format); return PerlIO_vprintf(PerlIO_stdout(), format, arglist); } #if defined(HUGE_VAL) || (defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HUGE_VALL)) /* * This hack is to force load of "huge" support from libm.a * So it is in perl for (say) POSIX to use. * Needed for SunOS with Sun's 'acc' for example. */ NV Perl_huge(void) { # if defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE) && defined(HUGE_VALL) return HUGE_VALL; # else return HUGE_VAL; # endif } #endif /* compatibility with versions <= 5.003. */ void Perl_gv_fullname(pTHX_ SV *sv, const GV *gv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_GV_FULLNAME; gv_fullname3(sv, gv, sv == (const SV*)gv ? "*" : ""); } /* compatibility with versions <= 5.003. */ void Perl_gv_efullname(pTHX_ SV *sv, const GV *gv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_GV_EFULLNAME; gv_efullname3(sv, gv, sv == (const SV*)gv ? "*" : ""); } void Perl_gv_fullname3(pTHX_ SV *sv, const GV *gv, const char *prefix) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_GV_FULLNAME3; gv_fullname4(sv, gv, prefix, TRUE); } void Perl_gv_efullname3(pTHX_ SV *sv, const GV *gv, const char *prefix) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_GV_EFULLNAME3; gv_efullname4(sv, gv, prefix, TRUE); } /* =for apidoc gv_fetchmethod See L<gv_fetchmethod_autoload>. =cut */ GV * Perl_gv_fetchmethod(pTHX_ HV *stash, const char *name) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_GV_FETCHMETHOD; return gv_fetchmethod_autoload(stash, name, TRUE); } HE * Perl_hv_iternext(pTHX_ HV *hv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_ITERNEXT; return hv_iternext_flags(hv, 0); } void Perl_hv_magic(pTHX_ HV *hv, GV *gv, int how) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_MAGIC; sv_magic(MUTABLE_SV(hv), MUTABLE_SV(gv), how, NULL, 0); } bool Perl_do_open(pTHX_ GV *gv, register const char *name, I32 len, int as_raw, int rawmode, int rawperm, PerlIO *supplied_fp) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DO_OPEN; return do_openn(gv, name, len, as_raw, rawmode, rawperm, supplied_fp, (SV **) NULL, 0); } bool Perl_do_open9(pTHX_ GV *gv, register const char *name, I32 len, int as_raw, int rawmode, int rawperm, PerlIO *supplied_fp, SV *svs, I32 num_svs) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DO_OPEN9; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(num_svs); return do_openn(gv, name, len, as_raw, rawmode, rawperm, supplied_fp, &svs, 1); } int Perl_do_binmode(pTHX_ PerlIO *fp, int iotype, int mode) { /* The old body of this is now in non-LAYER part of perlio.c * This is a stub for any XS code which might have been calling it. */ const char *name = ":raw"; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DO_BINMODE; #ifdef PERLIO_USING_CRLF if (!(mode & O_BINARY)) name = ":crlf"; #endif return PerlIO_binmode(aTHX_ fp, iotype, mode, name); } #ifndef OS2 bool Perl_do_aexec(pTHX_ SV *really, register SV **mark, register SV **sp) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DO_AEXEC; return do_aexec5(really, mark, sp, 0, 0); } #endif #ifdef PERL_DEFAULT_DO_EXEC3_IMPLEMENTATION bool Perl_do_exec(pTHX_ const char *cmd) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_DO_EXEC; return do_exec3(cmd,0,0); } #endif /* Backwards compatibility. */ int Perl_init_i18nl14n(pTHX_ int printwarn) { return init_i18nl10n(printwarn); } PP(pp_padany) { DIE(aTHX_ "NOT IMPL LINE %d",__LINE__); } PP(pp_mapstart) { DIE(aTHX_ "panic: mapstart"); /* uses grepstart */ } /* These ops all have the same body as pp_null. */ PP(pp_scalar) { dVAR; return NORMAL; } PP(pp_regcmaybe) { dVAR; return NORMAL; } PP(pp_lineseq) { dVAR; return NORMAL; } PP(pp_scope) { dVAR; return NORMAL; } /* Ops that are calls to do_kv. */ PP(pp_values) { return do_kv(); } PP(pp_keys) { return do_kv(); } /* Ops that are simply calls to other ops. */ PP(pp_dump) { return pp_goto(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } PP(pp_dofile) { return pp_require(); } PP(pp_dbmclose) { return pp_untie(); } PP(pp_read) { return pp_sysread(); } PP(pp_recv) { return pp_sysread(); } PP(pp_seek) { return pp_sysseek(); } PP(pp_fcntl) { return pp_ioctl(); } PP(pp_gsockopt) { return pp_ssockopt(); } PP(pp_getsockname) { return pp_getpeername(); } PP(pp_lstat) { return pp_stat(); } PP(pp_fteowned) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftbinary) { return pp_fttext(); } PP(pp_localtime) { return pp_gmtime(); } PP(pp_shmget) { return pp_semget(); } PP(pp_shmctl) { return pp_semctl(); } PP(pp_shmread) { return pp_shmwrite(); } PP(pp_msgget) { return pp_semget(); } PP(pp_msgctl) { return pp_semctl(); } PP(pp_ghbyname) { return pp_ghostent(); } PP(pp_ghbyaddr) { return pp_ghostent(); } PP(pp_gnbyname) { return pp_gnetent(); } PP(pp_gnbyaddr) { return pp_gnetent(); } PP(pp_gpbyname) { return pp_gprotoent(); } PP(pp_gpbynumber) { return pp_gprotoent(); } PP(pp_gsbyname) { return pp_gservent(); } PP(pp_gsbyport) { return pp_gservent(); } PP(pp_gpwnam) { return pp_gpwent(); } PP(pp_gpwuid) { return pp_gpwent(); } PP(pp_ggrnam) { return pp_ggrent(); } PP(pp_ggrgid) { return pp_ggrent(); } PP(pp_ftsize) { return pp_ftis(); } PP(pp_ftmtime) { return pp_ftis(); } PP(pp_ftatime) { return pp_ftis(); } PP(pp_ftctime) { return pp_ftis(); } PP(pp_ftzero) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftsock) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftchr) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftblk) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftfile) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftdir) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftpipe) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftsuid) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftsgid) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_ftsvtx) { return pp_ftrowned(); } PP(pp_unlink) { return pp_chown(); } PP(pp_chmod) { return pp_chown(); } PP(pp_utime) { return pp_chown(); } PP(pp_kill) { return pp_chown(); } PP(pp_symlink) { return pp_link(); } PP(pp_ftrwrite) { return pp_ftrread(); } PP(pp_ftrexec) { return pp_ftrread(); } PP(pp_fteread) { return pp_ftrread(); } PP(pp_ftewrite) { return pp_ftrread(); } PP(pp_fteexec) { return pp_ftrread(); } PP(pp_msgsnd) { return pp_shmwrite(); } PP(pp_msgrcv) { return pp_shmwrite(); } PP(pp_syswrite) { return pp_send(); } PP(pp_semop) { return pp_shmwrite(); } PP(pp_dor) { return pp_defined(); } PP(pp_andassign) { return pp_and(); } PP(pp_orassign) { return pp_or(); } PP(pp_dorassign) { return pp_defined(); } PP(pp_lcfirst) { return pp_ucfirst(); } PP(pp_slt) { return pp_sle(); } PP(pp_sgt) { return pp_sle(); } PP(pp_sge) { return pp_sle(); } PP(pp_rindex) { return pp_index(); } PP(pp_hex) { return pp_oct(); } PP(pp_pop) { return pp_shift(); } PP(pp_cos) { return pp_sin(); } PP(pp_exp) { return pp_sin(); } PP(pp_log) { return pp_sin(); } PP(pp_sqrt) { return pp_sin(); } PP(pp_bit_xor) { return pp_bit_or(); } PP(pp_rv2hv) { return Perl_pp_rv2av(aTHX); } U8 * Perl_uvuni_to_utf8(pTHX_ U8 *d, UV uv) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_UVUNI_TO_UTF8; return Perl_uvuni_to_utf8_flags(aTHX_ d, uv, 0); } bool Perl_is_utf8_string_loc(pTHX_ const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_IS_UTF8_STRING_LOC; return is_utf8_string_loclen(s, len, ep, 0); } /* =for apidoc sv_nolocking Dummy routine which "locks" an SV when there is no locking module present. Exists to avoid test for a NULL function pointer and because it could potentially warn under some level of strict-ness. "Superseded" by sv_nosharing(). =cut */ void Perl_sv_nolocking(pTHX_ SV *sv) { PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(sv); } /* =for apidoc sv_nounlocking Dummy routine which "unlocks" an SV when there is no locking module present. Exists to avoid test for a NULL function pointer and because it could potentially warn under some level of strict-ness. "Superseded" by sv_nosharing(). =cut */ void Perl_sv_nounlocking(pTHX_ SV *sv) { PERL_UNUSED_CONTEXT; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(sv); } void Perl_save_long(pTHX_ long int *longp) { dVAR; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SAVE_LONG; SSCHECK(3); SSPUSHLONG(*longp); SSPUSHPTR(longp); SSPUSHINT(SAVEt_LONG); } void Perl_save_iv(pTHX_ IV *ivp) { dVAR; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SAVE_IV; SSCHECK(3); SSPUSHIV(*ivp); SSPUSHPTR(ivp); SSPUSHINT(SAVEt_IV); } void Perl_save_nogv(pTHX_ GV *gv) { dVAR; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SAVE_NOGV; SSCHECK(2); SSPUSHPTR(gv); SSPUSHINT(SAVEt_NSTAB); } void Perl_save_list(pTHX_ register SV **sarg, I32 maxsarg) { dVAR; register I32 i; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SAVE_LIST; for (i = 1; i <= maxsarg; i++) { register SV * const sv = newSV(0); sv_setsv(sv,sarg[i]); SSCHECK(3); SSPUSHPTR(sarg[i]); /* remember the pointer */ SSPUSHPTR(sv); /* remember the value */ SSPUSHINT(SAVEt_ITEM); } } /* =for apidoc sv_usepvn_mg Like C<sv_usepvn>, but also handles 'set' magic. =cut */ void Perl_sv_usepvn_mg(pTHX_ SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_USEPVN_MG; sv_usepvn_flags(sv,ptr,len, SV_SMAGIC); } /* =for apidoc sv_usepvn Tells an SV to use C<ptr> to find its string value. Implemented by calling C<sv_usepvn_flags> with C<flags> of 0, hence does not handle 'set' magic. See C<sv_usepvn_flags>. =cut */ void Perl_sv_usepvn(pTHX_ SV *sv, char *ptr, STRLEN len) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_USEPVN; sv_usepvn_flags(sv,ptr,len, 0); } /* =for apidoc unpack_str The engine implementing unpack() Perl function. Note: parameters strbeg, new_s and ocnt are not used. This call should not be used, use unpackstring instead. =cut */ I32 Perl_unpack_str(pTHX_ const char *pat, const char *patend, const char *s, const char *strbeg, const char *strend, char **new_s, I32 ocnt, U32 flags) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_UNPACK_STR; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(strbeg); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(new_s); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(ocnt); return unpackstring(pat, patend, s, strend, flags); } /* =for apidoc pack_cat The engine implementing pack() Perl function. Note: parameters next_in_list and flags are not used. This call should not be used; use packlist instead. =cut */ void Perl_pack_cat(pTHX_ SV *cat, const char *pat, const char *patend, register SV **beglist, SV **endlist, SV ***next_in_list, U32 flags) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_PACK_CAT; PERL_UNUSED_ARG(next_in_list); PERL_UNUSED_ARG(flags); packlist(cat, pat, patend, beglist, endlist); } HE * Perl_hv_store_ent(pTHX_ HV *hv, SV *keysv, SV *val, U32 hash) { return (HE *)hv_common(hv, keysv, NULL, 0, 0, HV_FETCH_ISSTORE, val, hash); } bool Perl_hv_exists_ent(pTHX_ HV *hv, SV *keysv, U32 hash) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_EXISTS_ENT; return hv_common(hv, keysv, NULL, 0, 0, HV_FETCH_ISEXISTS, 0, hash) ? TRUE : FALSE; } HE * Perl_hv_fetch_ent(pTHX_ HV *hv, SV *keysv, I32 lval, U32 hash) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_FETCH_ENT; return (HE *)hv_common(hv, keysv, NULL, 0, 0, (lval ? HV_FETCH_LVALUE : 0), NULL, hash); } SV * Perl_hv_delete_ent(pTHX_ HV *hv, SV *keysv, I32 flags, U32 hash) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_DELETE_ENT; return MUTABLE_SV(hv_common(hv, keysv, NULL, 0, 0, flags | HV_DELETE, NULL, hash)); } SV** Perl_hv_store_flags(pTHX_ HV *hv, const char *key, I32 klen, SV *val, U32 hash, int flags) { return (SV**) hv_common(hv, NULL, key, klen, flags, (HV_FETCH_ISSTORE|HV_FETCH_JUST_SV), val, hash); } SV** Perl_hv_store(pTHX_ HV *hv, const char *key, I32 klen_i32, SV *val, U32 hash) { STRLEN klen; int flags; if (klen_i32 < 0) { klen = -klen_i32; flags = HVhek_UTF8; } else { klen = klen_i32; flags = 0; } return (SV **) hv_common(hv, NULL, key, klen, flags, (HV_FETCH_ISSTORE|HV_FETCH_JUST_SV), val, hash); } bool Perl_hv_exists(pTHX_ HV *hv, const char *key, I32 klen_i32) { STRLEN klen; int flags; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_EXISTS; if (klen_i32 < 0) { klen = -klen_i32; flags = HVhek_UTF8; } else { klen = klen_i32; flags = 0; } return hv_common(hv, NULL, key, klen, flags, HV_FETCH_ISEXISTS, 0, 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } SV** Perl_hv_fetch(pTHX_ HV *hv, const char *key, I32 klen_i32, I32 lval) { STRLEN klen; int flags; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_FETCH; if (klen_i32 < 0) { klen = -klen_i32; flags = HVhek_UTF8; } else { klen = klen_i32; flags = 0; } return (SV **) hv_common(hv, NULL, key, klen, flags, lval ? (HV_FETCH_JUST_SV | HV_FETCH_LVALUE) : HV_FETCH_JUST_SV, NULL, 0); } SV * Perl_hv_delete(pTHX_ HV *hv, const char *key, I32 klen_i32, I32 flags) { STRLEN klen; int k_flags; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_HV_DELETE; if (klen_i32 < 0) { klen = -klen_i32; k_flags = HVhek_UTF8; } else { klen = klen_i32; k_flags = 0; } return MUTABLE_SV(hv_common(hv, NULL, key, klen, k_flags, flags | HV_DELETE, NULL, 0)); } /* Functions after here were made mathoms post 5.10.0 but pre 5.8.9 */ AV * Perl_newAV(pTHX) { return MUTABLE_AV(newSV_type(SVt_PVAV)); /* sv_upgrade does AvREAL_only(): AvALLOC(av) = 0; AvARRAY(av) = NULL; AvMAX(av) = AvFILLp(av) = -1; */ } HV * Perl_newHV(pTHX) { HV * const hv = MUTABLE_HV(newSV_type(SVt_PVHV)); assert(!SvOK(hv)); return hv; } void Perl_sv_insert(pTHX_ SV *const bigstr, const STRLEN offset, const STRLEN len, const char *const little, const STRLEN littlelen) { PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SV_INSERT; sv_insert_flags(bigstr, offset, len, little, littlelen, SV_GMAGIC); } void Perl_save_freesv(pTHX_ SV *sv) { dVAR; save_freesv(sv); } void Perl_save_mortalizesv(pTHX_ SV *sv) { dVAR; PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_SAVE_MORTALIZESV; save_mortalizesv(sv); } void Perl_save_freeop(pTHX_ OP *o) { dVAR; save_freeop(o); } void Perl_save_freepv(pTHX_ char *pv) { dVAR; save_freepv(pv); } void Perl_save_op(pTHX) { dVAR; save_op(); } #ifdef PERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV GV * Perl_gv_SVadd(pTHX_ GV *gv) { return gv_SVadd(gv); } #endif GV * Perl_gv_AVadd(pTHX_ GV *gv) { return gv_AVadd(gv); } GV * Perl_gv_HVadd(pTHX_ register GV *gv) { return gv_HVadd(gv); } GV * Perl_gv_IOadd(pTHX_ register GV *gv) { return gv_IOadd(gv); } IO * Perl_newIO(pTHX) { return MUTABLE_IO(newSV_type(SVt_PVIO)); } #endif /* NO_MATHOMS */ /* * Local variables: * c-indentation-style: bsd * c-basic-offset: 4 * indent-tabs-mode: t * End: * * ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet: */