use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use File::Spec;
use File::Compare qw( compare );
use File::Copy qw( copy );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );

sub iterdirs(&);

my $rootdir = dirname($0);

unshift @INC, File::Spec->catfile($rootdir, 't', 'lib');

eval q{ use MakeMaker::Test::Utils qw( which_perl ) };
$@ and die $@;

my %opt = (
  list   => File::Spec->catfile($rootdir, 'mkppport.lst'),
  clean  => 0,

GetOptions(\%opt, qw( clean list=s )) or pod2usage(2);

my $absroot = File::Spec->rel2abs($rootdir);
my @destdirs = readlist($opt{list});

# Nothing to do...
unless (@destdirs) {
  print "no destination directories found in $opt{list}\n";
  exit 0;

# Remove all installed ppport.h files
if ($opt{clean}) {
  iterdirs {
    my($dir, $fulldir) = @_;
    my $dest = File::Spec->catfile($fulldir, 'ppport.h');
    if (-f $dest) {
      print "removing ppport.h for $dir\n";
      unlink $dest or warn "WARNING: could not remove $dest: $!\n";
      1 while unlink $dest;  # remove any remaining versions
  exit 0;

# Determine full perl location
my $perl = which_perl();

# We're now changing the directory, which confuses the deferred
# loading in, so we better use an absolute @INC path
unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($absroot, 'lib');

# Change to Devel::PPPort directory, as it needs the stuff
# from the parts/ directory
chdir File::Spec->catdir($rootdir, 'ext', 'Devel', 'PPPort');

# Capture and remove temporary files
my @unlink;

  for my $file (@unlink) {
    print "removing temporary file $file\n";
    unlink $file or warn "WARNING: could not remove $file: $!\n";
    1 while unlink $file;  # remove any remaining versions

# Try to create a ppport.h if it doesn't exist yet, and
# remember all files that need to be removed later.
unless (-e 'ppport.h') {
  unless (-e '') {
    push @unlink, '';
  push @unlink, 'ppport.h';

# Now install the created ppport.h into extension directories
iterdirs {
  my($dir, $fulldir) = @_;
  my $dest = File::Spec->catfile($fulldir, 'ppport.h');
  if (compare('ppport.h', $dest)) {
    print "installing ppport.h for $dir\n";
    copy('ppport.h', $dest) or die "copying ppport.h to $dest failed: $!\n";
  else {
    print "ppport.h in $dir is up-to-date\n";

exit 0;

# Iterate through extension directories
sub iterdirs(&)
  my $code = shift;
  for my $dir (@destdirs) {
    my $fulldir = File::Spec->catdir($absroot, $dir);
    if (-d $fulldir) {
      $code->($dir, $fulldir);
    else {
      warn "WARNING: no such directory: $fulldir\n";

# Read the list of extension directories
sub readlist
  my $list = shift;
  my @dirs;
  open LIST, $list or die "$list: $!\n";
  while (<LIST>) {
    /^\s*(?:$|#)/ or push @dirs, $_;
  close LIST;
  return @dirs;

# Runs a script in the Devel::PPPort directory
sub run
  my @args = ("-I" . File::Spec->catdir((File::Spec->updir) x 3, 'lib'), @_);
  my $run = $perl =~ m/\s/ ? qq("$perl") : $perl;
  for (@args) {
    $_ = qq("$_") if $^O eq 'VMS' && /^[^"]/;
    $run .= " $_";
  print "running $run\n";
  system $run and die "$run failed: $?\n";


=head1 NAME

mkppport - distribute ppport.h among extensions


mkppport [B<--list>=I<file>] [B<--clean>]


B<mkppport> generates a I<ppport.h> file using Devel::PPPort
and distributes it to the various extension directories that
need it to build.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item B<--list>=I<file>

Name of the file that holds the list of extension directories
that I<ppport.h> should be distributed to.
This defaults to I<mkppport.lst> in the same directory as this

=item B<--clean>

Run with this option to clean out all distributed I<ppport.h> files.



Copyright 2006 by Marcus Holland-Moritz <>.

This program is free software; you may redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
