/* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- * * opcode.h * * Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, * 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Larry Wall and others * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * * !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! * This file is built by regen/opcode.pl from its data. * Any changes made here will be lost! */ #if defined(PERL_CORE) || defined(PERL_EXT) #define Perl_pp_scalar Perl_pp_null #define Perl_pp_padany Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_regcmaybe Perl_pp_null #define Perl_pp_transr Perl_pp_trans #define Perl_pp_chomp Perl_pp_chop #define Perl_pp_schomp Perl_pp_schop #define Perl_pp_i_preinc Perl_pp_preinc #define Perl_pp_i_predec Perl_pp_predec #define Perl_pp_i_postinc Perl_pp_postinc #define Perl_pp_i_postdec Perl_pp_postdec #define Perl_pp_slt Perl_pp_sle #define Perl_pp_sgt Perl_pp_sle #define Perl_pp_sge Perl_pp_sle #define Perl_pp_bit_xor Perl_pp_bit_or #define Perl_pp_nbit_xor Perl_pp_nbit_or #define Perl_pp_sbit_xor Perl_pp_sbit_or #define Perl_pp_cos Perl_pp_sin #define Perl_pp_exp Perl_pp_sin #define Perl_pp_log Perl_pp_sin #define Perl_pp_sqrt Perl_pp_sin #define Perl_pp_hex Perl_pp_oct #define Perl_pp_rindex Perl_pp_index #define Perl_pp_lcfirst Perl_pp_ucfirst #define Perl_pp_aelemfast_lex Perl_pp_aelemfast #define Perl_pp_avalues Perl_pp_akeys #define Perl_pp_values Perl_do_kv #define Perl_pp_keys Perl_do_kv #define Perl_pp_rv2hv Perl_pp_rv2av #define Perl_pp_pop Perl_pp_shift #define Perl_pp_mapstart Perl_pp_grepstart #define Perl_pp_dor Perl_pp_defined #define Perl_pp_andassign Perl_pp_and #define Perl_pp_orassign Perl_pp_or #define Perl_pp_dorassign Perl_pp_defined #define Perl_pp_lineseq Perl_pp_null #define Perl_pp_scope Perl_pp_null #define Perl_pp_dump Perl_pp_goto #define Perl_pp_dbmclose Perl_pp_untie #define Perl_pp_read Perl_pp_sysread #define Perl_pp_say Perl_pp_print #define Perl_pp_seek Perl_pp_sysseek #define Perl_pp_fcntl Perl_pp_ioctl #ifdef HAS_SOCKET #define Perl_pp_send Perl_pp_syswrite #define Perl_pp_recv Perl_pp_sysread #else #define Perl_pp_send Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_recv Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_socket Perl_unimplemented_op #endif #ifdef HAS_SOCKET #define Perl_pp_connect Perl_pp_bind #define Perl_pp_gsockopt Perl_pp_ssockopt #define Perl_pp_getsockname Perl_pp_getpeername #else #define Perl_pp_bind Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_connect Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_listen Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_accept Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_shutdown Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_gsockopt Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_ssockopt Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_getsockname Perl_unimplemented_op #define Perl_pp_getpeername Perl_unimplemented_op #endif #define Perl_pp_lstat Perl_pp_stat #define Perl_pp_ftrwrite Perl_pp_ftrread #define Perl_pp_ftrexec Perl_pp_ftrread #define Perl_pp_fteread Perl_pp_ftrread #define Perl_pp_ftewrite Perl_pp_ftrread #define Perl_pp_fteexec Perl_pp_ftrread #define Perl_pp_ftsize Perl_pp_ftis #define Perl_pp_ftmtime Perl_pp_ftis #define Perl_pp_ftatime Perl_pp_ftis #define Perl_pp_ftctime Perl_pp_ftis #define Perl_pp_fteowned Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftzero Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftsock Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftchr Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftblk Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftfile Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftdir Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftpipe Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftsuid Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftsgid Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftsvtx Perl_pp_ftrowned #define Perl_pp_ftbinary Perl_pp_fttext #define Perl_pp_unlink Perl_pp_chown #define Perl_pp_chmod Perl_pp_chown #define Perl_pp_utime Perl_pp_chown #define Perl_pp_symlink Perl_pp_link #define Perl_pp_kill Perl_pp_chown #define Perl_pp_localtime Perl_pp_gmtime #define Perl_pp_shmget Perl_pp_semget #define Perl_pp_shmctl Perl_pp_semctl #define Perl_pp_shmread Perl_pp_shmwrite #define Perl_pp_msgget Perl_pp_semget #define Perl_pp_msgctl Perl_pp_semctl #define Perl_pp_msgsnd Perl_pp_shmwrite #define Perl_pp_msgrcv Perl_pp_shmwrite #define Perl_pp_semop Perl_pp_shmwrite #define Perl_pp_dofile Perl_pp_require #define Perl_pp_ghbyname Perl_pp_ghostent #define Perl_pp_ghbyaddr Perl_pp_ghostent #define Perl_pp_gnbyname Perl_pp_gnetent #define Perl_pp_gnbyaddr Perl_pp_gnetent #define Perl_pp_gpbyname Perl_pp_gprotoent #define Perl_pp_gpbynumber Perl_pp_gprotoent #define Perl_pp_gsbyname Perl_pp_gservent #define Perl_pp_gsbyport Perl_pp_gservent #define Perl_pp_snetent Perl_pp_shostent #define Perl_pp_sprotoent Perl_pp_shostent #define Perl_pp_sservent Perl_pp_shostent #define Perl_pp_enetent Perl_pp_ehostent #define Perl_pp_eprotoent Perl_pp_ehostent #define Perl_pp_eservent Perl_pp_ehostent #define Perl_pp_gpwnam Perl_pp_gpwent #define Perl_pp_gpwuid Perl_pp_gpwent #define Perl_pp_spwent Perl_pp_ehostent #define Perl_pp_epwent Perl_pp_ehostent #define Perl_pp_ggrnam Perl_pp_ggrent #define Perl_pp_ggrgid Perl_pp_ggrent #define Perl_pp_sgrent Perl_pp_ehostent #define Perl_pp_egrent Perl_pp_ehostent #define Perl_pp_custom Perl_unimplemented_op #endif /* End of if defined(PERL_CORE) || defined(PERL_EXT) */ START_EXTERN_C #ifndef DOINIT EXTCONST char* const PL_op_name[]; #else EXTCONST char* const PL_op_name[] = { "null", "stub", "scalar", "pushmark", "wantarray", "const", "gvsv", "gv", "gelem", "padsv", "padav", "padhv", "padany", "rv2gv", "rv2sv", "av2arylen", "rv2cv", "anoncode", "prototype", "refgen", "srefgen", "ref", "bless", "backtick", "glob", "readline", "rcatline", "regcmaybe", "regcreset", "regcomp", "match", "qr", "subst", "substcont", "trans", "transr", "sassign", "aassign", "chop", "schop", "chomp", "schomp", "defined", "undef", "study", "pos", "preinc", "i_preinc", "predec", "i_predec", "postinc", "i_postinc", "postdec", "i_postdec", "pow", "multiply", "i_multiply", "divide", "i_divide", "modulo", "i_modulo", "repeat", "add", "i_add", "subtract", "i_subtract", "concat", "multiconcat", "stringify", "left_shift", "right_shift", "lt", "i_lt", "gt", "i_gt", "le", "i_le", "ge", "i_ge", "eq", "i_eq", "ne", "i_ne", "ncmp", "i_ncmp", "slt", "sgt", "sle", "sge", "seq", "sne", "scmp", "bit_and", "bit_xor", "bit_or", "nbit_and", "nbit_xor", "nbit_or", "sbit_and", "sbit_xor", "sbit_or", "negate", "i_negate", "not", "complement", "ncomplement", "scomplement", "smartmatch", "atan2", "sin", "cos", "rand", "srand", "exp", "log", "sqrt", "int", "hex", "oct", "abs", "length", "substr", "vec", "index", "rindex", "sprintf", "formline", "ord", "chr", "crypt", "ucfirst", "lcfirst", "uc", "lc", "quotemeta", "rv2av", "aelemfast", "aelemfast_lex", "aelem", "aslice", "kvaslice", "aeach", "avalues", "akeys", "each", "values", "keys", "delete", "exists", "rv2hv", "helem", "hslice", "kvhslice", "multideref", "unpack", "pack", "split", "join", "list", "lslice", "anonlist", "anonhash", "splice", "push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "sort", "reverse", "grepstart", "grepwhile", "mapstart", "mapwhile", "range", "flip", "flop", "and", "or", "xor", "dor", "cond_expr", "andassign", "orassign", "dorassign", "entersub", "leavesub", "leavesublv", "argcheck", "argelem", "argdefelem", "caller", "warn", "die", "reset", "lineseq", "nextstate", "dbstate", "unstack", "enter", "leave", "scope", "enteriter", "iter", "enterloop", "leaveloop", "return", "last", "next", "redo", "dump", "goto", "exit", "method", "method_named", "method_super", "method_redir", "method_redir_super", "entergiven", "leavegiven", "enterwhen", "leavewhen", "break", "continue", "open", "close", "pipe_op", "fileno", "umask", "binmode", "tie", "untie", "tied", "dbmopen", "dbmclose", "sselect", "select", "getc", "read", "enterwrite", "leavewrite", "prtf", "print", "say", "sysopen", "sysseek", "sysread", "syswrite", "eof", "tell", "seek", "truncate", "fcntl", "ioctl", "flock", "send", "recv", "socket", "sockpair", "bind", "connect", "listen", "accept", "shutdown", "gsockopt", "ssockopt", "getsockname", "getpeername", "lstat", "stat", "ftrread", "ftrwrite", "ftrexec", "fteread", "ftewrite", "fteexec", "ftis", "ftsize", "ftmtime", "ftatime", "ftctime", "ftrowned", "fteowned", "ftzero", "ftsock", "ftchr", "ftblk", "ftfile", "ftdir", "ftpipe", "ftsuid", "ftsgid", "ftsvtx", "ftlink", "fttty", "fttext", "ftbinary", "chdir", "chown", "chroot", "unlink", "chmod", "utime", "rename", "link", "symlink", "readlink", "mkdir", "rmdir", "open_dir", "readdir", "telldir", "seekdir", "rewinddir", "closedir", "fork", "wait", "waitpid", "system", "exec", "kill", "getppid", "getpgrp", "setpgrp", "getpriority", "setpriority", "time", "tms", "localtime", "gmtime", "alarm", "sleep", "shmget", "shmctl", "shmread", "shmwrite", "msgget", "msgctl", "msgsnd", "msgrcv", "semop", "semget", "semctl", "require", "dofile", "hintseval", "entereval", "leaveeval", "entertry", "leavetry", "ghbyname", "ghbyaddr", "ghostent", "gnbyname", "gnbyaddr", "gnetent", "gpbyname", "gpbynumber", "gprotoent", "gsbyname", "gsbyport", "gservent", "shostent", "snetent", "sprotoent", "sservent", "ehostent", "enetent", "eprotoent", "eservent", "gpwnam", "gpwuid", "gpwent", "spwent", "epwent", "ggrnam", "ggrgid", "ggrent", "sgrent", "egrent", "getlogin", "syscall", "lock", "once", "custom", "coreargs", "avhvswitch", "runcv", "fc", "padcv", "introcv", "clonecv", "padrange", "refassign", "lvref", "lvrefslice", "lvavref", "anonconst", "isa", "cmpchain_and", "cmpchain_dup", "entertrycatch", "leavetrycatch", "poptry", "catch", "pushdefer", "isbool", "isweak", "weaken", "unweaken", "blessed", "refaddr", "reftype", "ceil", "floor", "freed", }; #endif #ifndef DOINIT EXTCONST char* const PL_op_desc[]; #else EXTCONST char* const PL_op_desc[] = { "null operation", "stub", "scalar", "pushmark", "wantarray", "constant item", "scalar variable", "glob value", "glob elem", "private variable", "private array", "private hash", "private value", "ref-to-glob cast", "scalar dereference", "array length", "subroutine dereference", "anonymous subroutine", "subroutine prototype", "reference constructor", "single ref constructor", "reference-type operator", "bless", "quoted execution (``, qx)", "glob", "", "append I/O operator", "regexp internal guard", "regexp internal reset", "regexp compilation", "pattern match (m//)", "pattern quote (qr//)", "substitution (s///)", "substitution iterator", "transliteration (tr///)", "transliteration (tr///)", "scalar assignment", "list assignment", "chop", "scalar chop", "chomp", "scalar chomp", "defined operator", "undef operator", "study", "match position", "preincrement (++)", "integer preincrement (++)", "predecrement (--)", "integer predecrement (--)", "postincrement (++)", "integer postincrement (++)", "postdecrement (--)", "integer postdecrement (--)", "exponentiation (**)", "multiplication (*)", "integer multiplication (*)", "division (/)", "integer division (/)", "modulus (%)", "integer modulus (%)", "repeat (x)", "addition (+)", "integer addition (+)", "subtraction (-)", "integer subtraction (-)", "concatenation (.) or string", "concatenation (.) or string", "string", "left bitshift (<<)", "right bitshift (>>)", "numeric lt (<)", "integer lt (<)", "numeric gt (>)", "integer gt (>)", "numeric le (<=)", "integer le (<=)", "numeric ge (>=)", "integer ge (>=)", "numeric eq (==)", "integer eq (==)", "numeric ne (!=)", "integer ne (!=)", "numeric comparison (<=>)", "integer comparison (<=>)", "string lt", "string gt", "string le", "string ge", "string eq", "string ne", "string comparison (cmp)", "bitwise and (&)", "bitwise xor (^)", "bitwise or (|)", "numeric bitwise and (&)", "numeric bitwise xor (^)", "numeric bitwise or (|)", "string bitwise and (&.)", "string bitwise xor (^.)", "string bitwise or (|.)", "negation (-)", "integer negation (-)", "not", "1's complement (~)", "numeric 1's complement (~)", "string 1's complement (~)", "smart match", "atan2", "sin", "cos", "rand", "srand", "exp", "log", "sqrt", "int", "hex", "oct", "abs", "length", "substr", "vec", "index", "rindex", "sprintf", "formline", "ord", "chr", "crypt", "ucfirst", "lcfirst", "uc", "lc", "quotemeta", "array dereference", "constant array element", "constant lexical array element", "array element", "array slice", "index/value array slice", "each on array", "values on array", "keys on array", "each", "values", "keys", "delete", "exists", "hash dereference", "hash element", "hash slice", "key/value hash slice", "array or hash lookup", "unpack", "pack", "split", "join or string", "list", "list slice", "anonymous array ([])", "anonymous hash ({})", "splice", "push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "sort", "reverse", "grep", "grep iterator", "map", "map iterator", "flipflop", "range (or flip)", "range (or flop)", "logical and (&&)", "logical or (||)", "logical xor", "defined or (//)", "conditional expression", "logical and assignment (&&=)", "logical or assignment (||=)", "defined or assignment (//=)", "subroutine entry", "subroutine exit", "lvalue subroutine return", "check subroutine arguments", "subroutine argument", "subroutine argument default value", "caller", "warn", "die", "symbol reset", "line sequence", "next statement", "debug next statement", "iteration finalizer", "block entry", "block exit", "block", "foreach loop entry", "foreach loop iterator", "loop entry", "loop exit", "return", "last", "next", "redo", "dump", "goto", "exit", "method lookup", "method with known name", "super with known name", "redirect method with known name", "redirect super method with known name", "given()", "leave given block", "when()", "leave when block", "break", "continue", "open", "close", "pipe", "fileno", "umask", "binmode", "tie", "untie", "tied", "dbmopen", "dbmclose", "select system call", "select", "getc", "read", "write", "write exit", "printf", "print", "say", "sysopen", "sysseek", "sysread", "syswrite", "eof", "tell", "seek", "truncate", "fcntl", "ioctl", "flock", "send", "recv", "socket", "socketpair", "bind", "connect", "listen", "accept", "shutdown", "getsockopt", "setsockopt", "getsockname", "getpeername", "lstat", "stat", "-R", "-W", "-X", "-r", "-w", "-x", "-e", "-s", "-M", "-A", "-C", "-O", "-o", "-z", "-S", "-c", "-b", "-f", "-d", "-p", "-u", "-g", "-k", "-l", "-t", "-T", "-B", "chdir", "chown", "chroot", "unlink", "chmod", "utime", "rename", "link", "symlink", "readlink", "mkdir", "rmdir", "opendir", "readdir", "telldir", "seekdir", "rewinddir", "closedir", "fork", "wait", "waitpid", "system", "exec", "kill", "getppid", "getpgrp", "setpgrp", "getpriority", "setpriority", "time", "times", "localtime", "gmtime", "alarm", "sleep", "shmget", "shmctl", "shmread", "shmwrite", "msgget", "msgctl", "msgsnd", "msgrcv", "semop", "semget", "semctl", "require", "do \"file\"", "eval hints", "eval \"string\"", "eval \"string\" exit", "eval {block}", "eval {block} exit", "gethostbyname", "gethostbyaddr", "gethostent", "getnetbyname", "getnetbyaddr", "getnetent", "getprotobyname", "getprotobynumber", "getprotoent", "getservbyname", "getservbyport", "getservent", "sethostent", "setnetent", "setprotoent", "setservent", "endhostent", "endnetent", "endprotoent", "endservent", "getpwnam", "getpwuid", "getpwent", "setpwent", "endpwent", "getgrnam", "getgrgid", "getgrent", "setgrent", "endgrent", "getlogin", "syscall", "lock", "once", "unknown custom operator", "CORE:: subroutine", "Array/hash switch", "__SUB__", "fc", "private subroutine", "private subroutine", "private subroutine", "list of private variables", "lvalue ref assignment", "lvalue ref assignment", "lvalue ref assignment", "lvalue array reference", "anonymous constant", "derived class test", "comparison chaining", "comparand shuffling", "try {block}", "try {block} exit", "pop try", "catch {} block", "push defer {} block", "boolean type test", "weakref type test", "reference weaken", "reference unweaken", "blessed", "refaddr", "reftype", "ceil", "floor", "freed op", }; #endif END_EXTERN_C START_EXTERN_C EXT Perl_ppaddr_t PL_ppaddr[] /* or perlvars.h */ #if defined(DOINIT) = { Perl_pp_null, Perl_pp_stub, Perl_pp_scalar, /* implemented by Perl_pp_null */ Perl_pp_pushmark, Perl_pp_wantarray, Perl_pp_const, Perl_pp_gvsv, Perl_pp_gv, Perl_pp_gelem, Perl_pp_padsv, Perl_pp_padav, Perl_pp_padhv, Perl_pp_padany, /* implemented by Perl_unimplemented_op */ Perl_pp_rv2gv, Perl_pp_rv2sv, Perl_pp_av2arylen, Perl_pp_rv2cv, Perl_pp_anoncode, Perl_pp_prototype, Perl_pp_refgen, Perl_pp_srefgen, Perl_pp_ref, Perl_pp_bless, Perl_pp_backtick, Perl_pp_glob, Perl_pp_readline, Perl_pp_rcatline, Perl_pp_regcmaybe, /* implemented by Perl_pp_null */ Perl_pp_regcreset, Perl_pp_regcomp, Perl_pp_match, Perl_pp_qr, Perl_pp_subst, Perl_pp_substcont, Perl_pp_trans, Perl_pp_transr, /* implemented by Perl_pp_trans */ Perl_pp_sassign, Perl_pp_aassign, Perl_pp_chop, Perl_pp_schop, Perl_pp_chomp, /* implemented by Perl_pp_chop */ Perl_pp_schomp, /* implemented by Perl_pp_schop */ Perl_pp_defined, Perl_pp_undef, Perl_pp_study, Perl_pp_pos, Perl_pp_preinc, Perl_pp_i_preinc, /* implemented by Perl_pp_preinc */ Perl_pp_predec, Perl_pp_i_predec, /* implemented by Perl_pp_predec */ Perl_pp_postinc, Perl_pp_i_postinc, /* implemented by Perl_pp_postinc */ Perl_pp_postdec, Perl_pp_i_postdec, /* implemented by Perl_pp_postdec */ Perl_pp_pow, Perl_pp_multiply, Perl_pp_i_multiply, Perl_pp_divide, Perl_pp_i_divide, Perl_pp_modulo, Perl_pp_i_modulo, Perl_pp_repeat, Perl_pp_add, Perl_pp_i_add, Perl_pp_subtract, Perl_pp_i_subtract, Perl_pp_concat, Perl_pp_multiconcat, Perl_pp_stringify, Perl_pp_left_shift, Perl_pp_right_shift, Perl_pp_lt, Perl_pp_i_lt, Perl_pp_gt, Perl_pp_i_gt, Perl_pp_le, Perl_pp_i_le, Perl_pp_ge, Perl_pp_i_ge, Perl_pp_eq, Perl_pp_i_eq, Perl_pp_ne, Perl_pp_i_ne, Perl_pp_ncmp, Perl_pp_i_ncmp, Perl_pp_slt, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sle */ Perl_pp_sgt, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sle */ Perl_pp_sle, Perl_pp_sge, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sle */ Perl_pp_seq, Perl_pp_sne, Perl_pp_scmp, Perl_pp_bit_and, Perl_pp_bit_xor, /* implemented by Perl_pp_bit_or */ Perl_pp_bit_or, Perl_pp_nbit_and, Perl_pp_nbit_xor, /* implemented by Perl_pp_nbit_or */ Perl_pp_nbit_or, Perl_pp_sbit_and, Perl_pp_sbit_xor, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sbit_or */ Perl_pp_sbit_or, Perl_pp_negate, Perl_pp_i_negate, Perl_pp_not, Perl_pp_complement, Perl_pp_ncomplement, Perl_pp_scomplement, Perl_pp_smartmatch, Perl_pp_atan2, Perl_pp_sin, Perl_pp_cos, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sin */ Perl_pp_rand, Perl_pp_srand, Perl_pp_exp, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sin */ Perl_pp_log, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sin */ Perl_pp_sqrt, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sin */ Perl_pp_int, Perl_pp_hex, /* implemented by Perl_pp_oct */ Perl_pp_oct, Perl_pp_abs, Perl_pp_length, Perl_pp_substr, Perl_pp_vec, Perl_pp_index, Perl_pp_rindex, /* implemented by Perl_pp_index */ Perl_pp_sprintf, Perl_pp_formline, Perl_pp_ord, Perl_pp_chr, Perl_pp_crypt, Perl_pp_ucfirst, Perl_pp_lcfirst, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ucfirst */ Perl_pp_uc, Perl_pp_lc, Perl_pp_quotemeta, Perl_pp_rv2av, Perl_pp_aelemfast, Perl_pp_aelemfast_lex, /* implemented by Perl_pp_aelemfast */ Perl_pp_aelem, Perl_pp_aslice, Perl_pp_kvaslice, Perl_pp_aeach, Perl_pp_avalues, /* implemented by Perl_pp_akeys */ Perl_pp_akeys, Perl_pp_each, Perl_pp_values, /* implemented by Perl_do_kv */ Perl_pp_keys, /* implemented by Perl_do_kv */ Perl_pp_delete, Perl_pp_exists, Perl_pp_rv2hv, /* implemented by Perl_pp_rv2av */ Perl_pp_helem, Perl_pp_hslice, Perl_pp_kvhslice, Perl_pp_multideref, Perl_pp_unpack, Perl_pp_pack, Perl_pp_split, Perl_pp_join, Perl_pp_list, Perl_pp_lslice, Perl_pp_anonlist, Perl_pp_anonhash, Perl_pp_splice, Perl_pp_push, Perl_pp_pop, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shift */ Perl_pp_shift, Perl_pp_unshift, Perl_pp_sort, Perl_pp_reverse, Perl_pp_grepstart, Perl_pp_grepwhile, Perl_pp_mapstart, /* implemented by Perl_pp_grepstart */ Perl_pp_mapwhile, Perl_pp_range, Perl_pp_flip, Perl_pp_flop, Perl_pp_and, Perl_pp_or, Perl_pp_xor, Perl_pp_dor, /* implemented by Perl_pp_defined */ Perl_pp_cond_expr, Perl_pp_andassign, /* implemented by Perl_pp_and */ Perl_pp_orassign, /* implemented by Perl_pp_or */ Perl_pp_dorassign, /* implemented by Perl_pp_defined */ Perl_pp_entersub, Perl_pp_leavesub, Perl_pp_leavesublv, Perl_pp_argcheck, Perl_pp_argelem, Perl_pp_argdefelem, Perl_pp_caller, Perl_pp_warn, Perl_pp_die, Perl_pp_reset, Perl_pp_lineseq, /* implemented by Perl_pp_null */ Perl_pp_nextstate, Perl_pp_dbstate, Perl_pp_unstack, Perl_pp_enter, Perl_pp_leave, Perl_pp_scope, /* implemented by Perl_pp_null */ Perl_pp_enteriter, Perl_pp_iter, Perl_pp_enterloop, Perl_pp_leaveloop, Perl_pp_return, Perl_pp_last, Perl_pp_next, Perl_pp_redo, Perl_pp_dump, /* implemented by Perl_pp_goto */ Perl_pp_goto, Perl_pp_exit, Perl_pp_method, Perl_pp_method_named, Perl_pp_method_super, Perl_pp_method_redir, Perl_pp_method_redir_super, Perl_pp_entergiven, Perl_pp_leavegiven, Perl_pp_enterwhen, Perl_pp_leavewhen, Perl_pp_break, Perl_pp_continue, Perl_pp_open, Perl_pp_close, Perl_pp_pipe_op, Perl_pp_fileno, Perl_pp_umask, Perl_pp_binmode, Perl_pp_tie, Perl_pp_untie, Perl_pp_tied, Perl_pp_dbmopen, Perl_pp_dbmclose, /* implemented by Perl_pp_untie */ Perl_pp_sselect, Perl_pp_select, Perl_pp_getc, Perl_pp_read, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sysread */ Perl_pp_enterwrite, Perl_pp_leavewrite, Perl_pp_prtf, Perl_pp_print, Perl_pp_say, /* implemented by Perl_pp_print */ Perl_pp_sysopen, Perl_pp_sysseek, Perl_pp_sysread, Perl_pp_syswrite, Perl_pp_eof, Perl_pp_tell, Perl_pp_seek, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sysseek */ Perl_pp_truncate, Perl_pp_fcntl, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ioctl */ Perl_pp_ioctl, Perl_pp_flock, Perl_pp_send, /* implemented by Perl_pp_syswrite */ Perl_pp_recv, /* implemented by Perl_pp_sysread */ Perl_pp_socket, Perl_pp_sockpair, Perl_pp_bind, Perl_pp_connect, /* implemented by Perl_pp_bind */ Perl_pp_listen, Perl_pp_accept, Perl_pp_shutdown, Perl_pp_gsockopt, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ssockopt */ Perl_pp_ssockopt, Perl_pp_getsockname, /* implemented by Perl_pp_getpeername */ Perl_pp_getpeername, Perl_pp_lstat, /* implemented by Perl_pp_stat */ Perl_pp_stat, Perl_pp_ftrread, Perl_pp_ftrwrite, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrread */ Perl_pp_ftrexec, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrread */ Perl_pp_fteread, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrread */ Perl_pp_ftewrite, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrread */ Perl_pp_fteexec, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrread */ Perl_pp_ftis, Perl_pp_ftsize, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftis */ Perl_pp_ftmtime, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftis */ Perl_pp_ftatime, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftis */ Perl_pp_ftctime, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftis */ Perl_pp_ftrowned, Perl_pp_fteowned, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftzero, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftsock, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftchr, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftblk, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftfile, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftdir, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftpipe, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftsuid, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftsgid, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftsvtx, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ftrowned */ Perl_pp_ftlink, Perl_pp_fttty, Perl_pp_fttext, Perl_pp_ftbinary, /* implemented by Perl_pp_fttext */ Perl_pp_chdir, Perl_pp_chown, Perl_pp_chroot, Perl_pp_unlink, /* implemented by Perl_pp_chown */ Perl_pp_chmod, /* implemented by Perl_pp_chown */ Perl_pp_utime, /* implemented by Perl_pp_chown */ Perl_pp_rename, Perl_pp_link, Perl_pp_symlink, /* implemented by Perl_pp_link */ Perl_pp_readlink, Perl_pp_mkdir, Perl_pp_rmdir, Perl_pp_open_dir, Perl_pp_readdir, Perl_pp_telldir, Perl_pp_seekdir, Perl_pp_rewinddir, Perl_pp_closedir, Perl_pp_fork, Perl_pp_wait, Perl_pp_waitpid, Perl_pp_system, Perl_pp_exec, Perl_pp_kill, /* implemented by Perl_pp_chown */ Perl_pp_getppid, Perl_pp_getpgrp, Perl_pp_setpgrp, Perl_pp_getpriority, Perl_pp_setpriority, Perl_pp_time, Perl_pp_tms, Perl_pp_localtime, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gmtime */ Perl_pp_gmtime, Perl_pp_alarm, Perl_pp_sleep, Perl_pp_shmget, /* implemented by Perl_pp_semget */ Perl_pp_shmctl, /* implemented by Perl_pp_semctl */ Perl_pp_shmread, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shmwrite */ Perl_pp_shmwrite, Perl_pp_msgget, /* implemented by Perl_pp_semget */ Perl_pp_msgctl, /* implemented by Perl_pp_semctl */ Perl_pp_msgsnd, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shmwrite */ Perl_pp_msgrcv, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shmwrite */ Perl_pp_semop, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shmwrite */ Perl_pp_semget, Perl_pp_semctl, Perl_pp_require, Perl_pp_dofile, /* implemented by Perl_pp_require */ Perl_pp_hintseval, Perl_pp_entereval, Perl_pp_leaveeval, Perl_pp_entertry, Perl_pp_leavetry, Perl_pp_ghbyname, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ghostent */ Perl_pp_ghbyaddr, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ghostent */ Perl_pp_ghostent, Perl_pp_gnbyname, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gnetent */ Perl_pp_gnbyaddr, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gnetent */ Perl_pp_gnetent, Perl_pp_gpbyname, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gprotoent */ Perl_pp_gpbynumber, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gprotoent */ Perl_pp_gprotoent, Perl_pp_gsbyname, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gservent */ Perl_pp_gsbyport, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gservent */ Perl_pp_gservent, Perl_pp_shostent, Perl_pp_snetent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shostent */ Perl_pp_sprotoent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shostent */ Perl_pp_sservent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_shostent */ Perl_pp_ehostent, Perl_pp_enetent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ehostent */ Perl_pp_eprotoent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ehostent */ Perl_pp_eservent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ehostent */ Perl_pp_gpwnam, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gpwent */ Perl_pp_gpwuid, /* implemented by Perl_pp_gpwent */ Perl_pp_gpwent, Perl_pp_spwent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ehostent */ Perl_pp_epwent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ehostent */ Perl_pp_ggrnam, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ggrent */ Perl_pp_ggrgid, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ggrent */ Perl_pp_ggrent, Perl_pp_sgrent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ehostent */ Perl_pp_egrent, /* implemented by Perl_pp_ehostent */ Perl_pp_getlogin, Perl_pp_syscall, Perl_pp_lock, Perl_pp_once, Perl_pp_custom, /* implemented by Perl_unimplemented_op */ Perl_pp_coreargs, Perl_pp_avhvswitch, Perl_pp_runcv, Perl_pp_fc, Perl_pp_padcv, Perl_pp_introcv, Perl_pp_clonecv, Perl_pp_padrange, Perl_pp_refassign, Perl_pp_lvref, Perl_pp_lvrefslice, Perl_pp_lvavref, Perl_pp_anonconst, Perl_pp_isa, Perl_pp_cmpchain_and, Perl_pp_cmpchain_dup, Perl_pp_entertrycatch, Perl_pp_leavetrycatch, Perl_pp_poptry, Perl_pp_catch, Perl_pp_pushdefer, Perl_pp_isbool, Perl_pp_isweak, Perl_pp_weaken, Perl_pp_unweaken, Perl_pp_blessed, Perl_pp_refaddr, Perl_pp_reftype, Perl_pp_ceil, Perl_pp_floor, } #endif ; EXT Perl_check_t PL_check[] /* or perlvars.h */ #if defined(DOINIT) = { Perl_ck_null, /* null */ Perl_ck_null, /* stub */ Perl_ck_fun, /* scalar */ Perl_ck_null, /* pushmark */ Perl_ck_null, /* wantarray */ Perl_ck_svconst, /* const */ Perl_ck_null, /* gvsv */ Perl_ck_null, /* gv */ Perl_ck_null, /* gelem */ Perl_ck_null, /* padsv */ Perl_ck_null, /* padav */ Perl_ck_null, /* padhv */ Perl_ck_null, /* padany */ Perl_ck_rvconst, /* rv2gv */ Perl_ck_rvconst, /* rv2sv */ Perl_ck_null, /* av2arylen */ Perl_ck_rvconst, /* rv2cv */ Perl_ck_anoncode, /* anoncode */ Perl_ck_prototype, /* prototype */ Perl_ck_spair, /* refgen */ Perl_ck_null, /* srefgen */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ref */ Perl_ck_fun, /* bless */ Perl_ck_backtick, /* backtick */ Perl_ck_glob, /* glob */ Perl_ck_readline, /* readline */ Perl_ck_null, /* rcatline */ Perl_ck_fun, /* regcmaybe */ Perl_ck_fun, /* regcreset */ Perl_ck_null, /* regcomp */ Perl_ck_match, /* match */ Perl_ck_match, /* qr */ Perl_ck_match, /* subst */ Perl_ck_null, /* substcont */ Perl_ck_match, /* trans */ Perl_ck_match, /* transr */ Perl_ck_sassign, /* sassign */ Perl_ck_null, /* aassign */ Perl_ck_spair, /* chop */ Perl_ck_null, /* schop */ Perl_ck_spair, /* chomp */ Perl_ck_null, /* schomp */ Perl_ck_defined, /* defined */ Perl_ck_fun, /* undef */ Perl_ck_fun, /* study */ Perl_ck_fun, /* pos */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* preinc */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* i_preinc */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* predec */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* i_predec */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* postinc */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* i_postinc */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* postdec */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* i_postdec */ Perl_ck_null, /* pow */ Perl_ck_null, /* multiply */ Perl_ck_null, /* i_multiply */ Perl_ck_null, /* divide */ Perl_ck_null, /* i_divide */ Perl_ck_null, /* modulo */ Perl_ck_null, /* i_modulo */ Perl_ck_repeat, /* repeat */ Perl_ck_null, /* add */ Perl_ck_null, /* i_add */ Perl_ck_null, /* subtract */ Perl_ck_null, /* i_subtract */ Perl_ck_concat, /* concat */ Perl_ck_null, /* multiconcat */ Perl_ck_stringify, /* stringify */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* left_shift */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* right_shift */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* lt */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* i_lt */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* gt */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* i_gt */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* le */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* i_le */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* ge */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* i_ge */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* eq */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* i_eq */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* ne */ Perl_ck_cmp, /* i_ne */ Perl_ck_null, /* ncmp */ Perl_ck_null, /* i_ncmp */ Perl_ck_null, /* slt */ Perl_ck_null, /* sgt */ Perl_ck_null, /* sle */ Perl_ck_null, /* sge */ Perl_ck_null, /* seq */ Perl_ck_null, /* sne */ Perl_ck_null, /* scmp */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* bit_and */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* bit_xor */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* bit_or */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* nbit_and */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* nbit_xor */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* nbit_or */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* sbit_and */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* sbit_xor */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* sbit_or */ Perl_ck_null, /* negate */ Perl_ck_null, /* i_negate */ Perl_ck_null, /* not */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* complement */ Perl_ck_bitop, /* ncomplement */ Perl_ck_null, /* scomplement */ Perl_ck_smartmatch, /* smartmatch */ Perl_ck_fun, /* atan2 */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sin */ Perl_ck_fun, /* cos */ Perl_ck_fun, /* rand */ Perl_ck_fun, /* srand */ Perl_ck_fun, /* exp */ Perl_ck_fun, /* log */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sqrt */ Perl_ck_fun, /* int */ Perl_ck_fun, /* hex */ Perl_ck_fun, /* oct */ Perl_ck_fun, /* abs */ Perl_ck_length, /* length */ Perl_ck_substr, /* substr */ Perl_ck_fun, /* vec */ Perl_ck_index, /* index */ Perl_ck_index, /* rindex */ Perl_ck_lfun, /* sprintf */ Perl_ck_fun, /* formline */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ord */ Perl_ck_fun, /* chr */ Perl_ck_fun, /* crypt */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ucfirst */ Perl_ck_fun, /* lcfirst */ Perl_ck_fun, /* uc */ Perl_ck_fun, /* lc */ Perl_ck_fun, /* quotemeta */ Perl_ck_rvconst, /* rv2av */ Perl_ck_null, /* aelemfast */ Perl_ck_null, /* aelemfast_lex */ Perl_ck_null, /* aelem */ Perl_ck_null, /* aslice */ Perl_ck_null, /* kvaslice */ Perl_ck_each, /* aeach */ Perl_ck_each, /* avalues */ Perl_ck_each, /* akeys */ Perl_ck_each, /* each */ Perl_ck_each, /* values */ Perl_ck_each, /* keys */ Perl_ck_delete, /* delete */ Perl_ck_exists, /* exists */ Perl_ck_rvconst, /* rv2hv */ Perl_ck_null, /* helem */ Perl_ck_null, /* hslice */ Perl_ck_null, /* kvhslice */ Perl_ck_null, /* multideref */ Perl_ck_fun, /* unpack */ Perl_ck_fun, /* pack */ Perl_ck_split, /* split */ Perl_ck_join, /* join */ Perl_ck_null, /* list */ Perl_ck_null, /* lslice */ Perl_ck_fun, /* anonlist */ Perl_ck_fun, /* anonhash */ Perl_ck_fun, /* splice */ Perl_ck_fun, /* push */ Perl_ck_shift, /* pop */ Perl_ck_shift, /* shift */ Perl_ck_fun, /* unshift */ Perl_ck_sort, /* sort */ Perl_ck_fun, /* reverse */ Perl_ck_grep, /* grepstart */ Perl_ck_null, /* grepwhile */ Perl_ck_grep, /* mapstart */ Perl_ck_null, /* mapwhile */ Perl_ck_null, /* range */ Perl_ck_null, /* flip */ Perl_ck_null, /* flop */ Perl_ck_null, /* and */ Perl_ck_null, /* or */ Perl_ck_null, /* xor */ Perl_ck_null, /* dor */ Perl_ck_null, /* cond_expr */ Perl_ck_null, /* andassign */ Perl_ck_null, /* orassign */ Perl_ck_null, /* dorassign */ Perl_ck_subr, /* entersub */ Perl_ck_null, /* leavesub */ Perl_ck_null, /* leavesublv */ Perl_ck_null, /* argcheck */ Perl_ck_null, /* argelem */ Perl_ck_null, /* argdefelem */ Perl_ck_fun, /* caller */ Perl_ck_fun, /* warn */ Perl_ck_fun, /* die */ Perl_ck_fun, /* reset */ Perl_ck_null, /* lineseq */ Perl_ck_null, /* nextstate */ Perl_ck_null, /* dbstate */ Perl_ck_null, /* unstack */ Perl_ck_null, /* enter */ Perl_ck_null, /* leave */ Perl_ck_null, /* scope */ Perl_ck_null, /* enteriter */ Perl_ck_null, /* iter */ Perl_ck_null, /* enterloop */ Perl_ck_null, /* leaveloop */ Perl_ck_return, /* return */ Perl_ck_null, /* last */ Perl_ck_null, /* next */ Perl_ck_null, /* redo */ Perl_ck_null, /* dump */ Perl_ck_null, /* goto */ Perl_ck_fun, /* exit */ Perl_ck_method, /* method */ Perl_ck_null, /* method_named */ Perl_ck_null, /* method_super */ Perl_ck_null, /* method_redir */ Perl_ck_null, /* method_redir_super */ Perl_ck_null, /* entergiven */ Perl_ck_null, /* leavegiven */ Perl_ck_null, /* enterwhen */ Perl_ck_null, /* leavewhen */ Perl_ck_null, /* break */ Perl_ck_null, /* continue */ Perl_ck_open, /* open */ Perl_ck_fun, /* close */ Perl_ck_fun, /* pipe_op */ Perl_ck_fun, /* fileno */ Perl_ck_fun, /* umask */ Perl_ck_fun, /* binmode */ Perl_ck_fun, /* tie */ Perl_ck_fun, /* untie */ Perl_ck_fun, /* tied */ Perl_ck_fun, /* dbmopen */ Perl_ck_fun, /* dbmclose */ Perl_ck_select, /* sselect */ Perl_ck_select, /* select */ Perl_ck_eof, /* getc */ Perl_ck_fun, /* read */ Perl_ck_fun, /* enterwrite */ Perl_ck_null, /* leavewrite */ Perl_ck_listiob, /* prtf */ Perl_ck_listiob, /* print */ Perl_ck_listiob, /* say */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sysopen */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sysseek */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sysread */ Perl_ck_fun, /* syswrite */ Perl_ck_eof, /* eof */ Perl_ck_tell, /* tell */ Perl_ck_tell, /* seek */ Perl_ck_trunc, /* truncate */ Perl_ck_fun, /* fcntl */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ioctl */ Perl_ck_fun, /* flock */ Perl_ck_fun, /* send */ Perl_ck_fun, /* recv */ Perl_ck_fun, /* socket */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sockpair */ Perl_ck_fun, /* bind */ Perl_ck_fun, /* connect */ Perl_ck_fun, /* listen */ Perl_ck_fun, /* accept */ Perl_ck_fun, /* shutdown */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gsockopt */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ssockopt */ Perl_ck_fun, /* getsockname */ Perl_ck_fun, /* getpeername */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* lstat */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* stat */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftrread */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftrwrite */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftrexec */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* fteread */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftewrite */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* fteexec */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftis */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftsize */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftmtime */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftatime */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftctime */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftrowned */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* fteowned */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftzero */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftsock */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftchr */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftblk */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftfile */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftdir */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftpipe */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftsuid */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftsgid */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftsvtx */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftlink */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* fttty */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* fttext */ Perl_ck_ftst, /* ftbinary */ Perl_ck_trunc, /* chdir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* chown */ Perl_ck_fun, /* chroot */ Perl_ck_fun, /* unlink */ Perl_ck_fun, /* chmod */ Perl_ck_fun, /* utime */ Perl_ck_fun, /* rename */ Perl_ck_fun, /* link */ Perl_ck_fun, /* symlink */ Perl_ck_fun, /* readlink */ Perl_ck_fun, /* mkdir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* rmdir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* open_dir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* readdir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* telldir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* seekdir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* rewinddir */ Perl_ck_fun, /* closedir */ Perl_ck_null, /* fork */ Perl_ck_null, /* wait */ Perl_ck_fun, /* waitpid */ Perl_ck_exec, /* system */ Perl_ck_exec, /* exec */ Perl_ck_fun, /* kill */ Perl_ck_null, /* getppid */ Perl_ck_fun, /* getpgrp */ Perl_ck_fun, /* setpgrp */ Perl_ck_fun, /* getpriority */ Perl_ck_fun, /* setpriority */ Perl_ck_null, /* time */ Perl_ck_null, /* tms */ Perl_ck_fun, /* localtime */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gmtime */ Perl_ck_fun, /* alarm */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sleep */ Perl_ck_fun, /* shmget */ Perl_ck_fun, /* shmctl */ Perl_ck_fun, /* shmread */ Perl_ck_fun, /* shmwrite */ Perl_ck_fun, /* msgget */ Perl_ck_fun, /* msgctl */ Perl_ck_fun, /* msgsnd */ Perl_ck_fun, /* msgrcv */ Perl_ck_fun, /* semop */ Perl_ck_fun, /* semget */ Perl_ck_fun, /* semctl */ Perl_ck_require, /* require */ Perl_ck_fun, /* dofile */ Perl_ck_svconst, /* hintseval */ Perl_ck_eval, /* entereval */ Perl_ck_null, /* leaveeval */ Perl_ck_eval, /* entertry */ Perl_ck_null, /* leavetry */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ghbyname */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ghbyaddr */ Perl_ck_null, /* ghostent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gnbyname */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gnbyaddr */ Perl_ck_null, /* gnetent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gpbyname */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gpbynumber */ Perl_ck_null, /* gprotoent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gsbyname */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gsbyport */ Perl_ck_null, /* gservent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* shostent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* snetent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sprotoent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* sservent */ Perl_ck_null, /* ehostent */ Perl_ck_null, /* enetent */ Perl_ck_null, /* eprotoent */ Perl_ck_null, /* eservent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gpwnam */ Perl_ck_fun, /* gpwuid */ Perl_ck_null, /* gpwent */ Perl_ck_null, /* spwent */ Perl_ck_null, /* epwent */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ggrnam */ Perl_ck_fun, /* ggrgid */ Perl_ck_null, /* ggrent */ Perl_ck_null, /* sgrent */ Perl_ck_null, /* egrent */ Perl_ck_null, /* getlogin */ Perl_ck_fun, /* syscall */ Perl_ck_rfun, /* lock */ Perl_ck_null, /* once */ Perl_ck_null, /* custom */ Perl_ck_null, /* coreargs */ Perl_ck_null, /* avhvswitch */ Perl_ck_null, /* runcv */ Perl_ck_fun, /* fc */ Perl_ck_null, /* padcv */ Perl_ck_null, /* introcv */ Perl_ck_null, /* clonecv */ Perl_ck_null, /* padrange */ Perl_ck_refassign, /* refassign */ Perl_ck_null, /* lvref */ Perl_ck_null, /* lvrefslice */ Perl_ck_null, /* lvavref */ Perl_ck_null, /* anonconst */ Perl_ck_isa, /* isa */ Perl_ck_null, /* cmpchain_and */ Perl_ck_null, /* cmpchain_dup */ Perl_ck_trycatch, /* entertrycatch */ Perl_ck_null, /* leavetrycatch */ Perl_ck_null, /* poptry */ Perl_ck_null, /* catch */ Perl_ck_null, /* pushdefer */ Perl_ck_null, /* isbool */ Perl_ck_null, /* isweak */ Perl_ck_null, /* weaken */ Perl_ck_null, /* unweaken */ Perl_ck_null, /* blessed */ Perl_ck_null, /* refaddr */ Perl_ck_null, /* reftype */ Perl_ck_null, /* ceil */ Perl_ck_null, /* floor */ } #endif ; #ifndef DOINIT EXTCONST U32 PL_opargs[]; #else EXTCONST U32 PL_opargs[] = { 0x00000000, /* null */ 0x00000000, /* stub */ 0x00001b04, /* scalar */ 0x00000004, /* pushmark */ 0x00000004, /* wantarray */ 0x00000604, /* const */ 0x00000644, /* gvsv */ 0x00000644, /* gv */ 0x00011244, /* gelem */ 0x00000044, /* padsv */ 0x00000040, /* padav */ 0x00000040, /* padhv */ 0x00000040, /* padany */ 0x00000144, /* rv2gv */ 0x00000144, /* rv2sv */ 0x00000104, /* av2arylen */ 0x00000140, /* rv2cv */ 0x00000604, /* anoncode */ 0x00009b84, /* prototype */ 0x00002101, /* refgen */ 0x00001106, /* srefgen */ 0x00009b8c, /* ref */ 0x00091404, /* bless */ 0x00009b88, /* backtick */ 0x00009408, /* glob */ 0x0000eb08, /* readline */ 0x00000608, /* rcatline */ 0x00001104, /* regcmaybe */ 0x00001104, /* regcreset */ 0x00001304, /* regcomp */ 0x00000500, /* match */ 0x00000504, /* qr */ 0x00001504, /* subst */ 0x00000304, /* substcont */ 0x00001804, /* trans */ 0x00001804, /* transr */ 0x00011204, /* sassign */ 0x00022208, /* aassign */ 0x00002b0d, /* chop */ 0x00009b8c, /* schop */ 0x00002b1d, /* chomp */ 0x00009b9c, /* schomp */ 0x00009b84, /* defined */ 0x0000fb04, /* undef */ 0x00009b84, /* study */ 0x0000fb8c, /* pos */ 0x00001164, /* preinc */ 0x00001144, /* i_preinc */ 0x00001164, /* predec */ 0x00001144, /* i_predec */ 0x0000112c, /* postinc */ 0x0000110c, /* i_postinc */ 0x0000112c, /* postdec */ 0x0000110c, /* i_postdec */ 0x0001121e, /* pow */ 0x0001123e, /* multiply */ 0x0001121e, /* i_multiply */ 0x0001123e, /* divide */ 0x0001121e, /* i_divide */ 0x0001123e, /* modulo */ 0x0001121e, /* i_modulo */ 0x0001220b, /* repeat */ 0x0001123e, /* add */ 0x0001121e, /* i_add */ 0x0001123e, /* subtract */ 0x0001121e, /* i_subtract */ 0x0001121e, /* concat */ 0x00000f1c, /* multiconcat */ 0x0000141e, /* stringify */ 0x0001121e, /* left_shift */ 0x0001121e, /* right_shift */ 0x00011226, /* lt */ 0x00011206, /* i_lt */ 0x00011226, /* gt */ 0x00011206, /* i_gt */ 0x00011226, /* le */ 0x00011206, /* i_le */ 0x00011226, /* ge */ 0x00011206, /* i_ge */ 0x00011226, /* eq */ 0x00011206, /* i_eq */ 0x00011226, /* ne */ 0x00011206, /* i_ne */ 0x0001122e, /* ncmp */ 0x0001120e, /* i_ncmp */ 0x00011206, /* slt */ 0x00011206, /* sgt */ 0x00011206, /* sle */ 0x00011206, /* sge */ 0x00011206, /* seq */ 0x00011206, /* sne */ 0x0001120e, /* scmp */ 0x0001120e, /* bit_and */ 0x0001120e, /* bit_xor */ 0x0001120e, /* bit_or */ 0x0001121e, /* nbit_and */ 0x0001121e, /* nbit_xor */ 0x0001121e, /* nbit_or */ 0x0001120e, /* sbit_and */ 0x0001120e, /* sbit_xor */ 0x0001120e, /* sbit_or */ 0x0000112e, /* negate */ 0x0000110e, /* i_negate */ 0x00001106, /* not */ 0x0000110e, /* complement */ 0x0000111e, /* ncomplement */ 0x0000111e, /* scomplement */ 0x00000204, /* smartmatch */ 0x0001141e, /* atan2 */ 0x00009b9e, /* sin */ 0x00009b9e, /* cos */ 0x00009b1c, /* rand */ 0x00009b1c, /* srand */ 0x00009b9e, /* exp */ 0x00009b9e, /* log */ 0x00009b9e, /* sqrt */ 0x00009b9e, /* int */ 0x00009b9e, /* hex */ 0x00009b9e, /* oct */ 0x00009b9e, /* abs */ 0x00009b9e, /* length */ 0x0991140c, /* substr */ 0x0011140c, /* vec */ 0x0091141c, /* index */ 0x0091141c, /* rindex */ 0x0002140f, /* sprintf */ 0x00021405, /* formline */ 0x00009b9e, /* ord */ 0x00009b9e, /* chr */ 0x0001141e, /* crypt */ 0x00009b8e, /* ucfirst */ 0x00009b8e, /* lcfirst */ 0x00009b8e, /* uc */ 0x00009b8e, /* lc */ 0x00009b8e, /* quotemeta */ 0x00000148, /* rv2av */ 0x00013644, /* aelemfast */ 0x00013040, /* aelemfast_lex */ 0x00013204, /* aelem */ 0x00023401, /* aslice */ 0x00023401, /* kvaslice */ 0x00003b40, /* aeach */ 0x00003b48, /* avalues */ 0x00003b08, /* akeys */ 0x00004b40, /* each */ 0x00004b48, /* values */ 0x00004b08, /* keys */ 0x00001b00, /* delete */ 0x00001b04, /* exists */ 0x00000148, /* rv2hv */ 0x00014204, /* helem */ 0x00024401, /* hslice */ 0x00024401, /* kvhslice */ 0x00000f44, /* multideref */ 0x00091480, /* unpack */ 0x0002140f, /* pack */ 0x00111508, /* split */ 0x0002140f, /* join */ 0x00002401, /* list */ 0x00224200, /* lslice */ 0x00002405, /* anonlist */ 0x00002405, /* anonhash */ 0x02993401, /* splice */ 0x0002341d, /* push */ 0x0000bb04, /* pop */ 0x0000bb04, /* shift */ 0x0002341d, /* unshift */ 0x0002d401, /* sort */ 0x00002409, /* reverse */ 0x00025401, /* grepstart */ 0x00000308, /* grepwhile */ 0x00025401, /* mapstart */ 0x00000308, /* mapwhile */ 0x00011300, /* range */ 0x00011100, /* flip */ 0x00000100, /* flop */ 0x00000300, /* and */ 0x00000300, /* or */ 0x00011206, /* xor */ 0x00000300, /* dor */ 0x00000300, /* cond_expr */ 0x00000304, /* andassign */ 0x00000304, /* orassign */ 0x00000304, /* dorassign */ 0x00002141, /* entersub */ 0x00000100, /* leavesub */ 0x00000100, /* leavesublv */ 0x00000f00, /* argcheck */ 0x00000f00, /* argelem */ 0x00000300, /* argdefelem */ 0x00009b08, /* caller */ 0x0000240d, /* warn */ 0x0000240d, /* die */ 0x00009b04, /* reset */ 0x00000400, /* lineseq */ 0x00000a04, /* nextstate */ 0x00000a04, /* dbstate */ 0x00000004, /* unstack */ 0x00000000, /* enter */ 0x00000400, /* leave */ 0x00000400, /* scope */ 0x00000940, /* enteriter */ 0x00000000, /* iter */ 0x00000940, /* enterloop */ 0x00000200, /* leaveloop */ 0x00002401, /* return */ 0x00000d04, /* last */ 0x00000d04, /* next */ 0x00000d04, /* redo */ 0x00000d44, /* dump */ 0x00000d04, /* goto */ 0x00009b04, /* exit */ 0x00000e40, /* method */ 0x00000e40, /* method_named */ 0x00000e40, /* method_super */ 0x00000e40, /* method_redir */ 0x00000e40, /* method_redir_super */ 0x00000340, /* entergiven */ 0x00000100, /* leavegiven */ 0x00000340, /* enterwhen */ 0x00000100, /* leavewhen */ 0x00000000, /* break */ 0x00000000, /* continue */ 0x0029640d, /* open */ 0x0000eb04, /* close */ 0x00066404, /* pipe_op */ 0x00006b0c, /* fileno */ 0x00009b0c, /* umask */ 0x00096404, /* binmode */ 0x00217445, /* tie */ 0x00007b04, /* untie */ 0x00007b44, /* tied */ 0x00114404, /* dbmopen */ 0x00004b04, /* dbmclose */ 0x01111408, /* sselect */ 0x0000e40c, /* select */ 0x0000eb0c, /* getc */ 0x0917640d, /* read */ 0x0000eb04, /* enterwrite */ 0x00000100, /* leavewrite */ 0x0002e405, /* prtf */ 0x0002e405, /* print */ 0x0002e405, /* say */ 0x09116404, /* sysopen */ 0x00116404, /* sysseek */ 0x0917640d, /* sysread */ 0x0991640d, /* syswrite */ 0x0000eb04, /* eof */ 0x0000eb0c, /* tell */ 0x00116404, /* seek */ 0x00011404, /* truncate */ 0x0011640c, /* fcntl */ 0x0011640c, /* ioctl */ 0x0001641c, /* flock */ 0x0911640d, /* send */ 0x0117640d, /* recv */ 0x01116404, /* socket */ 0x11166404, /* sockpair */ 0x00016404, /* bind */ 0x00016404, /* connect */ 0x00016404, /* listen */ 0x0006640c, /* accept */ 0x0001640c, /* shutdown */ 0x00116404, /* gsockopt */ 0x01116404, /* ssockopt */ 0x00006b04, /* getsockname */ 0x00006b04, /* getpeername */ 0x0000ec80, /* lstat */ 0x0000ec80, /* stat */ 0x00006c84, /* ftrread */ 0x00006c84, /* ftrwrite */ 0x00006c84, /* ftrexec */ 0x00006c84, /* fteread */ 0x00006c84, /* ftewrite */ 0x00006c84, /* fteexec */ 0x00006c84, /* ftis */ 0x00006c8c, /* ftsize */ 0x00006c8c, /* ftmtime */ 0x00006c8c, /* ftatime */ 0x00006c8c, /* ftctime */ 0x00006c84, /* ftrowned */ 0x00006c84, /* fteowned */ 0x00006c84, /* ftzero */ 0x00006c84, /* ftsock */ 0x00006c84, /* ftchr */ 0x00006c84, /* ftblk */ 0x00006c84, /* ftfile */ 0x00006c84, /* ftdir */ 0x00006c84, /* ftpipe */ 0x00006c84, /* ftsuid */ 0x00006c84, /* ftsgid */ 0x00006c84, /* ftsvtx */ 0x00006c84, /* ftlink */ 0x00006c04, /* fttty */ 0x00006c84, /* fttext */ 0x00006c84, /* ftbinary */ 0x00009b1c, /* chdir */ 0x0000241d, /* chown */ 0x00009b9c, /* chroot */ 0x0000249d, /* unlink */ 0x0000241d, /* chmod */ 0x0000241d, /* utime */ 0x0001141c, /* rename */ 0x0001141c, /* link */ 0x0001141c, /* symlink */ 0x00009b8c, /* readlink */ 0x0009949c, /* mkdir */ 0x00009b9c, /* rmdir */ 0x00016404, /* open_dir */ 0x00006b00, /* readdir */ 0x00006b0c, /* telldir */ 0x00016404, /* seekdir */ 0x00006b04, /* rewinddir */ 0x00006b04, /* closedir */ 0x0000000c, /* fork */ 0x0000001c, /* wait */ 0x0001141c, /* waitpid */ 0x0002941d, /* system */ 0x0002941d, /* exec */ 0x0000241d, /* kill */ 0x0000001c, /* getppid */ 0x00009b1c, /* getpgrp */ 0x0009941c, /* setpgrp */ 0x0001141c, /* getpriority */ 0x0011141c, /* setpriority */ 0x0000001c, /* time */ 0x00000000, /* tms */ 0x00009b08, /* localtime */ 0x00009b08, /* gmtime */ 0x00009b8c, /* alarm */ 0x00009b1c, /* sleep */ 0x0011140d, /* shmget */ 0x0011140d, /* shmctl */ 0x0111140d, /* shmread */ 0x0111140d, /* shmwrite */ 0x0001140d, /* msgget */ 0x0011140d, /* msgctl */ 0x0011140d, /* msgsnd */ 0x1111140d, /* msgrcv */ 0x0001140d, /* semop */ 0x0011140d, /* semget */ 0x0111140d, /* semctl */ 0x00009bc4, /* require */ 0x00001140, /* dofile */ 0x00000604, /* hintseval */ 0x00009bc0, /* entereval */ 0x00001100, /* leaveeval */ 0x00000340, /* entertry */ 0x00000400, /* leavetry */ 0x00001b00, /* ghbyname */ 0x00011400, /* ghbyaddr */ 0x00000000, /* ghostent */ 0x00001b00, /* gnbyname */ 0x00011400, /* gnbyaddr */ 0x00000000, /* gnetent */ 0x00001b00, /* gpbyname */ 0x00001400, /* gpbynumber */ 0x00000000, /* gprotoent */ 0x00011400, /* gsbyname */ 0x00011400, /* gsbyport */ 0x00000000, /* gservent */ 0x00001b04, /* shostent */ 0x00001b04, /* snetent */ 0x00001b04, /* sprotoent */ 0x00001b04, /* sservent */ 0x00000004, /* ehostent */ 0x00000004, /* enetent */ 0x00000004, /* eprotoent */ 0x00000004, /* eservent */ 0x00001b00, /* gpwnam */ 0x00001b00, /* gpwuid */ 0x00000000, /* gpwent */ 0x00000004, /* spwent */ 0x00000004, /* epwent */ 0x00001b00, /* ggrnam */ 0x00001b00, /* ggrgid */ 0x00000000, /* ggrent */ 0x00000004, /* sgrent */ 0x00000004, /* egrent */ 0x0000000c, /* getlogin */ 0x0002140d, /* syscall */ 0x00007b04, /* lock */ 0x00000300, /* once */ 0x00000000, /* custom */ 0x00000600, /* coreargs */ 0x00000108, /* avhvswitch */ 0x00000004, /* runcv */ 0x00009b8e, /* fc */ 0x00000040, /* padcv */ 0x00000040, /* introcv */ 0x00000040, /* clonecv */ 0x00000040, /* padrange */ 0x00000244, /* refassign */ 0x00000b40, /* lvref */ 0x00000440, /* lvrefslice */ 0x00000b40, /* lvavref */ 0x00000144, /* anonconst */ 0x00000204, /* isa */ 0x00000300, /* cmpchain_and */ 0x00000100, /* cmpchain_dup */ 0x00000300, /* entertrycatch */ 0x00000400, /* leavetrycatch */ 0x00000400, /* poptry */ 0x00000300, /* catch */ 0x00000300, /* pushdefer */ 0x0000011e, /* isbool */ 0x0000011e, /* isweak */ 0x00000100, /* weaken */ 0x00000100, /* unweaken */ 0x00000106, /* blessed */ 0x0000011e, /* refaddr */ 0x0000011e, /* reftype */ 0x0000011e, /* ceil */ 0x0000011e, /* floor */ }; #endif END_EXTERN_C #define OPpARGELEM_SV 0x00 #define OPpLVREF_SV 0x00 #define OPpARG1_MASK 0x01 #define OPpCOREARGS_DEREF1 0x01 #define OPpENTERSUB_INARGS 0x01 #define OPpPADHV_ISKEYS 0x01 #define OPpRV2HV_ISKEYS 0x01 #define OPpSORT_NUMERIC 0x01 #define OPpTRANS_CAN_FORCE_UTF8 0x01 #define OPpARGELEM_AV 0x02 #define OPpCONST_NOVER 0x02 #define OPpCOREARGS_DEREF2 0x02 #define OPpEVAL_HAS_HH 0x02 #define OPpFT_ACCESS 0x02 #define OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS 0x02 #define OPpITER_REVERSED 0x02 #define OPpSORT_INTEGER 0x02 #define OPpTRANS_USE_SVOP 0x02 #define OPpARG2_MASK 0x03 #define OPpAVHVSWITCH_MASK 0x03 #define OPpARGELEM_HV 0x04 #define OPpASSIGN_TRUEBOOL 0x04 #define OPpCONST_SHORTCIRCUIT 0x04 #define OPpDONT_INIT_GV 0x04 #define OPpENTERSUB_HASTARG 0x04 #define OPpEVAL_UNICODE 0x04 #define OPpFT_STACKED 0x04 #define OPpLVREF_ELEM 0x04 #define OPpSLICEWARNING 0x04 #define OPpSORT_REVERSE 0x04 #define OPpSPLIT_IMPLIM 0x04 #define OPpTRANS_IDENTICAL 0x04 #define OPpUSEINT 0x04 #define OPpARGELEM_MASK 0x06 #define OPpARG3_MASK 0x07 #define OPpPADRANGE_COUNTSHIFT 0x07 #define OPpCONST_STRICT 0x08 #define OPpENTERSUB_AMPER 0x08 #define OPpEVAL_BYTES 0x08 #define OPpFT_STACKING 0x08 #define OPpITER_DEF 0x08 #define OPpLVREF_ITER 0x08 #define OPpMAYBE_LVSUB 0x08 #define OPpMULTICONCAT_STRINGIFY 0x08 #define OPpREVERSE_INPLACE 0x08 #define OPpSORT_INPLACE 0x08 #define OPpSPLIT_LEX 0x08 #define OPpTRANS_SQUASH 0x08 #define OPpARG4_MASK 0x0f #define OPpASSIGN_COMMON_AGG 0x10 #define OPpCONST_ENTERED 0x10 #define OPpDEREF_AV 0x10 #define OPpEVAL_COPHH 0x10 #define OPpFT_AFTER_t 0x10 #define OPpLVREF_AV 0x10 #define OPpMAYBE_TRUEBOOL 0x10 #define OPpMULTIDEREF_EXISTS 0x10 #define OPpOPEN_IN_RAW 0x10 #define OPpSORT_DESCEND 0x10 #define OPpSPLIT_ASSIGN 0x10 #define OPpSUBSTR_REPL_FIRST 0x10 #define OPpTARGET_MY 0x10 #define OPpASSIGN_COMMON_RC1 0x20 #define OPpDEREF_HV 0x20 #define OPpEARLY_CV 0x20 #define OPpEVAL_RE_REPARSING 0x20 #define OPpHUSH_VMSISH 0x20 #define OPpKVSLICE 0x20 #define OPpLVREF_HV 0x20 #define OPpMAY_RETURN_CONSTANT 0x20 #define OPpMULTICONCAT_FAKE 0x20 #define OPpMULTIDEREF_DELETE 0x20 #define OPpOPEN_IN_CRLF 0x20 #define OPpTRANS_COMPLEMENT 0x20 #define OPpTRUEBOOL 0x20 #define OPpDEREF 0x30 #define OPpDEREF_SV 0x30 #define OPpLVREF_CV 0x30 #define OPpLVREF_TYPE 0x30 #define OPpALLOW_FAKE 0x40 #define OPpASSIGN_BACKWARDS 0x40 #define OPpASSIGN_COMMON_SCALAR 0x40 #define OPpCONCAT_NESTED 0x40 #define OPpCONST_BARE 0x40 #define OPpCOREARGS_SCALARMOD 0x40 #define OPpENTERSUB_DB 0x40 #define OPpEXISTS_SUB 0x40 #define OPpFLIP_LINENUM 0x40 #define OPpINDEX_BOOLNEG 0x40 #define OPpLIST_GUESSED 0x40 #define OPpLVAL_DEFER 0x40 #define OPpMULTICONCAT_APPEND 0x40 #define OPpOPEN_OUT_RAW 0x40 #define OPpOUR_INTRO 0x40 #define OPpPAD_STATE 0x40 #define OPpREFCOUNTED 0x40 #define OPpREPEAT_DOLIST 0x40 #define OPpSLICE 0x40 #define OPpTRANS_GROWS 0x40 #define OPpPADRANGE_COUNTMASK 0x7f #define OPpASSIGN_CV_TO_GV 0x80 #define OPpCOREARGS_PUSHMARK 0x80 #define OPpDEFER_FINALLY 0x80 #define OPpENTERSUB_NOPAREN 0x80 #define OPpLVALUE 0x80 #define OPpLVAL_INTRO 0x80 #define OPpOFFBYONE 0x80 #define OPpOPEN_OUT_CRLF 0x80 #define OPpPV_IS_UTF8 0x80 #define OPpTRANS_DELETE 0x80 START_EXTERN_C #ifndef DOINIT /* data about the flags in op_private */ EXTCONST I16 PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[]; EXTCONST U16 PL_op_private_bitdefs[]; EXTCONST char PL_op_private_labels[]; EXTCONST I16 PL_op_private_bitfields[]; EXTCONST U8 PL_op_private_valid[]; #else /* PL_op_private_labels[]: the short descriptions of private flags. * All labels are concatenated into a single char array * (separated by \0's) for compactness. */ EXTCONST char PL_op_private_labels[] = { '$','M','O','D','\0', '+','1','\0', '-','\0', 'A','M','P','E','R','\0', 'A','P','P','E','N','D','\0', 'A','S','S','I','G','N','\0', 'A','V','\0', 'B','A','R','E','\0', 'B','K','W','A','R','D','\0', 'B','O','O','L','\0', 'B','O','O','L','?','\0', 'B','Y','T','E','S','\0', 'C','A','N','_','F','O','R','C','E','_','U','T','F','8','\0', 'C','O','M','P','L','\0', 'C','O','M','_','A','G','G','\0', 'C','O','M','_','R','C','1','\0', 'C','O','M','_','S','C','A','L','A','R','\0', 'C','O','N','S','T','\0', 'C','O','P','H','H','\0', 'C','V','\0', 'C','V','2','G','V','\0', 'D','B','G','\0', 'D','E','F','\0', 'D','E','L','\0', 'D','E','L','E','T','E','\0', 'D','E','R','E','F','1','\0', 'D','E','R','E','F','2','\0', 'D','E','S','C','\0', 'D','O','L','I','S','T','\0', 'D','R','E','F','A','V','\0', 'D','R','E','F','H','V','\0', 'D','R','E','F','S','V','\0', 'E','A','R','L','Y','C','V','\0', 'E','L','E','M','\0', 'E','N','T','E','R','E','D','\0', 'E','X','I','S','T','S','\0', 'F','A','K','E','\0', 'F','I','N','A','L','L','Y','\0', 'F','T','A','C','C','E','S','S','\0', 'F','T','A','F','T','E','R','t','\0', 'F','T','S','T','A','C','K','E','D','\0', 'F','T','S','T','A','C','K','I','N','G','\0', 'G','R','O','W','S','\0', 'G','U','E','S','S','E','D','\0', 'H','A','S','_','H','H','\0', 'H','U','S','H','\0', 'H','V','\0', 'I','D','E','N','T','\0', 'I','M','P','L','I','M','\0', 'I','N','A','R','G','S','\0', 'I','N','B','I','N','\0', 'I','N','C','R','\0', 'I','N','P','L','A','C','E','\0', 'I','N','T','\0', 'I','T','E','R','\0', 'K','E','Y','S','\0', 'K','V','S','L','I','C','E','\0', 'L','E','X','\0', 'L','I','N','E','N','U','M','\0', 'L','V','\0', 'L','V','D','E','F','E','R','\0', 'L','V','I','N','T','R','O','\0', 'L','V','S','U','B','\0', 'M','A','R','K','\0', 'N','E','G','\0', 'N','E','S','T','E','D','\0', 'N','O','(',')','\0', 'N','O','I','N','I','T','\0', 'N','O','V','E','R','\0', 'N','U','M','\0', 'O','U','R','I','N','T','R','\0', 'O','U','T','B','I','N','\0', 'O','U','T','C','R','\0', 'R','E','F','C','\0', 'R','E','P','A','R','S','E','\0', 'R','E','P','L','1','S','T','\0', 'R','E','V','\0', 'R','E','V','E','R','S','E','D','\0', 'S','H','O','R','T','\0', 'S','L','I','C','E','\0', 'S','L','I','C','E','W','A','R','N','\0', 'S','Q','U','A','S','H','\0', 'S','T','A','T','E','\0', 'S','T','R','I','C','T','\0', 'S','T','R','I','N','G','I','F','Y','\0', 'S','U','B','\0', 'S','V','\0', 'T','A','R','G','\0', 'T','A','R','G','M','Y','\0', 'U','N','I','\0', 'U','S','E','I','N','T','\0', 'U','S','E','_','S','V','O','P','\0', 'U','T','F','\0', 'k','e','y','\0', 'o','f','f','s','e','t','\0', 'r','a','n','g','e','\0', }; /* PL_op_private_bitfields[]: details about each bit field type. * Each definition consists of the following list of words: * bitmin * label (index into PL_op_private_labels[]; -1 if no label) * repeat for each enum entry (if any): * enum value * enum label (index into PL_op_private_labels[]) * -1 */ EXTCONST I16 PL_op_private_bitfields[] = { 0, 8, -1, 0, 8, -1, 0, 596, -1, 0, 8, -1, 0, 8, -1, 0, 603, -1, 0, 592, -1, 1, -1, 0, 553, 1, 30, 2, 303, -1, 4, -1, 1, 176, 2, 183, 3, 190, -1, 4, -1, 0, 553, 1, 30, 2, 303, 3, 122, -1, }; /* PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[]: map an op number to a starting position * in PL_op_private_bitdefs. If -1, the op has no bits defined */ EXTCONST I16 PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[] = { -1, /* null */ -1, /* stub */ 0, /* scalar */ 1, /* pushmark */ 3, /* wantarray */ 4, /* const */ 9, /* gvsv */ 11, /* gv */ 12, /* gelem */ 13, /* padsv */ 16, /* padav */ 21, /* padhv */ -1, /* padany */ 28, /* rv2gv */ 35, /* rv2sv */ 40, /* av2arylen */ 42, /* rv2cv */ -1, /* anoncode */ 0, /* prototype */ 0, /* refgen */ 0, /* srefgen */ 49, /* ref */ 52, /* bless */ 53, /* backtick */ 52, /* glob */ 0, /* readline */ -1, /* rcatline */ 0, /* regcmaybe */ 0, /* regcreset */ 0, /* regcomp */ -1, /* match */ -1, /* qr */ 58, /* subst */ 0, /* substcont */ 59, /* trans */ 59, /* transr */ 66, /* sassign */ 69, /* aassign */ 0, /* chop */ 0, /* schop */ 75, /* chomp */ 75, /* schomp */ 0, /* defined */ 0, /* undef */ 0, /* study */ 77, /* pos */ 0, /* preinc */ 0, /* i_preinc */ 0, /* predec */ 0, /* i_predec */ 0, /* postinc */ 0, /* i_postinc */ 0, /* postdec */ 0, /* i_postdec */ 80, /* pow */ 80, /* multiply */ 80, /* i_multiply */ 80, /* divide */ 80, /* i_divide */ 80, /* modulo */ 80, /* i_modulo */ 82, /* repeat */ 80, /* add */ 80, /* i_add */ 80, /* subtract */ 80, /* i_subtract */ 84, /* concat */ 87, /* multiconcat */ 93, /* stringify */ 95, /* left_shift */ 95, /* right_shift */ 12, /* lt */ 12, /* i_lt */ 12, /* gt */ 12, /* i_gt */ 12, /* le */ 12, /* i_le */ 12, /* ge */ 12, /* i_ge */ 12, /* eq */ 12, /* i_eq */ 12, /* ne */ 12, /* i_ne */ 12, /* ncmp */ 12, /* i_ncmp */ 12, /* slt */ 12, /* sgt */ 12, /* sle */ 12, /* sge */ 12, /* seq */ 12, /* sne */ 12, /* scmp */ 97, /* bit_and */ 97, /* bit_xor */ 97, /* bit_or */ 95, /* nbit_and */ 95, /* nbit_xor */ 95, /* nbit_or */ 97, /* sbit_and */ 97, /* sbit_xor */ 97, /* sbit_or */ 0, /* negate */ 0, /* i_negate */ 0, /* not */ 97, /* complement */ 95, /* ncomplement */ 75, /* scomplement */ 12, /* smartmatch */ 93, /* atan2 */ 75, /* sin */ 75, /* cos */ 93, /* rand */ 93, /* srand */ 75, /* exp */ 75, /* log */ 75, /* sqrt */ 75, /* int */ 75, /* hex */ 75, /* oct */ 75, /* abs */ 98, /* length */ 101, /* substr */ 104, /* vec */ 106, /* index */ 106, /* rindex */ 52, /* sprintf */ 52, /* formline */ 75, /* ord */ 75, /* chr */ 93, /* crypt */ 0, /* ucfirst */ 0, /* lcfirst */ 0, /* uc */ 0, /* lc */ 0, /* quotemeta */ 110, /* rv2av */ 117, /* aelemfast */ 117, /* aelemfast_lex */ 118, /* aelem */ 123, /* aslice */ 126, /* kvaslice */ 0, /* aeach */ 0, /* avalues */ 40, /* akeys */ 0, /* each */ 40, /* values */ 40, /* keys */ 127, /* delete */ 131, /* exists */ 133, /* rv2hv */ 118, /* helem */ 123, /* hslice */ 126, /* kvhslice */ 141, /* multideref */ 52, /* unpack */ 52, /* pack */ 148, /* split */ 52, /* join */ 153, /* list */ 12, /* lslice */ 52, /* anonlist */ 52, /* anonhash */ 52, /* splice */ 93, /* push */ 0, /* pop */ 0, /* shift */ 93, /* unshift */ 155, /* sort */ 160, /* reverse */ 0, /* grepstart */ 162, /* grepwhile */ 0, /* mapstart */ 0, /* mapwhile */ 0, /* range */ 164, /* flip */ 164, /* flop */ 0, /* and */ 0, /* or */ 12, /* xor */ 0, /* dor */ 166, /* cond_expr */ 0, /* andassign */ 0, /* orassign */ 0, /* dorassign */ 168, /* entersub */ 175, /* leavesub */ 175, /* leavesublv */ 0, /* argcheck */ 177, /* argelem */ 0, /* argdefelem */ 179, /* caller */ 52, /* warn */ 52, /* die */ 52, /* reset */ -1, /* lineseq */ 181, /* nextstate */ 181, /* dbstate */ -1, /* unstack */ -1, /* enter */ 182, /* leave */ -1, /* scope */ 184, /* enteriter */ 188, /* iter */ -1, /* enterloop */ 189, /* leaveloop */ -1, /* return */ 191, /* last */ 191, /* next */ 191, /* redo */ 191, /* dump */ 191, /* goto */ 52, /* exit */ 0, /* method */ 0, /* method_named */ 0, /* method_super */ 0, /* method_redir */ 0, /* method_redir_super */ 0, /* entergiven */ 0, /* leavegiven */ 0, /* enterwhen */ 0, /* leavewhen */ -1, /* break */ -1, /* continue */ 193, /* open */ 52, /* close */ 52, /* pipe_op */ 52, /* fileno */ 52, /* umask */ 52, /* binmode */ 52, /* tie */ 0, /* untie */ 0, /* tied */ 52, /* dbmopen */ 0, /* dbmclose */ 52, /* sselect */ 52, /* select */ 52, /* getc */ 52, /* read */ 52, /* enterwrite */ 175, /* leavewrite */ -1, /* prtf */ -1, /* print */ -1, /* say */ 52, /* sysopen */ 52, /* sysseek */ 52, /* sysread */ 52, /* syswrite */ 52, /* eof */ 52, /* tell */ 52, /* seek */ 52, /* truncate */ 52, /* fcntl */ 52, /* ioctl */ 93, /* flock */ 52, /* send */ 52, /* recv */ 52, /* socket */ 52, /* sockpair */ 52, /* bind */ 52, /* connect */ 52, /* listen */ 52, /* accept */ 52, /* shutdown */ 52, /* gsockopt */ 52, /* ssockopt */ 0, /* getsockname */ 0, /* getpeername */ 0, /* lstat */ 0, /* stat */ 198, /* ftrread */ 198, /* ftrwrite */ 198, /* ftrexec */ 198, /* fteread */ 198, /* ftewrite */ 198, /* fteexec */ 203, /* ftis */ 203, /* ftsize */ 203, /* ftmtime */ 203, /* ftatime */ 203, /* ftctime */ 203, /* ftrowned */ 203, /* fteowned */ 203, /* ftzero */ 203, /* ftsock */ 203, /* ftchr */ 203, /* ftblk */ 203, /* ftfile */ 203, /* ftdir */ 203, /* ftpipe */ 203, /* ftsuid */ 203, /* ftsgid */ 203, /* ftsvtx */ 203, /* ftlink */ 203, /* fttty */ 203, /* fttext */ 203, /* ftbinary */ 93, /* chdir */ 93, /* chown */ 75, /* chroot */ 93, /* unlink */ 93, /* chmod */ 93, /* utime */ 93, /* rename */ 93, /* link */ 93, /* symlink */ 0, /* readlink */ 93, /* mkdir */ 75, /* rmdir */ 52, /* open_dir */ 0, /* readdir */ 0, /* telldir */ 52, /* seekdir */ 0, /* rewinddir */ 0, /* closedir */ -1, /* fork */ 207, /* wait */ 93, /* waitpid */ 93, /* system */ 93, /* exec */ 93, /* kill */ 207, /* getppid */ 93, /* getpgrp */ 93, /* setpgrp */ 93, /* getpriority */ 93, /* setpriority */ 207, /* time */ -1, /* tms */ 0, /* localtime */ 52, /* gmtime */ 0, /* alarm */ 93, /* sleep */ 52, /* shmget */ 52, /* shmctl */ 52, /* shmread */ 52, /* shmwrite */ 52, /* msgget */ 52, /* msgctl */ 52, /* msgsnd */ 52, /* msgrcv */ 52, /* semop */ 52, /* semget */ 52, /* semctl */ 0, /* require */ 0, /* dofile */ -1, /* hintseval */ 208, /* entereval */ 175, /* leaveeval */ 0, /* entertry */ -1, /* leavetry */ 0, /* ghbyname */ 52, /* ghbyaddr */ -1, /* ghostent */ 0, /* gnbyname */ 52, /* gnbyaddr */ -1, /* gnetent */ 0, /* gpbyname */ 52, /* gpbynumber */ -1, /* gprotoent */ 52, /* gsbyname */ 52, /* gsbyport */ -1, /* gservent */ 0, /* shostent */ 0, /* snetent */ 0, /* sprotoent */ 0, /* sservent */ -1, /* ehostent */ -1, /* enetent */ -1, /* eprotoent */ -1, /* eservent */ 0, /* gpwnam */ 0, /* gpwuid */ -1, /* gpwent */ -1, /* spwent */ -1, /* epwent */ 0, /* ggrnam */ 0, /* ggrgid */ -1, /* ggrent */ -1, /* sgrent */ -1, /* egrent */ -1, /* getlogin */ 52, /* syscall */ 0, /* lock */ 0, /* once */ -1, /* custom */ 214, /* coreargs */ 218, /* avhvswitch */ 3, /* runcv */ 0, /* fc */ -1, /* padcv */ -1, /* introcv */ -1, /* clonecv */ 220, /* padrange */ 222, /* refassign */ 228, /* lvref */ 234, /* lvrefslice */ 235, /* lvavref */ 0, /* anonconst */ 12, /* isa */ 0, /* cmpchain_and */ 0, /* cmpchain_dup */ 0, /* entertrycatch */ -1, /* leavetrycatch */ -1, /* poptry */ 0, /* catch */ 238, /* pushdefer */ 75, /* isbool */ 75, /* isweak */ 0, /* weaken */ 0, /* unweaken */ 49, /* blessed */ 75, /* refaddr */ 75, /* reftype */ 75, /* ceil */ 75, /* floor */ }; /* PL_op_private_bitdefs[]: given a starting position in this array (as * supplied by PL_op_private_bitdef_ix[]), each word (until a stop bit is * seen) defines the meaning of a particular op_private bit for a * particular op. Each word consists of: * bit 0: stop bit: this is the last bit def for the current op * bit 1: bitfield: if set, this defines a bit field rather than a flag * bits 2..4: unsigned number in the range 0..7 which is the bit number * bits 5..15: unsigned number in the range 0..2047 which is an index * into PL_op_private_labels[] (for a flag), or * into PL_op_private_bitfields[] (for a bit field) */ EXTCONST U16 PL_op_private_bitdefs[] = { 0x0003, /* scalar, prototype, refgen, srefgen, readline, regcmaybe, regcreset, regcomp, substcont, chop, schop, defined, undef, study, preinc, i_preinc, predec, i_predec, postinc, i_postinc, postdec, i_postdec, negate, i_negate, not, ucfirst, lcfirst, uc, lc, quotemeta, aeach, avalues, each, pop, shift, grepstart, mapstart, mapwhile, range, and, or, dor, andassign, orassign, dorassign, argcheck, argdefelem, method, method_named, method_super, method_redir, method_redir_super, entergiven, leavegiven, enterwhen, leavewhen, untie, tied, dbmclose, getsockname, getpeername, lstat, stat, readlink, readdir, telldir, rewinddir, closedir, localtime, alarm, require, dofile, entertry, ghbyname, gnbyname, gpbyname, shostent, snetent, sprotoent, sservent, gpwnam, gpwuid, ggrnam, ggrgid, lock, once, fc, anonconst, cmpchain_and, cmpchain_dup, entertrycatch, catch, weaken, unweaken */ 0x30dc, 0x41d9, /* pushmark */ 0x00bd, /* wantarray, runcv */ 0x0438, 0x1a50, 0x428c, 0x3e28, 0x3605, /* const */ 0x30dc, 0x3759, /* gvsv */ 0x18b5, /* gv */ 0x0067, /* gelem, lt, i_lt, gt, i_gt, le, i_le, ge, i_ge, eq, i_eq, ne, i_ne, ncmp, i_ncmp, slt, sgt, sle, sge, seq, sne, scmp, smartmatch, lslice, xor, isa */ 0x30dc, 0x41d8, 0x03d7, /* padsv */ 0x30dc, 0x41d8, 0x05b4, 0x31cc, 0x3fa9, /* padav */ 0x30dc, 0x41d8, 0x05b4, 0x0650, 0x31cc, 0x3fa8, 0x2c41, /* padhv */ 0x30dc, 0x1c38, 0x03d6, 0x31cc, 0x3528, 0x4284, 0x0003, /* rv2gv */ 0x30dc, 0x3758, 0x03d6, 0x4284, 0x0003, /* rv2sv */ 0x31cc, 0x0003, /* av2arylen, akeys, values, keys */ 0x349c, 0x1078, 0x0dd4, 0x014c, 0x4588, 0x4284, 0x0003, /* rv2cv */ 0x05b4, 0x0650, 0x0003, /* ref, blessed */ 0x018f, /* bless, glob, sprintf, formline, unpack, pack, join, anonlist, anonhash, splice, warn, die, reset, exit, close, pipe_op, fileno, umask, binmode, tie, dbmopen, sselect, select, getc, read, enterwrite, sysopen, sysseek, sysread, syswrite, eof, tell, seek, truncate, fcntl, ioctl, send, recv, socket, sockpair, bind, connect, listen, accept, shutdown, gsockopt, ssockopt, open_dir, seekdir, gmtime, shmget, shmctl, shmread, shmwrite, msgget, msgctl, msgsnd, msgrcv, semop, semget, semctl, ghbyaddr, gnbyaddr, gpbynumber, gsbyname, gsbyport, syscall */ 0x393c, 0x3858, 0x2994, 0x28d0, 0x0003, /* backtick */ 0x05b5, /* subst */ 0x117c, 0x22b8, 0x09b4, 0x40ec, 0x2648, 0x4864, 0x07c1, /* trans, transr */ 0x0fbc, 0x04d8, 0x0067, /* sassign */ 0x0c78, 0x0b74, 0x0a70, 0x31cc, 0x05a8, 0x0067, /* aassign */ 0x4630, 0x0003, /* chomp, schomp, scomplement, sin, cos, exp, log, sqrt, int, hex, oct, abs, ord, chr, chroot, rmdir, isbool, isweak, refaddr, reftype, ceil, floor */ 0x05b4, 0x31cc, 0x0003, /* pos */ 0x4630, 0x0067, /* pow, multiply, i_multiply, divide, i_divide, modulo, i_modulo, add, i_add, subtract, i_subtract */ 0x1538, 0x0067, /* repeat */ 0x33b8, 0x4630, 0x0067, /* concat */ 0x30dc, 0x0218, 0x1c34, 0x4630, 0x436c, 0x0003, /* multiconcat */ 0x4630, 0x018f, /* stringify, atan2, rand, srand, crypt, push, unshift, flock, chdir, chown, unlink, chmod, utime, rename, link, symlink, mkdir, waitpid, system, exec, kill, getpgrp, setpgrp, getpriority, setpriority, sleep */ 0x4630, 0x4789, /* left_shift, right_shift, nbit_and, nbit_xor, nbit_or, ncomplement */ 0x4789, /* bit_and, bit_xor, bit_or, sbit_and, sbit_xor, sbit_or, complement */ 0x05b4, 0x4630, 0x0003, /* length */ 0x3b90, 0x31cc, 0x012b, /* substr */ 0x31cc, 0x0067, /* vec */ 0x3338, 0x05b4, 0x4630, 0x018f, /* index, rindex */ 0x30dc, 0x3758, 0x05b4, 0x31cc, 0x3fa8, 0x4284, 0x0003, /* rv2av */ 0x025f, /* aelemfast, aelemfast_lex */ 0x30dc, 0x2fd8, 0x03d6, 0x31cc, 0x0067, /* aelem, helem */ 0x30dc, 0x31cc, 0x3fa9, /* aslice, hslice */ 0x31cd, /* kvaslice, kvhslice */ 0x30dc, 0x3ef8, 0x2cf4, 0x0003, /* delete */ 0x44b8, 0x0003, /* exists */ 0x30dc, 0x3758, 0x05b4, 0x0650, 0x31cc, 0x3fa8, 0x4284, 0x2c41, /* rv2hv */ 0x30dc, 0x2fd8, 0x11f4, 0x1b50, 0x31cc, 0x4284, 0x0003, /* multideref */ 0x30dc, 0x3758, 0x02f0, 0x2dec, 0x2709, /* split */ 0x30dc, 0x2379, /* list */ 0x1490, 0x2a2c, 0x3c88, 0x2b24, 0x36c1, /* sort */ 0x2a2c, 0x0003, /* reverse */ 0x05b4, 0x0003, /* grepwhile */ 0x2e78, 0x0003, /* flip, flop */ 0x30dc, 0x0003, /* cond_expr */ 0x30dc, 0x1078, 0x03d6, 0x014c, 0x4588, 0x4284, 0x27e1, /* entersub */ 0x39f8, 0x0003, /* leavesub, leavesublv, leavewrite, leaveeval */ 0x02aa, 0x0003, /* argelem */ 0x00bc, 0x018f, /* caller */ 0x2555, /* nextstate, dbstate */ 0x2f7c, 0x39f9, /* leave */ 0x30dc, 0x3758, 0x10ec, 0x3d05, /* enteriter */ 0x3d05, /* iter */ 0x2f7c, 0x0067, /* leaveloop */ 0x499c, 0x0003, /* last, next, redo, dump, goto */ 0x393c, 0x3858, 0x2994, 0x28d0, 0x018f, /* open */ 0x1ef0, 0x214c, 0x2008, 0x1dc4, 0x0003, /* ftrread, ftrwrite, ftrexec, fteread, ftewrite, fteexec */ 0x1ef0, 0x214c, 0x2008, 0x0003, /* ftis, ftsize, ftmtime, ftatime, ftctime, ftrowned, fteowned, ftzero, ftsock, ftchr, ftblk, ftfile, ftdir, ftpipe, ftsuid, ftsgid, ftsvtx, ftlink, fttty, fttext, ftbinary */ 0x4631, /* wait, getppid, time */ 0x3a94, 0x0e90, 0x070c, 0x4708, 0x2464, 0x0003, /* entereval */ 0x329c, 0x0018, 0x13a4, 0x12c1, /* coreargs */ 0x31cc, 0x00c7, /* avhvswitch */ 0x30dc, 0x01fb, /* padrange */ 0x30dc, 0x41d8, 0x04f6, 0x2bac, 0x19a8, 0x0067, /* refassign */ 0x30dc, 0x41d8, 0x04f6, 0x2bac, 0x19a8, 0x0003, /* lvref */ 0x30dd, /* lvrefslice */ 0x30dc, 0x41d8, 0x0003, /* lvavref */ 0x1cdc, 0x0003, /* pushdefer */ }; /* PL_op_private_valid: for each op, indexed by op_type, indicate which * flags bits in op_private are legal */ EXTCONST U8 PL_op_private_valid[] = { /* NULL */ (0xff), /* STUB */ (0), /* SCALAR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* PUSHMARK */ (OPpPAD_STATE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* WANTARRAY */ (OPpOFFBYONE), /* CONST */ (OPpCONST_NOVER|OPpCONST_SHORTCIRCUIT|OPpCONST_STRICT|OPpCONST_ENTERED|OPpCONST_BARE), /* GVSV */ (OPpOUR_INTRO|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* GV */ (OPpEARLY_CV), /* GELEM */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* PADSV */ (OPpDEREF|OPpPAD_STATE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* PADAV */ (OPpSLICEWARNING|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpTRUEBOOL|OPpPAD_STATE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* PADHV */ (OPpPADHV_ISKEYS|OPpSLICEWARNING|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpMAYBE_TRUEBOOL|OPpTRUEBOOL|OPpPAD_STATE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* PADANY */ (0), /* RV2GV */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS|OPpDONT_INIT_GV|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpDEREF|OPpALLOW_FAKE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* RV2SV */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS|OPpDEREF|OPpOUR_INTRO|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* AV2ARYLEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* RV2CV */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS|OPpENTERSUB_HASTARG|OPpENTERSUB_AMPER|OPpMAY_RETURN_CONSTANT|OPpENTERSUB_DB|OPpENTERSUB_NOPAREN), /* ANONCODE */ (0), /* PROTOTYPE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* REFGEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SREFGEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* REF */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMAYBE_TRUEBOOL|OPpTRUEBOOL), /* BLESS */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* BACKTICK */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpOPEN_IN_RAW|OPpOPEN_IN_CRLF|OPpOPEN_OUT_RAW|OPpOPEN_OUT_CRLF), /* GLOB */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* READLINE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* RCATLINE */ (0), /* REGCMAYBE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* REGCRESET */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* REGCOMP */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* MATCH */ (0), /* QR */ (0), /* SUBST */ (OPpTRUEBOOL), /* SUBSTCONT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* TRANS */ (OPpTRANS_CAN_FORCE_UTF8|OPpTRANS_USE_SVOP|OPpTRANS_IDENTICAL|OPpTRANS_SQUASH|OPpTRANS_COMPLEMENT|OPpTRANS_GROWS|OPpTRANS_DELETE), /* TRANSR */ (OPpTRANS_CAN_FORCE_UTF8|OPpTRANS_USE_SVOP|OPpTRANS_IDENTICAL|OPpTRANS_SQUASH|OPpTRANS_COMPLEMENT|OPpTRANS_GROWS|OPpTRANS_DELETE), /* SASSIGN */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpASSIGN_BACKWARDS|OPpASSIGN_CV_TO_GV), /* AASSIGN */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpASSIGN_TRUEBOOL|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpASSIGN_COMMON_AGG|OPpASSIGN_COMMON_RC1|OPpASSIGN_COMMON_SCALAR), /* CHOP */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SCHOP */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* CHOMP */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SCHOMP */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* DEFINED */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* UNDEF */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* STUDY */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* POS */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpTRUEBOOL), /* PREINC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* I_PREINC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* PREDEC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* I_PREDEC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* POSTINC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* I_POSTINC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* POSTDEC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* I_POSTDEC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* POW */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* MULTIPLY */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* I_MULTIPLY */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* DIVIDE */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* I_DIVIDE */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* MODULO */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* I_MODULO */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* REPEAT */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpREPEAT_DOLIST), /* ADD */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* I_ADD */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SUBTRACT */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* I_SUBTRACT */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* CONCAT */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY|OPpCONCAT_NESTED), /* MULTICONCAT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMULTICONCAT_STRINGIFY|OPpTARGET_MY|OPpMULTICONCAT_FAKE|OPpMULTICONCAT_APPEND|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* STRINGIFY */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* LEFT_SHIFT */ (OPpUSEINT|OPpTARGET_MY), /* RIGHT_SHIFT */ (OPpUSEINT|OPpTARGET_MY), /* LT */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* I_LT */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* GT */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* I_GT */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* LE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* I_LE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* GE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* I_GE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* EQ */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* I_EQ */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* NE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* I_NE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* NCMP */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* I_NCMP */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* SLT */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* SGT */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* SLE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* SGE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* SEQ */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* SNE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* SCMP */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* BIT_AND */ (OPpUSEINT), /* BIT_XOR */ (OPpUSEINT), /* BIT_OR */ (OPpUSEINT), /* NBIT_AND */ (OPpUSEINT|OPpTARGET_MY), /* NBIT_XOR */ (OPpUSEINT|OPpTARGET_MY), /* NBIT_OR */ (OPpUSEINT|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SBIT_AND */ (OPpUSEINT), /* SBIT_XOR */ (OPpUSEINT), /* SBIT_OR */ (OPpUSEINT), /* NEGATE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* I_NEGATE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* NOT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* COMPLEMENT */ (OPpUSEINT), /* NCOMPLEMENT */ (OPpUSEINT|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SCOMPLEMENT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SMARTMATCH */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* ATAN2 */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SIN */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* COS */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* RAND */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SRAND */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* EXP */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* LOG */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SQRT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* INT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* HEX */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* OCT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* ABS */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* LENGTH */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY|OPpTRUEBOOL), /* SUBSTR */ (OPpARG3_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpSUBSTR_REPL_FIRST), /* VEC */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* INDEX */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY|OPpTRUEBOOL|OPpINDEX_BOOLNEG), /* RINDEX */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY|OPpTRUEBOOL|OPpINDEX_BOOLNEG), /* SPRINTF */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* FORMLINE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* ORD */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* CHR */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* CRYPT */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* UCFIRST */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* LCFIRST */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* UC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* LC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* QUOTEMETA */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* RV2AV */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS|OPpSLICEWARNING|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpTRUEBOOL|OPpOUR_INTRO|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* AELEMFAST */ (255), /* AELEMFAST_LEX */ (255), /* AELEM */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpDEREF|OPpLVAL_DEFER|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* ASLICE */ (OPpSLICEWARNING|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* KVASLICE */ (OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* AEACH */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* AVALUES */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* AKEYS */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* EACH */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* VALUES */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* KEYS */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* DELETE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpKVSLICE|OPpSLICE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* EXISTS */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpEXISTS_SUB), /* RV2HV */ (OPpRV2HV_ISKEYS|OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS|OPpSLICEWARNING|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpMAYBE_TRUEBOOL|OPpTRUEBOOL|OPpOUR_INTRO|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* HELEM */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpDEREF|OPpLVAL_DEFER|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* HSLICE */ (OPpSLICEWARNING|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* KVHSLICE */ (OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* MULTIDEREF */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB|OPpMULTIDEREF_EXISTS|OPpMULTIDEREF_DELETE|OPpLVAL_DEFER|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* UNPACK */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* PACK */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SPLIT */ (OPpSPLIT_IMPLIM|OPpSPLIT_LEX|OPpSPLIT_ASSIGN|OPpOUR_INTRO|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* JOIN */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* LIST */ (OPpLIST_GUESSED|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* LSLICE */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* ANONLIST */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* ANONHASH */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SPLICE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* PUSH */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* POP */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SHIFT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* UNSHIFT */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SORT */ (OPpSORT_NUMERIC|OPpSORT_INTEGER|OPpSORT_REVERSE|OPpSORT_INPLACE|OPpSORT_DESCEND), /* REVERSE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpREVERSE_INPLACE), /* GREPSTART */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GREPWHILE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTRUEBOOL), /* MAPSTART */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* MAPWHILE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* RANGE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* FLIP */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFLIP_LINENUM), /* FLOP */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFLIP_LINENUM), /* AND */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* OR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* XOR */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* DOR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* COND_EXPR */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* ANDASSIGN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ORASSIGN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* DORASSIGN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ENTERSUB */ (OPpENTERSUB_INARGS|OPpHINT_STRICT_REFS|OPpENTERSUB_HASTARG|OPpENTERSUB_AMPER|OPpDEREF|OPpENTERSUB_DB|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* LEAVESUB */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpREFCOUNTED), /* LEAVESUBLV */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpREFCOUNTED), /* ARGCHECK */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ARGELEM */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpARGELEM_MASK), /* ARGDEFELEM */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* CALLER */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpOFFBYONE), /* WARN */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* DIE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* RESET */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* LINESEQ */ (0), /* NEXTSTATE */ (OPpHUSH_VMSISH), /* DBSTATE */ (OPpHUSH_VMSISH), /* UNSTACK */ (0), /* ENTER */ (0), /* LEAVE */ (OPpREFCOUNTED|OPpLVALUE), /* SCOPE */ (0), /* ENTERITER */ (OPpITER_REVERSED|OPpITER_DEF|OPpOUR_INTRO|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* ITER */ (OPpITER_REVERSED), /* ENTERLOOP */ (0), /* LEAVELOOP */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpLVALUE), /* RETURN */ (0), /* LAST */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpPV_IS_UTF8), /* NEXT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpPV_IS_UTF8), /* REDO */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpPV_IS_UTF8), /* DUMP */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpPV_IS_UTF8), /* GOTO */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpPV_IS_UTF8), /* EXIT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* METHOD */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* METHOD_NAMED */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* METHOD_SUPER */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* METHOD_REDIR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* METHOD_REDIR_SUPER */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ENTERGIVEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* LEAVEGIVEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ENTERWHEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* LEAVEWHEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* BREAK */ (0), /* CONTINUE */ (0), /* OPEN */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpOPEN_IN_RAW|OPpOPEN_IN_CRLF|OPpOPEN_OUT_RAW|OPpOPEN_OUT_CRLF), /* CLOSE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* PIPE_OP */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* FILENO */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* UMASK */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* BINMODE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* TIE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* UNTIE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* TIED */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* DBMOPEN */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* DBMCLOSE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SSELECT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SELECT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GETC */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* READ */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* ENTERWRITE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* LEAVEWRITE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpREFCOUNTED), /* PRTF */ (0), /* PRINT */ (0), /* SAY */ (0), /* SYSOPEN */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SYSSEEK */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SYSREAD */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SYSWRITE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* EOF */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* TELL */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SEEK */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* TRUNCATE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* FCNTL */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* IOCTL */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* FLOCK */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SEND */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* RECV */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SOCKET */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SOCKPAIR */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* BIND */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* CONNECT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* LISTEN */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* ACCEPT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SHUTDOWN */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GSOCKOPT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SSOCKOPT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GETSOCKNAME */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GETPEERNAME */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* LSTAT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* STAT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* FTRREAD */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_ACCESS|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTRWRITE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_ACCESS|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTREXEC */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_ACCESS|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTEREAD */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_ACCESS|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTEWRITE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_ACCESS|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTEEXEC */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_ACCESS|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTIS */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTSIZE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTMTIME */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTATIME */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTCTIME */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTROWNED */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTEOWNED */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTZERO */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTSOCK */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTCHR */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTBLK */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTFILE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTDIR */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTPIPE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTSUID */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTSGID */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTSVTX */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTLINK */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTTTY */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTTEXT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* FTBINARY */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpFT_STACKED|OPpFT_STACKING|OPpFT_AFTER_t), /* CHDIR */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* CHOWN */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* CHROOT */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* UNLINK */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* CHMOD */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* UTIME */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* RENAME */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* LINK */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SYMLINK */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* READLINK */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* MKDIR */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* RMDIR */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* OPEN_DIR */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* READDIR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* TELLDIR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SEEKDIR */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* REWINDDIR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* CLOSEDIR */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* FORK */ (0), /* WAIT */ (OPpTARGET_MY), /* WAITPID */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SYSTEM */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* EXEC */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* KILL */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* GETPPID */ (OPpTARGET_MY), /* GETPGRP */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SETPGRP */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* GETPRIORITY */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SETPRIORITY */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* TIME */ (OPpTARGET_MY), /* TMS */ (0), /* LOCALTIME */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GMTIME */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* ALARM */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SLEEP */ (OPpARG4_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* SHMGET */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SHMCTL */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SHMREAD */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SHMWRITE */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* MSGGET */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* MSGCTL */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* MSGSND */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* MSGRCV */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SEMOP */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SEMGET */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* SEMCTL */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* REQUIRE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* DOFILE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* HINTSEVAL */ (0), /* ENTEREVAL */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpEVAL_HAS_HH|OPpEVAL_UNICODE|OPpEVAL_BYTES|OPpEVAL_COPHH|OPpEVAL_RE_REPARSING), /* LEAVEEVAL */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpREFCOUNTED), /* ENTERTRY */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* LEAVETRY */ (0), /* GHBYNAME */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GHBYADDR */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GHOSTENT */ (0), /* GNBYNAME */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GNBYADDR */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GNETENT */ (0), /* GPBYNAME */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GPBYNUMBER */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GPROTOENT */ (0), /* GSBYNAME */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GSBYPORT */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* GSERVENT */ (0), /* SHOSTENT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SNETENT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SPROTOENT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* SSERVENT */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* EHOSTENT */ (0), /* ENETENT */ (0), /* EPROTOENT */ (0), /* ESERVENT */ (0), /* GPWNAM */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GPWUID */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GPWENT */ (0), /* SPWENT */ (0), /* EPWENT */ (0), /* GGRNAM */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GGRGID */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* GGRENT */ (0), /* SGRENT */ (0), /* EGRENT */ (0), /* GETLOGIN */ (0), /* SYSCALL */ (OPpARG4_MASK), /* LOCK */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ONCE */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* CUSTOM */ (0xff), /* COREARGS */ (OPpCOREARGS_DEREF1|OPpCOREARGS_DEREF2|OPpCOREARGS_SCALARMOD|OPpCOREARGS_PUSHMARK), /* AVHVSWITCH */ (OPpAVHVSWITCH_MASK|OPpMAYBE_LVSUB), /* RUNCV */ (OPpOFFBYONE), /* FC */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* PADCV */ (0), /* INTROCV */ (0), /* CLONECV */ (0), /* PADRANGE */ (OPpPADRANGE_COUNTMASK|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* REFASSIGN */ (OPpARG2_MASK|OPpLVREF_ELEM|OPpLVREF_ITER|OPpLVREF_TYPE|OPpPAD_STATE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* LVREF */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpLVREF_ELEM|OPpLVREF_ITER|OPpLVREF_TYPE|OPpPAD_STATE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* LVREFSLICE */ (OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* LVAVREF */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpPAD_STATE|OPpLVAL_INTRO), /* ANONCONST */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ISA */ (OPpARG2_MASK), /* CMPCHAIN_AND */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* CMPCHAIN_DUP */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* ENTERTRYCATCH */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* LEAVETRYCATCH */ (0), /* POPTRY */ (0), /* CATCH */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* PUSHDEFER */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpDEFER_FINALLY), /* ISBOOL */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* ISWEAK */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* WEAKEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* UNWEAKEN */ (OPpARG1_MASK), /* BLESSED */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpMAYBE_TRUEBOOL|OPpTRUEBOOL), /* REFADDR */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* REFTYPE */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* CEIL */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), /* FLOOR */ (OPpARG1_MASK|OPpTARGET_MY), }; #endif /* !DOINIT */ END_EXTERN_C /* ex: set ro: */