/* perly.y * * Copyright (c) 1991-1997, Larry Wall * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * */ /* * 'I see,' laughed Strider. 'I look foul and feel fair. Is that it? * All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost.' */ %{ #include "EXTERN.h" #define PERL_IN_PERLY_C #include "perl.h" #define dep() deprecate("\"do\" to call subroutines") /* stuff included here to make perly_c.diff apply better */ #define yydebug PL_yydebug #define yynerrs PL_yynerrs #define yyerrflag PL_yyerrflag #define yychar PL_yychar #define yyval PL_yyval #define yylval PL_yylval struct ysv { short* yyss; YYSTYPE* yyvs; int oldyydebug; int oldyynerrs; int oldyyerrflag; int oldyychar; YYSTYPE oldyyval; YYSTYPE oldyylval; }; static void yydestruct(pTHXo_ void *ptr); %} %start prog %{ #if 0 /* get this from perly.h instead */ %} %union { I32 ival; char *pval; OP *opval; GV *gvval; } %{ #endif /* 0 */ #ifdef USE_PURE_BISON #define YYLEX_PARAM (&yychar) #endif %} %token <ival> '{' %token <opval> WORD METHOD FUNCMETH THING PMFUNC PRIVATEREF %token <opval> FUNC0SUB UNIOPSUB LSTOPSUB %token <pval> LABEL %token <ival> FORMAT SUB ANONSUB PACKAGE USE %token <ival> WHILE UNTIL IF UNLESS ELSE ELSIF CONTINUE FOR %token <ival> LOOPEX DOTDOT %token <ival> FUNC0 FUNC1 FUNC UNIOP LSTOP %token <ival> RELOP EQOP MULOP ADDOP %token <ival> DOLSHARP DO HASHBRACK NOAMP %token <ival> LOCAL MY MYSUB %token COLONATTR %type <ival> prog decl format startsub startanonsub startformsub %type <ival> remember mremember '&' %type <opval> block mblock lineseq line loop cond else %type <opval> expr term subscripted scalar ary hsh arylen star amper sideff %type <opval> argexpr nexpr texpr iexpr mexpr mnexpr mtexpr miexpr %type <opval> listexpr listexprcom indirob listop method %type <opval> formname subname proto subbody cont my_scalar %type <opval> subattrlist myattrlist mysubrout myattrterm myterm %type <pval> label %nonassoc PREC_LOW %nonassoc LOOPEX %left <ival> OROP %left ANDOP %right NOTOP %nonassoc LSTOP LSTOPSUB %left ',' %right <ival> ASSIGNOP %right '?' ':' %nonassoc DOTDOT %left OROR %left ANDAND %left <ival> BITOROP %left <ival> BITANDOP %nonassoc EQOP %nonassoc RELOP %nonassoc UNIOP UNIOPSUB %left <ival> SHIFTOP %left ADDOP %left MULOP %left <ival> MATCHOP %right '!' '~' UMINUS REFGEN %right <ival> POWOP %nonassoc PREINC PREDEC POSTINC POSTDEC %left ARROW %nonassoc <ival> ')' %left '(' %left '[' '{' %% /* RULES */ prog : /* NULL */ { #if defined(YYDEBUG) && defined(DEBUGGING) yydebug = (PL_debug & 1); #endif PL_expect = XSTATE; } /*CONTINUED*/ lineseq { newPROG($2); } ; block : '{' remember lineseq '}' { if (PL_copline > (line_t)$1) PL_copline = $1; $$ = block_end($2, $3); } ; remember: /* NULL */ /* start a full lexical scope */ { $$ = block_start(TRUE); } ; mblock : '{' mremember lineseq '}' { if (PL_copline > (line_t)$1) PL_copline = $1; $$ = block_end($2, $3); } ; mremember: /* NULL */ /* start a partial lexical scope */ { $$ = block_start(FALSE); } ; lineseq : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } | lineseq decl { $$ = $1; } | lineseq line { $$ = append_list(OP_LINESEQ, (LISTOP*)$1, (LISTOP*)$2); PL_pad_reset_pending = TRUE; if ($1 && $2) PL_hints |= HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; } ; line : label cond { $$ = newSTATEOP(0, $1, $2); } | loop /* loops add their own labels */ | label ';' { if ($1 != Nullch) { $$ = newSTATEOP(0, $1, newOP(OP_NULL, 0)); } else { $$ = Nullop; PL_copline = NOLINE; } PL_expect = XSTATE; } | label sideff ';' { $$ = newSTATEOP(0, $1, $2); PL_expect = XSTATE; } ; sideff : error { $$ = Nullop; } | expr { $$ = $1; } | expr IF expr { $$ = newLOGOP(OP_AND, 0, $3, $1); } | expr UNLESS expr { $$ = newLOGOP(OP_OR, 0, $3, $1); } | expr WHILE expr { $$ = newLOOPOP(OPf_PARENS, 1, scalar($3), $1); } | expr UNTIL iexpr { $$ = newLOOPOP(OPf_PARENS, 1, $3, $1);} | expr FOR expr { $$ = newFOROP(0, Nullch, $2, Nullop, $3, $1, Nullop); } ; else : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } | ELSE mblock { ($2)->op_flags |= OPf_PARENS; $$ = scope($2); } | ELSIF '(' mexpr ')' mblock else { PL_copline = $1; $$ = newCONDOP(0, $3, scope($5), $6); PL_hints |= HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; } ; cond : IF '(' remember mexpr ')' mblock else { PL_copline = $1; $$ = block_end($3, newCONDOP(0, $4, scope($6), $7)); } | UNLESS '(' remember miexpr ')' mblock else { PL_copline = $1; $$ = block_end($3, newCONDOP(0, $4, scope($6), $7)); } ; cont : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } | CONTINUE block { $$ = scope($2); } ; loop : label WHILE '(' remember mtexpr ')' mblock cont { PL_copline = $2; $$ = block_end($4, newSTATEOP(0, $1, newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop, $2, $5, $7, $8))); } | label UNTIL '(' remember miexpr ')' mblock cont { PL_copline = $2; $$ = block_end($4, newSTATEOP(0, $1, newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop, $2, $5, $7, $8))); } | label FOR MY remember my_scalar '(' mexpr ')' mblock cont { $$ = block_end($4, newFOROP(0, $1, $2, $5, $7, $9, $10)); } | label FOR scalar '(' remember mexpr ')' mblock cont { $$ = block_end($5, newFOROP(0, $1, $2, mod($3, OP_ENTERLOOP), $6, $8, $9)); } | label FOR '(' remember mexpr ')' mblock cont { $$ = block_end($4, newFOROP(0, $1, $2, Nullop, $5, $7, $8)); } | label FOR '(' remember mnexpr ';' mtexpr ';' mnexpr ')' mblock /* basically fake up an initialize-while lineseq */ { OP *forop = append_elem(OP_LINESEQ, scalar($5), newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop, $2, scalar($7), $11, scalar($9))); PL_copline = $2; $$ = block_end($4, newSTATEOP(0, $1, forop)); } | label block cont /* a block is a loop that happens once */ { $$ = newSTATEOP(0, $1, newWHILEOP(0, 1, (LOOP*)Nullop, NOLINE, Nullop, $2, $3)); } ; nexpr : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } | sideff ; texpr : /* NULL means true */ { (void)scan_num("1"); $$ = yylval.opval; } | expr ; iexpr : expr { $$ = invert(scalar($1)); } ; mexpr : expr { $$ = $1; intro_my(); } ; mnexpr : nexpr { $$ = $1; intro_my(); } ; mtexpr : texpr { $$ = $1; intro_my(); } ; miexpr : iexpr { $$ = $1; intro_my(); } ; label : /* empty */ { $$ = Nullch; } | LABEL ; decl : format { $$ = 0; } | subrout { $$ = 0; } | mysubrout { $$ = 0; } | package { $$ = 0; } | use { $$ = 0; } ; format : FORMAT startformsub formname block { newFORM($2, $3, $4); } ; formname: WORD { $$ = $1; } | /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } ; mysubrout: MYSUB startsub subname proto subattrlist subbody { newMYSUB($2, $3, $4, $5, $6); } ; subrout : SUB startsub subname proto subattrlist subbody { newATTRSUB($2, $3, $4, $5, $6); } ; startsub: /* NULL */ /* start a regular subroutine scope */ { $$ = start_subparse(FALSE, 0); } ; startanonsub: /* NULL */ /* start an anonymous subroutine scope */ { $$ = start_subparse(FALSE, CVf_ANON); } ; startformsub: /* NULL */ /* start a format subroutine scope */ { $$ = start_subparse(TRUE, 0); } ; subname : WORD { STRLEN n_a; char *name = SvPV(((SVOP*)$1)->op_sv,n_a); if (strEQ(name, "BEGIN") || strEQ(name, "END") || strEQ(name, "INIT") || strEQ(name, "CHECK")) CvSPECIAL_on(PL_compcv); $$ = $1; } ; proto : /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } | THING ; subattrlist: /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } | COLONATTR THING { $$ = $2; } | COLONATTR { $$ = Nullop; } ; myattrlist: COLONATTR THING { $$ = $2; } | COLONATTR { $$ = Nullop; } ; subbody : block { $$ = $1; } | ';' { $$ = Nullop; PL_expect = XSTATE; } ; package : PACKAGE WORD ';' { package($2); } | PACKAGE ';' { package(Nullop); } ; use : USE startsub { CvSPECIAL_on(PL_compcv); /* It's a BEGIN {} */ } WORD WORD listexpr ';' { utilize($1, $2, $4, $5, $6); } ; expr : expr ANDOP expr { $$ = newLOGOP(OP_AND, 0, $1, $3); } | expr OROP expr { $$ = newLOGOP($2, 0, $1, $3); } | argexpr %prec PREC_LOW ; argexpr : argexpr ',' { $$ = $1; } | argexpr ',' term { $$ = append_elem(OP_LIST, $1, $3); } | term %prec PREC_LOW ; listop : LSTOP indirob argexpr { $$ = convert($1, OPf_STACKED, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, newGVREF($1,$2), $3) ); } | FUNC '(' indirob expr ')' { $$ = convert($1, OPf_STACKED, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, newGVREF($1,$3), $4) ); } | term ARROW method '(' listexprcom ')' { $$ = convert(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, scalar($1), $5), newUNOP(OP_METHOD, 0, $3))); } | term ARROW method { $$ = convert(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, scalar($1), newUNOP(OP_METHOD, 0, $3))); } | METHOD indirob listexpr { $$ = convert(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, $2, $3), newUNOP(OP_METHOD, 0, $1))); } | FUNCMETH indirob '(' listexprcom ')' { $$ = convert(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, $2, $4), newUNOP(OP_METHOD, 0, $1))); } | LSTOP listexpr { $$ = convert($1, 0, $2); } | FUNC '(' listexprcom ')' { $$ = convert($1, 0, $3); } | LSTOPSUB startanonsub block { $3 = newANONATTRSUB($2, 0, Nullop, $3); } listexpr %prec LSTOP { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, $3, $5), $1)); } ; method : METHOD | scalar ; subscripted: star '{' expr ';' '}' { $$ = newBINOP(OP_GELEM, 0, $1, scalar($3)); } | scalar '[' expr ']' { $$ = newBINOP(OP_AELEM, 0, oopsAV($1), scalar($3)); } | term ARROW '[' expr ']' { $$ = newBINOP(OP_AELEM, 0, ref(newAVREF($1),OP_RV2AV), scalar($4));} | subscripted '[' expr ']' { $$ = newBINOP(OP_AELEM, 0, ref(newAVREF($1),OP_RV2AV), scalar($3));} | scalar '{' expr ';' '}' { $$ = newBINOP(OP_HELEM, 0, oopsHV($1), jmaybe($3)); PL_expect = XOPERATOR; } | term ARROW '{' expr ';' '}' { $$ = newBINOP(OP_HELEM, 0, ref(newHVREF($1),OP_RV2HV), jmaybe($4)); PL_expect = XOPERATOR; } | subscripted '{' expr ';' '}' { $$ = newBINOP(OP_HELEM, 0, ref(newHVREF($1),OP_RV2HV), jmaybe($3)); PL_expect = XOPERATOR; } | term ARROW '(' ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, newCVREF(0, scalar($1))); } | term ARROW '(' expr ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, $4, newCVREF(0, scalar($1)))); } | subscripted '(' expr ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, $3, newCVREF(0, scalar($1)))); } | subscripted '(' ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, newCVREF(0, scalar($1))); } term : term ASSIGNOP term { $$ = newASSIGNOP(OPf_STACKED, $1, $2, $3); } | term POWOP term { $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, scalar($1), scalar($3)); } | term MULOP term { if ($2 != OP_REPEAT) scalar($1); $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, $1, scalar($3)); } | term ADDOP term { $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, scalar($1), scalar($3)); } | term SHIFTOP term { $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, scalar($1), scalar($3)); } | term RELOP term { $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, scalar($1), scalar($3)); } | term EQOP term { $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, scalar($1), scalar($3)); } | term BITANDOP term { $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, scalar($1), scalar($3)); } | term BITOROP term { $$ = newBINOP($2, 0, scalar($1), scalar($3)); } | term DOTDOT term { $$ = newRANGE($2, scalar($1), scalar($3));} | term ANDAND term { $$ = newLOGOP(OP_AND, 0, $1, $3); } | term OROR term { $$ = newLOGOP(OP_OR, 0, $1, $3); } | term '?' term ':' term { $$ = newCONDOP(0, $1, $3, $5); } | term MATCHOP term { $$ = bind_match($2, $1, $3); } | '-' term %prec UMINUS { $$ = newUNOP(OP_NEGATE, 0, scalar($2)); } | '+' term %prec UMINUS { $$ = $2; } | '!' term { $$ = newUNOP(OP_NOT, 0, scalar($2)); } | '~' term { $$ = newUNOP(OP_COMPLEMENT, 0, scalar($2));} | REFGEN term { $$ = newUNOP(OP_REFGEN, 0, mod($2,OP_REFGEN)); } | term POSTINC { $$ = newUNOP(OP_POSTINC, 0, mod(scalar($1), OP_POSTINC)); } | term POSTDEC { $$ = newUNOP(OP_POSTDEC, 0, mod(scalar($1), OP_POSTDEC)); } | PREINC term { $$ = newUNOP(OP_PREINC, 0, mod(scalar($2), OP_PREINC)); } | PREDEC term { $$ = newUNOP(OP_PREDEC, 0, mod(scalar($2), OP_PREDEC)); } | myattrterm %prec UNIOP { $$ = $1; } | LOCAL term %prec UNIOP { $$ = localize($2,$1); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = sawparens($2); } | '(' ')' { $$ = sawparens(newNULLLIST()); } | '[' expr ']' { $$ = newANONLIST($2); } | '[' ']' { $$ = newANONLIST(Nullop); } | HASHBRACK expr ';' '}' %prec '(' { $$ = newANONHASH($2); } | HASHBRACK ';' '}' %prec '(' { $$ = newANONHASH(Nullop); } | ANONSUB startanonsub proto subattrlist block %prec '(' { $$ = newANONATTRSUB($2, $3, $4, $5); } | scalar %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | star %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | hsh %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | ary %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | arylen %prec '(' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_AV2ARYLEN, 0, ref($1, OP_AV2ARYLEN));} | subscripted { $$ = $1; } | '(' expr ')' '[' expr ']' { $$ = newSLICEOP(0, $5, $2); } | '(' ')' '[' expr ']' { $$ = newSLICEOP(0, $4, Nullop); } | ary '[' expr ']' { $$ = prepend_elem(OP_ASLICE, newOP(OP_PUSHMARK, 0), newLISTOP(OP_ASLICE, 0, list($3), ref($1, OP_ASLICE))); } | ary '{' expr ';' '}' { $$ = prepend_elem(OP_HSLICE, newOP(OP_PUSHMARK, 0), newLISTOP(OP_HSLICE, 0, list($3), ref(oopsHV($1), OP_HSLICE))); PL_expect = XOPERATOR; } | THING %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | amper { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, 0, scalar($1)); } | amper '(' ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, scalar($1)); } | amper '(' expr ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, $3, scalar($1))); } | NOAMP WORD listexpr { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, $3, scalar($2))); } | DO term %prec UNIOP { $$ = dofile($2); } | DO block %prec '(' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_NULL, OPf_SPECIAL, scope($2)); } | DO WORD '(' ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_SPECIAL|OPf_STACKED, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, scalar(newCVREF( (OPpENTERSUB_AMPER<<8), scalar($2) )),Nullop)); dep();} | DO WORD '(' expr ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_SPECIAL|OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, $4, scalar(newCVREF( (OPpENTERSUB_AMPER<<8), scalar($2) )))); dep();} | DO scalar '(' ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_SPECIAL|OPf_STACKED, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, scalar(newCVREF(0,scalar($2))), Nullop)); dep();} | DO scalar '(' expr ')' { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_SPECIAL|OPf_STACKED, prepend_elem(OP_LIST, $4, scalar(newCVREF(0,scalar($2))))); dep();} | LOOPEX { $$ = newOP($1, OPf_SPECIAL); PL_hints |= HINT_BLOCK_SCOPE; } | LOOPEX term { $$ = newLOOPEX($1,$2); } | NOTOP argexpr { $$ = newUNOP(OP_NOT, 0, scalar($2)); } | UNIOP { $$ = newOP($1, 0); } | UNIOP block { $$ = newUNOP($1, 0, $2); } | UNIOP term { $$ = newUNOP($1, 0, $2); } | UNIOPSUB term { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, append_elem(OP_LIST, $2, scalar($1))); } | FUNC0 { $$ = newOP($1, 0); } | FUNC0 '(' ')' { $$ = newOP($1, 0); } | FUNC0SUB { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED, scalar($1)); } | FUNC1 '(' ')' { $$ = newOP($1, OPf_SPECIAL); } | FUNC1 '(' expr ')' { $$ = newUNOP($1, 0, $3); } | PMFUNC '(' term ')' { $$ = pmruntime($1, $3, Nullop); } | PMFUNC '(' term ',' term ')' { $$ = pmruntime($1, $3, $5); } | WORD | listop ; myattrterm: MY myterm myattrlist { $$ = my_attrs($2,$3); } | MY myterm { $$ = localize($2,$1); } ; myterm : '(' expr ')' { $$ = sawparens($2); } | '(' ')' { $$ = sawparens(newNULLLIST()); } | scalar %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | hsh %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } | ary %prec '(' { $$ = $1; } ; listexpr: /* NULL */ %prec PREC_LOW { $$ = Nullop; } | argexpr %prec PREC_LOW { $$ = $1; } ; listexprcom: /* NULL */ { $$ = Nullop; } | expr { $$ = $1; } | expr ',' { $$ = $1; } ; my_scalar: scalar { PL_in_my = 0; $$ = my($1); } ; amper : '&' indirob { $$ = newCVREF($1,$2); } ; scalar : '$' indirob { $$ = newSVREF($2); } ; ary : '@' indirob { $$ = newAVREF($2); } ; hsh : '%' indirob { $$ = newHVREF($2); } ; arylen : DOLSHARP indirob { $$ = newAVREF($2); } ; star : '*' indirob { $$ = newGVREF(0,$2); } ; indirob : WORD { $$ = scalar($1); } | scalar %prec PREC_LOW { $$ = scalar($1); } | block { $$ = scope($1); } | PRIVATEREF { $$ = $1; } ; %% /* PROGRAM */ /* more stuff added to make perly_c.diff easier to apply */ #ifdef yyparse #undef yyparse #endif #define yyparse() Perl_yyparse(pTHX)