#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw($Quiet); use File::Spec; use FindBin; use Text::Wrap; use Getopt::Long; no locale; # Assumption is that we're either already being run from the top level (*nix, # VMS), or have absolute paths in @INC (Win32, pod/Makefile) BEGIN { my $Top = File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin, File::Spec->updir); chdir $Top or die "Can't chdir to $Top: $!"; require './Porting/pod_lib.pl'; } die "$0: Usage: $0 [--quiet]\n" unless GetOptions ('q|quiet' => \$Quiet) && !@ARGV; my $state = get_pod_metadata(0, sub { warn @_ if @_ }, 'pod/perltoc.pod'); my $found = pods_to_install(); my_die "Can't find any pods!\n" unless %$found; # Accumulating everything into a lexical before writing to disk dates from the # time when this script also provided the functionality of regen/pod_rules.pl # and this code was in a subroutine do_toc(). In turn, the use of a file scoped # lexical instead of a parameter or return value is because the code dates back # further still, and used *only* to create pod/perltoc.pod by printing direct my $OUT; my $roffitall; ($_= <<"EOPOD2B") =~ s/^\t//gm and $OUT .= $_; # !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! # This file is autogenerated by buildtoc from all the other pods. # Edit those files and run $0 to effect changes. =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME perltoc - perl documentation table of contents =head1 DESCRIPTION This page provides a brief table of contents for the rest of the Perl documentation set. It is meant to be scanned quickly or grepped through to locate the proper section you're looking for. =head1 BASIC DOCUMENTATION EOPOD2B # All the things in the master list that happen to be pod filenames foreach (grep {!$_->[2]{toc_omit}} @{$state->{master}}) { $roffitall .= " \$mandir/$_->[0].1 \\\n"; podset($_->[0], $_->[1]); } foreach my $type (qw(PRAGMA MODULE)) { ($_= <<"EOPOD2B") =~ s/^\t//gm and $OUT .= $_; =head1 $type DOCUMENTATION EOPOD2B foreach my $name (sort keys %{$found->{$type}}) { $roffitall .= " \$libdir/$name.3 \\\n"; podset($name, $found->{$type}{$name}); } } $_= <<"EOPOD2B"; =head1 AUXILIARY DOCUMENTATION Here should be listed all the extra programs' documentation, but they don't all have manual pages yet: =over 4 EOPOD2B $_ .= join "\n", map {"\t=item $_\n"} @{$state->{aux}}; $_ .= <<"EOPOD2B" ; =back =head1 AUTHOR Larry Wall >, with the help of oodles of other folks. EOPOD2B s/^\t//gm; $OUT .= "$_\n"; $OUT =~ s/\n\s+\n/\n\n/gs; $OUT =~ s/\n{3,}/\n\n/g; $OUT =~ s/([^\n]+)/wrap('', '', $1)/ge; write_or_die('pod/perltoc.pod', $OUT); write_or_die('pod/roffitall', <<'EOH' . $roffitall . <<'EOT'); #!/bin/sh # # Usage: roffitall [-nroff|-psroff|-groff] # # Authors: Tom Christiansen, Raphael Manfredi me=roffitall tmp=. if test -f ../config.sh; then . ../config.sh fi mandir=$installman1dir libdir=$installman3dir test -d $mandir || mandir=/usr/new/man/man1 test -d $libdir || libdir=/usr/new/man/man3 case "$1" in -nroff) cmd="nroff -man"; ext='txt';; -psroff) cmd="psroff -t"; ext='ps';; -groff) cmd="groff -man"; ext='ps';; *) echo "Usage: roffitall [-nroff|-psroff|-groff]" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac toroff=` echo \ EOH | perl -ne 'map { -r && print "$_ " } split'` # Bypass internal shell buffer limit -- can't use case if perl -e '$a = shift; exit($a =~ m|/|)' $toroff; then echo "$me: empty file list -- did you run install?" >&2 exit 1 fi #psroff -t -man -rC1 -rD1 -rF1 > $tmp/PerlDoc.ps 2>$tmp/PerlTOC.raw #nroff -man -rC1 -rD1 -rF1 > $tmp/PerlDoc.txt 2>$tmp/PerlTOC.nr.raw # First, create the raw data run="$cmd -rC1 -rD1 -rF1 >$tmp/PerlDoc.$ext 2>$tmp/PerlTOC.$ext.raw" echo "$me: running $run" eval $run $toroff #Now create the TOC echo "$me: parsing TOC" perl rofftoc $tmp/PerlTOC.$ext.raw > $tmp/PerlTOC.tmp.man run="$cmd $tmp/PerlTOC.tmp.man >$tmp/PerlTOC.$ext" echo "$me: running $run" eval $run # Finally, recreate the Doc, without the blank page 0 run="$cmd -rC1 -rD1 >$tmp/PerlDoc.$ext 2>$tmp/PerlTOC.$ext.raw" echo "$me: running $run" eval $run $toroff rm -f $tmp/PerlTOC.tmp.man $tmp/PerlTOC.$ext.raw echo "$me: leaving you with $tmp/PerlDoc.$ext and $tmp/PerlTOC.$ext" EOT exit(0); # Below are all the auxiliary routines for generating perltoc.pod my ($inhead1, $inhead2, $initem); sub podset { my ($pod, $file) = @_; open my $fh, '<', $file or my_die "Can't open file '$file' for $pod: $!"; local *_; my $found_pod; while (<$fh>) { if (/^=head1\s+NAME\b/) { ++$found_pod; last; } } unless ($found_pod) { warn "$0: NOTE: cannot find '=head1 NAME' in:\n $file\n" unless $Quiet; return; } seek $fh, 0, 0 or my_die "Can't rewind file '$file': $!"; local $/ = ''; while(<$fh>) { tr/\015//d; if (s/^=head1 (NAME)\s*/=head2 /) { unhead1(); $OUT .= "\n\n=head2 "; $_ = <$fh>; # Remove svn keyword expansions from the Perl FAQ s/ \(\$Revision: \d+ \$\)//g; if ( /^\s*\Q$pod\E\b/ ) { s/$pod\.pm/$pod/; # '.pm' in NAME !? } else { s/^/$pod, /; } } elsif (s/^=head1 (.*)/=item $1/) { unhead2(); $OUT .= "=over 4\n\n" unless $inhead1; $inhead1 = 1; $_ .= "\n"; } elsif (s/^=head2 (.*)/=item $1/) { unitem(); $OUT .= "=over 4\n\n" unless $inhead2; $inhead2 = 1; $_ .= "\n"; } elsif (s/^=item ([^=].*)/$1/) { next if $pod eq 'perldiag'; s/^\s*\*\s*$// && next; s/^\s*\*\s*//; s/\n/ /g; s/\s+$//; next if /^[\d.]+$/; next if $pod eq 'perlmodlib' && /^ftp:/; $OUT .= ", " if $initem; $initem = 1; s/\.$//; s/^-X\b/-I/; } else { unhead1() if /^=cut\s*\n/; next; } $OUT .= $_; } } sub unhead1 { unhead2(); if ($inhead1) { $OUT .= "\n\n=back\n\n"; } $inhead1 = 0; } sub unhead2 { unitem(); if ($inhead2) { $OUT .= "\n\n=back\n\n"; } $inhead2 = 0; } sub unitem { if ($initem) { $OUT .= "\n\n"; } $initem = 0; } # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: