BEGIN { # Get function prototypes require ''; } #use Fatal qw(open close rename chmod unlink); use strict; use warnings; open DESC, 'regcomp.sym'; my $ind = 0; my (@name,@rest,@type,@code,@args,@longj); my ($desc,$lastregop); while () { s/#.*$//; next if /^\s*$/; s/\s*\z//; if (/^-+\s*$/) { $lastregop= $ind; next; } unless ($lastregop) { $ind++; ($name[$ind], $desc, $rest[$ind]) = split /\t+/, $_, 3; ($type[$ind], $code[$ind], $args[$ind], $longj[$ind]) = split /[,\s]\s*/, $desc, 4; } else { my ($type,@lists)=split /\s*\t+\s*/, $_; die "No list? $type" if !@lists; foreach my $list (@lists) { my ($names,$special)=split /:/, $list , 2; $special ||= ""; foreach my $name (split /,/,$names) { my $real= $name eq 'resume' ? "resume_$type" : "${type}_$name"; my @suffix; if (!$special) { @suffix=(""); } elsif ($special=~/\d/) { @suffix=(1..$special); } elsif ($special eq 'FAIL') { @suffix=("","_fail"); } else { die "unknown :type ':$special'"; } foreach my $suffix (@suffix) { $ind++; $name[$ind]="$real$suffix"; $type[$ind]=$type; $rest[$ind]="state for $type"; } } } } } # use fixed width to keep the diffs between recompiles # as small as possible. my ($width,$rwidth,$twidth)=(22,12,9); $lastregop ||= $ind; my $tot = $ind; close DESC; die "Too many regexp/state opcodes! Maximum is 256, but there are $lastregop in file!" if $lastregop>256; my $tmp_h = 'tmp_reg.h'; unlink $tmp_h if -f $tmp_h; open OUT, ">$tmp_h"; #*OUT=\*STDOUT; binmode OUT; printf OUT < $lastregop - 1, -$width, REGMATCH_STATE_MAX => $tot - 1 ; for ($ind=1; $ind <= $lastregop ; $ind++) { my $oind = $ind - 1; printf OUT "#define\t%*s\t%d\t/* %#04x %s */\n", -$width, $name[$ind], $ind-1, $ind-1, $rest[$ind]; } print OUT "\t/* ------------ States ------------- */\n"; for ( ; $ind <= $tot ; $ind++) { printf OUT "#define\t%*s\t(REGNODE_MAX + %d)\t/* %s */\n", -$width, $name[$ind], $ind - $lastregop, $rest[$ind]; } print OUT <) { if (/#define\s+(RXf_\w+)\s+(0x[A-F\d]+)/i) { my $newval = eval $2; if($val & $newval) { die sprintf "Both $1 and $reverse{$newval} use %08X", $newval; } $val|=$newval; $rxfv{$1}= $newval; $reverse{$newval} = $1; } } my %vrxf=reverse %rxfv; printf OUT "\t/* Bits in extflags defined: %032b */\n",$val; for (0..31) { my $n=$vrxf{2**$_}||"UNUSED_BIT_$_"; $n=~s/^RXf_(PMf_)?//; printf OUT qq(\t%-20s/* 0x%08x */\n), qq("$n",),2**$_; } print OUT <