#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # read embed.fnc and regen/opcodes, needed by regen/embed.pl and makedef.pl require 5.004; # keep this compatible, an old perl is all we may have before # we build the new one # Records the current pre-processor state: my @state; # Nested structure to group functions by the pre-processor conditions that # control when they are compiled: my %groups; sub current_group { my $group = \%groups; # Nested #if blocks are effectively &&ed together # For embed.fnc, ordering within the && isn't relevant, so we can # sort them to try to group more functions together. foreach (sort @state) { $group->{$_} ||= {}; $group = $group->{$_}; } return $group->{''} ||= []; } sub add_level { my ($level, $indent, $wanted) = @_; my $funcs = $level->{''}; my @entries; if ($funcs) { if (!defined $wanted) { @entries = @$funcs; } else { foreach (@$funcs) { if ($_->[0] =~ /A/) { push @entries, $_ if $wanted eq 'A'; } elsif ($_->[0] =~ /E/) { push @entries, $_ if $wanted eq 'E'; } else { push @entries, $_ if $wanted eq ''; } } } @entries = sort {$a->[2] cmp $b->[2]} @entries; } foreach (sort grep {length $_} keys %$level) { my @conditional = add_level($level->{$_}, $indent . ' ', $wanted); push @entries, ["#${indent}if $_"], @conditional, ["#${indent}endif"] if @conditional; } return @entries; } sub setup_embed { my $prefix = shift || ''; open IN, $prefix . 'embed.fnc' or die $!; my @embed; my %seen; my $macro_depth = 0; while () { chomp; next if /^:/; next if /^$/; while (s|\\$||) { $_ .= ; chomp; } s/\s+$//; my @args; if (/^\s*(#|$)/) { @args = $_; } else { @args = split /\s*\|\s*/, $_; } if (@args == 1) { if ($args[0] !~ /^#\s*(?:if|ifdef|ifndef|else|endif)/) { die "Illegal line $. '$args[0]' in embed.fnc"; } $macro_depth++ if $args[0] =~/^#\s*if(n?def)?\b/; $macro_depth-- if $args[0] =~/^#\s*endif\b/; die "More #endif than #if in embed.fnc:$." if $macro_depth < 0; } else { die "Illegal line (less than 3 fields) in embed.fnc:$.: $_" unless @args >= 3; my $name = $args[2]; # only check for duplicates outside of #if's - otherwise # they may be alternate definitions of the same function if ($macro_depth == 0) { die "Duplicate function name: '$name' in embed.fnc:$." if exists $seen{$name}; } $seen{$name} = 1; } push @embed, \@args; } die "More #if than #endif by the end of embed.fnc" if $macro_depth != 0; close IN or die "Problem reading embed.fnc: $!"; open IN, $prefix . 'regen/opcodes' or die $!; { my %syms; while () { chomp; next unless $_; next if /^#/; my $check = (split /\t+/, $_)[2]; next if $syms{$check}++; # These are all indirectly referenced by globals.c. push @embed, ['pR', 'OP *', $check, 'NN OP *o']; } } close IN or die "Problem reading regen/opcodes: $!"; # Cluster entries in embed.fnc that have the same #ifdef guards. # Also, split out at the top level the three classes of functions. # Output structure is actually the same as input structure - an # (ordered) list of array references, where the elements in the # reference determine what it is - a reference to a 1-element array is a # pre-processor directive, a reference to 2+ element array is a function. my $current = current_group(); foreach (@embed) { if (@$_ > 1) { push @$current, $_; next; } $_->[0] =~ s/^#\s+/#/; $_->[0] =~ /^\S*/; $_->[0] =~ s/^#ifdef\s+(\S+)/#if defined($1)/; $_->[0] =~ s/^#ifndef\s+(\S+)/#if !defined($1)/; if ($_->[0] =~ /^#if\s*(.*)/) { push @state, $1; } elsif ($_->[0] =~ /^#else\s*$/) { die "Unmatched #else in embed.fnc" unless @state; $state[-1] = "!($state[-1])"; } elsif ($_->[0] =~ m!^#endif\s*(?:/\*.*\*/)?$!) { die "Unmatched #endif in embed.fnc" unless @state; pop @state; } else { die "Unhandled pre-processor directive '$_->[0]' in embed.fnc"; } $current = current_group(); } return ([add_level(\%groups, '')], [add_level(\%groups, '', '')], # core [add_level(\%groups, '', 'E')], # ext [add_level(\%groups, '', 'A')]); # api } 1;