#!perl -w use strict; require './regen/regen_lib.pl'; require './Porting/pod_lib.pl'; our ($TAP, $Verbose); # For processing later my @ext; # Lookup hash of all directories in lib/ in a clean distribution my %libdirs; open my $fh, '<', 'MANIFEST' or die "Can't open MANIFEST: $!"; while (<$fh>) { if (m<^((?:cpan|dist|ext)/[^/]+/ # In an extension directory (?!t/|private/|corpus/|demo/|testdir/) # but not a test or similar \S+ # filename characters (?:\.pm|\.pod|_pm\.PL|_pod\.PL|\.yml)) # useful ending (?:\s|$) # whitespace or end of line >x) { push @ext, $1; } elsif (m!^lib/([^ \t\n]+)/[^/ \t\n]+!) { # All we are interested in are shipped directories in lib/ # leafnames (and package names) are actually irrelevant. my $dirs = $1; do { # lib/Pod/t is in MANIFEST, but lib/Pod is not. Rather than # special-casing this, generalise the code to ensure that all # parent directories of anything add are also added: ++$libdirs{$dirs} } while ($dirs =~ s!/.*!!); } } close $fh or die "Can't close MANIFEST: $!"; # Lines we need in lib/.gitignore my %ignore; # Directories that the Makfiles should remove # With a special case already :-( my %rmdir_s = my %rmdir = ('Unicode/Collate/Locale' => 1); FILE: foreach my $file (@ext) { my ($extname, $path) = $file =~ m!^(?:cpan|dist|ext)/([^/]+)/(.*)! or die "Can't parse '$file'"; if ($path =~ /\.yml$/) { next unless $path =~ s!^lib/!!; } elsif ($path =~ /\.pod$/) { unless ($path =~ s!^lib/!!) { # ExtUtils::MakeMaker will install it to a path based on the # extension name: if ($extname =~ s!-[^-]+$!!) { $extname =~ tr!-!/!; $path = "$extname/$path"; } } } elsif ($extname eq 'Unicode-Collate' # Trust the package lines || $extname eq 'Encode' # Trust the package lines || $path eq 'win32/Win32.pm' # Trust the package line || ($path !~ tr!/!! # No path && $path ne 'DB_File.pm' # ... but has multiple package lines )) { # Too many special cases to encode, so just open the file and figure it # out: my $package; open my $fh, '<', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!"; while (<$fh>) { if (/^\s*package\s+([A-Za-z0-9_:]+)/) { $package = $1; last; } } close $fh or die "Can't close $file: $!"; die "Can't locate package statement in $file" unless defined $package; $package =~ s!::!/!g; $path = "$package.pm"; } else { if ($path =~ s/\.PL$//) { # .PL files generate other files. By convention the output filename # has the .PL stripped, and any preceding _ changed to ., to comply # with historical VMS filename rules that only permit one . $path =~ s!_([^_/]+)$!.$1!; } $path =~ s!^lib/!!; } my @parts = split '/', $path; my $prefix = shift @parts; while (@parts) { if (!$libdirs{$prefix}) { # It is a directory that we will create. Ignore everything in it: ++$ignore{"/$prefix/"}; ++$rmdir{$prefix}; ++$rmdir_s{$prefix}; pop @parts; while (@parts) { $prefix .= '/' . shift @parts; ++$rmdir{$prefix}; } next FILE; } $prefix .= '/' . shift @parts; # If we've just shifted the leafname back onto $prefix, then @parts is # empty, so we should terminate this loop. } # We are creating a file in an existing directory. We must ignore the file # explicitly: ++$ignore{"/$path"}; } sub edit_makefile_SH { my ($desc, $contents) = @_; my $start_re = qr/(\trm -f so_locations[^\n]+)/; my ($start) = $contents =~ $start_re; $contents = verify_contiguous($desc, $contents, qr/$start_re\n(?:\t-rmdir [^\n]+\n)+/sm, 'lib directory rmdir rules'); # Reverse sort ensures that any subdirectories are deleted first. # The extensions themselves delete files with the MakeMaker generated clean # targets. $contents =~ s{\0} {"$start\n" . wrap(79, "\t-rmdir ", "\t-rmdir ", map {"lib/$_"} reverse sort keys %rmdir) . "\n"}e; $contents; } sub edit_win32_makefile { my ($desc, $contents) = @_; my $start = "\t-del /f *.def *.map"; my $start_re = quotemeta($start); $contents = verify_contiguous($desc, $contents, qr!$start_re\n(?:\t-if exist (\$\(LIBDIR\)\\\S+) rmdir /s /q \1\n)+!sm, 'Win32 lib directory rmdir rules'); # Win32 is (currently) using rmdir /s /q which deletes recursively # (seems to be analogous to rm -r) so we don't explicitly list # subdirectories to delete, and don't need to ensure that subdirectories are # deleted before their parents. # Might be able to rely on MakeMaker generated clean targets to clean # everything, but not in a position to test this. my $lines = join '', map { tr!/!\\!; "\t-if exist \$(LIBDIR)\\$_ rmdir /s /q \$(LIBDIR)\\$_\n" } sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %rmdir_s; $contents =~ s/\0/$start\n$lines/; $contents; } process('Makefile.SH', 'Makefile.SH', \&edit_makefile_SH, $TAP && '', $Verbose); foreach ('win32/Makefile', 'win32/makefile.mk') { process($_, $_, \&edit_win32_makefile, $TAP && '', $Verbose); } # This must come last as it can exit early: if ($TAP && !-d '.git' && !-f 'lib/.gitignore') { print "ok # skip not being run from a git checkout, hence no lib/.gitignore\n"; exit 0; } if ($ENV{'PERL_BUILD_PACKAGING'}) { print "ok # skip explicitly disabled git tests by PERL_BUILD_PACKAGING\n"; exit 0; } $fh = open_new('lib/.gitignore', '>', { by => $0, from => 'MANIFEST and parsing files in cpan/ dist/ and ext/'}); print $fh <<"EOT"; # If this generated file has problems, it may be simpler to add more special # cases to the top level .gitignore than to code one-off logic into the # generation script $0 EOT print $fh "$_\n" foreach sort keys %ignore; read_only_bottom_close_and_rename($fh);