#!perl -w use v5.15.8; use strict; use warnings; require 'regen/regen_lib.pl'; # This program outputs l1_charclass_tab.h, which defines the guts of the # PL_charclass table. Each line is a bit map of properties that the Unicode # code point at the corresponding position in the table array has. The first # line corresponds to code point U+0000, NULL, the last line to U+00FF. For # an application to see if the code point "i" has a particular property, it # just does # 'PL_charclass[i] & BIT' # The bit names are of the form '_CC_property_suffix', where 'CC' stands for # character class, and 'property' is the corresponding property, and 'suffix' # is one of '_A' to mean the property is true only if the corresponding code # point is ASCII, and '_L1' means that the range includes any Latin1 # character (ISO-8859-1 including the C0 and C1 controls). A property without # these suffixes does not have different forms for both ranges. # This program need be run only when adding new properties to it, or upon a # new Unicode release, to make sure things haven't been changed by it. my @properties = qw( ALNUMC ALPHA ASCII BLANK CHARNAME_CONT CNTRL DIGIT GRAPH IDFIRST LOWER NON_FINAL_FOLD PRINT PSXSPC PUNCT QUOTEMETA SPACE UPPER WORDCHAR XDIGIT ); # Read in the case fold mappings. my %folded_closure; my $file="lib/unicore/CaseFolding.txt"; my @folds; use Unicode::UCD; # Use the Unicode data file if we are on an ASCII platform (which its data is # for), and it is in the modern format (starting in Unicode 3.1.0) and it is # available. This avoids being affected by potential bugs introduced by other # layers of Perl if (ord('A') == 65 && pack("C*", split /\./, Unicode::UCD::UnicodeVersion()) ge v3.1.0 && open my $fh, "<", $file) { @folds = <$fh>; } else { my ($invlist_ref, $invmap_ref, undef, $default) = Unicode::UCD::prop_invmap('Case_Folding'); for my $i (0 .. @$invlist_ref - 1 - 1) { next if $invmap_ref->[$i] == $default; my $adjust = -1; for my $j ($invlist_ref->[$i] .. $invlist_ref->[$i+1] -1) { $adjust++; # Single-code point maps go to a 'C' type if (! ref $invmap_ref->[$i]) { push @folds, sprintf("%04X; C; %04X\n", $j, $invmap_ref->[$i] + $adjust); } else { # Multi-code point maps go to 'F'. prop_invmap() # guarantees that no adjustment is needed for these, # as the range will contain just one element push @folds, sprintf("%04X; F; %s\n", $j, join " ", map { sprintf "%04X", $_ } @{$invmap_ref->[$i]}); } } } } for (@folds) { chomp; # Lines look like (without the initial '#' #0130; F; 0069 0307; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE # Get rid of comments, ignore blank or comment-only lines my $line = $_ =~ s/ (?: \s* \# .* )? $ //rx; next unless length $line; my ($hex_from, $fold_type, @folded) = split /[\s;]+/, $line; my $from = hex $hex_from; # Perl only deals with C and F folds next if $fold_type ne 'C' and $fold_type ne 'F'; # Get each code point in the range that participates in this line's fold. # The hash has keys of each code point in the range, and values of what it # folds to and what folds to it foreach my $hex_fold (@folded) { my $fold = hex $hex_fold; push @{$folded_closure{$fold}}, $from if $fold < 256; push @{$folded_closure{$from}}, $fold if $from < 256; } } # Now having read all the lines, combine them into the full closure of each # code point in the range by adding lists together that share a common element foreach my $folded (keys %folded_closure) { foreach my $from (grep { $_ < 256 } @{$folded_closure{$folded}}) { push @{$folded_closure{$from}}, @{$folded_closure{$folded}}; } } my @bits; # Bit map for each code point foreach my $folded (keys %folded_closure) { $bits[$folded] = "(1U<<_CC_NONLATIN1_FOLD)" if grep { $_ > 255 } @{$folded_closure{$folded}}; } # For each character, calculate which properties it matches. for my $ord (0..255) { my $char = chr($ord); utf8::upgrade($char); # Important to use Unicode semantics! # Look at all the properties we care about here. for my $property (@properties) { my $name = $property; # Remove the suffix to get the actual property name. # Currently the suffixes are '_L1', '_A', and none. # If is a latin1 version, no further checking is needed. if (! ($name =~ s/_L1$//)) { # Here, isn't an _L1. If its _A, it's automatically false for # non-ascii. The only one current one (besides ASCII) without a # suffix is valid over the whole range. next if $name =~ s/_A$// && $ord >= 128; } my $re; if ($name eq 'PUNCT') {; # Sadly, this is inconsistent: \pP and \pS for the ascii range, # just \pP outside it. $re = qr/\p{Punct}|[^\P{Symbol}\P{ASCII}]/; } elsif ($name eq 'CHARNAME_CONT') {; $re = qr/[-\p{XPosixWord} ():\xa0]/; } elsif ($name eq 'SPACE') {; $re = qr/\p{XPerlSpace}/; } elsif ($name eq 'IDFIRST') { $re = qr/[_\p{Alpha}]/; } elsif ($name eq 'PSXSPC') { $re = qr/[\v\p{Space}]/; } elsif ($name eq 'WORDCHAR') { $re = qr/\p{XPosixWord}/; } elsif ($name eq 'ALNUMC') { # Like \w, but no underscore $re = qr/\p{Alnum}/; } elsif ($name eq 'QUOTEMETA') { $re = qr/\p{_Perl_Quotemeta}/; } elsif ($name eq 'NON_FINAL_FOLD') { $re = qr/\p{_Perl_Non_Final_Folds}/; } else { # The remainder have the same name and values as Unicode $re = eval "qr/\\p{$name}/"; use Carp; carp $@ if ! defined $re; } #print "$ord, $name $property, $re\n"; if ($char =~ $re # Add this property if matches || ($name eq 'NON_FINAL_FOLD' # Also include chars that fold to the non-final && CORE::fc($char) =~ $re)) { $bits[$ord] .= '|' if $bits[$ord]; $bits[$ord] .= "(1U<<_CC_$property)"; } } #print __LINE__, " $ord $char $bits[$ord]\n"; } # Names of C0 controls my @C0 = qw ( NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EOM SUB ESC FS GS RS US ); # Names of C1 controls, plus the adjacent DEL my @C1 = qw( DEL PAD HOP BPH NBH IND NEL SSA ESA HTS HTJ VTS PLD PLU RI SS2 SS3 DCS PU1 PU2 STS CCH MW SPA EPA SOS SGC SCI CSI ST OSC PM APC ); my $out_fh = open_new('l1_char_class_tab.h', '>', {style => '*', by => $0, from => "property definitions"}); # Output the table using fairly short names for each char. for my $ord (0..255) { my $name; if ($ord < 32) { # A C0 control $name = $C0[$ord]; } elsif ($ord > 32 && $ord < 127) { # Graphic $name = "'" . chr($ord) . "'"; } elsif ($ord >= 127 && $ord <= 0x9f) { $name = $C1[$ord - 127]; # A C1 control + DEL } else { # SPACE, or, if Latin1, shorten the name */ use charnames(); $name = charnames::viacode($ord); $name =~ s/LATIN CAPITAL LETTER // || $name =~ s/LATIN SMALL LETTER (.*)/\L$1/; } printf $out_fh "/* U+%02X %s */ %s,\n", $ord, $name, $bits[$ord]; } read_only_bottom_close_and_rename($out_fh)