package MinimalPerfectHash; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use Text::Wrap; use List::Util qw(shuffle min); use warnings 'FATAL' => 'all'; # The style of this file is determined by: # # perltidy -w -ple -bbb -bbc -bbs -nolq -l=80 -noll -nola -nwls='=' \ # -isbc -nolc -otr -kis -ci=4 -se -sot -sct -nsbl -pt=2 -fs \ # -fsb='##!' -fse='##.' # Naming conventions # * The public API, consisting of methods, uses "normal" sub names with # no leading underscore. # * Private subs are prefixed with a single underscore. # * Private methods are prefixed with two underscores. (There is only # one at the time of writing this comment) use constant { FNV32_PRIME => 16777619, U8_MAX => 0xFF, U16_MAX => 0xFFFF, U32_MAX => 0xFFFFFFFF, INF => 1e9, }; our $DEBUG= $ENV{DEBUG} || 0; # our so we can use local on it my $RSHIFT= 8; my $MASK= U32_MAX; my $MAX_SEED2= U16_MAX; # currently the same, but not necessarily. my $IS_32BIT= !eval { pack "Q", 1 }; sub new { my ($class, %self)= @_; my $source_hash= $self{source_hash} or die "'source_hash' is a required parameter in $class->new()\n"; my $length_all_keys= 0; $length_all_keys += length($_) for keys %$source_hash; $self{length_all_keys}= $length_all_keys; $self{max_attempts} ||= 16; # pick a number, any number... $self{base_name} ||= "mph"; my $base_name= $self{base_name}; $self{prefix} ||= uc($base_name); $self{h_file} ||= $base_name . "_algo.h"; $self{c_file} ||= $base_name . "_test.c"; $self{t_file} ||= $base_name . ""; $self{blob_name} ||= $base_name . "_blob"; $self{struct_name} ||= $base_name . "_struct"; $self{table_name} ||= $base_name . "_table"; $self{match_name} ||= $base_name . "_match"; my $split_strategy; $self{simple_split} //= 0; if ($self{simple_split}) { $self{split_strategy}= "simple"; $self{randomize_squeeze}= 0; } else { $self{split_strategy}= "squeeze"; $self{randomize_squeeze} //= 1; } if ($self{randomize_squeeze}) { $self{max_same_in_squeeze} //= 5; if (defined $self{srand_seed_was}) { $self{srand_seed}= delete $self{srand_seed_was}; } elsif (!defined $self{srand_seed}) { $self{srand_seed}= srand(); } else { srand($self{srand_seed}); } print "SRAND_SEED= $self{srand_seed}\n" if $DEBUG; } else { $self{max_same}= 3; delete $self{srand_seed}; } return bless \%self, $class; } # The basic idea is that you have a two level structure, and effectively # hash the key twice. # # The first hash finds a bucket in the array which contains a seed which # is used for the second hash, which then leads to a bucket with key # data which is compared against to determine if the key is a match. # # If the first hash finds no seed, then the key cannot match. # # In our case we cheat a bit, and hash the key only once, but use the # low bits for the first lookup and the high-bits for the second. # # So for instance: # # h= (h >> RSHIFT) ^ s; # # is how the second hash is computed. We right shift the original hash # value and then xor in the seed2, which will be non-zero. # # That then gives us the bucket which contains the key data we need to # match for a valid key. sub _fnv1a_32 { my ($key, $seed)= @_; use integer; my $hash= 0 + $seed; foreach my $char (split //, $key) { $hash= $hash ^ ord($char); # the & U32_MAX is to simulate 32 bit ints on a 64 bit integer Perl. $hash= ($hash * FNV32_PRIME) & U32_MAX; } # The hash can end up negative on 32 bit Perls due to use integer being # in scope. This is equivalent to casting it to an U32. $hash= unpack "V", pack "l", $hash if $IS_32BIT; return $hash; } sub build_perfect_hash { my ($self)= @_; my $source_hash= $self->{source_hash}; my $max_attempts= $self->{max_attempts}; my $n= 0 + keys %$source_hash; print "Building a minimal perfect hash from $n keys.\n" if $DEBUG; my $seed1= unpack("N", "Perl") - 1; TRY: for (my $attempt= 1 ; $attempt < $max_attempts ; $attempt++) { my ($hash_to_key, $key_to_hash, $key_buckets); SEED1: for ($seed1++ ; 1 ; $seed1++) { print "Trying seed $seed1\n" if $DEBUG; my %hash_to_key; my %key_to_hash; my %key_buckets; my %shifted; foreach my $key (sort keys %$source_hash) { my $h= _fnv1a_32($key, $seed1); next SEED1 if exists $hash_to_key{$h}; next SEED1 if $shifted{ ($h >> $RSHIFT) & $MASK }++; $hash_to_key{$h}= $key; $key_to_hash{$key}= $h; push @{ $key_buckets{ $h % $n } }, $key; } $hash_to_key= \%hash_to_key; $key_to_hash= \%key_to_hash; $key_buckets= \%key_buckets; last SEED1; } my $second_level= _build_mph_level2($hash_to_key, $key_to_hash, $key_buckets); if ($second_level) { $self->{seed1}= $seed1; $self->{second_level}= $second_level; return $seed1, $second_level; } } die sprintf "After %d attempts failed to construct a minimal perfect " . "hash with %d keys.\nWe are using fnv32(), perhaps this " . "hash function isn't good enough?\n", $max_attempts, $n; } sub _build_mph_level2 { my ($hash_to_key, $key_to_hash, $key_buckets)= @_; my $n= 0 + keys %$key_to_hash; # Loop over the key_buckets, processing the buckets with the most # items in them first, and the ones with the least items in them last. # This maximizes the chance we can find a $seed2 that "disambiguates" # the items that collide in a single bucket. # # With a decent hash function we will have a typical long tail # distribution of items per bucket, with relatively few buckets with # the most collisions in them, and the vast majority of buckets # having no collisions. By processing the ones with the most items # in them first the "easy" cases don't get in the way of finding a # solution for the hard cases. The buckets can be divided into three # levels of difficulty to solve "hard", "medium" and "trivial". # # * Hard buckets have more than one item in them. # * Medium buckets have one item whose hash is above $MAX_SEED2. # * Trivial buckets have one item whose hash is not above $MAX_SEED2. # # Each type of bucket uses a different algorithm to solve. Note that # a "classical" two level hash would only have "hard" and "trivial" # buckets, but since we support having a larger hash value than we # allow for a $seed2 we have three. my @first_level; my @second_level; my @singles_high; my @singles_low; print "Finding mappings for buckets with collisions.\n" if $DEBUG; FIRST_IDX: foreach my $first_idx ( sort { @{ $key_buckets->{$b} } <=> @{ $key_buckets->{$a} } || $a <=> $b } keys %$key_buckets ) { my $keys= $key_buckets->{$first_idx}; if (@$keys == 1) { # buckets with a single item in them can use a simpler # and faster algorithm to find a bucket than those with # buckets with more than one item. # however keys whose $hash2 is above $MAX_SEED2 need to be # processed first, and will use one strategy, while the rest # of the singletons should be processed last, and can use # an even simpler and more efficient strategy. my $key= $keys->[0]; my $hash2= ($key_to_hash->{$key} >> $RSHIFT) & $MASK; if ($hash2 > $MAX_SEED2) { push @singles_high, [ $first_idx, $hash2, $key ]; } else { push @singles_low, [ $first_idx, $hash2, $key ]; } next FIRST_IDX; } # This loop handles items with more than one key in the same # bucket. We need to find a $seed2 that causes the operation # # ($hash ^ $seed2) % $n # # to map those keys into different empty buckets. If we cannot # find such a $seed2 then we need to recompute everything with a # new seed. SEED2: for (my $seed2= 1 ; $seed2 <= $MAX_SEED2 ; $seed2++) { my @idx= map { ((($key_to_hash->{$_} >> $RSHIFT) ^ $seed2) & $MASK) % $n } @$keys; my %seen; next SEED2 if grep { $second_level[$_] || $seen{$_}++ } @idx; $first_level[$first_idx]= $seed2; @second_level[@idx]= map { _make_bucket_info($_) } @$keys; next FIRST_IDX; } # If we get here then we failed to find a $seed2 which results # in the colliding items being mapped to different empty buckets. # So we have to rehash everything with a different $seed1. print "Failed to disambiguate colliding keys. Trying new seed1.\n" if $DEBUG; return; } # Now fill in the singletons using a much simpler and faster # way to compute the seed2. Since we only have to worry about # a single seed, we merely need to fill in all the empty slots # and we can always compute a mask that when xor'ed with $base # maps to the empty slot. print "Finding mappings for buckets with no collisions.\n" if $DEBUG; # sort @singles_low so that for the simple algorithm we do not end # up mapping a 0 hash to the 0 bucket, which would result in a # $seed2 of 0. Our logic avoids comparing the key when the $seed2 is # 0, so we need to avoid having a seed2 of 0. This rule is not # strictly required, but it cuts down on string comparisons at the # cost of a relatively cheap numeric comparison. If you change this # make sure you update the generated C code. ##! @singles_low= sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] || # sort by $hash2 $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] # then by $first_idx } @singles_low; ##. my $scan_idx= 0; # used to find empty buckets for the "simple" case. SINGLES: foreach my $tuple (@singles_high, @singles_low) { my ($first_idx, $hash2, $key)= @$tuple; my ($seed2, $idx); if ($hash2 > $MAX_SEED2) { # The $hash2 is larger than the maximum value of $seed2. # This means that we cannot simply map this item into # whichever bucket we choose using xor. Instead we loop # through the possible $seed2 values checking to see if it # results in us landing in an empty bucket, which should be # fairly common which means this loop should execute # relatively few times. It also minimizes the chance that we # cannot find a solution at all. for my $i (1 .. $MAX_SEED2) { $idx= (($hash2 ^ $i) & $MASK) % $n; if (!$second_level[$idx]) { $seed2= $i; last; } } # If we failed to find a solution we need to go back to # beginning and try a different key. if (!defined $seed2) { print "No viable seed2 for singleton. Trying new seed1.\n" if $DEBUG; return; } } else { # since $hash2 <= $MAX_SEED2 we can trivially map the item # to any bucket we choose using xor. So we find the next # empty bucket with the loop below, and then map this item # into it. SCAN: while ($second_level[$scan_idx]) { $scan_idx++; } # note that we don't need to mod $n here, as # # $hash2 ^ $seed2 == $idx # # and $idx is already in the interval (0, $n-1) $seed2= $hash2 ^ $scan_idx; # increment $scan_idx after stashing its old value into $idx # as by the end of this iteration of the SINGLES loop we # will have filled $second_level[$scan_idx] and we need not # check it in the SCAN while loop. $idx= $scan_idx++; } # sanity check $idx. die "WTF, \$idx should be less than \$n ($idx vs $n)" unless $idx < $n; die "Bad seed2 for first_idx: $first_idx." if $seed2 == 0; # and finally we are done, we have found the final bucket # location for this key. $first_level[$first_idx]= $seed2; $second_level[$idx]= _make_bucket_info($key); } # now that we are done we can go through and fill in the idx and # seed2 as appropriate. We store idx into the hashes even though it # is not stricly necessary as it simplifies some of the code that # processes the @second_level bucket info array later. foreach my $idx (0 .. $n - 1) { $second_level[$idx]{seed2}= $first_level[$idx] || 0; $second_level[$idx]{idx}= $idx; } return \@second_level; } sub _make_bucket_info { my ($key)= @_; return +{ key => $key, seed2 => undef, # will be filled in later idx => undef, # will be filled in later }; } sub _sort_keys_longest_first { my ($hash)= shift; my @keys= sort { length($b) <=> length($a) || $a cmp $b } keys %$hash; return \@keys; } # This sub constructs a blob of characters which can be used to # reconstruct the keys of the $hash that is passed in to it, possibly # and likely by splitting the keys into two parts, a prefix and a # suffix. This allows prefixes and suffixes to be reused for more than # one original key. # # It returns a string that contains every prefix and suffix chosen, and # a hash that contains each key in the argument $hash with each value # being the position where it is split, using the length of the key to # indicate it need not be split at all. # # If $preprocess is false the process starts with an empty buffer and # populates it as it adds each new key, if $preprocess is true then it # tries to split each key at the '=' sign which is often present in # Unicode property names and composes the initial buffer from these # fragments. # # It performs multiple passes trying to find the ideal split point to # produce a minimal buffer, returning the smallest buffer it can. sub _build_split_words_simple { my ($hash, $length_all_keys, $preprocess)= @_; my %appended; my $blob= ""; if ($preprocess) { my %parts; foreach my $key (@{ _sort_keys_longest_first($hash) }) { my ($prefix, $suffix); if ($key =~ /^([^=]+=)([^=]+)\z/) { ($prefix, $suffix)= ($1, $2); $parts{$suffix}++; #$parts{$prefix}++; } else { $prefix= $key; $parts{$prefix}++; } } foreach my $part (@{ _sort_keys_longest_first(\%parts) }) { $blob .= $part; } printf "Using preprocessing, initial blob size is %d chars.\n", length($blob) if $DEBUG; } else { print "No preprocessing, starting with an empty blob.\n" if $DEBUG; } my ($res, $old_res, $added, $passes); REDO: $res= {}; $added= 0; $passes++; KEY: foreach my $key (@{ _sort_keys_longest_first($hash) }) { next if exists $res->{$key}; if (index($blob, $key) >= 0) { my $idx= length($key); if ($DEBUG > 1 and $old_res and $old_res->{$key} != $idx) { print "changing: $key => $old_res->{$key} : $idx\n"; } $res->{$key}= $idx; next KEY; } my $best= length($key); my $append= $key; my $best_prefix= $key; my $best_suffix= ""; my $min= 1; foreach my $idx (reverse $min .. length($key) - 1) { my $prefix= substr($key, 0, $idx); my $suffix= substr($key, $idx); my $i1= index($blob, $prefix) >= 0; my $i2= index($blob, $suffix) >= 0; if ($i1 and $i2) { if ($DEBUG > 1 and $old_res and $old_res->{$key} != $idx) { print "changing: $key => $old_res->{$key} : $idx\n"; } $res->{$key}= $idx; $appended{$prefix}++; $appended{$suffix}++; next KEY; } elsif ($i1) { if (length $suffix <= length $append) { $best= $idx; $append= $suffix; $best_prefix= $prefix; $best_suffix= $suffix; } } elsif ($i2) { if (length $prefix <= length $append) { $best= $idx; $append= $prefix; $best_prefix= $prefix; $best_suffix= $suffix; } } } if ($DEBUG > 1 and $old_res and $old_res->{$key} != $best) { print "changing: $key => $old_res->{$key} : $best\n"; } $res->{$key}= $best; $blob .= $append; $added += length($append); $appended{$best_prefix}++; $appended{$best_suffix}++; } if ($added) { if ($added < length $blob) { printf "Appended %d chars. Blob is %d chars long.\n", $added, length($blob) if $DEBUG; } else { printf "Blob is %d chars long.\n", $added if $DEBUG; } } elsif ($passes > 1) { print "Blob needed no changes.\n" if $DEBUG; } my $new_blob= ""; foreach my $part (@{ _sort_keys_longest_first(\%appended) }) { $new_blob .= $part unless index($new_blob, $part) >= 0; } if (length($new_blob) < length($blob)) { printf "Uncorrected new blob length of %d chars is smaller.\n" . " Correcting new blob...%s", length($new_blob), $DEBUG > 1 ? "\n" : " " if $DEBUG; $blob= $new_blob; $old_res= $res; %appended= (); goto REDO; } else { printf "After %d passes final blob length is %d chars.\n" . "This is %.2f%% of the raw key length of %d chars.\n\n", $passes, length($blob), 100 * length($blob) / $length_all_keys, $length_all_keys if $DEBUG; } # sanity check die sprintf "not same size? %d != %d", 0 + keys %$res, 0 + keys %$hash unless keys %$res == keys %$hash; return ($blob, $res, $length_all_keys); } # Find all the positions where $word can be found in $$buf_ref, # including overlapping positions. The data is cached into the # $offsets_hash. Used by the _squeeze algorithm. sub _get_offsets { my ($offsets_hash, $buf_ref, $word)= @_; return $offsets_hash->{$word} if defined $offsets_hash->{$word}; my @offsets; my $from= 0; while (1) { my $i= index($$buf_ref, $word, $from); last if $i == -1; push @offsets, $i; $from= $i + 1; } $offsets_hash->{$word}= \@offsets; return \@offsets; } # Increments the popularity data for the characters at # $ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1 by $diff. Used by the _squeeze algorithm sub _inc_popularity { my ($popularity, $ofs, $len, $diff)= @_; for my $idx ($ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1) { $popularity->[$idx] += $diff; } } # Returns a summary hash about the popularity of the characters # $ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1. Used by the _squeeze algorithm sub _get_popularity { my ($popularity, $ofs, $len)= @_; my $res= { reused_digits => 0, popularity => 0, }; my $min_pop= undef; for my $idx ($ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1) { if ($popularity->[$idx] >= INF) { $res->{reused_digits}++; } else { my $pop= $popularity->[$idx]; if (!defined $min_pop || $pop < $min_pop) { $min_pop= $pop; } } } $res->{popularity}= $min_pop // 0; return $res; } # Merge the popularity data produced by _get_popularity() for the prefix # and suffix of a word together. Used by the _squeeze algorithm sub _merge_score { my ($s1, $s2)= @_; return +{ reused_digits => $s1->{reused_digits} + $s2->{reused_digits}, popularity => min($s1->{popularity}, $s2->{popularity}), }; } # Initialize the popularity and offsets data for a word. # Used by the _squeeze algorithm sub _init_popularity { my ($offsets_hash, $popularity, $buf_ref, $word, $diff)= @_; my $offsets= _get_offsets($offsets_hash, $buf_ref, $word); my $len= length $word; for my $ofs (@$offsets) { for my $idx ($ofs .. $ofs + $len - 1) { $popularity->[$idx] += $diff; } } } # Compare the popularity data for two possible candidates # for solving a given word. Used by the _squeeze algorithm sub _compare_score { my ($s1, $s2)= @_; if ($s1->{reused_digits} != $s2->{reused_digits}) { return $s1->{reused_digits} <=> $s2->{reused_digits}; } return $s1->{popularity} <=> $s2->{popularity}; } # Find the most popular offset for a word in $$buf_ref. # Used by the _squeeze algorithm sub _most_popular_offset { my ($offsets_hash, $popularity, $buf_ref, $word)= @_; my $best_score= { reused_digits => -1, popularity => -1, }; my $best_pos= -1; my $offsets_ary= _get_offsets($offsets_hash, $buf_ref, $word); my $wlen= length $word; for my $i (@$offsets_ary) { my $score= _get_popularity($popularity, $i, $wlen); if (_compare_score($score, $best_score) > 0) { $best_score= $score; $best_pos= $i; if ($best_score->{reused_digits} == $wlen) { last; } } } return +{ position => $best_pos, score => $best_score, }; } # The _squeeze algorithm. Attempt to squeeze out unused characters from # a buffer of split words. If there are multiple places where a given # prefix or suffix can be found and the overall split decisions can be # reorganized so some of them are never used it removes the ones that # are not used. sub _squeeze { my ($words, $word_count, $splits, $buf_ref)= @_; print "Squeezing...\n" if $DEBUG; my %offsets_hash; my %split_points; my $n= length $$buf_ref; my @popularity= 0 x $n; for my $word (sort keys %$word_count) { my $count= $word_count->{$word}; _init_popularity(\%offsets_hash, \@popularity, $buf_ref, $word, $count / length($word)); } WORD: for my $word (@$words) { my $best_pos1= -1; my $best_pos2= -1; my $best_score= { reused_digits => -1, popularity => -1, }; my $best_split; my $cand= _most_popular_offset(\%offsets_hash, \@popularity, $buf_ref, $word); if ($cand->{position} != -1) { my $cand_score= $cand->{score}; if ($cand_score->{reused_digits} == length($word)) { $split_points{$word}= 0; next WORD; } elsif (_compare_score($cand_score, $best_score) > 0) { $best_score= $cand_score; $best_pos1= $cand->{position}; $best_pos2= -1; $best_split= undef; } } for my $split (@{ $splits->{$word} }) { my $cand2= _most_popular_offset(\%offsets_hash, \@popularity, $buf_ref, $split->{w2}); next if $cand2->{position} == -1; my $cand1= _most_popular_offset(\%offsets_hash, \@popularity, $buf_ref, $split->{w1}); next if $cand1->{position} == -1; my $cand_score= _merge_score($cand1->{score}, $cand2->{score}); if ($cand_score->{reused_digits} == length($word)) { $split_points{$word}= $split->{split_point}; next WORD; } if (_compare_score($cand_score, $best_score) > 0) { $best_score= $cand_score; $best_pos1= $cand1->{position}; $best_pos2= $cand2->{position}; $best_split= $split; } } # apply high pop to used characters of the champion if (defined $best_split) { _inc_popularity(\@popularity, $best_pos1, length($best_split->{w1}), INF); _inc_popularity(\@popularity, $best_pos2, length($best_split->{w2}), INF); $split_points{$word}= $best_split->{split_point}; } else { _inc_popularity(\@popularity, $best_pos1, length($word), INF); $split_points{$word}= 0; } } my $res= ""; my @chars= split '', $$buf_ref; for my $i (0 .. $n - 1) { if ($popularity[$i] >= INF) { $res .= $chars[$i]; } } printf "%d -> %d\n", $n, length($res) if $DEBUG; # This algorithm chooses to "split" full strings at 0, so that the # prefix is empty and the suffix contains the full key, but the # minimal perfect hash logic wants it the other way around, as we do # the prefix check first. so we correct it at the end here. $split_points{$_} ||= length($_) for keys %split_points; return ($res, \%split_points); } # compute an initial covering buffer for a set of words, # including split data. sub _initial_covering_buf { my ($words, $splits)= @_; my $res= ""; WORD: for my $word (@$words) { if (index($res, $word) != -1) { next WORD; } else { for my $split (@{ $splits->{$word} }) { if ( index($res, $split->{w1}) != -1 && index($res, $split->{w2}) != -1) { next WORD; } } } $res .= $word; } return $res; } sub build_split_words_squeeze { my ($self)= @_; # Thanks to Ilya Sashcheka for this algorithm my $hash= $self->{source_hash}; my $length_all_keys= $self->{length_all_keys}; my $randomize= $self->{randomize_squeeze}; my $max_same= $self->{max_same_in_squeeze}; my @words= sort keys %$hash; my %splits; my $split_points; for my $word (@words) { my $word_splits= []; my $wlen= length $word; for my $i (1 .. $wlen - 1) { ##! push @$word_splits, +{ w1 => substr($word, 0, $i), w2 => substr($word, $i), split_point => $i, }; ##. } $splits{$word}= $word_splits; } my %word_count; for my $word (@words) { $word_count{$word}++; for my $split (@{ $splits{$word} }) { $word_count{ $split->{w1} }++; $word_count{ $split->{w2} }++; } } @words= sort { length($a) <=> length($b) || $a cmp $b } @words; my $buf= _initial_covering_buf(\@words, \%splits); printf "Pre squeeze buffer: %s\n", $buf if $DEBUG > 1; printf "Pre squeeze length: %d\n", length $buf if $DEBUG; my $same= 0; my $counter= 0; my $reverse_under= 2; while ($same < $max_same) { my ($new_buf, $new_split_points)= _squeeze(\@words, \%word_count, \%splits, \$buf); if (!$split_points or length($new_buf) < length($buf)) { $buf= $new_buf; $split_points= $new_split_points; $same= 0; } else { if ($same < $reverse_under or !$randomize) { print "reversing words....\n" if $DEBUG; @words= reverse @words; } else { print "shuffling words....\n" if $DEBUG; @words= shuffle @words; $reverse_under= 1; } $same++; } } printf "Final length: %d\n", length($buf) if $DEBUG; $self->{blob}= $buf; $self->{split_points}= $split_points; return $buf, $split_points; } sub build_split_words_simple { my ($self)= @_; my $hash= $self->{source_hash}; my $length_all_keys= $self->{length_all_keys}; my ($blob, $split_points)= _build_split_words_simple($hash, $length_all_keys, 0); my ($blob2, $split_points2)= _build_split_words_simple($hash, $length_all_keys, 1); if (length($blob) > length($blob2)) { printf "Using preprocess-smart blob. Length is %d chars. (vs %d)\n", length $blob2, length $blob if $DEBUG; $blob= $blob2; $split_points= $split_points2; } else { printf "Using greedy-smart blob. Length is %d chars. (vs %d)\n", length $blob, length $blob2 if $DEBUG; } $self->{blob}= $blob; $self->{split_points}= $split_points; return $blob, $split_points; } sub build_split_words { my ($self)= @_; # The _simple algorithm does not compress nearly as well as the # _squeeze algorithm, although it uses less memory and will likely # be faster, especially if randomization is enabled. The default # is to use _squeeze as our hash is not that large (~8k keys). my ($buf, $split_words); if ($self->{simple_split}) { ($buf, $split_words)= $self->build_split_words_simple(); } else { ($buf, $split_words)= $self->build_split_words_squeeze(); } foreach my $key (sort keys %$split_words) { my $point= $split_words->{$key}; my $prefix= substr($key, 0, $point); my $suffix= substr($key, $point); if (index($buf, $prefix) < 0) { die "Failed to find prefix '$prefix' for '$key'"; } if (length $suffix and index($buf, $suffix) < 0) { die "Failed to find suffix '$suffix' for '$key'"; } } return ($buf, $split_words); } sub blob_as_code { my ($self)= @_; my $blob= $self->{blob}; my $blob_name= $self->{blob_name}; # output the blob as C code. my @code= (sprintf "STATIC const unsigned char %s[] =\n", $blob_name); my $blob_len= length $blob; while (length($blob)) { push @code, sprintf qq( "%s"), substr($blob, 0, 65, ""); push @code, length $blob ? "\n" : ";\n"; } push @code, "/* $blob_name length: $blob_len */\n"; return $self->{blob_as_code}= join "", @code; } sub print_includes { my ($self, $ofh)= @_; print $ofh "#include \n"; print $ofh "#include \n"; print $ofh "#include \n"; print $ofh "\n"; } sub print_defines { my ($self, $ofh)= @_; my $defines= $self->{defines_hash}; my $key_len; foreach my $def (keys %$defines) { $key_len //= length $def; $key_len= length $def if $key_len < length $def; } foreach my $def (sort keys %$defines) { printf $ofh "#define %*s %5d\n", -$key_len, $def, $defines->{$def}; } print $ofh "\n"; } sub build_array_of_struct { my ($self)= @_; my $second_level= $self->{second_level}; my $blob= $self->{blob}; my %defines; my %tests; my @rows; foreach my $row (@$second_level) { if (!defined $row->{idx} or !defined $row->{value}) { die "panic: No idx or value key in row data:", Dumper($row); } $defines{ $row->{value} }= $row->{idx} + 1; $tests{ $row->{key} }= $defines{ $row->{value} }; ##! my @u16= ( $row->{seed2}, index($blob, $row->{prefix}), index($blob, $row->{suffix}), ); $_ > U16_MAX and die "panic: value exceeds range of U16" for @u16; my @u8= ( length($row->{prefix}), length($row->{suffix}), ); $_ > U8_MAX and die "panic: value exceeds range of U8" for @u8; push @rows, sprintf " { %5d, %5d, %5d, %3d, %3d, %s } /* %s%s */", @u16, @u8, $row->{value}, $row->{prefix}, $row->{suffix}; ##. } $self->{rows_array}= \@rows; $self->{defines_hash}= \%defines; $self->{tests_hash}= \%tests; return \@rows, \%defines, \%tests; } sub make_algo { my ($self)= @_; my ( $second_level, $seed1, $length_all_keys, $blob, $rows_array, $blob_name, $struct_name, $table_name, $match_name, $prefix, $split_strategy, $srand_seed, ) = @{$self}{ qw( second_level seed1 length_all_keys blob rows_array blob_name struct_name table_name match_name prefix split_strategy srand_seed ) }; my $n= 0 + @$second_level; my $data_size= $n * 8 + length $blob; my @code= "#define ${prefix}_VALt I16\n\n"; push @code, "/*\n"; push @code, sprintf "generator script: %s\n", $0; push @code, sprintf "split strategy: %s\n", $split_strategy; push @code, sprintf "srand: %d\n", $srand_seed if defined $srand_seed; push @code, sprintf "rows: %s\n", $n; push @code, sprintf "seed: %s\n", $seed1; push @code, sprintf "full length of keys: %d\n", $length_all_keys; push @code, sprintf "blob length: %d\n", length $blob; push @code, sprintf "ref length: %d\n", 0 + @$second_level * 8; push @code, sprintf "data size: %d (%%%.2f)\n", $data_size, ($data_size / $length_all_keys) * 100; push @code, "*/\n\n"; push @code, $self->blob_as_code(); push @code, <<"EOF_CODE"; struct $struct_name { U16 seed2; U16 pfx; U16 sfx; U8 pfx_len; U8 sfx_len; ${prefix}_VALt value; }; EOF_CODE push @code, "#define ${prefix}_RSHIFT $RSHIFT\n"; push @code, "#define ${prefix}_BUCKETS $n\n\n"; push @code, sprintf "STATIC const U32 ${prefix}_SEED1 = 0x%08x;\n", $seed1; push @code, sprintf "STATIC const U32 ${prefix}_FNV32_PRIME = 0x%08x;\n\n", FNV32_PRIME; push @code, "/* The comments give the input key for the row it is in */\n"; push @code, "STATIC const struct $struct_name $table_name\[${prefix}_BUCKETS] = {\n", join(",\n", @$rows_array) . "\n};\n\n"; push @code, <<"EOF_CODE"; ${prefix}_VALt $match_name( const unsigned char * const key, const U16 key_len ) { const unsigned char * ptr= key; const unsigned char * ptr_end= key + key_len; U32 h= ${prefix}_SEED1; U32 s; U32 n; /* this is FNV-1a 32bit unrolled. */ do { h ^= NATIVE_TO_LATIN1(*ptr); /* table collated in Latin1 */ h *= ${prefix}_FNV32_PRIME; } while ( ++ptr < ptr_end ); n= h % ${prefix}_BUCKETS; s = $table_name\[n].seed2; if (s) { h= (h >> ${prefix}_RSHIFT) ^ s; n = h % ${prefix}_BUCKETS; if ( ( $table_name\[n].pfx_len + $table_name\[n].sfx_len == key_len ) && ( memcmp($blob_name + $table_name\[n].pfx, key, $table_name\[n].pfx_len) == 0 ) && ( !$table_name\[n].sfx_len || memcmp($blob_name + $table_name\[n].sfx, key + $table_name\[n].pfx_len, $table_name\[n].sfx_len) == 0 ) ) { return $table_name\[n].value; } } return 0; } EOF_CODE return $self->{algo_code}= join "", @code; } sub __ofh { my ($self, $to, $default_key)= @_; $to //= $self->{$default_key}; my $ofh; if (ref $to) { $ofh= $to; } else { open $ofh, ">", $to or die "Failed to open '$to': $!"; } return $ofh; } sub print_algo { my ($self, $to)= @_; my $ofh= $self->__ofh($to, "h_file"); my $code= $self->make_algo(); print $to $code; } sub print_main { my ($self, $ofh)= @_; my ($h_file, $match_name, $prefix)= @{$self}{qw(h_file match_name prefix)}; print $ofh <<"EOF_CODE"; #include "$h_file" int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i; for (i=1; i{tests_hash}; my $ofh= $self->__ofh($to, "t_file"); my $num_tests= 2 + keys %$tests_hash; print $ofh "use strict;\nuse warnings;\nuse Test::More tests => $num_tests;\nmy \@res;"; my $bytes= 0; my @tests= sort keys %$tests_hash; print $ofh "\@res=`./mph_test '$tests[0]/should-not-match' 'should-not-match/$tests[0]'`;\n"; print $ofh "ok( \$res[0] =~ /got: 0/,'proper prefix does not match');\n"; print $ofh "ok( \$res[1] =~ /got: 0/,'proper suffix does not match');\n"; while (@tests) { my @batch= splice @tests, 0, 10; my $batch_args= join " ", map { "'$_'" } @batch; print $ofh "\@res=`./mph_test $batch_args`;\n"; foreach my $i (0 .. $#batch) { my $key= $batch[$i]; my $want= $tests_hash->{$key}; print $ofh "ok(\$res[$i]=~/got: (\\d+)/ && \$1 == $want, '$key');\n"; } } } sub print_test_binary { my ($self, $to)= @_; my $ofh= $self->__ofh($to, "c_file"); $self->print_includes($ofh); $self->print_defines($ofh); $self->print_main($ofh); } sub make_mph_with_split_keys { my ($self)= @_; my $hash= $self->{source_hash}; my $length_all_keys= $self->{length_all_keys}; my ($blob, $split_points)= $self->build_split_words(); my ($seed1, $second_level)= $self->build_perfect_hash(); # add prefix/suffix data into the bucket info in @$second_level foreach my $bucket_info (@$second_level) { my $key= $bucket_info->{key}; my $sp= $split_points->{$key} // die "no split_point data for '$key'\n"; my ($prefix, $suffix)= unpack "A${sp}A*", $key; $bucket_info->{prefix}= $prefix; $bucket_info->{suffix}= $suffix; $bucket_info->{value}= $hash->{$key}; } my ($rows, $defines, $tests)= $self->build_array_of_struct(); return 1; } sub make_files_split_keys { my ($self)= @_; $self->make_mph_with_split_keys(); $self->print_algo(); $self->print_test_binary(); $self->print_tests(); } unless (caller) { my %hash; { no warnings; do "../perl/lib/unicore/"; %hash= %utf8::loose_to_file_of; } if ($ENV{MERGE_KEYS}) { my @keys= keys %hash; foreach my $loose (keys %utf8::loose_property_name_of) { my $to= $utf8::loose_property_name_of{$loose}; next if $to eq $loose; foreach my $key (@keys) { my $copy= $key; if ($copy =~ s/^\Q$to\E(=|\z)/$loose$1/) { $hash{$copy}= $key; } } } } foreach my $key (keys %hash) { my $munged= uc($key); $munged =~ s/\W/__/g; $hash{$key}= $munged; } my $name= shift @ARGV; $name ||= "mph"; my $obj= __PACKAGE__->new( source_hash => \%hash, base_name => $name ); $obj->make_files_split_keys(); } 1; __END__