package MinimalPerfectHash; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use Text::Wrap; use bignum; # Otherwise fails on 32-bit systems my $DEBUG= 0; my $RSHIFT= 8; my $FNV_CONST= 16777619; # The basic idea is that you have a two level structure, and effectively # hash the key twice. # # The first hash finds a bucket in the array which contains a seed which # is used for the second hash, which then leads to a bucket with key # data which is compared against to determine if the key is a match. # # If the first hash finds no seed, then the key cannot match. # # In our case we cheat a bit, and hash the key only once, but use the # low bits for the first lookup and the high-bits for the second. # # So for instance: # # h= (h >> RSHIFT) ^ s; # # is how the second hash is computed. We right shift the original hash # value and then xor in the seed2, which will be non-zero. # # That then gives us the bucket which contains the key data we need to # match for a valid key. sub _fnv { my ($key, $seed)= @_; my $hash = 0+$seed; foreach my $char (split //, $key) { $hash = $hash ^ ord($char); $hash = ($hash * $FNV_CONST) & 0xFFFFFFFF; } return $hash; } sub build_perfect_hash { my ($hash, $split_pos)= @_; my $n= 0+keys %$hash; my $max_h= 0xFFFFFFFF; $max_h -= $max_h % $n; # this just avoids a tiny bit bias my $seed1= unpack("N", "Perl") - 1; my $hash_to_key; my $key_to_hash; my $length_all_keys; my $key_buckets; SEED1: for ($seed1++;1;$seed1++) { my %hash_to_key; my %key_to_hash; my %key_buckets; my %high; $length_all_keys= 0; foreach my $key (sort keys %$hash) { $length_all_keys += length $key; my $h= _fnv($key,$seed1); next SEED1 if $h >= $max_h; # check if this hash would bias, and if so find a new seed next SEED1 if exists $hash_to_key{$h}; next SEED1 if $high{$h >> $RSHIFT}++; $hash_to_key{$h}= $key; $key_to_hash{$key}= $h; push @{$key_buckets{$h % $n}}, $key; } $hash_to_key= \%hash_to_key; $key_to_hash= \%key_to_hash; $key_buckets= \%key_buckets; last SEED1; } my %token; my @first_level; my @second_level; foreach my $first_idx (sort { @{$key_buckets->{$b}} <=> @{$key_buckets->{$a}} || $a <=> $b } keys %$key_buckets) { my $keys= $key_buckets->{$first_idx}; #printf "got %d keys in bucket %d\n", 0+@$keys, $first_idx; my $seed2; SEED2: for ($seed2=1;1;$seed2++) { goto FIND_SEED if $seed2 > 0xFFFF; my @idx= map { ( ( ( $key_to_hash->{$_} >> $RSHIFT ) ^ $seed2 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF ) % $n } @$keys; my %seen; next SEED2 if grep { $second_level[$_] || $seen{$_}++ } @idx; $first_level[$first_idx]= $seed2; @second_level[@idx]= map { my $sp= $split_pos->{$_} // die "no split pos for '$_':$!"; my ($prefix,$suffix)= unpack "A${sp}A*", $_; +{ key => $_, prefix => $prefix, suffix => $suffix, hash => $key_to_hash->{$_}, value => $hash->{$_}, seed2 => 0, } } @$keys; last; } } $second_level[$_]{seed2}= $first_level[$_]||0, $second_level[$_]{idx}= $_ for 0 .. $#second_level; return $seed1, \@second_level, $length_all_keys; } sub build_split_words { my ($hash, $preprocess, $blob, $old_res)= @_; my %appended; $blob //= ""; if ($preprocess) { my %parts; foreach my $key (sort {length($b) <=> length($a) || $a cmp $b } keys %$hash) { my ($prefix,$suffix); if ($key=~/^([^=]+=)([^=]+)\z/) { ($prefix,$suffix)= ($1, $2); $parts{$suffix}++; #$parts{$prefix}++; } else { $prefix= $key; $parts{$prefix}++; } } foreach my $key (sort {length($b) <=> length($a) || $a cmp $b } keys %parts) { $blob .= $key . "\0"; } printf "Using preprocessing, initial blob size %d\n", length($blob); } else { printf "No preprocessing, initial blob size %d\n", length($blob); } my %res; REDO: %res= (); KEY: foreach my $key ( sort { (length($b) <=> length($a)) || ($a cmp $b) } keys %$hash ) { next if exists $res{$key}; if (index($blob,$key) >= 0 ) { my $idx= length($key); if ($DEBUG and $old_res and $old_res->{$key} != $idx) { print "changing: $key => $old_res->{$key} : $idx\n"; } $res{$key}= $idx; next KEY; } my $best= length($key); my $append= $key; my $min= 0; #length $key >= 4 ? 4 : 0; my $best_prefix; my $best_suffix; foreach my $idx (reverse $min .. length($key)) { my $prefix= substr($key,0,$idx); my $suffix= substr($key,$idx); my $i1= index($blob,$prefix)>=0; my $i2= index($blob,$suffix)>=0; if ($i1 and $i2) { if ($DEBUG and $old_res and $old_res->{$key} != $idx) { print "changing: $key => $old_res->{$key} : $idx\n"; } $res{$key}= $idx; $appended{$prefix}++; $appended{$suffix}++; next KEY; } elsif ($i1) { if (length $suffix <= length $append) { $best= $idx; $append= $suffix; $best_prefix= $prefix; $best_suffix= $suffix; } } elsif ($i2) { if (length $prefix <= length $append) { $best= $idx; $append= $prefix; $best_prefix= $prefix; $best_suffix= $suffix; } } } if ($DEBUG and $old_res and $old_res->{$key} != $best) { print "changing: $key => $old_res->{$key} : $best\n"; } #print "$best_prefix|$best_suffix => $best => $append\n"; $res{$key}= $best; $blob .= $append; $appended{$best_prefix}++; $appended{$best_suffix}++; } my $b2 = ""; foreach my $key (sort { length($b) <=> length($a) || $a cmp $b } keys %appended) { $b2 .= $key unless index($b2,$key)>=0; } if (length($b2)\n"; print $ofh "#include \n"; print $ofh "#include \n"; print $ofh "\n"; } sub print_defines { my ($ofh,$defines)= @_; my $key_len; foreach my $def (keys %$defines) { $key_len //= length $def; $key_len= length $def if $key_len < length $def; } foreach my $def (sort keys %$defines) { printf $ofh "#define %*s %5d\n", -$key_len, $def, $defines->{$def}; } print $ofh "\n"; } sub build_array_of_struct { my ($second_level,$blob)= @_; my %defines; my %tests; my @rows; foreach my $row (@$second_level) { $defines{$row->{value}}= $row->{idx}+1; $tests{$row->{key}}= $defines{$row->{value}}; my @u16= ( $row->{seed2}, index($blob,$row->{prefix}//0), index($blob,$row->{suffix}//0), ); $_ > 0xFFFF and die "panic: value exceeds range of U16" for @u16; my @u8= ( length($row->{prefix}), length($row->{suffix}), ); $_ > 0xFF and die "panic: value exceeds range of U8" for @u8; push @rows, sprintf(" { %5d, %5d, %5d, %3d, %3d, %s } /* %s%s */", @u16, @u8, $row->{value}, $row->{prefix}, $row->{suffix}); } return \@rows,\%defines,\%tests; } sub make_algo { my ($second_level, $seed1, $length_all_keys, $smart_blob, $rows, $blob_name, $struct_name, $table_name, $match_name, $prefix) = @_; $blob_name ||= "mph_blob"; $struct_name ||= "mph_struct"; $table_name ||= "mph_table"; $prefix ||= "MPH"; my $n= 0+@$second_level; my $data_size= 0+@$second_level * 8 + length $smart_blob; my @code = "#define ${prefix}_VALt I16\n\n"; push @code, "/*\n"; push @code, sprintf "rows: %s\n", $n; push @code, sprintf "seed: %s\n", $seed1; push @code, sprintf "full length of keys: %d\n", $length_all_keys; push @code, sprintf "blob length: %d\n", length $smart_blob; push @code, sprintf "ref length: %d\n", 0+@$second_level * 8; push @code, sprintf "data size: %d (%%%.2f)\n", $data_size, ($data_size / $length_all_keys) * 100; push @code, "*/\n\n"; push @code, blob_as_code($smart_blob, $blob_name); push @code, <<"EOF_CODE"; struct $struct_name { U16 seed2; U16 pfx; U16 sfx; U8 pfx_len; U8 sfx_len; ${prefix}_VALt value; }; EOF_CODE push @code, "#define ${prefix}_RSHIFT $RSHIFT\n"; push @code, "#define ${prefix}_BUCKETS $n\n\n"; push @code, sprintf "STATIC const U32 ${prefix}_SEED1 = 0x%08x;\n", $seed1; push @code, sprintf "STATIC const U32 ${prefix}_FNV_CONST = 0x%08x;\n\n", $FNV_CONST; push @code, "/* The comments give the input key for the row it is in */\n"; push @code, "STATIC const struct $struct_name $table_name\[${prefix}_BUCKETS] = {\n", join(",\n", @$rows)."\n};\n\n"; push @code, <<"EOF_CODE"; ${prefix}_VALt $match_name( const unsigned char * const key, const U16 key_len ) { const unsigned char * ptr= key; const unsigned char * ptr_end= key + key_len; U32 h= ${prefix}_SEED1; U32 s; U32 n; do { h ^= NATIVE_TO_LATIN1(*ptr); /* table collated in Latin1 */ h *= ${prefix}_FNV_CONST; } while ( ++ptr < ptr_end ); n= h % ${prefix}_BUCKETS; s = $table_name\[n].seed2; if (s) { h= (h >> ${prefix}_RSHIFT) ^ s; n = h % ${prefix}_BUCKETS; if ( ( $table_name\[n].pfx_len + $table_name\[n].sfx_len == key_len ) && ( memcmp($blob_name + $table_name\[n].pfx, key, $table_name\[n].pfx_len) == 0 ) && ( !$table_name\[n].sfx_len || memcmp($blob_name + $table_name\[n].sfx, key + $table_name\[n].pfx_len, $table_name\[n].sfx_len) == 0 ) ) { return $table_name\[n].value; } } return 0; } EOF_CODE return join "", @code; } sub print_algo { my ($ofh, $second_level, $seed1, $long_blob, $smart_blob, $rows, $blob_name, $struct_name, $table_name, $match_name ) = @_; if (!ref $ofh) { my $file= $ofh; undef $ofh; open $ofh, ">", $file or die "Failed to open '$file': $!"; } my $code = make_algo( $second_level, $seed1, $long_blob, $smart_blob, $rows, $blob_name, $struct_name, $table_name, $match_name ); print $ofh $code; } sub print_main { my ($ofh,$h_file,$match_name,$prefix)=@_; print $ofh <<"EOF_CODE"; #include "$h_file" int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i; for (i=1; i", $file or die "Failed to open '$file' for writing: $!"; my $num_tests= 2 + keys %$tests_hash; print $ofh "use strict;\nuse warnings;\nuse Test::More tests => $num_tests;\nmy \@res;"; my $bytes= 0; my @tests= sort keys %$tests_hash; print $ofh "\@res=`./mph_test '$tests[0]/should-not-match' 'should-not-match/$tests[0]'`;\n"; print $ofh "ok( \$res[0] =~ /got: 0/,'proper prefix does not match');\n"; print $ofh "ok( \$res[1] =~ /got: 0/,'proper suffix does not match');\n"; while (@tests) { my @batch= splice @tests,0,10; my $batch_args= join " ", map { "'$_'" } @batch; print $ofh "\@res=`./mph_test $batch_args`;\n"; foreach my $i (0..$#batch) { my $key= $batch[$i]; my $want= $tests_hash->{$key}; print $ofh "ok(\$res[$i]=~/got: (\\d+)/ && \$1 == $want, '$key');\n"; } } close $ofh; } sub print_test_binary { my ($file,$h_file, $second_level, $seed1, $length_all_keys, $smart_blob, $rows, $defines, $match_name, $prefix)= @_; open my $ofh, ">", $file or die "Failed to open '$file': $!"; print_includes($ofh); print_defines($ofh, $defines); print_main($ofh,$h_file,$match_name,$prefix); close $ofh; } sub make_mph_from_hash { my $hash= shift; # we do this twice because often we can find longer prefixes on the second pass. my ($smart_blob, $res_to_split)= build_split_words($hash,0); { my ($smart_blob2, $res_to_split2)= build_split_words($hash,1); if (length($smart_blob) > length($smart_blob2)) { printf "Using preprocess-smart blob, length: %d (vs %d)\n", length $smart_blob2, length $smart_blob; $smart_blob= $smart_blob2; $res_to_split= $res_to_split2; } else { printf "Using greedy-smart blob, length: %d (vs %d)\n", length $smart_blob, length $smart_blob2; } } my ($seed1, $second_level, $length_all_keys)= build_perfect_hash($hash, $res_to_split); my ($rows, $defines, $tests)= build_array_of_struct($second_level, $smart_blob); return ($second_level, $seed1, $length_all_keys, $smart_blob, $rows, $defines, $tests); } sub make_files { my ($hash,$base_name)= @_; my $h_name= $base_name . "_algo.h"; my $c_name= $base_name . "_test.c"; my $p_name= $base_name . ""; my $blob_name= $base_name . "_blob"; my $struct_name= $base_name . "_bucket_info"; my $table_name= $base_name . "_table"; my $match_name= $base_name . "_match"; my $prefix= uc($base_name); my ($second_level, $seed1, $length_all_keys, $smart_blob, $rows, $defines, $tests)= make_mph_from_hash( $hash ); print_algo( $h_name, $second_level, $seed1, $length_all_keys, $smart_blob, $rows, $blob_name, $struct_name, $table_name, $match_name, $prefix ); print_test_binary( $c_name, $h_name, $second_level, $seed1, $length_all_keys, $smart_blob, $rows, $defines, $match_name, $prefix ); print_tests( $p_name, $tests ); } unless (caller) { my %hash; { no warnings; do "../perl/lib/unicore/"; %hash= %utf8::loose_to_file_of; } if ($ENV{MERGE_KEYS}) { my @keys= keys %hash; foreach my $loose (keys %utf8::loose_property_name_of) { my $to= $utf8::loose_property_name_of{$loose}; next if $to eq $loose; foreach my $key (@keys) { my $copy= $key; if ($copy=~s/^\Q$to\E(=|\z)/$loose$1/) { #print "$key => $copy\n"; $hash{$copy}= $key; } } } } foreach my $key (keys %hash) { my $munged= uc($key); $munged=~s/\W/__/g; $hash{$key} = $munged; } my $name= shift @ARGV; $name ||= "mph"; make_files(\%hash,$name); } 1; __END__