#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use vars qw($Needs_Write $Verbose @Changed $TAP); use File::Compare; use Symbol; use Text::Wrap; # Common functions needed by the regen scripts $Needs_Write = $^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'MSWin32'; $Verbose = 0; @ARGV = grep { not($_ eq '-q' and $Verbose = -1) } grep { not($_ eq '--tap' and $TAP = 1) } grep { not($_ eq '-v' and $Verbose = 1) } @ARGV; END { print STDOUT "Changed: @Changed\n" if @Changed; } sub safer_unlink { my @names = @_; my $cnt = 0; my $name; foreach $name (@names) { next unless -e $name; chmod 0777, $name if $Needs_Write; ( CORE::unlink($name) and ++$cnt or warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" ); } return $cnt; } sub safer_rename_silent { my ($from, $to) = @_; # Some dosish systems can't rename over an existing file: safer_unlink $to; chmod 0600, $from if $Needs_Write; rename $from, $to; } sub rename_if_different { my ($from, $to) = @_; if ($TAP) { my $not = compare($from, $to) ? 'not ' : ''; print STDOUT $not . "ok - $0 $to\n"; safer_unlink($from); return; } if (compare($from, $to) == 0) { warn "no changes between '$from' & '$to'\n" if $Verbose > 0; safer_unlink($from); return; } warn "changed '$from' to '$to'\n" if $Verbose > 0; push @Changed, $to unless $Verbose < 0; safer_rename_silent($from, $to) or die "renaming $from to $to: $!"; } # Saf*er*, but not totally safe. And assumes always open for output. sub safer_open { my ($name, $final_name) = @_; if (-f $name) { unlink $name or die "$name exists but can't unlink: $!"; } my $fh = gensym; open $fh, ">$name" or die "Can't create $name: $!"; *{$fh}->{name} = $name; if (defined $final_name) { *{$fh}->{final_name} = $final_name; *{$fh}->{lang} = ($final_name =~ /\.(?:c|h|tab|act)$/ ? 'C' : 'Perl'); } binmode $fh; $fh; } sub safer_close { my $fh = shift; close $fh or die 'Error closing ' . *{$fh}->{name} . ": $!"; } sub read_only_top { my %args = @_; die "Missing language argument" unless defined $args{lang}; die "Unknown language argument '$args{lang}'" unless $args{lang} eq 'Perl' or $args{lang} eq 'C'; my $style = $args{style} ? " $args{style} " : ' '; my $raw = "-*- buffer-read-only: t -*-\n"; if ($args{file}) { $raw .= "\n $args{file}\n"; } if ($args{copyright}) { local $" = ', '; local $Text::Wrap::columns = 75; $raw .= wrap(' ', ' ', <<"EOM") . "\n"; Copyright (C) @{$args{copyright}} by\0Larry\0Wall\0and\0others You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. EOM } $raw .= "!!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!!\n"; if ($args{by}) { $raw .= "This file is built by $args{by}"; if ($args{from}) { my @from = ref $args{from} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$args{from}} : $args{from}; my $last = pop @from; if (@from) { $raw .= ' from ' . join (', ', @from) . " and $last"; } else { $raw .= " from $last"; } } $raw .= ".\n"; } $raw .= "Any changes made here will be lost!\n"; $raw .= $args{final} if $args{final}; local $Text::Wrap::columns = 78; my $cooked = $args{lang} eq 'Perl' ? wrap('# ', '# ', $raw) . "\n" : wrap('/* ', $style, $raw) . " */\n\n"; $cooked =~ tr/\0/ /; # Don't break Larry's name etc $cooked =~ s/ +$//mg; # Remove all trailing spaces return $cooked; } sub read_only_bottom_close_and_rename { my ($fh, $sources) = @_; my $name = *{$fh}->{name}; my $lang = *{$fh}->{lang}; die "No final name specified at open time for $name" unless *{$fh}->{final_name}; my $comment; if ($sources) { $comment = "Generated from:\n"; foreach my $file (sort @$sources) { my $digest = digest($file); $comment .= "$digest $file\n"; } } $comment .= "ex: set ro:"; if ($lang eq 'Perl') { $comment =~ s/^/# /mg; } else { $comment =~ s/^/ * /mg; $comment =~ s! \* !/* !; $comment .= " */"; } print $fh "\n$comment\n"; safer_close($fh); rename_if_different($name, *{$fh}->{final_name}); } sub tab { my ($l, $t) = @_; $t .= "\t" x ($l - (length($t) + 1) / 8); $t; } sub digest { my $file = shift; # Need to defer loading this, as the main regen scripts work back to 5.004, # and likely we don't even have this module on every 5.8 install yet: require Digest::SHA; local ($/, *FH); open FH, "$file" or die "Can't open $file: $!"; my $raw = ; close FH or die "Can't close $file: $!"; return Digest::SHA::sha256_hex($raw); }; 1;