use lib "regen"; use HeaderParser; use strict; use warnings; my $parser= HeaderParser->new( pre_process_content => sub { my ($self,$line_data)= @_; $self->tidy_embed_fnc_entry($line_data); my $embed= $line_data->{embed} or return; }, post_process_grouped_content => sub { my ($self, $group_ary)= @_; my $last=chr(0x10FFFF); for(my $i= $#$group_ary; $i>=0; $i--) { my $entry= $group_ary->[$i]; if ($entry->{embed}) { $last = $entry->{embed}{name}; } $entry->{sort}{klc}= lc($last)=~s/[^a-z]+//gr; $entry->{sort}{key}= $last; $entry->{sort}{idx}= $i; } @{$group_ary}= sort { $a->{sort}{klc} cmp $b->{sort}{klc} || $a->{sort}{key} cmp $b->{sort}{key} || $a->{sort}{idx} <=> $b->{sort}{idx} } @{$group_ary}; delete $_->{sort} for @$group_ary; }, ); my $tap; if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq "--tap") { $tap = shift @ARGV; } my $file= "embed.fnc"; if (@ARGV) { $file= shift @ARGV; } my $new= "$"; my $bak= "$file.bak"; $parser->read_file($file); my $lines= $parser->lines; my (@head, @tail); # strip off comments at the start of the file while ($lines->[0]{type} eq "content" and !$lines->[0]{embed}) { push @head, shift @$lines; } # strip off comments at the bottom of the file while ($lines->[-1]{type} eq "content" and !$lines->[-1]{embed}) { unshift @tail, pop @$lines; } my $grouped_content_ary= $parser->group_content(); my $grouped_content_txt= $parser->lines_as_str( [ @head, @$grouped_content_ary, @tail ]); if ($grouped_content_txt ne $parser->{orig_content}) { if ($tap) { print "not ok - $0 $file\n"; } elsif (-t) { print "Updating $file\n"; } open my $fh,">",$new or die "Failed to open '$new' for write: $!"; print $fh $grouped_content_txt or die "Failed to print to '$new': $!"; close $fh or die "Failed to close '$new': $!"; rename $file, $bak or die "Couldn't move '$file' to '$bak': $!"; rename $new, $file or die "Couldn't move to embed.fnc: $!"; } elsif ($tap) { print "ok - $0 $file\n"; }