#!/usr/bin/perl # # Regenerate (overwriting only if changed): # # lib/warnings.pm # warnings.h # # from information hardcoded into this script (the $tree hash), plus the # template for warnings.pm in the DATA section. # # With an argument of 'tree', just dump the contents of $tree and exits. # Also accepts the standard regen_lib -q and -v args. # # This script is normally invoked from regen.pl. $VERSION = '1.02_03'; BEGIN { require 'regen/regen_lib.pl'; push @INC, './lib'; } use strict ; sub DEFAULT_ON () { 1 } sub DEFAULT_OFF () { 2 } my $tree = { 'all' => [ 5.008, { 'io' => [ 5.008, { 'pipe' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'unopened' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'closed' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'newline' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'exec' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'layer' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], }], 'syntax' => [ 5.008, { 'ambiguous' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'semicolon' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'precedence' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'bareword' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'reserved' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'digit' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'parenthesis' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'printf' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'prototype' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'qw' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'illegalproto' => [ 5.011, DEFAULT_OFF], }], 'severe' => [ 5.008, { 'inplace' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_ON], 'internal' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_ON], 'debugging' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_ON], 'malloc' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_ON], }], 'deprecated' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'void' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'recursion' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'redefine' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'numeric' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'uninitialized' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'once' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'misc' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'regexp' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'glob' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'untie' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'substr' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'taint' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'signal' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'closure' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'overflow' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'portable' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'utf8' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'exiting' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'pack' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'unpack' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'threads' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_OFF], 'imprecision' => [ 5.011, DEFAULT_OFF], #'default' => [ 5.008, DEFAULT_ON ], }], } ; ########################################################################### sub tab { my($l, $t) = @_; $t .= "\t" x ($l - (length($t) + 1) / 8); $t; } ########################################################################### my %list ; my %Value ; my %ValueToName ; my %NameToValue ; my %v_list = () ; sub valueWalk { my $tre = shift ; my @list = () ; my ($k, $v) ; foreach $k (sort keys %$tre) { $v = $tre->{$k}; die "duplicate key $k\n" if defined $list{$k} ; die "Value associated with key '$k' is not an ARRAY reference" if !ref $v || ref $v ne 'ARRAY' ; my ($ver, $rest) = @{ $v } ; push @{ $v_list{$ver} }, $k; if (ref $rest) { valueWalk ($rest) } } } sub orderValues { my $index = 0; foreach my $ver ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %v_list ) { foreach my $name (@{ $v_list{$ver} } ) { $ValueToName{ $index } = [ uc $name, $ver ] ; $NameToValue{ uc $name } = $index ++ ; } } return $index ; } ########################################################################### sub walk { my $tre = shift ; my @list = () ; my ($k, $v) ; foreach $k (sort keys %$tre) { $v = $tre->{$k}; die "duplicate key $k\n" if defined $list{$k} ; die "Can't find key '$k'" if ! defined $NameToValue{uc $k} ; push @{ $list{$k} }, $NameToValue{uc $k} ; die "Value associated with key '$k' is not an ARRAY reference" if !ref $v || ref $v ne 'ARRAY' ; my ($ver, $rest) = @{ $v } ; if (ref $rest) { push (@{ $list{$k} }, walk ($rest)) } push @list, @{ $list{$k} } ; } return @list ; } ########################################################################### sub mkRange { my @a = @_ ; my @out = @a ; for my $i (1 .. @a - 1) { $out[$i] = ".." if $a[$i] == $a[$i - 1] + 1 && ($i >= @a - 1 || $a[$i] + 1 == $a[$i + 1] ); } $out[-1] = $a[-1] if $out[-1] eq ".."; my $out = join(",",@out); $out =~ s/,(\.\.,)+/../g ; return $out; } ########################################################################### sub printTree { my $tre = shift ; my $prefix = shift ; my ($k, $v) ; my $max = (sort {$a <=> $b} map { length $_ } keys %$tre)[-1] ; my @keys = sort keys %$tre ; while ($k = shift @keys) { $v = $tre->{$k}; die "Value associated with key '$k' is not an ARRAY reference" if !ref $v || ref $v ne 'ARRAY' ; my $offset ; if ($tre ne $tree) { print $prefix . "|\n" ; print $prefix . "+- $k" ; $offset = ' ' x ($max + 4) ; } else { print $prefix . "$k" ; $offset = ' ' x ($max + 1) ; } my ($ver, $rest) = @{ $v } ; if (ref $rest) { my $bar = @keys ? "|" : " "; print " -" . "-" x ($max - length $k ) . "+\n" ; printTree ($rest, $prefix . $bar . $offset ) } else { print "\n" } } } ########################################################################### sub mkHexOct { my ($f, $max, @a) = @_ ; my $mask = "\x00" x $max ; my $string = "" ; foreach (@a) { vec($mask, $_, 1) = 1 ; } foreach (unpack("C*", $mask)) { if ($f eq 'x') { $string .= '\x' . sprintf("%2.2x", $_) } else { $string .= '\\' . sprintf("%o", $_) } } return $string ; } sub mkHex { my($max, @a) = @_; return mkHexOct("x", $max, @a); } sub mkOct { my($max, @a) = @_; return mkHexOct("o", $max, @a); } ########################################################################### if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq "tree") { printTree($tree, " ") ; exit ; } my $warn = safer_open("warnings.h-new"); my $pm = safer_open("lib/warnings.pm-new"); print $warn <<'EOM' ; /* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! This file is built by regen/warnings.pl Any changes made here will be lost! */ #define Off(x) ((x) / 8) #define Bit(x) (1 << ((x) % 8)) #define IsSet(a, x) ((a)[Off(x)] & Bit(x)) #define G_WARN_OFF 0 /* $^W == 0 */ #define G_WARN_ON 1 /* -w flag and $^W != 0 */ #define G_WARN_ALL_ON 2 /* -W flag */ #define G_WARN_ALL_OFF 4 /* -X flag */ #define G_WARN_ONCE 8 /* set if 'once' ever enabled */ #define G_WARN_ALL_MASK (G_WARN_ALL_ON|G_WARN_ALL_OFF) #define pWARN_STD NULL #define pWARN_ALL (((STRLEN*)0)+1) /* use warnings 'all' */ #define pWARN_NONE (((STRLEN*)0)+2) /* no warnings 'all' */ #define specialWARN(x) ((x) == pWARN_STD || (x) == pWARN_ALL || \ (x) == pWARN_NONE) /* if PL_warnhook is set to this value, then warnings die */ #define PERL_WARNHOOK_FATAL (&PL_sv_placeholder) EOM my $offset = 0 ; valueWalk ($tree) ; my $index = orderValues(); die < 255 ; Too many warnings categories -- max is 255 rewrite packWARN* & unpackWARN* macros EOM walk ($tree) ; $index *= 2 ; my $warn_size = int($index / 8) + ($index % 8 != 0) ; my $k ; my $last_ver = 0; foreach $k (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ValueToName) { my ($name, $version) = @{ $ValueToName{$k} }; print $warn "\n/* Warnings Categories added in Perl $version */\n\n" if $last_ver != $version ; print $warn tab(5, "#define WARN_$name"), "$k\n" ; $last_ver = $version ; } print $warn "\n" ; print $warn tab(5, '#define WARNsize'), "$warn_size\n" ; #print WARN tab(5, '#define WARN_ALLstring'), '"', ('\377' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ; print $warn tab(5, '#define WARN_ALLstring'), '"', ('\125' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ; print $warn tab(5, '#define WARN_NONEstring'), '"', ('\0' x $warn_size) , "\"\n" ; print $warn <<'EOM'; #define isLEXWARN_on (PL_curcop->cop_warnings != pWARN_STD) #define isLEXWARN_off (PL_curcop->cop_warnings == pWARN_STD) #define isWARN_ONCE (PL_dowarn & (G_WARN_ON|G_WARN_ONCE)) #define isWARN_on(c,x) (IsSet((U8 *)(c + 1), 2*(x))) #define isWARNf_on(c,x) (IsSet((U8 *)(c + 1), 2*(x)+1)) #define DUP_WARNINGS(p) \ (specialWARN(p) ? (STRLEN*)(p) \ : (STRLEN*)CopyD(p, PerlMemShared_malloc(sizeof(*p)+*p), sizeof(*p)+*p, \ char)) #define ckWARN(w) Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN(w)) #define ckWARN2(w1,w2) Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN2(w1,w2)) #define ckWARN3(w1,w2,w3) Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN3(w1,w2,w3)) #define ckWARN4(w1,w2,w3,w4) Perl_ckwarn(aTHX_ packWARN4(w1,w2,w3,w4)) #define ckWARN_d(w) Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN(w)) #define ckWARN2_d(w1,w2) Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN2(w1,w2)) #define ckWARN3_d(w1,w2,w3) Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN3(w1,w2,w3)) #define ckWARN4_d(w1,w2,w3,w4) Perl_ckwarn_d(aTHX_ packWARN4(w1,w2,w3,w4)) #define WARNshift 8 #define packWARN(a) (a ) #define packWARN2(a,b) ((a) | ((b)<<8) ) #define packWARN3(a,b,c) ((a) | ((b)<<8) | ((c)<<16) ) #define packWARN4(a,b,c,d) ((a) | ((b)<<8) | ((c)<<16) | ((d) <<24)) #define unpackWARN1(x) ((x) & 0xFF) #define unpackWARN2(x) (((x) >>8) & 0xFF) #define unpackWARN3(x) (((x) >>16) & 0xFF) #define unpackWARN4(x) (((x) >>24) & 0xFF) #define ckDEAD(x) \ ( ! specialWARN(PL_curcop->cop_warnings) && \ ( isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, WARN_ALL) || \ isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN1(x)) || \ isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN2(x)) || \ isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN3(x)) || \ isWARNf_on(PL_curcop->cop_warnings, unpackWARN4(x)))) /* end of file warnings.h */ /* ex: set ro: */ EOM safer_close $warn; rename_if_different("warnings.h-new", "warnings.h"); while () { last if /^KEYWORDS$/ ; print $pm $_ ; } $last_ver = 0; print $pm "our %Offsets = (\n" ; foreach my $k (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ValueToName) { my ($name, $version) = @{ $ValueToName{$k} }; $name = lc $name; $k *= 2 ; if ( $last_ver != $version ) { print $pm "\n"; print $pm tab(4, " # Warnings Categories added in Perl $version"); print $pm "\n\n"; } print $pm tab(4, " '$name'"), "=> $k,\n" ; $last_ver = $version; } print $pm " );\n\n" ; print $pm "our %Bits = (\n" ; foreach $k (sort keys %list) { my $v = $list{$k} ; my @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @$v ; print $pm tab(4, " '$k'"), '=> "', mkHex($warn_size, map $_ * 2 , @list), '", # [', mkRange(@list), "]\n" ; } print $pm " );\n\n" ; print $pm "our %DeadBits = (\n" ; foreach $k (sort keys %list) { my $v = $list{$k} ; my @list = sort { $a <=> $b } @$v ; print $pm tab(4, " '$k'"), '=> "', mkHex($warn_size, map $_ * 2 + 1 , @list), '", # [', mkRange(@list), "]\n" ; } print $pm " );\n\n" ; print $pm '$NONE = "', ('\0' x $warn_size) , "\";\n" ; print $pm '$LAST_BIT = ' . "$index ;\n" ; print $pm '$BYTES = ' . "$warn_size ;\n" ; while () { print $pm $_ ; } print $pm "# ex: set ro:\n"; safer_close $pm; rename_if_different("lib/warnings.pm-new", "lib/warnings.pm"); __END__ # -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- # !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! # This file was created by regen/warnings.pl # Any changes made here will be lost. # package warnings; our $VERSION = '1.11'; # Verify that we're called correctly so that warnings will work. # see also strict.pm. unless ( __FILE__ =~ /(^|[\/\\])\Q${\__PACKAGE__}\E\.pmc?$/ ) { my (undef, $f, $l) = caller; die("Incorrect use of pragma '${\__PACKAGE__}' at $f line $l.\n"); } =head1 NAME warnings - Perl pragma to control optional warnings =head1 SYNOPSIS use warnings; no warnings; use warnings "all"; no warnings "all"; use warnings::register; if (warnings::enabled()) { warnings::warn("some warning"); } if (warnings::enabled("void")) { warnings::warn("void", "some warning"); } if (warnings::enabled($object)) { warnings::warn($object, "some warning"); } warnings::warnif("some warning"); warnings::warnif("void", "some warning"); warnings::warnif($object, "some warning"); =head1 DESCRIPTION The C pragma is a replacement for the command line flag C<-w>, but the pragma is limited to the enclosing block, while the flag is global. See L for more information. If no import list is supplied, all possible warnings are either enabled or disabled. A number of functions are provided to assist module authors. =over 4 =item use warnings::register Creates a new warnings category with the same name as the package where the call to the pragma is used. =item warnings::enabled() Use the warnings category with the same name as the current package. Return TRUE if that warnings category is enabled in the calling module. Otherwise returns FALSE. =item warnings::enabled($category) Return TRUE if the warnings category, C<$category>, is enabled in the calling module. Otherwise returns FALSE. =item warnings::enabled($object) Use the name of the class for the object reference, C<$object>, as the warnings category. Return TRUE if that warnings category is enabled in the first scope where the object is used. Otherwise returns FALSE. =item warnings::fatal_enabled() Return TRUE if the warnings category with the same name as the current package has been set to FATAL in the calling module. Otherwise returns FALSE. =item warnings::fatal_enabled($category) Return TRUE if the warnings category C<$category> has been set to FATAL in the calling module. Otherwise returns FALSE. =item warnings::fatal_enabled($object) Use the name of the class for the object reference, C<$object>, as the warnings category. Return TRUE if that warnings category has been set to FATAL in the first scope where the object is used. Otherwise returns FALSE. =item warnings::warn($message) Print C<$message> to STDERR. Use the warnings category with the same name as the current package. If that warnings category has been set to "FATAL" in the calling module then die. Otherwise return. =item warnings::warn($category, $message) Print C<$message> to STDERR. If the warnings category, C<$category>, has been set to "FATAL" in the calling module then die. Otherwise return. =item warnings::warn($object, $message) Print C<$message> to STDERR. Use the name of the class for the object reference, C<$object>, as the warnings category. If that warnings category has been set to "FATAL" in the scope where C<$object> is first used then die. Otherwise return. =item warnings::warnif($message) Equivalent to: if (warnings::enabled()) { warnings::warn($message) } =item warnings::warnif($category, $message) Equivalent to: if (warnings::enabled($category)) { warnings::warn($category, $message) } =item warnings::warnif($object, $message) Equivalent to: if (warnings::enabled($object)) { warnings::warn($object, $message) } =item warnings::register_categories(@names) This registers warning categories for the given names and is primarily for use by the warnings::register pragma, for which see L. =back See L and L. =cut KEYWORDS $All = "" ; vec($All, $Offsets{'all'}, 2) = 3 ; sub Croaker { require Carp; # this initializes %CarpInternal local $Carp::CarpInternal{'warnings'}; delete $Carp::CarpInternal{'warnings'}; Carp::croak(@_); } sub _bits { my $mask = shift ; my $catmask ; my $fatal = 0 ; my $no_fatal = 0 ; foreach my $word ( @_ ) { if ($word eq 'FATAL') { $fatal = 1; $no_fatal = 0; } elsif ($word eq 'NONFATAL') { $fatal = 0; $no_fatal = 1; } elsif ($catmask = $Bits{$word}) { $mask |= $catmask ; $mask |= $DeadBits{$word} if $fatal ; $mask &= ~($DeadBits{$word}|$All) if $no_fatal ; } else { Croaker("Unknown warnings category '$word'")} } return $mask ; } sub bits { # called from B::Deparse.pm push @_, 'all' unless @_ ; return _bits(undef, @_) ; } sub import { shift; my $mask = ${^WARNING_BITS} ; if (vec($mask, $Offsets{'all'}, 1)) { $mask |= $Bits{'all'} ; $mask |= $DeadBits{'all'} if vec($mask, $Offsets{'all'}+1, 1); } # Empty @_ is equivalent to @_ = 'all' ; ${^WARNING_BITS} = @_ ? _bits($mask, @_) : $mask | $Bits{all} ; } sub unimport { shift; my $catmask ; my $mask = ${^WARNING_BITS} ; if (vec($mask, $Offsets{'all'}, 1)) { $mask |= $Bits{'all'} ; $mask |= $DeadBits{'all'} if vec($mask, $Offsets{'all'}+1, 1); } push @_, 'all' unless @_; foreach my $word ( @_ ) { if ($word eq 'FATAL') { next; } elsif ($catmask = $Bits{$word}) { $mask &= ~($catmask | $DeadBits{$word} | $All); } else { Croaker("Unknown warnings category '$word'")} } ${^WARNING_BITS} = $mask ; } my %builtin_type; @builtin_type{qw(SCALAR ARRAY HASH CODE REF GLOB LVALUE Regexp)} = (); sub MESSAGE () { 4 }; sub FATAL () { 2 }; sub NORMAL () { 1 }; sub __chk { my $category ; my $offset ; my $isobj = 0 ; my $wanted = shift; my $has_message = $wanted & MESSAGE; unless (@_ == 1 || @_ == ($has_message ? 2 : 0)) { my $sub = (caller 1)[3]; my $syntax = $has_message ? "[category,] 'message'" : '[category]'; Croaker("Usage: $sub($syntax)"); } my $message = pop if $has_message; if (@_) { # check the category supplied. $category = shift ; if (my $type = ref $category) { Croaker("not an object") if exists $builtin_type{$type}; $category = $type; $isobj = 1 ; } $offset = $Offsets{$category}; Croaker("Unknown warnings category '$category'") unless defined $offset; } else { $category = (caller(1))[0] ; $offset = $Offsets{$category}; Croaker("package '$category' not registered for warnings") unless defined $offset ; } my $i; if ($isobj) { my $pkg; $i = 2; while (do { { package DB; $pkg = (caller($i++))[0] } } ) { last unless @DB::args && $DB::args[0] =~ /^$category=/ ; } $i -= 2 ; } else { $i = _error_loc(); # see where Carp will allocate the error } # Defaulting this to 0 reduces complexity in code paths below. my $callers_bitmask = (caller($i))[9] || 0 ; my @results; foreach my $type (FATAL, NORMAL) { next unless $wanted & $type; push @results, (vec($callers_bitmask, $offset + $type - 1, 1) || vec($callers_bitmask, $Offsets{'all'} + $type - 1, 1)); } # &enabled and &fatal_enabled return $results[0] unless $has_message; # &warnif, and the category is neither enabled as warning nor as fatal return if $wanted == (NORMAL | FATAL | MESSAGE) && !($results[0] || $results[1]); require Carp; Carp::croak($message) if $results[0]; # will always get here for &warn. will only get here for &warnif if the # category is enabled Carp::carp($message); } sub _mkMask { my ($bit) = @_; my $mask = ""; vec($mask, $bit, 1) = 1; return $mask; } sub register_categories { my @names = @_; for my $name (@names) { if (! defined $Bits{$name}) { $Bits{$name} = _mkMask($LAST_BIT); vec($Bits{'all'}, $LAST_BIT, 1) = 1; $Offsets{$name} = $LAST_BIT ++; foreach my $k (keys %Bits) { vec($Bits{$k}, $LAST_BIT, 1) = 0; } $DeadBits{$name} = _mkMask($LAST_BIT); vec($DeadBits{'all'}, $LAST_BIT++, 1) = 1; } } } sub _error_loc { require Carp; goto &Carp::short_error_loc; # don't introduce another stack frame } sub enabled { return __chk(NORMAL, @_); } sub fatal_enabled { return __chk(FATAL, @_); } sub warn { return __chk(FATAL | MESSAGE, @_); } sub warnif { return __chk(NORMAL | FATAL | MESSAGE, @_); } # These are not part of any public interface, so we can delete them to save # space. delete $warnings::{$_} foreach qw(NORMAL FATAL MESSAGE); 1;