#!./perl # Tests the scoping of $^H and %^H BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = qw(. ../lib); } BEGIN { print "1..15\n"; } BEGIN { print "not " if exists $^H{foo}; print "ok 1 - \$^H{foo} doesn't exist initially\n"; print "not " if $^H & 0x00020000; print "ok 2 - \$^H doesn't contain HINT_LOCALIZE_HH initially\n"; } { # simulate a pragma -- don't forget HINT_LOCALIZE_HH BEGIN { $^H |= 0x04020000; $^H{foo} = "a"; } BEGIN { print "not " if $^H{foo} ne "a"; print "ok 3 - \$^H{foo} is now 'a'\n"; print "not " unless $^H & 0x00020000; print "ok 4 - \$^H contains HINT_LOCALIZE_HH while compiling\n"; } { BEGIN { $^H |= 0x00020000; $^H{foo} = "b"; } BEGIN { print "not " if $^H{foo} ne "b"; print "ok 5 - \$^H{foo} is now 'b'\n"; } } BEGIN { print "not " if $^H{foo} ne "a"; print "ok 6 - \$H^{foo} restored to 'a'\n"; } # The pragma settings disappear after compilation # (test at CHECK-time and at run-time) CHECK { print "not " if exists $^H{foo}; print "ok 9 - \$^H{foo} doesn't exist when compilation complete\n"; print "not " if $^H & 0x00020000; print "ok 10 - \$^H doesn't contain HINT_LOCALIZE_HH when compilation complete\n"; } print "not " if exists $^H{foo}; print "ok 11 - \$^H{foo} doesn't exist at runtime\n"; print "not " if $^H & 0x00020000; print "ok 12 - \$^H doesn't contain HINT_LOCALIZE_HH at run-time\n"; # op_entereval should keep the pragmas it was compiled with eval q* print "not " if $^H{foo} ne "a"; print "ok 13 - \$^H{foo} is 'a' at eval-\"\" time\n"; print "not " unless $^H & 0x00020000; print "ok 14 - \$^H contains HINT_LOCALIZE_HH at eval\"\"-time\n"; *; } BEGIN { print "not " if exists $^H{foo}; print "ok 7 - \$^H{foo} doesn't exist while finishing compilation\n"; print "not " if $^H & 0x00020000; print "ok 8 - \$^H doesn't contain HINT_LOCALIZE_HH while finishing compilation\n"; } require 'test.pl'; # bug #27040: hints hash was being double-freed my $result = runperl( prog => '$^H |= 0x20000; eval q{BEGIN { $^H |= 0x20000 }}', stderr => 1 ); print "not " if length $result; print "ok 15 - double-freeing hints hash\n"; print "# got: $result\n" if length $result;