#!./perl # # Contributed by Graham Barr <Graham.Barr@tiuk.ti.com> # # So far there are tests for the following prototypes. # none, () ($) ($@) ($%) ($;$) (&) (&\@) (&@) (%) (\%) (\@) # # It is impossible to test every prototype that can be specified, but # we should test as many as we can. # BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; } use strict; print "1..140\n"; my $i = 1; sub testing (&$) { my $p = prototype(shift); my $c = shift; my $what = defined $c ? '(' . $p . ')' : 'no prototype'; print '#' x 25,"\n"; print '# Testing ',$what,"\n"; print '#' x 25,"\n"; print "not " if((defined($p) && defined($c) && $p ne $c) || (defined($p) != defined($c))); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; } @_ = qw(a b c d); my @array; my %hash; ## ## ## testing \&no_proto, undef; sub no_proto { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; scalar(@_) } print "not " unless 0 == no_proto(); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 1 == no_proto(5); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 4 == &no_proto; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 1 == no_proto +6; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 4 == no_proto(@_); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; ## ## ## testing \&no_args, ''; sub no_args () { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; scalar(@_) } print "not " unless 0 == no_args(); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 0 == no_args; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 5 == no_args +5; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 4 == &no_args; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 2 == &no_args(1,2); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; eval "no_args(1)"; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; ## ## ## testing \&one_args, '$'; sub one_args ($) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; scalar(@_) } print "not " unless 1 == one_args(1); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 1 == one_args +5; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 4 == &one_args; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 2 == &one_args(1,2); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; eval "one_args(1,2)"; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; eval "one_args()"; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; sub one_a_args ($) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; print "not " unless @_ == 1 && $_[0] == 4; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; } one_a_args(@_); ## ## ## testing \&over_one_args, '$@'; sub over_one_args ($@) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; scalar(@_) } print "not " unless 1 == over_one_args(1); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 2 == over_one_args(1,2); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 1 == over_one_args +5; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 4 == &over_one_args; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 2 == &over_one_args(1,2); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 5 == &over_one_args(1,@_); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; eval "over_one_args()"; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; sub over_one_a_args ($@) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; print "not " unless @_ >= 1 && $_[0] == 4; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; } over_one_a_args(@_); over_one_a_args(@_,1); over_one_a_args(@_,1,2); over_one_a_args(@_,@_); ## ## ## testing \&scalar_and_hash, '$%'; sub scalar_and_hash ($%) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; scalar(@_) } print "not " unless 1 == scalar_and_hash(1); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 3 == scalar_and_hash(1,2,3); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 1 == scalar_and_hash +5; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 4 == &scalar_and_hash; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 2 == &scalar_and_hash(1,2); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 5 == &scalar_and_hash(1,@_); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; eval "scalar_and_hash()"; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; sub scalar_and_hash_a ($@) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; print "not " unless @_ >= 1 && $_[0] == 4; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; } scalar_and_hash_a(@_); scalar_and_hash_a(@_,1); scalar_and_hash_a(@_,1,2); scalar_and_hash_a(@_,@_); ## ## ## testing \&one_or_two, '$;$'; sub one_or_two ($;$) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; scalar(@_) } print "not " unless 1 == one_or_two(1); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 2 == one_or_two(1,3); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 1 == one_or_two +5; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 4 == &one_or_two; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 3 == &one_or_two(1,2,3); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 5 == &one_or_two(1,@_); printf "ok %d\n",$i++; eval "one_or_two()"; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; eval "one_or_two(1,2,3)"; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; sub one_or_two_a ($;$) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; print "not " unless @_ >= 1 && $_[0] == 4; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; } one_or_two_a(@_); one_or_two_a(@_,1); one_or_two_a(@_,@_); ## ## ## testing \&a_sub, '&'; sub a_sub (&) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; &{$_[0]}; } sub tmp_sub_1 { printf "ok %d\n",$i++ } a_sub { printf "ok %d\n",$i++ }; a_sub \&tmp_sub_1; @array = ( \&tmp_sub_1 ); eval 'a_sub @array'; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; ## ## ## testing \&a_subx, '\&'; sub a_subx (\&) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; &{$_[0]}; } sub tmp_sub_2 { printf "ok %d\n",$i++ } a_subx &tmp_sub_2; @array = ( \&tmp_sub_2 ); eval 'a_subx @array'; print "not " unless $@; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; ## ## ## testing \&sub_aref, '&\@'; sub sub_aref (&\@) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; my($sub,$array) = @_; print "not " unless @_ == 2 && @{$array} == 4; print map { &{$sub}($_) } @{$array} } @array = (qw(O K)," ", $i++); sub_aref { lc shift } @array; print "\n"; ## ## ## testing \&sub_array, '&@'; sub sub_array (&@) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; print "not " unless @_ == 5; my $sub = shift; print map { &{$sub}($_) } @_ } @array = (qw(O K)," ", $i++); sub_array { lc shift } @array; sub_array { lc shift } ('O', 'K', ' ', $i++); print "\n"; ## ## ## testing \&a_hash, '%'; sub a_hash (%) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; scalar(@_); } print "not " unless 1 == a_hash 'a'; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; print "not " unless 2 == a_hash 'a','b'; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; ## ## ## testing \&a_hash_ref, '\%'; sub a_hash_ref (\%) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; print "not " unless ref($_[0]) && $_[0]->{'a'}; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; $_[0]->{'b'} = 2; } %hash = ( a => 1); a_hash_ref %hash; print "not " unless $hash{'b'} == 2; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; ## ## ## testing \&array_ref_plus, '\@@'; sub array_ref_plus (\@@) { print "# \@_ = (",join(",",@_),")\n"; print "not " unless @_ == 2 && ref($_[0]) && 1 == @{$_[0]} && $_[1] eq 'x'; printf "ok %d\n",$i++; @{$_[0]} = (qw(ok)," ",$i++,"\n"); } @array = ('a'); { my @more = ('x'); array_ref_plus @array, @more; } print "not " unless @array == 4; print @array; my $p; print "not " if defined prototype('CORE::print'); print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; print "not " if defined prototype('CORE::system'); print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; print "# CORE::open => ($p)\nnot " if ($p = prototype('CORE::open')) ne '*;$@'; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; print "# CORE:Foo => ($p), \$@ => `$@'\nnot " if defined ($p = eval { prototype('CORE::Foo') or 1 }) or $@ !~ /^Can't find an opnumber/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; # correctly note too-short parameter lists that don't end with '$', # a possible regression. sub foo1 ($\@); eval q{ foo1 "s" }; print "not " unless $@ =~ /^Not enough/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; sub foo2 ($\%); eval q{ foo2 "s" }; print "not " unless $@ =~ /^Not enough/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; sub X::foo3; *X::foo3 = sub {'ok'}; print "# $@not " unless eval {X->foo3} eq 'ok'; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; sub X::foo4 ($); *X::foo4 = sub ($) {'ok'}; print "not " unless X->foo4 eq 'ok'; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; # test if the (*) prototype allows barewords, constants, scalar expressions, # globs and globrefs (just as CORE::open() does), all under stricture sub star (*&) { &{$_[1]} } sub star2 (**&) { &{$_[2]} } sub BAR { "quux" } sub Bar::BAZ { "quuz" } my $star = 'FOO'; star FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' }; $i++; star(FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' }); $i++; star "FOO", sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' }; $i++; star("FOO", sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' }); $i++; star $star, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' }; $i++; star($star, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' }); $i++; star *FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*FOO }; $i++; star(*FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*FOO }); $i++; star \*FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*FOO }; $i++; star(\*FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*FOO }); $i++; star2 FOO, BAR, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' and $_[1] eq 'BAR' }; $i++; star2(Bar::BAZ, FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'Bar::BAZ' and $_[1] eq 'FOO' }); $i++; star2 BAR(), FOO, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'quux' and $_[1] eq 'FOO' }; $i++; star2(FOO, BAR(), sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' and $_[1] eq 'quux' }); $i++; star2 "FOO", "BAR", sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' and $_[1] eq 'BAR' }; $i++; star2("FOO", "BAR", sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' and $_[1] eq 'BAR' }); $i++; star2 $star, $star, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' and $_[1] eq 'FOO' }; $i++; star2($star, $star, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq 'FOO' and $_[1] eq 'FOO' }); $i++; star2 *FOO, *BAR, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*FOO and $_[1] eq \*BAR }; $i++; star2(*FOO, *BAR, sub { print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*FOO and $_[1] eq \*BAR }); $i++; star2 \*FOO, \*BAR, sub { no strict 'refs'; print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*{'FOO'} and $_[1] eq \*{'BAR'} }; $i++; star2(\*FOO, \*BAR, sub { no strict 'refs'; print "ok $i\n" if $_[0] eq \*{'FOO'} and $_[1] eq \*{'BAR'} }); $i++; # test scalarref prototype sub sreftest (\$$) { print "ok $_[1]\n" if ref $_[0]; } { no strict 'vars'; sreftest my $sref, $i++; sreftest($helem{$i}, $i++); sreftest $aelem[0], $i++; } # test prototypes when they are evaled and there is a syntax error # Byacc generates the string "syntax error". Bison gives the # string "parse error". # for my $p ( "", qw{ () ($) ($@) ($%) ($;$) (&) (&\@) (&@) (%) (\%) (\@) } ) { no warnings 'prototype'; my $eval = "sub evaled_subroutine $p { &void *; }"; eval $eval; print "# eval[$eval]\nnot " unless $@ && $@ =~ /(parse|syntax) error/i; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; } # Not $$;$;$ print "not " unless prototype "CORE::substr" eq '$$;$$'; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; # recv takes a scalar reference for its second argument print "not " unless prototype "CORE::recv" eq '*\\$$$'; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; { my $myvar; my @myarray; my %myhash; sub mysub { print "not calling mysub I hope\n" } local *myglob; sub myref (\[$@%&*]) { print "# $_[0]\n"; return "$_[0]" } print "not " unless myref($myvar) =~ /^SCALAR\(/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; print "not " unless myref(@myarray) =~ /^ARRAY\(/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; print "not " unless myref(%myhash) =~ /^HASH\(/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; print "not " unless myref(&mysub) =~ /^CODE\(/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; print "not " unless myref(*myglob) =~ /^GLOB\(/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval q/sub multi1 (\[%@]) { 1 } multi1 $myvar;/; print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi1 must be one of/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval q/sub multi2 (\[$*&]) { 1 } multi2 @myarray;/; print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi2 must be one of/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval q/sub multi3 (\[$@]) { 1 } multi3 %myhash;/; print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi3 must be one of/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval q/sub multi4 ($\[%]) { 1 } multi4 1, &mysub;/; print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 2 to main::multi4 must be one of/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval q/sub multi5 (\[$@]$) { 1 } multi5 *myglob;/; print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi5 must be one of/ && $@ =~ /Not enough arguments/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; } # check that obviously bad prototypes are getting warnings { use warnings 'syntax'; my $warn = ""; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn .= join("",@_) }; eval 'sub badproto (@bar) { 1; }'; print "not " unless $warn =~ /Illegal character in prototype for main::badproto : \@bar/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval 'sub badproto2 (bar) { 1; }'; print "not " unless $warn =~ /Illegal character in prototype for main::badproto2 : bar/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval 'sub badproto3 (&$bar$@) { 1; }'; print "not " unless $warn =~ /Illegal character in prototype for main::badproto3 : &\$bar\$\@/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; eval 'sub badproto4 (@ $b ar) { 1; }'; print "not " unless $warn =~ /Illegal character in prototype for main::badproto4 : \@\$bar/; print "ok ", $i++, "\n"; } # make sure whitespace in prototypes works eval "sub good (\$\t\$\n\$) { 1; }"; print "not " if $@; print "ok ", $i++, "\n";