#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; unshift @INC, '../lib'; } print "1..14\n"; my $i = 1; eval "use 5.000;"; if ($@) { print STDERR $@,"\n"; print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval sprintf "use %.5f;", $]; if ($@) { print STDERR $@,"\n"; print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval sprintf "use %.5f;", $] - 0.000001; if ($@) { print STDERR $@,"\n"; print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval sprintf("use %.5f;", $] + 1); unless ($@) { print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval sprintf "use %.5f;", $] + 0.00001; unless ($@) { print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; use lib; # I know that this module will be there. local $lib::VERSION = 1.0; eval "use lib 0.9"; if ($@) { print STDERR $@,"\n"; print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval "use lib 1.0"; if ($@) { print STDERR $@,"\n"; print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval "use lib 1.01"; unless ($@) { print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval "use lib 0.9 qw(fred)"; if ($@) { print STDERR $@,"\n"; print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; print "not " unless $INC[0] eq "fred"; print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval "use lib 1.0 qw(joe)"; if ($@) { print STDERR $@,"\n"; print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; print "not " unless $INC[0] eq "joe"; print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; eval "use lib 1.01 qw(freda)"; unless ($@) { print "not "; } print "ok ",$i++,"\n"; print "not " if $INC[0] eq "freda"; print "ok ",$i++,"\n";