# We suppose that perl _mostly_ works at this moment, so may use
# sophisticated testing.
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib'; # pick up only this build's lib
my $torture; # torture testing?
use TAP::Harness 3.13;
use strict;
use Config;
$::do_nothing = $::do_nothing = 1;
require './TEST';
my $Verbose = 0;
$Verbose++ while @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq '-v' && shift;
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq '-torture') {
$torture = 1;
# Let tests know they're running in the perl core. Useful for modules
# which live dual lives on CPAN.
#fudge DATA for now.
my %datahandle = qw(
lib/bigint.t 1
lib/bigintpm.t 1
lib/bigfloat.t 1
lib/bigfloatpm.t 1
op/gv.t 1
lib/complex.t 1
lib/ph.t 1
lib/soundex.t 1
op/misc.t 1
op/runlevel.t 1
op/tie.t 1
op/lex_assign.t 1
foreach (keys %datahandle) {
unlink "$_.t";
my (@tests, $re);
# [.VMS]TEST.COM calls harness with empty arguments, so clean-up @ARGV
@ARGV = grep $_ && length( $_ ) => @ARGV;
sub _extract_tests;
sub _extract_tests {
# This can probably be done more tersely with a map, but I doubt that it
# would be as clear
my @results;
foreach (@_) {
my $ref = ref $_;
if ($ref) {
if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
push @results, _extract_tests @$_;
} elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
push @results, _extract_tests values %$_;
} else {
die "Unknown reference type $ref";
} else {
push @results, glob $_;
if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0]=~/^-re/) {
if ($ARGV[0]!~/=/) {
$re=join "|",@ARGV;
} else {
my $jobs = $ENV{TEST_JOBS};
my ($rules, $state, $color);
for my $opt ( split /:/, $ENV{HARNESS_OPTIONS} ) {
if ( $opt =~ /^j(\d*)$/ ) {
$jobs ||= $1 || 9;
elsif ( $opt eq 'c' ) {
$color = 1;
else {
die "Unknown HARNESS_OPTIONS item: $opt\n";
if (@ARGV) {
# If you want these run in speed order, just use prove
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
@tests = map(glob($_),@ARGV);
else {
@tests = @ARGV;
# This is a hack to force config_heavy.pl to be loaded, before the
# prep work for running a test changes directory.
1 if $Config{d_fork};
} else {
# Ideally we'd get somewhere close to Tux's Oslo rules
# my $rules = {
# par => [
# { seq => '../ext/DB_File/t/*' },
# { seq => '../ext/IO_Compress_Zlib/t/*' },
# { seq => '../lib/CPANPLUS/*' },
# { seq => '../lib/ExtUtils/t/*' },
# '*'
# ]
# };
# but for now, run all directories in sequence. In particular, it would be
# nice to get the tests in t/op/*.t able to run in parallel.
unless (@tests) {
my @seq = ;
my @next = qw(comp run cmd io re op uni mro lib porting);
push @next, 'japh' if $torture;
push @next, 'win32' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
push @next, 'benchmark' if $ENV{PERL_BENCHMARK};
push @next, 'bigmem' if $ENV{PERL_TEST_MEMORY};
# Hopefully TAP::Parser::Scheduler will support this syntax soon.
# my $next = { par => '{' . join (',', @next) . '}/*.t' };
my $next = { par => [
map { "$_/*.t" } @next
] };
@tests = _extract_tests ($next);
# This is a bit of a game, because we only want to sort these tests in
# speed order. base/*.t wants to run first, and ext,lib etc last and in
# MANIFEST order
if ($jobs) {
require App::Prove::State;
$state = App::Prove::State->new({ store => 'test_state' });
$state->apply_switch('slow', 'save');
# For some reason get_tests returns *all* the tests previously run,
# (in the right order), not simply the selection in @tests
# (in the right order). Not sure if this is a bug or a feature.
# Whatever, *we* are only interested in the ones that are in @tests
my %seen;
@seen{@tests} = ();
@tests = grep {exists $seen{$_} } $state->get_tests(0, @tests);
@tests = (@seq, @tests);
push @seq, $next;
my @last;
push @last, sort { lc $a cmp lc $b }
_tests_from_manifest($Config{extensions}, $Config{known_extensions});
push @last, ;
my %times;
if ($state) {
# Where known, collate the elapsed times by test name
foreach ($state->results->tests()) {
$times{$_->name} = $_->elapsed();
my %dir;
my %total_time;
for (@last) {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
s,\\,/,g; # canonicalize path
# Treat every file matching lib/*.t as a "directory"
m!\A(\.\./lib/[^/]+\.t\z|.*[/])! or die "'$_'";
push @{$dir{$1}}, $_;
$total_time{$1} += $times{$_} || 0;
push @tests, @last;
# Generate T::H schedule rules that run the contents of each directory
# sequentially.
push @seq, { par => [ map { s!/$!/*!; { seq => $_ } } sort {
# Directories, ordered by total time descending then name ascending
$total_time{$b} <=> $total_time{$a} || $a cmp $b
} keys %dir ] };
$rules = { seq => \@seq };
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
s,\\,/,g for @tests;
@tests=grep /$re/, @tests
if $re;
my %options;
my $type = 'perl';
# Load TAP::Parser now as otherwise it could be required in the short time span
# in which the harness process chdirs into ext/Dist
require TAP::Parser;
my $h = TAP::Harness->new({
rules => $rules,
color => $color,
jobs => $jobs,
verbosity => $Verbose,
exec => sub {
my ($harness, $test) = @_;
my $options = $options{$test};
if (!defined $options) {
$options = $options{$test} = _scan_test($test, $type);
return [ split ' ', _cmd($options, $type) ];
if ($state) {
after_test => sub {
after_runtests => sub {
parser_args => sub {
my ($args, $job) = @_;
my $test = $job->[0];
push @{ $args->{switches} }, "-I../../lib";
made_parser => sub {
my ($parser, $job) = @_;
my $test = $job->[0];
my $options = delete $options{$test};
my $agg = $h->runtests(@tests);
exit $agg->has_errors ? 1 : 0;