#!./perl BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; @INC = '../lib'; require './test.pl'; } # Script to test auto flush on fork/exec/system/qx. The idea is to # print "Pe" to a file from a parent process and "rl" to the same file # from a child process. If buffers are flushed appropriately, the # file should contain "Perl". We'll see... use Config; use warnings; use strict; # This attempts to mirror the #ifdef forest found in perl.h so that we # know when to run these tests. If that forest ever changes, change # it here too or expect test gratuitous test failures. my $useperlio = defined $Config{useperlio} ? $Config{useperlio} eq 'define' ? 1 : 0 : 0; my $fflushNULL = defined $Config{fflushNULL} ? $Config{fflushNULL} eq 'define' ? 1 : 0 : 0; my $d_sfio = defined $Config{d_sfio} ? $Config{d_sfio} eq 'define' ? 1 : 0 : 0; my $fflushall = defined $Config{fflushall} ? $Config{fflushall} eq 'define' ? 1 : 0 : 0; my $d_fork = defined $Config{d_fork} ? $Config{d_fork} eq 'define' ? 1 : 0 : 0; skip_all('fflush(NULL) or equivalent not available') unless $useperlio || $fflushNULL || $d_sfio || $fflushall; plan(tests => 7); my $runperl = $^X =~ m/\s/ ? qq{"$^X"} : $^X; $runperl .= qq{ "-I../lib"}; sub file_eq { my $f = shift; my $val = shift; open IN, $f or die "open $f: $!"; chomp(my $line = ); close IN; print "# got $line\n"; print "# expected $val\n"; return $line eq $val; } # This script will be used as the command to execute from # child processes my $ffprog = tempfile(); open PROG, "> $ffprog" or die "open $ffprog: $!"; print PROG <<'EOF'; my $f = shift; my $str = shift; open OUT, ">> $f" or die "open $f: $!"; print OUT $str; close OUT; EOF ; close PROG or die "close $ffprog: $!";; $| = 0; # we want buffered output # Test flush on fork/exec if (!$d_fork) { print "ok 1 # skipped: no fork\n"; } else { my $f = tempfile(); open OUT, "> $f" or die "open $f: $!"; print OUT "Pe"; my $pid = fork; if ($pid) { # Parent wait; close OUT or die "close $f: $!"; } elsif (defined $pid) { # Kid print OUT "r"; my $command = qq{$runperl "$ffprog" "$f" "l"}; print "# $command\n"; exec $command or die $!; exit; } else { # Bang die "fork: $!"; } print file_eq($f, "Perl") ? "ok 1\n" : "not ok 1\n"; } # Test flush on system/qx/pipe open my %subs = ( "system" => sub { my $c = shift; system $c; }, "qx" => sub { my $c = shift; qx{$c}; }, "popen" => sub { my $c = shift; open PIPE, "$c|" or die "$c: $!"; close PIPE; }, ); my $t = 2; for (qw(system qx popen)) { my $code = $subs{$_}; my $f = tempfile(); my $command = qq{$runperl $ffprog "$f" "rl"}; open OUT, "> $f" or die "open $f: $!"; print OUT "Pe"; close OUT or die "close $f: $!";; print "# $command\n"; $code->($command); print file_eq($f, "Perl") ? "ok $t\n" : "not ok $t\n"; ++$t; } my $cmd = _create_runperl( switches => ['-l'], prog => sprintf('print qq[ok $_] for (%d..%d)', $t, $t+2)); print "# cmd = '$cmd'\n"; open my $CMD, "$cmd |" or die "Can't open pipe to '$cmd': $!"; while (<$CMD>) { system("$runperl -e 0"); print; } close $CMD; $t += 3; curr_test($t);